
Suggest and discuss new ideas for Minecraft, new Minecraft game modes and the Minecraft website.
Thread Latest Post Replies Views
Food ideas >>
by Vasarto77
1 1,101
Resurrection Potion >>
by robo111
5 2,235
Silk Touch potion >>
by allyourbasesaregone
2 922
New weapon:clubs >>
by Jrboy455
2 1,056
End Game Content Revisit/Ender Dragon Egg Use >>
by SweetlikecAndy
1 2,076
Add the Aether as an actual dimension >>
by StabanGaming
23 5,987
Oceania, Weather, and FOOD! >>
by Vasarto77
2 1,159
Изумрудная Броня и новая волюта >>
by Stp135
2 1,607
Arquebus: A synthesis of more than a decade of gun suggestions. >>
by AMPPL50
4 1,777
Lava-logged blocks. >>
by anotherdorf
38 17,247
trims usefulness no just astatic >>
by mrkfri
0 636
Radium: a new ore for the end with new uses >>
by Genius_idiot
5 1,378
Journal Slot >>
by AdventurerSteve
1 677
Java Gold glint >>
by Creeperelijah77
1 699
Java Great Redwood Forest >>
by CactusTrav
1 902
Swap Y and Z coordinate >>
by Zeemvel
9 4,977
we need more birds in minecraft. >>
by Rgure
2 2,695
Armor pattern effects >>
by Echo008
1 956
Java Bedrock slight /fill change (and /clone too) >>
by Me1on
0 831
Java Bedrock SEASONS in Minecraft. I KNOW JUST LISTEN! >>
by AndrewHG
6 5,574
Better ancient city findings >>
by Chaosteven
1 1,605
Java Bedrock Technoblade >>
by zfmebo
2 1,672
Lizards >>
by Bellefoxey
0 546
Simple Colour Additions >>
by LousyMiner
4 2,491
Option to toggle picking up items, and/or press a key to pick up nearby items. >>
by Fleegsta
1 2,980
Java Bedrock Underground Village >>
by Hayden1118
6 1,599
Scrapping aesthetic variants into a single item. >>
by Fleegsta
3 845
Curved Ramp Rails >>
by allyourbasesaregone
3 1,209
Enchantment Transfer >>
by Creeperelijah77
4 1,557
Making Villagers able to Open and Close Fence Gates and Trapdoors >>
by Hayden1118
3 15,374