Yes months. They don't have to be real names, and we certainly don't need 12 of them. But maybe 3-5. Allow me to explain this idea. Also deals with temperature
Months in minecraft will be 15 in game days each. Each month has its own weather type. And that kind of goes with the season idea. There should (like I said) only be 3 months. Maybe 4 or 5, but 3 sounds good. Not overwhelming, and not to little. And also like I said, they don't have to be named January or March or July or whatever, but should at least be inspired by them. The list below explains some things.
(Inspired by July) Month 1-
Summer weather. If you live in warm/medium places its usually sunny with maybe alittle bit of clouds. Barely rains. If you live in cold places, its still usually sunny. With a little clouds, and it does not snow, but rains in the cold spots. Also in cold biomes, ice unfreezes.Fish and other passive mobs are more abundant (breeding season) in month 1. So this is the key hunting month. Also, flowers grow more abundant cocoa beans on jungle trees are usually always ripe. In month one, you will find baby animals by there parents.
(Inspired by April) Month 2-
Spring weather. In warm places its usually pretty cloudy and it rains more often. In cold places its cloudy and instead of just raining, it also starts to snow alittle bit.Trees naturally grow in this month. For instance a forest may start with 12 trees, and after this month will end up with 24 trees.
(Inspired by October-) Month 3-
Fall weather. Leaves in medium and cold biomes will start to fall, besides the spruce tree. Oak and birch trees will go from green, to yellow, to orange, to red, to dark purple. You will see the leaves in the air and on the ground next to the trees. In warm biomes like mesa, desert, and even jungle it will get cloudy more often, and rain more at night.
In this month, land will be more fertile easier. And crops grow 10% faster.
(Inspired by November/December) Month 4-
Winter weather. In all biomes, hostile mobs spawn 10% more frequently. In cold biomes, it will constantly be snowing, and in medium it will snow every now and then.
25% of leaves in medium biomes disappear. And basically all leaves in cold biomes (besides spruce trees) disappear. And it will rain and rain in warm biomes (besides mesa and desert, where it only rains 25%.)
The sun will set 25% earlier than normal. And crops grow 10% slower.
Month 4 is truly the month your suppose to survive in.
In month 1, all trees will be green.
Month 2, trees in medium/cold biome turn colors (red, yellow, and orange). (Besides spruce trees that stay green.)
Month 3, Leaves in some medium biomes turn brown, others just disappear, and the wood turns darker. All leaves in cold biome fall disappear (besides spruce.) Warm biomes not effected.
How much snow fall does each biome get in month 3?
Savannah- Low
Tundra of any kind- Lots
Plains-It depends what biome is bordering it. If its closer to a desert, it will get low snowfall. If its close to a tundra, it will get medium snowfall.Well that's an idea on snowfall. Animal behavior: Month 1 (All biomes.)Animals will breed with others. Resulting in more animals. Yup, even fish.
Month 2 (All biomes)Animals will stop breeding. Wolfs will hunt more animals this season than any other.
Month 3 (Warm biomes)Animals begin to migrate. They just are constantly moving in a pack with others of there kind. Bit harder to find.
Month 3 (Cold biomes)1/3 of unpinned animals will naturally die because of the cold. Bit harder to find.See how its evened out?This makes it so in Month 1 (the starter month) You get a hunting bonus.Month 2 a last chance for hunting.And month 3 harder to get food.
Before you create a world, you will have the options to choose what month you start in
(default is month 1.) And even tweak how much it will snow and rain and the animal behavior for each month.
Contributes Unclevertitle- Convinced me to make month 3 and 4 separate.
I aim to please ... and occasionally mentally scar. "Because it's your right as an American to butcher the English language."
This is my baby, please support her and get her into vanilla:
I read most of it, and I'm sold. I support! This is a greatly thought out idea and better than most season and better time suggestions I've seen around the forums.
I really like this! it is well thought out, very interesting, and kind of cool. maybe the months not be in the options for creating a world though, i think you should start in Month 1. i will be watching this, and i hope it gets implemented!
