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So we ALL want jetpacks in Minecraft, but they don't fit in! Minecraft is a game that could be set before jetpacks where made. But that doesn't mean we can't have jetpacks! Introducing Cola Jetpacks!
The first ingredient for the jetpack is cola, which is made with a water bottle and a sugar. You can also drink the cola. It would give you regeneration for 10 minutes but it will also give you nausea for 10 mins as well! You can also replace the sugar with gunpowder to get Sugar-Free Cola which does not give you nausea but only gives you regeneration for only 2 minutes!
Next is the jetpack. You need 2 cola next to each other to make a cola jetpack. Then you can craft as many cola jetpacks into the crafting square to multiply the time on the jetpack! You also make a Sugar-Free Cola jetpack, but you can't lift yourself up as much! Oh well, if you can't find sugar cane, it's just easier to kill a few creepers.
Now flying the jetpack. You put the jetpack on your torso (where the chestplates go). Then you can right click and you can fly! It's very hard to control your jetpack (because it is soda). You have the ability to fly for 1 and a half minutes, and after that you fall to the ground. While during your flight, you can right click to save your time. Then you can right click again to resume your time. If you multiplied your time, when your 1 and a half minute time ends, you can right click again to resume flying (you can do this for the number of times you multiplied).
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I once heard someone say you could fight off the Ender Dragon with sticks. He was the smartest person I have ever met.
Me and many other people in this forum do not want jetpacks in minecraft. Also, your cola is OP, not even regeneration potion is that good and it's already very expensive. Oh btw, just cause something sounds unreal and that would fit in candyland, doesn't mean it will fit in minecraft.
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heres the recipie for soda/cola basic ingredients:sugar,water and CARBONATION,
there is no carbonation in minecraft nor is there a way to get it with out making another item this just wouldnt fit in minecraft and jet packs are op because then hop on a skybase when ever you want
And heavily controllable flight in survival just doesn't work. I'm looking into an airship suggestion that remedies this, but this is just... ugh.
Regeneration for 10 minutes is overpowered, even if it comes with a nausea effect since it's practically impossible to die with regeneration on as long as you're not an idiot. Regeneration for 10 seconds maybe, but sugar and water doesn't make cola anyways. You need a third ingredient...
And jetpacks don't exactly fit Minecraft either. Why add a technology that we really haven't even mastered in real life?
Yes it is, in fact ANYTHING you post is troll material, that is simply because it came from you, and you are the one who chose that avatar name.
In short: Cola doesn't fit MC, jetpacks neither lol. No support. Get your head out of your cola. Also, isn't using cola to fly a One Piece rippoff or something? Also, badly explained, badly balanced, flagrantly overpowered. All you managed to do is look not like a troll, but like brain damaged or something. Better luck next time!
The first ingredient for the jetpack is cola, which is made with a water bottle and a sugar. You can also drink the cola. It would give you regeneration for 10 minutes but it will also give you nausea for 10 mins as well! You can also replace the sugar with gunpowder to get Sugar-Free Cola which does not give you nausea but only gives you regeneration for only 2 minutes!
Next is the jetpack. You need 2 cola next to each other to make a cola jetpack. Then you can craft as many cola jetpacks into the crafting square to multiply the time on the jetpack! You also make a Sugar-Free Cola jetpack, but you can't lift yourself up as much! Oh well, if you can't find sugar cane, it's just easier to kill a few creepers.
Now flying the jetpack. You put the jetpack on your torso (where the chestplates go). Then you can right click and you can fly! It's very hard to control your jetpack (because it is soda). You have the ability to fly for 1 and a half minutes, and after that you fall to the ground. While during your flight, you can right click to save your time. Then you can right click again to resume your time. If you multiplied your time, when your 1 and a half minute time ends, you can right click again to resume flying (you can do this for the number of times you multiplied).
I once heard someone say you could fight off the Ender Dragon with sticks. He was the smartest person I have ever met.
Me and many other people in this forum do not want jetpacks in minecraft. Also, your cola is OP, not even regeneration potion is that good and it's already very expensive. Oh btw, just cause something sounds unreal and that would fit in candyland, doesn't mean it will fit in minecraft.
there is no carbonation in minecraft nor is there a way to get it with out making another item this just wouldnt fit in minecraft and jet packs are op because then hop on a skybase when ever you want
*looks at username*
You... aren't very good at this. And you just openly saying "this fits minecraft!" is another dead giveaway. So yeah, nice try.
Soda doesn't fit even more that a jetpack doesn't.
(really soda gives you nausea for 10 minutes? wth!!!!!!!!!)
100% No Support! lol man!
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Carboats are awesome! Amphibious vehicles are greater than you!
An alternate timeline emerges.
However, we must first start from the beginning...
This steak is so rare I threw a masterball at it!
-Gordon Ramsay... maybe... someday?
Nope, he won't say it
No support.
And heavily controllable flight in survival just doesn't work. I'm looking into an airship suggestion that remedies this, but this is just... ugh.
Regeneration for 10 minutes is overpowered, even if it comes with a nausea effect since it's practically impossible to die with regeneration on as long as you're not an idiot. Regeneration for 10 seconds maybe, but sugar and water doesn't make cola anyways. You need a third ingredient...
And jetpacks don't exactly fit Minecraft either. Why add a technology that we really haven't even mastered in real life?
and I chose to add Colas, and not incredibly OP colas at that lol
Wow, your ego must be quite oversized to assume that you know what we all want and you get to decide for us!
Yes it is, in fact ANYTHING you post is troll material, that is simply because it came from you, and you are the one who chose that avatar name.
In short: Cola doesn't fit MC, jetpacks neither lol. No support. Get your head out of your cola. Also, isn't using cola to fly a One Piece rippoff or something? Also, badly explained, badly balanced, flagrantly overpowered. All you managed to do is look not like a troll, but like brain damaged or something. Better luck next time!