The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Ever since people learned that the rose was going to be replaced with a rosebush in 1.7, they have been demanding that it be brought back. I have a compromise so both the individual rose and the rosebush can be in the game. The individual rose wouldn't spawn naturally, but if you used shears on a rosebush, you would get three roses, which can then be used like any other flower. Using anything else on the rosebush would just result in the rosebush dropping. Shears don't take much to make, so it wouldn't take long for people to collect their favorite roses. This way we can both enjoy the iconic single rose that everyone loves, and the brand new rosebush.
Personally I don't really mind if the rose is gone or not, and I didn't even know people would be upset by it. But your suggestion is a nice idea and a simple solution. Support.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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When I first first read this section it seemed that they were more suggesting that we get rid of the rosebush and only keep the rose, or to rexture the poppy to look like a rose. Now that I've gone back to it, I see that someone commented about shearing rosebushes to get rosebushes.
Personally I don't really mind if the rose is gone or not, and I didn't even know people would be upset by it. But your suggestion is a nice idea and a simple solution. Support.
You haven't fixed one problem though and that is how roses and poppies look nearly identical.
I suggested in one rant thread that poppies could be changed to a more orangish red.
You haven't fixed one problem though and that is how roses and poppies look nearly identical.
I suggested in one rant thread that poppies could be changed to a more orangish red.
I support both the OP and this. This would pacify those wanting the rose back, and keep the flowers from being redundant. (I would prefer the color change to be slight though, or the poppy would stop looking like an actual poppy)
Ever since people learned that the rose was going to be replaced with a rosebush in 1.7, they have been demanding that it be brought back. I have a compromise so both the individual rose and the rosebush can be in the game. The individual rose wouldn't spawn naturally, but if you used shears on a rosebush, you would get three roses, which can then be used like any other flower. Using anything else on the rosebush would just result in the rosebush dropping. Shears don't take much to make, so it wouldn't take long for people to collect their favorite roses. This way we can both enjoy the iconic single rose that everyone loves, and the brand new rosebush.
Any questions, comments or concerns?
Finally a solution to a endless rant/argument!
But frankly, It might not be possible, as basically, all the flowers are just the same number with added metadata. And there can only be 16 diffrennt metadata a for one object. Since the update added, what, 15 flowers(?), 15 new flowers plus the two other flowers equal 17. So the devs had to remove one flower, and they chose the rose, since there will be rose bushes.
That's my two cents. I saw the above statement from SOMEWHERE in a anti-poppy thread.
Frankly, I bet the devs wouldn't think there would be a outrage for a "iconic" thing, as Spaceboot1 puts it. But then again, am I surprised?
Finally a solution to a endless rant/argument!
But frankly, It might not be possible, as basically, all the flowers are just the same number with added metadata. And there can only be 16 diffrennt metadata a for one object. Since the update added, what, 15 flowers(?), 15 new flowers plus the two other flowers equal 17. So the devs had to remove one flower, and they chose the rose, since there will be rose bushes.
That's my two cents. I saw the above statement from SOMEWHERE in a anti-poppy thread.
Frankly, I bet the devs wouldn't think there would be a outrage for a "iconic" thing, as Spaceboot1 puts it. But then again, am I surprised?
Hmmmm, I wasn't aware of the 16 different metadata thing. Not really a techno person. Perhaps they could remove one of the four tulip flowers to make room for the rose then.
Hmmmm, I wasn't aware of the 16 different metadata thing. Not really a techno person. Perhaps they could remove one of the four tulip flowers to make room for the rose then.
MineBrick12 is semi-correct. Yes there are only 16 possible states for any one block. However, the two block tall flowers (Sunflower, Lilac, Rose Bush, and Peony) are a different block than the rest. So is the Dandelion. So the IDs are as follows:
37:0 - Dandelion
38:0 - Rose (Pre 1.7) or Poppy (1.7+)
38:1 - Blue Orchid
38:2 - Allium
38:3 - Azure Bluet
38:4-7 - Tulips (4 colors)
38:8 - Oxeye Daisy
175:0 - Sunflower
175:1 - Lilac
175:4 - Rose Bush
175:5 - Peony
So with 3 blocks for flowers, we could have 48 total flowers without adding new blocks. What I find weird is there is 2 unused metadata between Lilacs and Rose Bushes. That is weird.
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Ahh. Didn't know anyone else suggested it because it was buried in another post.
Its okay. This is actually better because it is separated from that idiotic #RoseRedArmy nonsense and actually offers a compromise instead of just saying to remove the Poppy. Also, I added a bunch of info about the flower IDs to my previous post. Just for your info.
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why is everyone making a huge deal of the rose going away?? the poppy pretty much looks exactly the same
People love the rose because its been around since the beginning (I think) and is as much of a symbol for minecraft that creeps, diamonds, and steve is. Also, if roses are gone for good, what flower will Ray from Roosterteeth walk around with? Roses are to Ray like 'Butter' is to Sky.
Any questions, comments or concerns?
“Patience up to a point. Know your time, but work your wyrd always.”
This, pretty much.
Play minecraft.
I suggested in one rant thread that poppies could be changed to a more orangish red.
I support both the OP and this. This would pacify those wanting the rose back, and keep the flowers from being redundant. (I would prefer the color change to be slight though, or the poppy would stop looking like an actual poppy)
Finally a solution to a endless rant/argument!
But frankly, It might not be possible, as basically, all the flowers are just the same number with added metadata. And there can only be 16 diffrennt metadata a for one object. Since the update added, what, 15 flowers(?), 15 new flowers plus the two other flowers equal 17. So the devs had to remove one flower, and they chose the rose, since there will be rose bushes.
That's my two cents. I saw the above statement from SOMEWHERE in a anti-poppy thread.
Frankly, I bet the devs wouldn't think there would be a outrage for a "iconic" thing, as Spaceboot1 puts it. But then again, am I surprised?
Baseball, then Minecraft.
Hmmmm, I wasn't aware of the 16 different metadata thing. Not really a techno person. Perhaps they could remove one of the four tulip flowers to make room for the rose then.
That being said I still support this.
MineBrick12 is semi-correct. Yes there are only 16 possible states for any one block. However, the two block tall flowers (Sunflower, Lilac, Rose Bush, and Peony) are a different block than the rest. So is the Dandelion. So the IDs are as follows:
37:0 - Dandelion
38:0 - Rose (Pre 1.7) or Poppy (1.7+)
38:1 - Blue Orchid
38:2 - Allium
38:3 - Azure Bluet
38:4-7 - Tulips (4 colors)
38:8 - Oxeye Daisy
175:0 - Sunflower
175:1 - Lilac
175:4 - Rose Bush
175:5 - Peony
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Ahh. Didn't know anyone else suggested it because it was buried in another post.
Its okay. This is actually better because it is separated from that idiotic #RoseRedArmy nonsense and actually offers a compromise instead of just saying to remove the Poppy. Also, I added a bunch of info about the flower IDs to my previous post. Just for your info.
Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
That is weird. Perhaps they where planning on adding more flowers, or could that be for the 2 tall grass and fern? Also thanks for the info.
People love the rose because its been around since the beginning (I think) and is as much of a symbol for minecraft that creeps, diamonds, and steve is. Also, if roses are gone for good, what flower will Ray from Roosterteeth walk around with? Roses are to Ray like 'Butter' is to Sky.
Ray Narvaez Jr. supports the new roses. If I remember correctly, he even stated this in a Minecraft Let's Play.
Also, roses are not gone for good, they are simply bushes now.