
Suggest and discuss new ideas for Minecraft, new Minecraft game modes and the Minecraft website.
Thread Latest Post Replies Views
Java Bedrock We need a way to protect non Netherite upgradable items! >>
by Darkwing_Goose
2 305
Java Bedrock About Beacons >>
by TheLostApple2
3 391
Bedrock Java The trial chambers are great but i think that the vaults should also recharge like the spawners >>
by Gibbings
12 6,483
Bedrock Other Blaze like mob but different elements: Freeze, Wave, and Quake >>
by MrOddig
7 815
Java Bedrock Personality Update!!! >>
by Tarim1
0 280
Bedrock (Ideas) New Overworld Rare Hostile Mob: Shapeshifter >>
by MrOddig
1 299
Java Bedrock +2 More prehistoric Fruits! >>
by ShinobiAaron
2 418
Java Bedrock +11 More Enchant Fusion Table >>
by ShinobiAaron
1 385
Java Bedrock +11 More Charcoal Art >>
by ShinobiAaron
0 258
Bedrock Java Suggestions for Minecraft >>
by Pianogamin260
2 285
Java Bedrock biome of volcano >>
by garvey13
9 1,565
Bedrock parrot mob detection distance is unreasonable >>
by francis4117
1 364
Java Bedrock Why aren't there polished granite walls? >>
by VinSwindler
3 737
Java Bedrock Version based capes >>
by Coolpickkax
1 729
Java Bedrock Add new gamemode >>
by TripleScarab167
0 321
Bedrock Java RIP Zombie Pigman >>
by XenomorphGamerYT
8 3,015
Java Bedrock Add to Heavy Cores new fun use, that I think could be great for Minecraft. >>
by 4DIS
0 546
Java Bedrock more squids >>
by llbau42
0 195
Java Bedrock Can you guys add this model of Scooby Doo into the game? >>
by VisscaGuu
4 851
Java Bedrock Technical Suggestion for Villagers >>
by SrFrederick
5 974
Java Bedrock Impersonator: Suggestion for a new mob >>
by SlenderMan2401
5 1,020
Java Bedrock parity between java and bedrock with skin sizes >>
by theonewhowantsthemod
4 2,319
Java Bedrock Baby Ender Dragon: Suggestion for a new mob. >>
by SlenderMan2401
6 3,002
Java Bedrock Fortune Shears >>
by VisscaGuu
3 1,115
Java Bedrock Suggestion for commands and QOL >>
by ieatbabyorphans
0 438
Java Bedrock NEW mob I want to be added to 1.21 >>
by dominusanimum
7 873
Java Bedrock +4 More [Update suggestion] deep ocean biome, ocean update and more >>
by PioneersProd
8 962
Java Bedrock Add Capybara! >>
by pavlyska
2 833
Java Bedrock Walking chest in minecraft. >>
by skobka
7 658
Java Bedrock Suggestion for the "scrapped" mobs from mob vote >>
by gavin_theglorious
3 2,034