I like the shape design of the coastal monument. Are those prismarine fences on the top?
I think some patterns with blue / light blue stained glass between the ceiling beams of the sea fort will look nice.
Prismarine fences, fences from a warped forest tree. The original top was quite basic, but each time I kept stepping back from the footbridge to consider the build I kept adding a little more, and a little more...
I like the idea of patterns between the beams, The top floor aprt from the central core around the guardian farm with all be a glass floor too. Eventually.
Like Minecraft forums or interested in my world? Try My message board, it's better moderated because I run it directly and have run Internet message boards for 21+ years! Better software and I have much more control to keep the content more up to date. Free to join, 13 years+.
As of July 4th there will be a new link, right here for the new world download! It's still in Java 1.20.1 and I've still manage to keep it to 1.56GB after trimming. Usually i wait until the October anniversary but this year I've decided not to wait and have a big 4th July early release!
NEW: See the new Sea Search & Rescue Centre building (Unfurnished) of the coast of the main Chunk Plaza station, the new roofs of the main home and the massive transformation of the Guardian farm base that's been going on since the beginning of the year! As usual, the D/L will not include the Alacrity resource pack or the data packs. If you've previously d/l a version of this world, what will you find that's new? COMING 4TH JULY - WATCH THIS SPACE!
Big Push
So after installing the first curved arch, I installed the other three with varying degrees of sucess. Despite trying to follow what I did, the second one ended up a bit different to the first, there were also a few modifications on the way. Having said that, the third followed the 2nd one much easier because of which and thus the same with the fourth from the third.
After bricking the rest of the interior middle floor (Still needs texture) I also pushed to install a basic gladd floor as planned between the top floor and the middle floor:.
Also started installing a kitchen:
Also something came up on pinterest, some pixalated designs, that I thought perhaps could be used in the base ceiling. I delved further looking for sea related ones and started a sea horse, but I'll never fit the whole thing in, turns out it would be bigger than I thought. Perpahs I might just have to have the head:
Still, for now it's an idea.
I also started working on some pillars for the top floor.
Trying for diagonal benchea up at the top?: (Experimental)
So starting to think about adding more little bits to the top.
Of course inside, the thid and bottom floor still needs a lot of work!:
Im not sure what to do for this floor, or in general with the "basement level"
Also after replacing the beds at the iron farm and thereby fixing it, I embarked on another small mini-quest; something I had been thinking of doing anyway. So whilst waiting to see if the farm was working again I was collecting flowers for the glass shulker for the possibility of having a permanent Dye shulker with all 16 colours, cos you never know when you're on the go and need to dye something to make a sign more visible.
I also wanted the dye shulker to be separate from the glass one.
I also might be changing the end of the minecart tunnel behing the science lad at home. I already redecorated the walls along the tunnel a good while ago, but I will be continuing that theme to the very end station by the oriental garden exit. Also thinking about removing the cauldron ceiling and changing to stonecytters as it looks nice in this pack. In default it will look just like slabs+ though.
Like Minecraft forums or interested in my world? Try My message board, it's better moderated because I run it directly and have run Internet message boards for 21+ years! Better software and I have much more control to keep the content more up to date. Free to join, 13 years+.
It's been a couple of weels now, and I'm picking off right where I left off. I made one of my empty shulkers a dye box containing a stack of all 16 colours, and some glow ink sacs for digns, cos you never know when you might need to make glowing text on a sign or dye something.. I also as mentioned, continued the decor of the back minecart tunnel (Back of science lab, home) that was was done a good long time ago. The end platform was still very mixed andesite with diorite floor, so I just continued the decor on to match.
I even continued up the stairs as well:
Also, yes that is a new ceiling. Down came the old "cauldron ceiling", I actually got over 4 stacks of cauldron out of it. As I said I would that new pattern in the ceiling is stonecutters. Bit of an expensive ceiling again, but I like the unique look it gives with this resource pack.
One of my favorite places on this world is the fishing shop on the corner of chunk boulevard plaza. It wasn't always so, but after the major renovation it became a place I love. HOWEVER, the upstairs has always been empty and vacant without any decoration either. A lot of shops (At least in the UK) might have an empty upstairs that doesn't get any use either funnily enough. On sunday however, I decided to change that and commit to finally changing it into a private apartment and spent a Sunday morning giving it a make-over.
I'm please with how it's turning out so far. I've kept a blue theme both with the ocean, fishing and on the outside the oxidized copper blocks and blue terracotta glaze.
With this done my attention also turned to something else that had been neglected for years, and that's the inside of the partment block next door. The last thing I did was extend the stair wall landings out (And the outside of the block that side). There were still floors with unfinished patterns, and since that area inside was extended it means I've had to extend the pattern over too:
I've extended the pattern for now, but ultimatley I might re-think the floor design entirely anyway. I should also mention that the "Green roof" IE the nature roof had to be raised i block higher so I can put an proper ceiling on the top floor:
I think that is where the next step is going know I've commited to stop being lazy and actually finish the insides. So next step is to do the proper ceilings on ALL floors add details and get the corridors DONE. Then I can work inside each apartment like I did in the hotel.
The big news is though I am closing in on 10K days. I personally have never been bothered about days, other people interested in the world (Mainly on discord) are always more interested than I and it's always one of my most aked questions - how many days. I do feel that 10K is a special achievement however and needs to be marked. One idea said to me was a giant minecraft cake, which can still happen but I need a new location as the place I chose intially. (At the end of the modified chunk wall away from the castle)
The reason for this is because I got another MAJOR idea and next BIG project:
from the front left tower of the castle:
Now imagine a big stadium just beyond that lake in the distance. (That intial strip of sand in the distance was where the cake was going to go.)
The main reason why the cake will be elsewhere is because I will need a link to the future stadium, and what better than a brand new bridge. Not any old bridge though, what's better than a new bridge? An old one. as part of my 10K days I am rebuilding my original 2010 cobble bridge!
Of cours there are differences, it doesn't have to be as elevated and it is in fact wider this time. it's wider because I now have an ice track down the middle so you can either walk across or track a boat across the ice track down the middle. One of the things that will be interesting though is developing the bridge. How would I have elvolved the very simple design had I kept it all those years ago? So it will be the original bridge, ++. A slightly more developed version of the original.
