First I'd like to state that this is a new version of a topic I posted in May. The reasons I made a new topic are twofold:
1. The suggestion was improved and changed drastically by the post of Ouatcheur. If I changed that topic, the first replies wouldn't make sense, and the support they showed my original idea (which I feel was inferior to to improvements Ouatcheur make) may not extend to what I decided to change.
2. I waited a long time to post on that topic, because I needed to convince my brother to make a couple of textures for me. This took such a long time I was afraid I might necro the thread if I posted there again.
There you have it. If you, moderators, don't agree with my reasoning, I'm sorry and I will shut down this thread and keep posting on the old one.
My idea is to vastly change how trees work. To sum it up, trees would be able to plant themselves, grow from a sapling into a small bush, into a small tree, and into a large tree. Trees would have roots and branches, and players can hide in leaves. I will explain how everything works according to the trees life cycle.
1. The Sapling Stage
The sapling can be planted in two ways:
1. You place it. Nothing changes here, except the sapling doesn't pop out of the ground if the light level is too low.
2. It plants itself. This works like this:If a sapling is floating on the ground above a dirt or grass block, it has a 1 in 2 chance to plant itself instead of despawning after 5 minutes. It then starts a timer. If after 10 minutes it still hasn't started to grow, it destroys itself, not even dropping a sapling. (Note: This only happens with self-planted saplings. Your window boxes are fine.)There are only three things that stop a sapling from growing: No space, not enough light, or a tree core is within 5 blocks of it (We'll get to those in a second). When the sapling starts to grow, we go into:
2. The Bush Stage
This is a bush. As you can see, it is a leafy branch block with a tree core under it. Here, the texture for the tree core is a root block, but later it gets the texture of taproot. I will explain all this now:
All trees have a tree core to store information a tree needs: Eg. If it is alive or not. The tree core also hinders other trees from growing near it. The tree core replaces a dirt block when the sapling grows into a bush. This bush grows bigger in intervals, trying to grow a few times every minute, just like a tree in minecraft now. The roots also grow progressively bigger, but always stay smaller than the tree itself. If there is an obstacle for the branches or the roots, the bush/tree will attempt to grow around it, but if it cannot grow either up top or down bellow, both sides will stop. A big tree needs big roots.
This is the second stage of the bush.
And this is the third stage.
3. The Tree Stage
Here we have a small tree. As you can see, the only thing that has changed is that the branches acting as the tree trunk in the bush have been replaced by logs and that the tree core has taken the texture of a taproot block. As the tree grows bigger, it will follow a pattern that takes it through both (oak) tree types we have in Minecraft now, but only if there is room. The trunk will grow taller, the leafy branches you see on the side of the tree will be moved up and will eventually start to grow outwards.
Not every leaf block will be a leafy branch block. In fact, as the tree grows bigger, there comes a point where first leaves grow, then branches replace them, then (sometimes) these are again replaced by logs. The roots work in a similar manner, with the differences being that there are only two stages (taproot and root block) and that the taproots do not branch off. Normal leaves can only grow one to the side and one above a branch.
This is a medium sized tree without its roots and with its leaves removed.
You may think this will cause a lot of lag; The reason it does not do this is because the intervals that a tree grows at are spaced at a reasonable degree, and much less blocks are placed/replaced every time than when a regular tree grows. And you need to remember this: All trees generated are fully grown according to the algorithm that the tree grows at.
Only if a new tree is planted will a tree start to grow. This obviously includes saplings, but remember: If a player cuts down a tree, he usually collects all the saplings, and even if he doesn't, as soon as one grows into a bush, the others can't if they are within 5 blocks of it.
If a tree is fully grown or can't grow any further, the tree core changes the intervals that it tries to grow from one or two times per minute to once every 30 minutes. If the tree can grow then, the core flips the interval times back. The core also flips back if the tree is damaged.
If a tree is damaged, it will react differently depending on which blocks that were broken. If a leaf, branch, or root block is broken, it will grow back the next interval. If a log or taproot is broken which is not within three blocks of the core, the tree will also attempt to grow it back. If a root block, branch, log or tapwood is broken, the blocks connected to it will start to decay. This also happens if a log or tapwood within 3 blocks of the core is broken, or if the core itself ifs destroyed.
The tree dissolves like how leaves decay now, but slower, so as to not make this a viable way of cutting down trees if you are pressed for time. The roots decay back into earth blocks, dropping nothing.While it takes longer for a tree to grow, the amount of wood it yields in the end is far larger through branches and (possibly, if you don't mind holes in the ground) roots.
I will now talk about each new block in detail:
1. The Tree Core
This is the tree core. It can either have the texture of taproot (for the tree stage; left) or of a root block (for the bush stage; right). If you break it, the tree dies and starts to decay. It is always directly underneath the tree trunck, one block in the earth. It drops anything that the blocks from which it derives its textures from drop. The recomended tool to break it is an axe. Silk touch does not work on it.
