
Suggest and discuss new ideas for Minecraft, new Minecraft game modes and the Minecraft website.
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Java Certain blocks should too 'slippery' for spiders to climb >>
by SketchiScribblr
2 437
Get rid of curses from villagers >>
by SirDaddicus
8 962
We now have Copper stairs, slabs & soon (grates) - so why not iron & gold ? >>
by CannonFoddr
0 895
Block Light detection mode for Daylight Sensor >>
by Ben_Goldberg
4 550
Java Connect Minecarts And More Rails! >>
by VanillaLongplayz
8 2,126
Please add custom world generation. >>
by Gooiwegbaar
3 1,306
Party System and Item Shop >>
by Cowsirulars
2 335
Add the normal crafting back >>
by Maratyla
14 4,322
Ability to dye end rods >>
by GingerLord007
2 692
minecraft charge armor (copper & redstone) >>
by chayplay_gamez
6 719
Java Stairs become a directional block that only powers from and too the other full face >>
by ShinobiAaron
1 359
Sky light block >>
by foreverz
1 696
Suggestion: A 'Useful' addition for Copper >>
by CannonFoddr
2 750
Copper Door Idea >>
by Korok
13 1,715
Stonecutter, what it was and what it should be. >>
by SRW
1 377
Copper Grate Function with Water >>
by EnderJohn
1 797
Java super killer smasher destroying elimnating warden >>
by voneil8262
3 596
Java Decorative Lighting Source >>
by Pear_22
5 644
A new middle ground between Creative and Surival for people who don't like to grind >>
by Wedhro
10 1,927
Java Bedrock Fortune Shears >>
by VisscaGuu
3 1,149
Java Blueprints? >>
by Derov
2 615
Quality of Life Tweak: Teleporting Enderman No Longer Griefing Crops >> 0 236
Crabs in minecraft? >>
by Marika06
5 874
Java Bedrock Suggestion for commands and QOL >>
by ieatbabyorphans
0 443
Java Synthetic Diamonds! >>
by sapt7_
8 633
Java New Java mode or version where 1.8 pvp is used with many tweaks. >>
by blitzworldace
0 268
Make rare mob drops more common, particularly for equipped weapons, like how it is in bedrock; perhaps also make drowned parity. >>
by allyourbasesaregone
4 1,031
So you know how hostile mobs are supposed to be fantasy? >>
by Earthtide
1 644
Collision >>
by Bowman6464
3 702
Redstone hopper >>
by Benefits
1 419