It seems very strange to me having this in the world again! With 10K days approaching however, 747 days left as of this post; it seems only fitting. Especially as in another 3 months or so we'll be hitting the 14th anniversary.
Anyway with the stadium, I am of course designining it on my creative copy, but it's a long, long way off. I have made the basic shape on survival though, a very rounded square. The problem I'm having righ now is the centre point. When I made the border I made centre points of the four sides goin in slightly so I could find the centre. On the intial try however 2/4 lined up and it's to do with the sides.
As a small aside, whilst I was working on the fishing shop apartment and apartment block; I also took my remaining redstone lamps and detector and made 3 roofs more light up at night to stop mobs crawling over them. They are The (now raised) apartment block "green roof", the pub, and McDunky's.
I think that's everything for now. Getting some smalle things done that's i've been putting off for too long and a major new project. This also gives me a little break from the sea fort, for now as I don't want to get burn out.
Like Minecraft forums or interested in my world? Try My message board, it's better moderated because I run it directly and have run Internet message boards for 21+ years! Better software and I have much more control to keep the content more up to date. Free to join, 13 years+.
It's always satisfying to compare the same build before and after renovating it. The banner curtains and rafters also provide me with ideas for my own future builds.
Following on from last time, I emntioned the floors in the first corner apartment block of the Chunk Plaza Boulevard. When I extended the side of block over on one end towards the fishing shop, I just added planks to that bit as I only extended out a couple of blocks, Even though I now have reservations to changing the floor pattern (As it's been a few tears and I've gone off it), I did however, extend the pattern over to the stairway for continuity's sake. Also some floors didn't even have competed patterned floors all the way along their corridors. Both have been rectified now.
Reguardless if I do change the floor I also just got on with another job and that was making sure all the corridor ceilings were also changed. Most still either had all dirt or a mix of the original stone and dirt from the chunk wall. Now both walls and ceilings were finally done after years of being lazy.
More recently, on this bottom floor and knowing I had tonnes of white concrete - I finally got going on the insides of the apartments. Most were still cobble/stone walls of the mountain/chunk wall. Some of the ones on higher up levels hadn't even been dug out still, years later.
This was about to change, at least on the bottom floor. Both floors now have some nicer basic walls at last:
Behind this back wall are two 8 x 8 rooms (or 8 x 10) for a bedroom with on-suite bathroom potentially. This allows for a kitchen diner in the open space here and living area. I haven't decided on the floor yet but I now want to do this back wall for all floors. This may be a worry higher up as I may have to extend out the back if the mountain runs out (Much like the back of the hotel), but I am prepared for such.
The Chunk Plaza Boulevard was started in winter 2014, but real big work did not begin (And I mean major changes) until winter 2015. By 2020 most of the outside aesthetic was done, converting an ugly chunk wall into apartments, pub, fast food builing and the hotel. After doing the inside of the hotel these last couple of years, I think it's high time I paid attention to this first smaller corner apartment block. I#ve put it off long enough.
Castle improvements.
As you know I was re-buiding and hopefully improving my 2010 original bridge towards the proposed stadium and seeing how I might have developed it had I kept it all those years ago.
This is a better view of the ice boat part. Also I had to redo all the side trusses as I realized after supports for the ice boat section the walkways were only one block wide when they needed to be two.
I've continued to try and develop the bridge as it might have evolved had it not been town down years ago in it's original location but it's still missing something:
I've added more other stone, andesite and variants but it's still missinng something, it's very gray, I feel it really needs something to accent and contrast it.
It was as I was doing this work that something else caught my eye. Outside the front left of the castle to one side there used to be a mountain, this was fair enough, but the side facing the ocean was also a chunk wall and always bother me as it was unsightly. So years ago I flattenned it down to ground level and built fortifications to match the castle to hide the rest:
Again nthing had been done since, very simple work and very simple slit windows to boot:
So round the side next to the newly rebuilt 2010 bridge where I was working, the walls around there caught my eye making realise nothing had been done to this part in years, and it was time for a change. At first it was just a matter of adding a bit more texture to the simple cobblestone walls I had:
As you can also probably tell, I also started matching the windows from the castle onto the "slit windows" to give them a bit more depth and character.
In gerneral I have also begun adding more texture around these entire surround walls, and the side of the castle on the outside here and it's already looking much better:
it did not stop here however.
For a year and a half it's bugged me that the minecart track to the castle goes into the right walkway corridor and all the way along it until the back tower:
So more lately this year I have been thinking more and more about a side extension for the tracks and minecart to arrive at. Security has never been a problem because of the fence gates, nothing's gotten in as they can't go over the tracks (Except spiders of course), but even the fence gates now bothered me.
The land beyond that spruce tree on the right as you can just about see just goes up a bit and it's a bit of an embankment up before it levels out. Going into this I had no idea what shape or what I wanted out of this extension other than a few ideas of the front of it and not having it be a flat front, but that's all. I had no idea how big or long this extension would be, what it would look like. It was just a case of clearing the land from that side of the castle and seeing what I had to work with.
re-routing the track and no more fence gates:
As I uncovered the side of the castle hidden by land it was just bare stone and very bland. I copied this onto my creative world copy and started cooking. At first just extending the rest of the side towers down to the ground. (I thought I had a picture here but I guess not) Again it was fine but very flat and boring and just dull. So it was on my copy that I came up with the idea of the arches in the lower sections. This also led to making the whole new courtyard more of a castle station platform vibe.
Currently I have started work on the flat wall behind me and had to extend it back to bit as I decided in the end to repeat the arches on this side too. It just meant extending the outer wall behind me out another block.
yet still I continued..
For years I always intende to make this room the throne room, the bottom floor of the front left tower as you face the castle; but never did.
One of the key points was, I had to move the staircase. and I also found removing this entrance wall to the corridor made it feel a lot more open as well:
So far:
Old Money for new windows.
Away from the castle I also expirimented with changing the dreadful windows in the town hall, only a couple of years old. Some were quartz stairs, but most were diorite. so I thought about changing them completetly to more modern darker framed windows.