2. Taproot
Taproot is the root equivalent of logs. It grows strait down from the tree core. Roots grow from it. It decays into dirt. The recommended tool to break it is an axe, but it is tougher than normal wood, and as such takes a bit longer to break. It is crafted in the same way as wooden logs, yielding 4 planks.
3. Branches and roots
Branches and roots are most often seen with their respective outer coating (leaves or dirt). They can lose these, though. Branches could lose their leaves in winter (I will explain this more below) and roots will definitely not have dirt on the outside if they grow into air (a cave, for example).
An axe is the best tool to break either one, though if you want them without the covering, you first use some shears on the leafy branch or a shovel on the root, giving a normal root. Branches and roots can be placed like logs, but will only connect to each other if placed directly (a bit like hoppers). They also grow like this. I will repeat the image of the tree above, so you can see what I mean.
As you can see, the branches "stretch" a bit to connect. They don't connect automatically, otherwise this would result in loops. This lets branches and roots run parallel. There is even enough space between parallel branches for a player to walk between them. Sometimes, a branch is low enough for you to jump onto it: This may let you climb the tree, if there is room to navigate through the branches.
Branches (leafy and normal) and roots(dirty and normal) drop themselves. Both can be crafted into one plank per item. Leads can also attach to branches, like with fences.
I only addressed oak trees in this suggestion, for simplicity's' sake, but I can tell you the birch trees would be the same, pines would have smaller roots and jungle trees would have one core in one of the four corners and have very wide, but not very deep roots. These trees would also differ in the range that a sapling can grow with proximity to a core block.
That is more or less how trees work, but I have one more addition and one change that I think would be useful:
The addition:
Players can walk through leaves and the leafy bits of branches. This makes traversing through forests much easier, but not too easy, as the branches should still hinder you. This is realistic enough, because IRL you can push away leaves, but not if there is a branch in the way. This way, you can also hide in the leaves.You can still walk on top of trees, because of how many branches there are, but you will sink in.
The change:
Bonemeal can still be used on trees, but now you use 1-2 per stage. It may cost more than it did you originally, but you do get more wood out of it.
Possible additions
These are additions that I personally approve of, but could see that some players could have a problem with them.
Seasons: This is not an idea to add seasons. The idea is, that, in whatever form seasons are added, trees change the colour of their leaves in autumn, lose them in winter and regrow them in spring. This has been suggested time and time before, but this gives a way of doing it realistically, by not having the data be stored in the leaf blocks themselves.
Leaves could sometimes drop sticks and/or it becomes impossible to get logs by breaking them with your fists. Instead you'd have to break the branches. This give axes a boost in necessity. (Original idea by Kilyle.)
This is the list of ASAs, or Already Stated Arguments, the list of arguments for this suggestion I have already stated to other people. It differs slightly from an FAQ because most people didn't really ask questions.
Argument: It makes future trees much more confusing.
Counterargument: It does, but also makes them more adaptable to certain gameplay features such as losing and regrowing leaves, allowing the player to have more influence on how a tree grows, allowing trees to really grow along, over and through the landscape and stopping leaves being such a hindrance in forests.
Argument: It breaks automatic tree farms.
Counterargument: Branches can be broken with pistons, I would imagine, but a BUD switch would need to be moved to the top of the farm, this is correct.
Argument: Leaf floors would need ugly branches.
Counterargument: This is true, though you can dispute if branches are really ugly. However, while this is outside the scope of this suggestion, a new recipe could be added, perhaps combining leaves and sticks, to get the old, solid leaves back.
Possible crafting recipes:
Gives 5 solid leaves.
Gives 4 solid leaves.
Another partial solution to this, which I feel could be added along with the solution above, is to press shift to stop falling through leaf blocks. This both allows easier navigation over the tops of trees, as well as letting leaves break your fall if you press shift quick enough. (Thank you to FallaciousFoxtrot for this idea)
Argument: Your textures are ugly.
Counterargument: Tough, you'll just have to live with them. I'm joking, of course: Mojang will use their own textures if they decide this is a good idea. The ones I have now are just there so you can get an idea of what the new blocks may look like.
Argument: Currently growth patterns and growth rates are among the most needy processes in keeping a minecraft server up. Wouldn't this make it a lot harder to keep a server running?
Counterargument:As far as I can tell, no, not a lot harder. The trees would at most grow at a slightly quicker rate per stage than they do now. As trees only have two stages now - saplings and grown trees - this means the new tree growth makes the tree grow much slower, which I compensated for by letting the tree drop more wood trough its branches. However, it does mean the trees take longer to stop growing, so there could be a minor increase, along with the just ever so slightly quicker ticks, but this could be optimized by Mojang; Different parts could grow more or less quicker, for example.
The supporter list:
People who directly stated their support:
NickJ57402 Scimiguy - Created the Banner.