I read most of it, and I'm sold. I support! This is a greatly thought out idea and better than most season and better time suggestions I've seen around the forums.
I really like this! it is well thought out, very interesting, and kind of cool. maybe the months not be in the options for creating a world though, i think you should start in Month 1. i will be watching this, and i hope it gets implemented!
trying to post something rather lengthy but I freaking can't for some reason, so I will try to edit it into this post.
I like this topic so I will spend an abnormal amount of time here commenting on ins and outs.
First of all, I'd like to ask if animals naturally breed in month one or if baby animals spawn there by themselves. The latter seems very difficult to code but the first one doesn't feel like minecraft (and has been done in several mods I think?)
Trees growing naturally in month two have a similar problem. Are saplings automatically planted (and how?) or do trees spring up out of nowhere?
Why do crops grow faster in the cold month? This makes no sense, since most crops (especially the ones in the game) grow better in warm weather.
-It should rain sometimes in month three, in warmer biomes, or you could have a mix between rain and snow sometimes (is this easy to code?)
-Snow should melt (I think you assumed it would, I just want to clarify)
-If warm biome trees aren't affected, they shouldn't get snow, unless by warm biomes you mean just mesa, desert, and jungle.
-Fish will have a higher frequency when fishing in month 1, or am I missing the addition of a fish mob?
A very good idea! Also you can have the option in the Options menu where you can change it to "Australia" which is warmer in all biomes except Tundra.
Australia option...? What the hell? Besides the fact this is poorly named, I'd like to point out that you really can't tell how warm it is at all, and it doesn't matter, except in month three. I addressed this in my reply to the OP.
He's suggesting months. NOT SEASONS. Why don't you read the first post? Otherwise, it will be considered as a tl:dr post.
You're an idiot who didn't properly read the main post and I will not hesitate to explain why.
Here are some ways in which his suggestion is similar to seasons:
Also deals with temperature
Each month has its own weather type. And that kind of goes with the season idea.
Individually, months are not primarily concerned with temperature. Seasons are.
Just used to add [weather] variety between months.
Again, real "months" don't really have specific weather patterns. I've seen warm decembers in otherwise cold winters, and vice versa, and multiple other situations in which months have wide varieties of weather.
In month 1, all trees will be green. Month 2, trees in medium/cold biome turn colors (red, yellow, and orange). (Besides spruce trees that stay green.) Month 3, Leaves in some medium biomes turn brown, others just disappear, and the wood turns darker. All leaves in cold biome fall disappear (besides spruce.) Warm biomes not effected.
Seasons also concern the changing of leaves on trees. Months do not. In which month do leaves grow back, I might ask in addition?
Animal behavior: Month 1 (All biomes.)Animals will breed with others. Resulting in more animals. Yup, even fish.
Month 2 (All biomes)Animals will stop breeding. Wolfs will hunt more animals this season than any other.
Month 3 (Warm biomes)Animals begin to migrate. They just are constantly moving in a pack with others of there kind. Bit harder to find.
Month 3 (Cold biomes)1/3 of unpinned animals will naturally die because of the cold. Bit harder to find.See how its evened out?This makes it so in Month 1 (the starter month) You get a hunting bonus.Month 2 a last chance for hunting.And month 3 harder to get food.
In reality, animals do not all migrate/die of cold in the same month. They do, however, in the same season.
As you can see, the entire original post screams "seasons", not months, as many of the suggestions parallel features of seasons.
trying to post something rather lengthy but I freaking can't for some reason, so I will try to edit it into this post.
I like this topic so I will spend an abnormal amount of time here commenting on ins and outs.
First of all, I'd like to ask if animals naturally breed in month one or if baby animals spawn there by themselves. The latter seems very difficult to code but the first one doesn't feel like minecraft (and has been done in several mods I think?)
Trees growing naturally in month two have a similar problem. Are saplings automatically planted (and how?) or do trees spring up out of nowhere?
Why do crops grow faster in the cold month? This makes no sense, since most crops (especially the ones in the game) grow better in warm weather.