At first simple:
and then:
(And yes I was adding texturing to the side of the building at this time also!)
I was still very much in two minds about the main front window however and whether to convert:
After getting some opinions from others on discord, I deciced to proceed however, here you can actually see the rafters of the very top floor through the open lower half
There's also a brand new sign header outside as well as a plaque on two gold blocks. The sign header has smooth quarts to add texture, but if you look even closer there are actually words. It sort of reads "Town Hall", it's very subtle, but also just looks like texture.
I also filled in the back of the town hall replacing dirt with white terracotta, it is very flat and plain from the outside, but then it is backed right onto a mountain, so there's no point putting winows.
Bits n Bobs (Post week of "getting things done)
I also had to re-do my maps as they stopped updating no matter how close I got:
This also included the castle map:
Also took the oppotunity to update the item frames so not only are they on glowstone but they are glow item signs to gife them extra vibrance. Alsoo in the far distancces from the castle whilst redoing the maps I came across some areas with ugly biome border lines nd fixed them as well as different water levels/heights in some areas/anomolies so fixed them as well.
Realised a better way to do sofas utilizing beds (Sofa bed?!):
*Changed the cactus carm with flying machine to sugar cane in the underground farms.
A good few years after redoing the kelp farm I finally got round to doing the "glow effect" in the floor down to it:
I also went off adventuring in a direction lesser gone before, to the right of the oriental garden. Nothing remarkable, an Island with loads of pigs, a jungle, a big mound of gravel. a very pretty flower biome and more low chunk walls. Also I travelled from the bell tower and via an accident found a very nice lush cave:
After a couple years after rebuilding this bridge, I always wanted spores all the way along, but given the chance of finding a lush cave let alone how many spore flowers it might have, I had to face this might never be possible. Until now.
Rather than risk death with scaffold this was the best way, a skywalk of crossways across the very high cave with a devastating drop and huge deadly lava pools dangled beneath my feet. At last however (With some to spare) I was able to spore the entire bridge finally, so you'll be showered with particles as you walk across it:
And last but not least, the very last thing I've done is improve the lighting in the observatory. so now it has this blue glow at night and is more vibrant thanks to shaders and the sea lanterns. Also minimising torch spam inside.
I included the last one because the spyglass had a couple of live-in skeletons (Hence the bone) and also needed lighting up. But the photon shaders so just make the spyglass look so shiny and reflective!
Behind the scenes.
I am also still planning big things on my world copy.
For the stadium I wanted to get one of the corners done to see how it curved (Again all snow blocks are placeholders as it's just easy to build with). In fact in survival the corners will be less sharp as after constant changes the corner line between two sides is 5, here it's 3:
I also added lines across the top athat elavate at different heights after realising the top would be too flat otherwise:
Meanwhile I looked at lots of images of churches and found one in St Louis, Missouri that appealed, so if I can pull this off in survival too it would be a feat:
It's very symetrical and the right side was done first as it all has to be mirrored on the left side. Right now I'm trying to get the right corner done so I can build the side out to get a sense of scale. The side having a big round part that sticks out as well.
What I will say is this, despite an early correction with the arches - namely the spacing between them and the pillars between, I am getting the flow of building this so it would not be impossible to so in survival.
This pretty much brings things up to date.
It is now day 9485.
I have also just finished the bubble elevators at the bell tower, finally. One year after the build and I finally remove the scaffolding inside and add proper bubble coulmns (After also fixing the mono-rail station ones) and adding some cool lighting for shaders.
Like Minecraft forums or interested in my world? Try My message board, it's better moderated because I run it directly and have run Internet message boards for 21+ years! Better software and I have much more control to keep the content more up to date. Free to join, 13 years+.
I like the patterned wood floor. I tried it long ago in a John Smith pack, but it didn't work because the color contrast was too low. I should try it again.
You do a lot of great stuff but I especially appreciate that white bridge and that last sci-fi interior.
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Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
I am thinking of embarking on a change in the lead up to my 14th anniversary of the world in October, a change to my storage. When I say change, I mean, a major, major change! If I do proceed with this as we go into September, it'll be a nice run up to the anniversary. I am thinking of moving my storage area snd changing all the sideways double chest to barrels.
Up until now I've always preffered double chests over barrels, you can't double up the latter and it's only the equivalent of a single chest. When I converted from front-facing double chests to two long-ways on their sides, it healped greatly. This game is changing however, more and more blocks get added, just take a look at wood these days. You have the nether stems, mangrove and then bamboo wood was introduced. It's over-whelming. So to utilize barrels I would neeed space, a lot more space..
The trouble with living inside a mountain is, there's rooms above and on top/below each other. So if you want a new room , you can carve out the mountain or convert an old cave, but if it's near something already, you have to be careful. Up until now I thought there was nowhere else storage could go. Sure there are some caves of the main staircase going douwn to the double mob grinders on Y11, and I've checked them out, but they weren't really feasible. So there wasn't anywhere really, Until now.
Yesterday on my creative copy of the world I pondered what if... I have a spiral staircase down from the super smelter room, that is like a back corridor to the moss farm (And thereby other farms down that staircase - brick, stone etc). Hoever it rarely gets used.
So I experimeted on the copy of the world.
I levelled it out to y49, got rid of corner walls of the corridor, and yes there were a few issues such as the stairs coming down from the super smelter room. Feverishly however I cleared it all to one level and started replicating the storage room but using barrels. By the end of yesterday however, I went to bed and I still wasn't sure and wasn't quite convinced. This morning I did a couple of hours work - more columns for the barrels, more barrels themselves, placing glow item frames and after a couple of hours work I really started to see it form and started to like it.
This was just meant to be fun an expiriment! A "what if..." Now however there's a very likely real chance I might actually do this in the survival world.
To give you an idea, take rows of a section of the current storage. The top two sideways double chests of say "Sandstone" would have all the block varients, normal, chisled etc on the left double chest, and on the right double chest all the varients - stairs, slabs, walls etc. The two on the column below being for smooth sandstone as the material already had plenty of varient blocks.
