Good biome improvements. If Mojang made this update minecraft would be so more realistic. Though You would find less stone and minerals in Ice, And desert. And it would make it even harder to find diamond the way it is . So maybe those caves should have less sandstone. or ice and snow in those caves. It would still be easy enough to get your stone and minerals.
I support this, but it would be smart if there was some sort of ice/iron ore, with chunks of iron encased in ice rather than stone. Maybe you could get the iron by melting the ice as well as smelting it.
Good biome improvements. If Mojang made this update minecraft would be so more realistic. Though You would find less stone and minerals in Ice, And desert. And it would make it even harder to find diamond the way it is . So maybe those caves should have less sandstone. or ice and snow in those caves. It would still be easy enough to get your stone and minerals.
Stone outnumbers every other obtainable block in the game, so I'm not too worried.
I really like all of the world generation changes you've suggested. I was wondering if I could add one of my own:
I'd love to see volcanos in minecraft rather than the random patches of surface lava we currently have. No huge flows of lava or anything, just a rare chance for a naturally spawning mountain to have its peak replaced with a small-medium sized lava lake in a crater at the very top.
I've always thought that's a much better way to have surface level lava in game rather than finding an occasional puddle of magma while walking through a meadow or forest.
I support this, but it would be smart if there was some sort of ice/iron ore, with chunks of iron encased in ice rather than stone. Maybe you could get the iron by melting the ice as well as smelting it.
I like this idea; ores would correspond to their environment. You could find all the same minerals in sandstone and ice. They all could be smelted down for the same thing, it's just that they'd look better.
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Also, I've flipped shovel textures for Tinker's Construct and ExtraTiC for a more realistic-looking animation, check here: http://www.minecraft...hovel-textures/
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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In the Celestial Plains
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FULL Support!!! I loved all of these, hope they get added in =D
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Current avatar: Amaterasu Omikami, or Amaterasu for short. Goddess of the sun, universe and everything that is good. Has a wolf form and a "human" form.
I really like this! Great ideas to enhance the variety and beauty within each biome! I don't think there's anything in here I particularly disagree with!
+1 for sure!
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Lakes: howabout in addition to removing the sand, add a little bit of clay around these ponds? It would make clay easier to find and the color of the clay would add a bit of contrast to the "lake" edge without being too distracting.
Dungeons: perhaps spawners should have a mechanic which causes any two that are near each other to have their spawn rate reduced by 1/3rd. This way the dungeon with two spawners will only produce 1/3rd more spawns than one with a single spawner, but the main difference will be that they come from two parts of the dungeon. Also I'd like to see more light sources of varying brightness added to the game. These dungeons could spawn some gloomy type of novelty lamp with a brightness of 8 instead of redstone torches.
Jungle caves: The jungle caves look amazing! Ores aren't supposed to spawn in dirt, however, and I think that should remain. Howabout the jungle caves could have more dirt in some areas and more stone in others, perhaps near the surface you would have mostly dirt (a thin layer you could dig away to find ores) and sporadic tiny skylights/holes to the surface that spawn with surface leaves cleared away to let light in during the day. Then as you go deeper, you gradually find less and less dirt but the vines and other things would go deeper than the dirt walls. Lastly, the roofed forest caves should only very rarely have melons and not as many jack-o-lanterns as in jungle, but would have greatly increased mushrooms and could spawn giant mushrooms given enough space (like a cavern).
Ice cave: to make these even cooler, you could add ice stalagmites and stalactites, especially in wide open spaces and caverns.
Caverns: I like the idea of large caverns. I think caverns should just spawn in any of a range of sizes rather than all being the same size like they are now. Also, I think very large shapeless caverns should spawn rather uncommonly and would offer neat places to explore.
Lava lake ruins: perhaps there could be sunken nether fortress pieces and hallways underneath the lava, with the highest parts (such as blaze spawners) poking out. These structures would be mostly filled with lava but maybe could have some very cool loot for those intrepid enough to get inside and loot them.
Desert caves: desert caves already have sandstone at the top if you're close to the surface, and they will often have stalactites. I'd like to see the sandstone going deeper in parts, especially where there are caves and caverns, so we can get some really interesting sandstone caverns with stalactites and stalagmites all over. That would be amazing!
