I think the fact that the development blog has been quiet means that we are getting some good stuff in the update Friday. what do you guys (or girls) think?
The group I play with will certainly like the additions. Mostly excited for the water mob (I don't care what it is at all, plankton would even be cool, little cubie plankton)
But I am not as hyped as I would have been when I first got into minecraft, I expect maybe two cools things and maybe a few less than cool things to come out of this update. I am braced for possible letdown. I refuse to be dissapoint.
Jeb confirmed it to be on Friday, and Notch wants to keep the water mob as secret.
AngelCraft 64 Texture Pack v2.0.2 (Beta 1.8.1)
Nerd, geek, server admin, guy wearing a rainbow skin (with an office suit of epicness)? That's me.
Secret until the noobs post 8000 threads about it after going for a swim.
The group I play with will certainly like the additions. Mostly excited for the water mob (I don't care what it is at all, plankton would even be cool, little cubie plankton)
But I am not as hyped as I would have been when I first got into minecraft, I expect maybe two cools things and maybe a few less than cool things to come out of this update. I am braced for possible letdown. I refuse to be dissapoint.
lol sigged
If you still have time to think after playing Minecraft, you're not playing enough.