In the new version - blocks, slabs and stairs would all have their own single barrel each. That's how vast and huge it would be. Especially after deciding to fill the middle empty space of the room with columns too. It goes from taking it as a storage - to looking like a big industrial warehouse! Every block I choose to have storage for, has it's own barrel.
here is a taster:
Before, the redstone blocks and redstone would be in one chest, their torches, repeaters and compaitors in another. All those other components - hoppers, cauldrons, dispensers, observers, droppers, pistons etc would be in one double chest.
Continuing in the creative copy. I stripped the actual storage room, items fell everywhere... Then I fixed up the walls and repurposed the room. It seemed so wierd and empty without the chests. the support columns etc. If I did this I'd wall off a couple of bits and it would still be an accesible walk through area.
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For a storage area as big as yours, I think a good idea could be to sort of "divide" it into rectangular sections, with a general category for each one, e.g. wood, underground (stone, ores, etc.), soft blocks (dirt, grass, podzol, moss etc.), nature (flowers, plants, saplings, etc.), underwater, artificial lighting, redstone, Nether blocks, and End blocks, much like in a bookshop. From there, you can arrange the barrels as you see fit, for instance, within the nature category, perhaps group all the sapling barrels together. Any arrangement that allows you to find certain specific items quickly is good.
For a storage area as big as yours, I think a good idea could be to sort of "divide" it into rectangular sections, with a general category for each one, e.g. wood, underground (stone, ores, etc.), soft blocks (dirt, grass, podzol, moss etc.), nature (flowers, plants, saplings, etc.), underwater, artificial lighting, redstone, Nether blocks, and End blocks, much like in a bookshop. From there, you can arrange the barrels as you see fit, for instance, within the nature category, perhaps group all the sapling barrels together. Any arrangement that allows you to find certain specific items quickly is good.
Looking forward to 14th anniversary!
Oopsie! I think I may have forgotten about leaves & saplings!..
This is pretty much what I'll be doing though. Some things I will have to bunch together like the two different vines, flowers and maybe a few other things to accomodate leaves saplings, but I really don't want to bunch them together because of the amount of variety there is there. If it means I have to bunch a few other things together then so be it.
To accomodate the removal of the super melter spiral staircase leading to it, this new room will feature water elevators (Bubble columns) straight up to it from that section of storage.
Also, this will be the first time in 14 years (Not counting the original temporary early alpha day set up spot) that storage has moved Sure it's changed alot, the decor changed, things have grown and expanded, but it's never moved from this spot until now.
Like Minecraft forums or interested in my world? Try My message board, it's better moderated because I run it directly and have run Internet message boards for 21+ years! Better software and I have much more control to keep the content more up to date. Free to join, 13 years+.
Well that only took a week to do, and another week to move everything - well, nearly everything. I was taking my time, moving one shulker at a time; but it's getting tedious now so I'm using multiple shulkers.
As mentioned, the plan was to have a much bigger, more expansive storage facility moving from Y62 down to Y49. I am finally switching to barrels for every block I need to have their own individual barrel. Another reason is barrels are also easy to fill up only being the equivalent of a single chest, so it'll be easier to keep up with, especially the more new stuff gets added.
So it was time to take away this old back corridor at the bottom of the spiral stairs from the super-smelters, all the way to the moss farm:
The more I dug out, the more it was hard to believe there was ever a long winding corridor here. In this next one from the opposite angle you can see the main stairs coming down from storage, moreso just outside the library doors down:
What you can't see, is on the landing there is the piston entrance that leads down to the rest of the facilities using a redstone torch. (The rest of the stairwell has: an axolotl tank off the stairs on the way down, the snow farm, the amethyst farm etc, with the stairs going all the way down to the double mob grinders on Y11.
This is the very oppsite side, from the moss farm doorway:
This next one is at the far far back wall from the last one, and round the corner. The immediate hole with the snow blocks and spruce timbers is where the spiral staircase was leading up to the super smelters.
On the way this had to be expanded further for things I'd forgotten to make sections for, so extra space was required. A number of blocks were considered for the pillars - brick, but With this many pillars I thought it would be too much. Sandstone (Smooth), but it just didn't look right. I almost, almost settled for pure clay blocks which you'll still see lingering in many of these next shots.
In the end I decided to pick one block from each column and make the pillars that block, which would make for a very colourful storage! You'll see the familiar sections in blue here, which upstairs was just a long galley past of chests and the upstairs storage. I chose blue here to represent main items IE like my main shulker which is blue.
Instead of the galley like upstairs however (With the upstairs level), this version opens up into a much, much more bigger area taking shape:
In the reverse shot, the basic waterfalls for the bubble elevators to the super-smelters are in:
Unfortunetley this happened though, where fish just kept dropping down to their death:
So annoying was it, I had to have a temporary moat:
Near the new main stairwell, glass columns were always a choise for the middle that leads back to the moss farm:
The main "Work area" ia a little familiar, but a bit more condensed this time. Mainly because I forgot to add somewhere for the furnaces, but it's all very neat and compact. Just by the anvil that floor does pull back via pistons for a infinite water reveal in the floor:
And yes, the cats have made it down too!:
Let's take another look at those water elevators all now done with floors and ceilings around them:
From the stairwell, looking towards the moss farm exit. Through those double doors is the remains of the overflow basement (Mainly cobble, dirt and wood). I manage to keep it but had to lower the ceiling and bring chests down further, keeping the 6 high height of the rest of storage.
At the moment I am taking apart the old wing in the former storage area, then there's the upper level stuff as well as the wing on the other side with all the saplings, leaves and folilage stuff. It's a long process, but I'm trying to make it go faster now using the multiple shulkers.
I want to get it done badly however as I'm ready to move on. There's a few ideas with the castle I want to proceed with, mainly the grounds, re-adding paths and adding a bit more immersio0n to the grounds. I also want to re-do the 3D statue of my skin's head made originally somewhere between Sept 2018 and feb 2018:
I never use woool excpet for carpets and rarely floors these days, and there's been so many different blocks adding since that I can make it a lot more dynamic looking these days.
With just 2 weeks until the anniversary, I have big plans, including the stadium and the new 2nd church, both of which are going to be very big builds!