Shipwrecks: I'd like to see slabs, stairs, and other "incomplete" blocks have a water version so that when placed in water their empty spaces will display as water and if your head is in that block it will treat it as water. Also, now this is a bit far out, but what if the skeleton skulls could be used to create a weaker version of the wither? It wouldn't drop nether stars and should be far less dangerous, but might be good for practice learning what it's like having a wither around as this thing would be very similar in many ways.
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I want ocean content(thanks Möjang!), nether biomes(again thanks!!), and savanna passive mobs (meerkats incoming!?).
Someone get this guy a job at Mojang... He's a genius with great ideas that would make minecraft and especially adventuring and mining underground more exciting/
I'd love to see volcanos in minecraft rather than the random patches of surface lava we currently have. No huge flows of lava or anything, just a rare chance for a naturally spawning mountain to have its peak replaced with a small-medium sized lava lake in a crater at the very top.
I've always thought that's a much better way to have surface level lava in game rather than finding an occasional puddle of magma while walking through a meadow or forest.
My Survival Journal
I like this idea; ores would correspond to their environment. You could find all the same minerals in sandstone and ice. They all could be smelted down for the same thing, it's just that they'd look better.
Also, I've flipped shovel textures for Tinker's Construct and ExtraTiC for a more realistic-looking animation, check here:
Current avatar: Amaterasu Omikami, or Amaterasu for short. Goddess of the sun, universe and everything that is good. Has a wolf form and a "human" form.

+1 for sure!
Lakes: howabout in addition to removing the sand, add a little bit of clay around these ponds? It would make clay easier to find and the color of the clay would add a bit of contrast to the "lake" edge without being too distracting.
Dungeons: perhaps spawners should have a mechanic which causes any two that are near each other to have their spawn rate reduced by 1/3rd. This way the dungeon with two spawners will only produce 1/3rd more spawns than one with a single spawner, but the main difference will be that they come from two parts of the dungeon. Also I'd like to see more light sources of varying brightness added to the game. These dungeons could spawn some gloomy type of novelty lamp with a brightness of 8 instead of redstone torches.
Jungle caves: The jungle caves look amazing! Ores aren't supposed to spawn in dirt, however, and I think that should remain. Howabout the jungle caves could have more dirt in some areas and more stone in others, perhaps near the surface you would have mostly dirt (a thin layer you could dig away to find ores) and sporadic tiny skylights/holes to the surface that spawn with surface leaves cleared away to let light in during the day. Then as you go deeper, you gradually find less and less dirt but the vines and other things would go deeper than the dirt walls. Lastly, the roofed forest caves should only very rarely have melons and not as many jack-o-lanterns as in jungle, but would have greatly increased mushrooms and could spawn giant mushrooms given enough space (like a cavern).
Ice cave: to make these even cooler, you could add ice stalagmites and stalactites, especially in wide open spaces and caverns.
Caverns: I like the idea of large caverns. I think caverns should just spawn in any of a range of sizes rather than all being the same size like they are now. Also, I think very large shapeless caverns should spawn rather uncommonly and would offer neat places to explore.
Lava lake ruins: perhaps there could be sunken nether fortress pieces and hallways underneath the lava, with the highest parts (such as blaze spawners) poking out. These structures would be mostly filled with lava but maybe could have some very cool loot for those intrepid enough to get inside and loot them.
Desert caves: desert caves already have sandstone at the top if you're close to the surface, and they will often have stalactites. I'd like to see the sandstone going deeper in parts, especially where there are caves and caverns, so we can get some really interesting sandstone caverns with stalactites and stalagmites all over. That would be amazing!
Shipwrecks: I'd like to see slabs, stairs, and other "incomplete" blocks have a water version so that when placed in water their empty spaces will display as water and if your head is in that block it will treat it as water. Also, now this is a bit far out, but what if the skeleton skulls could be used to create a weaker version of the wither? It wouldn't drop nether stars and should be far less dangerous, but might be good for practice learning what it's like having a wither around as this thing would be very similar in many ways.
I want
ocean content(thanks Möjang!),nether biomes(again thanks!!), and savanna passive mobs (meerkats incoming!?).But, Support!
What did you think I meant?
These ideas are great!!
I support this
lolcats are still funny
Fact: Using flint and steel on a creeper causes them to stop in place and blow up.