-It should rain sometimes in month three, in warmer biomes, or you could have a mix between rain and snow sometimes (is this easy to code?)
-Snow should melt (I think you assumed it would, I just want to clarify)
-If warm biome trees aren't affected, they shouldn't get snow, unless by warm biomes you mean just mesa, desert, and jungle.
-Fish will have a higher frequency when fishing in month 1, or am I missing the addition of a fish mob?
Australia option...? What the hell? Besides the fact this is poorly named, I'd like to point out that you really can't tell how warm it is at all, and it doesn't matter, except in month three. I addressed this in my reply to the OP.
You're an idiot who didn't properly read the main post and I will not hesitate to explain why.
Here are some ways in which his suggestion is similar to seasons:
Individually, months are not primarily concerned with temperature. Seasons are.
Again, real "months" don't really have specific weather patterns. I've seen warm decembers in otherwise cold winters, and vice versa, and multiple other situations in which months have wide varieties of weather.
Seasons also concern the changing of leaves on trees. Months do not. In which month do leaves grow back, I might ask in addition?
In reality, animals do not all migrate/die of cold in the same month. They do, however, in the same season.
As you can see, the entire original post screams "seasons", not months, as many of the suggestions parallel features of seasons.
Why would crops grow when it's colder? Makes sense to make them slower, imo.
Look I will answer your questions with:
its just a game. And guess what? Sometimes games do not need to make since. Like for new trees generating and harvest crops faster in the coldest month.
Yes these certainly are months, but in a game, were realism has no value, months can have seasonal attributes. (That goes with the weather and leaves changing and ect.)
And the months are inspired by weather of 3-4 selected months.
In month 1, baby animals just spawn in a group next to there "parents." They will quickly grow.
"All that matters is the price. That's what nobody gets. There’s always a price to pay for using the Objects. Whether you know it or not, there's always a price."
Months in minecraft will be 15 in game days each. Each month has its own weather type. And that kind of goes with the season idea. There should (like I said) only be 3 months. Maybe 4 or 5, but 3 sounds good. Not overwhelming, and not to little. And also like I said, they don't have to be named January or March or July or whatever, but should at least be inspired by them. The list below explains some things.
(Inspired by July) Month 1-
Summer weather. If you live in warm/medium places its usually sunny with maybe alittle bit of clouds. Barely rains. If you live in cold places, its still usually sunny. With a little clouds, and it does not snow, but rains in the cold spots. Also in cold biomes, ice unfreezes.Fish and other passive mobs are more abundant (breeding season) in month 1. So this is the key hunting month. Also, flowers grow more abundant cocoa beans on jungle trees are usually always ripe. In month one, you will find baby animals by there parents.
(Inspired by April) Month 2-
Spring weather. In warm places its usually pretty cloudy and it rains more often. In cold places its cloudy and instead of just raining, it also starts to snow alittle bit.Trees naturally grow in this month. For instance a forest may start with 12 trees, and after this month will end up with 24 trees.
(Inspired by October-) Month 3-
Fall weather. Leaves in medium and cold biomes will start to fall, besides the spruce tree. Oak and birch trees will go from green, to yellow, to orange, to red, to dark purple. You will see the leaves in the air and on the ground next to the trees. In warm biomes like mesa, desert, and even jungle it will get cloudy more often, and rain more at night.
In this month, land will be more fertile easier. And crops grow 10% faster.
(Inspired by November/December) Month 4-
Winter weather. In all biomes, hostile mobs spawn 10% more frequently. In cold biomes, it will constantly be snowing, and in medium it will snow every now and then.
25% of leaves in medium biomes disappear. And basically all leaves in cold biomes (besides spruce trees) disappear. And it will rain and rain in warm biomes (besides mesa and desert, where it only rains 25%.)
The sun will set 25% earlier than normal. And crops grow 10% slower.
Month 4 is truly the month your suppose to survive in.
In month 1, all trees will be green.
Month 2, trees in medium/cold biome turn colors (red, yellow, and orange). (Besides spruce trees that stay green.)