Like Minecraft forums or interested in my world? Try My message board, it's better moderated because I run it directly and have run Internet message boards for 21+ years! Better software and I have much more control to keep the content more up to date. Free to join, 13 years+.
As I prepare, once again, to move on to a new world, I remain impressed both at your persistence in staying in a world and the quality of the builds you do. That water elevator room is particularly good.
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Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
As I prepare, once again, to move on to a new world, I remain impressed both at your persistence in staying in a world and the quality of the builds you do. That water elevator room is particularly good.
Wait until you see what i've got coming up, possibly one of my biggest builds yet - if I can pull it off.
Like Minecraft forums or interested in my world? Try My message board, it's better moderated because I run it directly and have run Internet message boards for 21+ years! Better software and I have much more control to keep the content more up to date. Free to join, 13 years+.
I like the shape design of the coastal monument. Are those prismarine fences on the top?
I think some patterns with blue / light blue stained glass between the ceiling beams of the sea fort will look nice.
Prismarine fences, fences from a warped forest tree. The original top was quite basic, but each time I kept stepping back from the footbridge to consider the build I kept adding a little more, and a little more...
I like the idea of patterns between the beams, The top floor aprt from the central core around the guardian farm with all be a glass floor too. Eventually.
Closed old thread
Like Minecraft forums or interested in my world? Try My message board, it's better moderated because I run it directly and have run Internet message boards for 21+ years! Better software and I have much more control to keep the content more up to date. Free to join, 13 years+.
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As of July 4th there will be a new link, right here for the new world download! It's still in Java 1.20.1 and I've still manage to keep it to 1.56GB after trimming. Usually i wait until the October anniversary but this year I've decided not to wait and have a big 4th July early release!
NEW: See the new Sea Search & Rescue Centre building (Unfurnished) of the coast of the main Chunk Plaza station, the new roofs of the main home and the massive transformation of the Guardian farm base that's been going on since the beginning of the year! As usual, the D/L will not include the Alacrity resource pack or the data packs. If you've previously d/l a version of this world, what will you find that's new? COMING 4TH JULY - WATCH THIS SPACE!
Big Push
So after installing the first curved arch, I installed the other three with varying degrees of sucess. Despite trying to follow what I did, the second one ended up a bit different to the first, there were also a few modifications on the way. Having said that, the third followed the 2nd one much easier because of which and thus the same with the fourth from the third.
After bricking the rest of the interior middle floor (Still needs texture) I also pushed to install a basic gladd floor as planned between the top floor and the middle floor:.
Also started installing a kitchen:
Also something came up on pinterest, some pixalated designs, that I thought perhaps could be used in the base ceiling. I delved further looking for sea related ones and started a sea horse, but I'll never fit the whole thing in, turns out it would be bigger than I thought. Perpahs I might just have to have the head:
Still, for now it's an idea.
I also started working on some pillars for the top floor.
Trying for diagonal benchea up at the top?: (Experimental)
So starting to think about adding more little bits to the top.
Of course inside, the thid and bottom floor still needs a lot of work!:
Im not sure what to do for this floor, or in general with the "basement level"
Also after replacing the beds at the iron farm and thereby fixing it, I embarked on another small mini-quest; something I had been thinking of doing anyway. So whilst waiting to see if the farm was working again I was collecting flowers for the glass shulker for the possibility of having a permanent Dye shulker with all 16 colours, cos you never know when you're on the go and need to dye something to make a sign more visible.
I also wanted the dye shulker to be separate from the glass one.
I also might be changing the end of the minecart tunnel behing the science lad at home. I already redecorated the walls along the tunnel a good while ago, but I will be continuing that theme to the very end station by the oriental garden exit. Also thinking about removing the cauldron ceiling and changing to stonecytters as it looks nice in this pack. In default it will look just like slabs+ though.
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Little things, BIG ideas!
It's been a couple of weels now, and I'm picking off right where I left off. I made one of my empty shulkers a dye box containing a stack of all 16 colours, and some glow ink sacs for digns, cos you never know when you might need to make glowing text on a sign or dye something.. I also as mentioned, continued the decor of the back minecart tunnel (Back of science lab, home) that was was done a good long time ago. The end platform was still very mixed andesite with diorite floor, so I just continued the decor on to match.
I even continued up the stairs as well:
Also, yes that is a new ceiling. Down came the old "cauldron ceiling", I actually got over 4 stacks of cauldron out of it. As I said I would that new pattern in the ceiling is stonecutters. Bit of an expensive ceiling again, but I like the unique look it gives with this resource pack.
One of my favorite places on this world is the fishing shop on the corner of chunk boulevard plaza. It wasn't always so, but after the major renovation it became a place I love. HOWEVER, the upstairs has always been empty and vacant without any decoration either. A lot of shops (At least in the UK) might have an empty upstairs that doesn't get any use either funnily enough. On sunday however, I decided to change that and commit to finally changing it into a private apartment and spent a Sunday morning giving it a make-over.
I'm please with how it's turning out so far. I've kept a blue theme both with the ocean, fishing and on the outside the oxidized copper blocks and blue terracotta glaze.
With this done my attention also turned to something else that had been neglected for years, and that's the inside of the partment block next door. The last thing I did was extend the stair wall landings out (And the outside of the block that side). There were still floors with unfinished patterns, and since that area inside was extended it means I've had to extend the pattern over too:
I've extended the pattern for now, but ultimatley I might re-think the floor design entirely anyway. I should also mention that the "Green roof" IE the nature roof had to be raised i block higher so I can put an proper ceiling on the top floor:
I think that is where the next step is going know I've commited to stop being lazy and actually finish the insides. So next step is to do the proper ceilings on ALL floors add details and get the corridors DONE. Then I can work inside each apartment like I did in the hotel.
The big news is though I am closing in on 10K days. I personally have never been bothered about days, other people interested in the world (Mainly on discord) are always more interested than I and it's always one of my most aked questions - how many days. I do feel that 10K is a special achievement however and needs to be marked. One idea said to me was a giant minecraft cake, which can still happen but I need a new location as the place I chose intially. (At the end of the modified chunk wall away from the castle)
The reason for this is because I got another MAJOR idea and next BIG project:
from the front left tower of the castle:
Now imagine a big stadium just beyond that lake in the distance. (That intial strip of sand in the distance was where the cake was going to go.)
