I've had minecraft for about 2 and a half months now, ands its allways fun, but ever scince the beta update, there's the most annoying and constant lag spikes ever. Its kind of goes like this, Lag for 10 seconds game for 20, lag for 5 seconds, game for ten, constantly!
could someone tell me a reason why I might have alot of lag, and ways I can reduce my lag, Thanks
Yeah, I've had 6-8 FPS, which is bad for me, anyways try optiminer. It made my FPS go to about 17-23 FPS.
It may not work as great as it did on mine, but any frame "up" is noticeably better.
People like Steves and Skillkills just leave the thread now, you obviously didn't read the first post properly and you obviously don't know what you're talking about
Quote from spudcosmic »
I've had minecraft for about 2 and a half months now, ands its allways fun, but ever scince the beta update, there's the most annoying and constant lag spikes ever. Its kind of goes like this, Lag for 10 seconds game for 20, lag for 5 seconds, game for ten, constantly!
could someone tell me a reason why I might have alot of lag, and ways I can reduce my lag, Thanks
Did you read that part? Meaning before the update the game ran fine then afterwards it starts lagging. So take your reading comprehension problems elsewhere since they aren't very helpful here.
-press f to set fog to a higher setting(repeat until the highest setting if you need to).
-turn graphics on "fast", not "fancy".
-on your computer, NOT minecraft click on control panel and then on Intel(R) GMA Driver and then click on 3d settings and change texture color depth to 16 bits per texel, hit the apply button, hit okay, restart minecraft. This is not an option for everyone, as it is not on every computer, but if you have it then it should help you :smile.gif:
NOTE: make sure to change the texture color depth back to normal before playing a different game.
People like Steves and Skillkills just leave the thread now, you obviously didn't read the first post properly and you obviously don't know what you're talking about
Quote from spudcosmic »
I've had minecraft for about 2 and a half months now, ands its allways fun, but ever scince the beta update, there's the most annoying and constant lag spikes ever. Its kind of goes like this, Lag for 10 seconds game for 20, lag for 5 seconds, game for ten, constantly!
could someone tell me a reason why I might have alot of lag, and ways I can reduce my lag, Thanks
Did you read that part? Meaning before the update the game ran fine then afterwards it starts lagging. So take your reading comprehension problems elsewhere since they aren't very helpful here.
And they're saying that they're MInecraft FPS is fine since they don't have a crappy computer. Take your reading comprehension problems elsewhere.
Ontopic: There's a thread somewhere to reduce lag after the update. It said to delete the META INF folder and to also replace the h.class with a replacement which someone posted in Twitter. You get linked to it fine in the topic which is somewhere.
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Quote from MichaeljMM79 »
Talent didn't go anywhere, it just gets lost in all the noise. You have to find it.
For anyone else who stumbled upon this page as I did, here's the link to the forum post that I believe Blackwind may have been referring to: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1020&t=135556 which links you to Scaevoulus' twitter account. However, what you'll eventually find is the McRegion and Optimine mods, and while I'm sure these links are all over the place I'm putting them here--again for anyone who hits this post first.
And thank you martin107, I noticed a minor improvement with your suggestion about adjusting the texture depth. I also found the stupid "Power Options" button on that control panel--which somehow I had not noticed before--which defaulted close to "Maximum Battery". While I'd hope it's smart enough to ignore that when on A/C power, as a developer I've learned never to make those assumptions, so I turned that puppy off for now.
Quote from martin107 »
How to reduce lag: ... [snip] ....
-on your computer, NOT minecraft click on control panel and then on Intel(R) GMA Driver and then click on 3d settings and change texture color depth to 16 bits per texel, hit the apply button, hit okay, restart minecraft. This is not an option for everyone, as it is not on every computer, but if you have it then it should help you :smile.gif:
NOTE: make sure to change the texture color depth back to normal before playing a different game.
could someone tell me a reason why I might have alot of lag, and ways I can reduce my lag, Thanks
my FPS = 2 frames a second.
It may not work as great as it did on mine, but any frame "up" is noticeably better.
link: /viewtopic.php?f=25&t=132717
Did you read that part? Meaning before the update the game ran fine then afterwards it starts lagging. So take your reading comprehension problems elsewhere since they aren't very helpful here.
-press f to set fog to a higher setting(repeat until the highest setting if you need to).
-turn graphics on "fast", not "fancy".
-on your computer, NOT minecraft click on control panel and then on Intel(R) GMA Driver and then click on 3d settings and change texture color depth to 16 bits per texel, hit the apply button, hit okay, restart minecraft. This is not an option for everyone, as it is not on every computer, but if you have it then it should help you :smile.gif:
NOTE: make sure to change the texture color depth back to normal before playing a different game.
And they're saying that they're MInecraft FPS is fine since they don't have a crappy computer. Take your reading comprehension problems elsewhere.
Ontopic: There's a thread somewhere to reduce lag after the update. It said to delete the META INF folder and to also replace the h.class with a replacement which someone posted in Twitter. You get linked to it fine in the topic which is somewhere.
McRegion - optimizes chunk loading
Optimine - optimizes game = better FPS (worked for me as advertised!)
And thank you martin107, I noticed a minor improvement with your suggestion about adjusting the texture depth. I also found the stupid "Power Options" button on that control panel--which somehow I had not noticed before--which defaulted close to "Maximum Battery". While I'd hope it's smart enough to ignore that when on A/C power, as a developer I've learned never to make those assumptions, so I turned that puppy off for now.
Too many secrets.