Month 3, Leaves in some medium biomes turn brown, others just disappear, and the wood turns darker. All leaves in cold biome fall disappear (besides spruce.) Warm biomes not effected.
How much snow fall does each biome get in month 3?
Savannah- Low
Tundra of any kind- Lots
Plains-It depends what biome is bordering it. If its closer to a desert, it will get low snowfall. If its close to a tundra, it will get medium snowfall.Well that's an idea on snowfall.
Animal behavior:
Month 1
(All biomes.)Animals will breed with others. Resulting in more animals. Yup, even fish.
Month 2
(All biomes)Animals will stop breeding. Wolfs will hunt more animals this season than any other.
Month 3
(Warm biomes)Animals begin to migrate. They just are constantly moving in a pack with others of there kind. Bit harder to find.
Month 3
(Cold biomes)1/3 of unpinned animals will naturally die because of the cold. Bit harder to find.See how its evened out?This makes it so in Month 1 (the starter month) You get a hunting bonus.Month 2 a last chance for hunting.And month 3 harder to get food.
Before you create a world, you will have the options to choose what month you start in
(default is month 1.) And even tweak how much it will snow and rain and the animal behavior for each month.
Unclevertitle- Convinced me to make month 3 and 4 separate.
Well thats the idea, hope you support.
I once heard someone say you could fight off the Ender Dragon with sticks. He was the smartest person I have ever met.
"Because it's your right as an American to butcher the English language."
This is my baby, please support her and get her into vanilla:
He's suggesting months. NOT SEASONS. Why don't you read the first post? Otherwise, it will be considered as a tl:dr post.
I support. This can be merged with the other seasons suggestions for MInecraft, and add realism to time.
I like this topic so I will spend an abnormal amount of time here commenting on ins and outs.
First of all, I'd like to ask if animals naturally breed in month one or if baby animals spawn there by themselves. The latter seems very difficult to code but the first one doesn't feel like minecraft (and has been done in several mods I think?)
Trees growing naturally in month two have a similar problem. Are saplings automatically planted (and how?) or do trees spring up out of nowhere?
Why do crops grow faster in the cold month? This makes no sense, since most crops (especially the ones in the game) grow better in warm weather.
-It should rain sometimes in month three, in warmer biomes, or you could have a mix between rain and snow sometimes (is this easy to code?)
-Snow should melt (I think you assumed it would, I just want to clarify)
-If warm biome trees aren't affected, they shouldn't get snow, unless by warm biomes you mean just mesa, desert, and jungle.
-Fish will have a higher frequency when fishing in month 1, or am I missing the addition of a fish mob?
Australia option...? What the hell? Besides the fact this is poorly named, I'd like to point out that you really can't tell how warm it is at all, and it doesn't matter, except in month three. I addressed this in my reply to the OP.
You're an idiot who didn't properly read the main post and I will not hesitate to explain why.
Here are some ways in which his suggestion is similar to seasons:
Individually, months are not primarily concerned with temperature. Seasons are.
Again, real "months" don't really have specific weather patterns. I've seen warm decembers in otherwise cold winters, and vice versa, and multiple other situations in which months have wide varieties of weather.
Seasons also concern the changing of leaves on trees. Months do not. In which month do leaves grow back, I might ask in addition?
In reality, animals do not all migrate/die of cold in the same month. They do, however, in the same season.
As you can see, the entire original post screams "seasons", not months, as many of the suggestions parallel features of seasons.
Why would crops grow when it's colder? Makes sense to make them slower, imo.
its just a game. And guess what? Sometimes games do not need to make since. Like for new trees generating and harvest crops faster in the coldest month.
Yes these certainly are months, but in a game, were realism has no value, months can have seasonal attributes. (That goes with the weather and leaves changing and ect.)
And the months are inspired by weather of 3-4 selected months.
In month 1, baby animals just spawn in a group next to there "parents." They will quickly grow.
and i say the months should be longer, 15 days seems short, even tho if this is added i'll be like "im so sick of winter, no! its only day 2!"
I once heard someone say you could fight off the Ender Dragon with sticks. He was the smartest person I have ever met.