The main reason why the cake will be elsewhere is because I will need a link to the future stadium, and what better than a brand new bridge. Not any old bridge though, what's better than a new bridge? An old one. as part of my 10K days I am rebuilding my original 2010 cobble bridge!
Of cours there are differences, it doesn't have to be as elevated and it is in fact wider this time. it's wider because I now have an ice track down the middle so you can either walk across or track a boat across the ice track down the middle. One of the things that will be interesting though is developing the bridge. How would I have elvolved the very simple design had I kept it all those years ago? So it will be the original bridge, ++. A slightly more developed version of the original.
It seems very strange to me having this in the world again! With 10K days approaching however, 747 days left as of this post; it seems only fitting. Especially as in another 3 months or so we'll be hitting the 14th anniversary.
Anyway with the stadium, I am of course designining it on my creative copy, but it's a long, long way off. I have made the basic shape on survival though, a very rounded square. The problem I'm having righ now is the centre point. When I made the border I made centre points of the four sides goin in slightly so I could find the centre. On the intial try however 2/4 lined up and it's to do with the sides.
As a small aside, whilst I was working on the fishing shop apartment and apartment block; I also took my remaining redstone lamps and detector and made 3 roofs more light up at night to stop mobs crawling over them. They are The (now raised) apartment block "green roof", the pub, and McDunky's.
I think that's everything for now. Getting some smalle things done that's i've been putting off for too long and a major new project. This also gives me a little break from the sea fort, for now as I don't want to get burn out.
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10K days is a truly impressive milestone!
It's always satisfying to compare the same build before and after renovating it. The banner curtains and rafters also provide me with ideas for my own future builds.
The week I got Things Done!
Following on from last time, I emntioned the floors in the first corner apartment block of the Chunk Plaza Boulevard. When I extended the side of block over on one end towards the fishing shop, I just added planks to that bit as I only extended out a couple of blocks, Even though I now have reservations to changing the floor pattern (As it's been a few tears and I've gone off it), I did however, extend the pattern over to the stairway for continuity's sake. Also some floors didn't even have competed patterned floors all the way along their corridors. Both have been rectified now.
Reguardless if I do change the floor I also just got on with another job and that was making sure all the corridor ceilings were also changed. Most still either had all dirt or a mix of the original stone and dirt from the chunk wall. Now both walls and ceilings were finally done after years of being lazy.
More recently, on this bottom floor and knowing I had tonnes of white concrete - I finally got going on the insides of the apartments. Most were still cobble/stone walls of the mountain/chunk wall. Some of the ones on higher up levels hadn't even been dug out still, years later.
This was about to change, at least on the bottom floor. Both floors now have some nicer basic walls at last:
Behind this back wall are two 8 x 8 rooms (or 8 x 10) for a bedroom with on-suite bathroom potentially. This allows for a kitchen diner in the open space here and living area. I haven't decided on the floor yet but I now want to do this back wall for all floors. This may be a worry higher up as I may have to extend out the back if the mountain runs out (Much like the back of the hotel), but I am prepared for such.
The Chunk Plaza Boulevard was started in winter 2014, but real big work did not begin (And I mean major changes) until winter 2015. By 2020 most of the outside aesthetic was done, converting an ugly chunk wall into apartments, pub, fast food builing and the hotel. After doing the inside of the hotel these last couple of years, I think it's high time I paid attention to this first smaller corner apartment block. I#ve put it off long enough.
Castle improvements.
As you know I was re-buiding and hopefully improving my 2010 original bridge towards the proposed stadium and seeing how I might have developed it had I kept it all those years ago.
This is a better view of the ice boat part. Also I had to redo all the side trusses as I realized after supports for the ice boat section the walkways were only one block wide when they needed to be two.
I've continued to try and develop the bridge as it might have evolved had it not been town down years ago in it's original location but it's still missing something:
I've added more other stone, andesite and variants but it's still missinng something, it's very gray, I feel it really needs something to accent and contrast it.
It was as I was doing this work that something else caught my eye. Outside the front left of the castle to one side there used to be a mountain, this was fair enough, but the side facing the ocean was also a chunk wall and always bother me as it was unsightly. So years ago I flattenned it down to ground level and built fortifications to match the castle to hide the rest:
Again nthing had been done since, very simple work and very simple slit windows to boot:
So round the side next to the newly rebuilt 2010 bridge where I was working, the walls around there caught my eye making realise nothing had been done to this part in years, and it was time for a change. At first it was just a matter of adding a bit more texture to the simple cobblestone walls I had:
As you can also probably tell, I also started matching the windows from the castle onto the "slit windows" to give them a bit more depth and character.
In gerneral I have also begun adding more texture around these entire surround walls, and the side of the castle on the outside here and it's already looking much better:
it did not stop here however.
For a year and a half it's bugged me that the minecart track to the castle goes into the right walkway corridor and all the way along it until the back tower:
So more lately this year I have been thinking more and more about a side extension for the tracks and minecart to arrive at. Security has never been a problem because of the fence gates, nothing's gotten in as they can't go over the tracks (Except spiders of course), but even the fence gates now bothered me.
The land beyond that spruce tree on the right as you can just about see just goes up a bit and it's a bit of an embankment up before it levels out. Going into this I had no idea what shape or what I wanted out of this extension other than a few ideas of the front of it and not having it be a flat front, but that's all. I had no idea how big or long this extension would be, what it would look like. It was just a case of clearing the land from that side of the castle and seeing what I had to work with.
re-routing the track and no more fence gates:
As I uncovered the side of the castle hidden by land it was just bare stone and very bland. I copied this onto my creative world copy and started cooking. At first just extending the rest of the side towers down to the ground. (I thought I had a picture here but I guess not) Again it was fine but very flat and boring and just dull. So it was on my copy that I came up with the idea of the arches in the lower sections. This also led to making the whole new courtyard more of a castle station platform vibe.
Currently I have started work on the flat wall behind me and had to extend it back to bit as I decided in the end to repeat the arches on this side too. It just meant extending the outer wall behind me out another block.
yet still I continued..
For years I always intende to make this room the throne room, the bottom floor of the front left tower as you face the castle; but never did.
One of the key points was, I had to move the staircase. and I also found removing this entrance wall to the corridor made it feel a lot more open as well:
So far:
Old Money for new windows.
Away from the castle I also expirimented with changing the dreadful windows in the town hall, only a couple of years old. Some were quartz stairs, but most were diorite. so I thought about changing them completetly to more modern darker framed windows.
At first simple:
and then:
(And yes I was adding texturing to the side of the building at this time also!)
I was still very much in two minds about the main front window however and whether to convert:
After getting some opinions from others on discord, I deciced to proceed however, here you can actually see the rafters of the very top floor through the open lower half
There's also a brand new sign header outside as well as a plaque on two gold blocks. The sign header has smooth quarts to add texture, but if you look even closer there are actually words. It sort of reads "Town Hall", it's very subtle, but also just looks like texture.
I also filled in the back of the town hall replacing dirt with white terracotta, it is very flat and plain from the outside, but then it is backed right onto a mountain, so there's no point putting winows.
Bits n Bobs (Post week of "getting things done)
I also had to re-do my maps as they stopped updating no matter how close I got:
This also included the castle map:
Also took the oppotunity to update the item frames so not only are they on glowstone but they are glow item signs to gife them extra vibrance. Alsoo in the far distancces from the castle whilst redoing the maps I came across some areas with ugly biome border lines nd fixed them as well as different water levels/heights in some areas/anomolies so fixed them as well.
Realised a better way to do sofas utilizing beds (Sofa bed?!):
*Changed the cactus carm with flying machine to sugar cane in the underground farms.
A good few years after redoing the kelp farm I finally got round to doing the "glow effect" in the floor down to it:
I also went off adventuring in a direction lesser gone before, to the right of the oriental garden. Nothing remarkable, an Island with loads of pigs, a jungle, a big mound of gravel. a very pretty flower biome and more low chunk walls. Also I travelled from the bell tower and via an accident found a very nice lush cave:
After a couple years after rebuilding this bridge, I always wanted spores all the way along, but given the chance of finding a lush cave let alone how many spore flowers it might have, I had to face this might never be possible. Until now.
Rather than risk death with scaffold this was the best way, a skywalk of crossways across the very high cave with a devastating drop and huge deadly lava pools dangled beneath my feet. At last however (With some to spare) I was able to spore the entire bridge finally, so you'll be showered with particles as you walk across it:
And last but not least, the very last thing I've done is improve the lighting in the observatory. so now it has this blue glow at night and is more vibrant thanks to shaders and the sea lanterns. Also minimising torch spam inside.
I included the last one because the spyglass had a couple of live-in skeletons (Hence the bone) and also needed lighting up. But the photon shaders so just make the spyglass look so shiny and reflective!
Behind the scenes.
I am also still planning big things on my world copy.
I also added lines across the top athat elavate at different heights after realising the top would be too flat otherwise:
Meanwhile I looked at lots of images of churches and found one in St Louis, Missouri that appealed, so if I can pull this off in survival too it would be a feat:
It's very symetrical and the right side was done first as it all has to be mirrored on the left side. Right now I'm trying to get the right corner done so I can build the side out to get a sense of scale. The side having a big round part that sticks out as well.
What I will say is this, despite an early correction with the arches - namely the spacing between them and the pillars between, I am getting the flow of building this so it would not be impossible to so in survival.
This pretty much brings things up to date.
It is now day 9485.
I have also just finished the bubble elevators at the bell tower, finally. One year after the build and I finally remove the scaffolding inside and add proper bubble coulmns (After also fixing the mono-rail station ones) and adding some cool lighting for shaders.
This however will be covered next time!
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I like the patterned wood floor. I tried it long ago in a John Smith pack, but it didn't work because the color contrast was too low. I should try it again.
You do a lot of great stuff but I especially appreciate that white bridge and that last sci-fi interior.
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
I am thinking of embarking on a change in the lead up to my 14th anniversary of the world in October, a change to my storage. When I say change, I mean, a major, major change! If I do proceed with this as we go into September, it'll be a nice run up to the anniversary. I am thinking of moving my storage area snd changing all the sideways double chest to barrels.
Up until now I've always preffered double chests over barrels, you can't double up the latter and it's only the equivalent of a single chest. When I converted from front-facing double chests to two long-ways on their sides, it healped greatly. This game is changing however, more and more blocks get added, just take a look at wood these days. You have the nether stems, mangrove and then bamboo wood was introduced. It's over-whelming. So to utilize barrels I would neeed space, a lot more space..
The trouble with living inside a mountain is, there's rooms above and on top/below each other. So if you want a new room , you can carve out the mountain or convert an old cave, but if it's near something already, you have to be careful. Up until now I thought there was nowhere else storage could go. Sure there are some caves of the main staircase going douwn to the double mob grinders on Y11, and I've checked them out, but they weren't really feasible. So there wasn't anywhere really, Until now.
Yesterday on my creative copy of the world I pondered what if... I have a spiral staircase down from the super smelter room, that is like a back corridor to the moss farm (And thereby other farms down that staircase - brick, stone etc). Hoever it rarely gets used.
So I experimeted on the copy of the world.
I levelled it out to y49, got rid of corner walls of the corridor, and yes there were a few issues such as the stairs coming down from the super smelter room. Feverishly however I cleared it all to one level and started replicating the storage room but using barrels. By the end of yesterday however, I went to bed and I still wasn't sure and wasn't quite convinced. This morning I did a couple of hours work - more columns for the barrels, more barrels themselves, placing glow item frames and after a couple of hours work I really started to see it form and started to like it.
This was just meant to be fun an expiriment! A "what if..." Now however there's a very likely real chance I might actually do this in the survival world.
To give you an idea, take rows of a section of the current storage. The top two sideways double chests of say "Sandstone" would have all the block varients, normal, chisled etc on the left double chest, and on the right double chest all the varients - stairs, slabs, walls etc. The two on the column below being for smooth sandstone as the material already had plenty of varient blocks.
In the new version - blocks, slabs and stairs would all have their own single barrel each. That's how vast and huge it would be. Especially after deciding to fill the middle empty space of the room with columns too. It goes from taking it as a storage - to looking like a big industrial warehouse! Every block I choose to have storage for, has it's own barrel.
here is a taster:
Before, the redstone blocks and redstone would be in one chest, their torches, repeaters and compaitors in another. All those other components - hoppers, cauldrons, dispensers, observers, droppers, pistons etc would be in one double chest.
Continuing in the creative copy. I stripped the actual storage room, items fell everywhere... Then I fixed up the walls and repurposed the room. It seemed so wierd and empty without the chests. the support columns etc. If I did this I'd wall off a couple of bits and it would still be an accesible walk through area.
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For a storage area as big as yours, I think a good idea could be to sort of "divide" it into rectangular sections, with a general category for each one, e.g. wood, underground (stone, ores, etc.), soft blocks (dirt, grass, podzol, moss etc.), nature (flowers, plants, saplings, etc.), underwater, artificial lighting, redstone, Nether blocks, and End blocks, much like in a bookshop. From there, you can arrange the barrels as you see fit, for instance, within the nature category, perhaps group all the sapling barrels together. Any arrangement that allows you to find certain specific items quickly is good.
Looking forward to 14th anniversary!
Oopsie! I think I may have forgotten about leaves & saplings!..
This is pretty much what I'll be doing though. Some things I will have to bunch together like the two different vines, flowers and maybe a few other things to accomodate leaves saplings, but I really don't want to bunch them together because of the amount of variety there is there. If it means I have to bunch a few other things together then so be it.
To accomodate the removal of the super melter spiral staircase leading to it, this new room will feature water elevators (Bubble columns) straight up to it from that section of storage.
Also, this will be the first time in 14 years (Not counting the original temporary early alpha day set up spot) that storage has moved Sure it's changed alot, the decor changed, things have grown and expanded, but it's never moved from this spot until now.
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Moving storage
Well that only took a week to do, and another week to move everything - well, nearly everything. I was taking my time, moving one shulker at a time; but it's getting tedious now so I'm using multiple shulkers.
As mentioned, the plan was to have a much bigger, more expansive storage facility moving from Y62 down to Y49. I am finally switching to barrels for every block I need to have their own individual barrel. Another reason is barrels are also easy to fill up only being the equivalent of a single chest, so it'll be easier to keep up with, especially the more new stuff gets added.
So it was time to take away this old back corridor at the bottom of the spiral stairs from the super-smelters, all the way to the moss farm:
The more I dug out, the more it was hard to believe there was ever a long winding corridor here. In this next one from the opposite angle you can see the main stairs coming down from storage, moreso just outside the library doors down:
What you can't see, is on the landing there is the piston entrance that leads down to the rest of the facilities using a redstone torch. (The rest of the stairwell has: an axolotl tank off the stairs on the way down, the snow farm, the amethyst farm etc, with the stairs going all the way down to the double mob grinders on Y11.
This is the very oppsite side, from the moss farm doorway:
This next one is at the far far back wall from the last one, and round the corner. The immediate hole with the snow blocks and spruce timbers is where the spiral staircase was leading up to the super smelters.
On the way this had to be expanded further for things I'd forgotten to make sections for, so extra space was required. A number of blocks were considered for the pillars - brick, but With this many pillars I thought it would be too much. Sandstone (Smooth), but it just didn't look right. I almost, almost settled for pure clay blocks which you'll still see lingering in many of these next shots.
In the end I decided to pick one block from each column and make the pillars that block, which would make for a very colourful storage! You'll see the familiar sections in blue here, which upstairs was just a long galley past of chests and the upstairs storage. I chose blue here to represent main items IE like my main shulker which is blue.
Instead of the galley like upstairs however (With the upstairs level), this version opens up into a much, much more bigger area taking shape:
In the reverse shot, the basic waterfalls for the bubble elevators to the super-smelters are in:
Unfortunetley this happened though, where fish just kept dropping down to their death:
So annoying was it, I had to have a temporary moat:
Near the new main stairwell, glass columns were always a choise for the middle that leads back to the moss farm:
The main "Work area" ia a little familiar, but a bit more condensed this time. Mainly because I forgot to add somewhere for the furnaces, but it's all very neat and compact. Just by the anvil that floor does pull back via pistons for a infinite water reveal in the floor:
And yes, the cats have made it down too!:
Let's take another look at those water elevators all now done with floors and ceilings around them:
From the stairwell, looking towards the moss farm exit. Through those double doors is the remains of the overflow basement (Mainly cobble, dirt and wood). I manage to keep it but had to lower the ceiling and bring chests down further, keeping the 6 high height of the rest of storage.
At the moment I am taking apart the old wing in the former storage area, then there's the upper level stuff as well as the wing on the other side with all the saplings, leaves and folilage stuff. It's a long process, but I'm trying to make it go faster now using the multiple shulkers.
I want to get it done badly however as I'm ready to move on. There's a few ideas with the castle I want to proceed with, mainly the grounds, re-adding paths and adding a bit more immersio0n to the grounds. I also want to re-do the 3D statue of my skin's head made originally somewhere between Sept 2018 and feb 2018:
I never use woool excpet for carpets and rarely floors these days, and there's been so many different blocks adding since that I can make it a lot more dynamic looking these days.
With just 2 weeks until the anniversary, I have big plans, including the stadium and the new 2nd church, both of which are going to be very big builds!
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As I prepare, once again, to move on to a new world, I remain impressed both at your persistence in staying in a world and the quality of the builds you do. That water elevator room is particularly good.
Geographicraft (formerly Climate Control) - Control climate, ocean, and land sizes; stop chunk walls; put modded biomes into Default worlds, and more!
RTG plus - All the beautiful terrain of RTG, plus varied and beautiful trees and forests.
Better Forests Varied and beautiful trees and forests, in modern Minecraft.
Wait until you see what i've got coming up, possibly one of my biggest builds yet - if I can pull it off.
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