AngryPengin (1/2 support)
There is an awesome banner for this, created by Scimiguy:
Copy it, if you will, if you support this suggestion! Also, try pressing that little green button in the bottom right, if you do. I helps me see who supports this, even if you don't want to post.
Here is another great suggestion on improving trees, which focuses more on the amount of tree types and more biome specific trees. I advise you to check it out!
I love it. Totally support. Now I can hop around trees like a ninja. One question though: Doesn't this make bonemeal useless on trees and break tree farms.
I love it. Totally support. Now I can hop around trees like a ninja. One question though: Doesn't this make bonemeal useless on trees and break tree farms.
Oops, forgot about that. I meant to make 1-2 bonemeal be used for each stage. I will add that.
Well, If tree farms use blocks under them, otherwise not really, no.
I'm talking about the mechanical redstone tree farms. They're pretty useful.
I'm guessing you mean the ones with pistons. Since they work with bud-switches, some of them could well be broken, I guess, but to fix that all the players would need to do is have a bud-switch right at the top, so it is only acctivated if the tree is large enough.
Could you tell me why you dislike the core and the branches?
The tree core is not needed and is quite ugly, and branches are not needed either as well as now it would be more difficult to climb trees in minecraft. Wood blocks are fine, and if you want branches have a few logs stick out of the side of trees.
I think this would be ok if you want branches or if Mojang wants to implement them.
The tree core is not needed and is quite ugly, and branches are not needed either as well as now it would be more difficult to climb trees in minecraft. Wood blocks are fine, and if you want branches have a few logs stick out of the side of trees.
I think this would be ok if you want branches or if Mojang wants to implement them.
Ok, let me explain. First, the tree core itself cannot be ugly, because it takes the texture from either the taproot or the root block. If you think these textures are ugly, I can understand that, but those wouldn't be the textures Mojang uses. I just had my brother make them to give an impression of what they could look like.
The tree core is very needed, because it stores all the information about the tree (wether or not it is growing, any speical algorithm that make the tree unique, if the tree is alive or not, etc.)
The branches are needed for a few reasons:
1. To keep it at least a little difficult for a player to walk through a forest, and not just let him basicly ignore the trees except for the trunk.
2. To make the tree look better if winter is added and it loses its leaves.
3. To give the player more wood, in exchange for having hime wait longer/use more bonemeal for the tree to grow.
I admit, climbing through trees would be a little more difficult, but not much. You just need to stay on the branches.
Also do breaking branches drop like sticks or something? And what would you get for breaking taproot.
Branches drop branches and taproot drops taproot. Branches can be turned into two planks, while taproot can be turned into four. There may be a rare drop someday; On the other thread someone suggested knotted sticks, to use for magic, but that's a little out of my spectrum at the moment.
Its a cool idea, but maybe branches could be crafted into sticks instead of wooden planks. I support!
Thank you! I did think about it, but as the branches offer the advantage of more wood to balance to slower growth of a tree, I don't think it would be a good idea.
Modest Texturer, Modeler, and Idea Provider. Can someone buy me Terraria, Borderlands 2, Goat Simulator, or Dead Island? Check my Profile for my contents, which includes a(n outdated) texture pack and a mod request! OcD Simple Add-On!
1. The suggestion was improved and changed drastically by the post of Ouatcheur. If I changed that topic, the first replies wouldn't make sense, and the support they showed my original idea (which I feel was inferior to to improvements Ouatcheur make) may not extend to what I decided to change.
2. I waited a long time to post on that topic, because I needed to convince my brother to make a couple of textures for me. This took such a long time I was afraid I might necro the thread if I posted there again.
There you have it. If you, moderators, don't agree with my reasoning, I'm sorry and I will shut down this thread and keep posting on the old one.
My idea is to vastly change how trees work. To sum it up, trees would be able to plant themselves, grow from a sapling into a small bush, into a small tree, and into a large tree. Trees would have roots and branches, and players can hide in leaves. I will explain how everything works according to the trees life cycle.
1. The Sapling Stage
1. You place it. Nothing changes here, except the sapling doesn't pop out of the ground if the light level is too low.
2. It plants itself. This works like this:If a sapling is floating on the ground above a dirt or grass block, it has a 1 in 2 chance to plant itself instead of despawning after 5 minutes. It then starts a timer. If after 10 minutes it still hasn't started to grow, it destroys itself, not even dropping a sapling. (Note: This only happens with self-planted saplings. Your window boxes are fine.)There are only three things that stop a sapling from growing: No space, not enough light, or a tree core is within 5 blocks of it (We'll get to those in a second). When the sapling starts to grow, we go into:
2. The Bush Stage
This is a bush. As you can see, it is a leafy branch block with a tree core under it. Here, the texture for the tree core is a root block, but later it gets the texture of taproot. I will explain all this now:
All trees have a tree core to store information a tree needs: Eg. If it is alive or not. The tree core also hinders other trees from growing near it. The tree core replaces a dirt block when the sapling grows into a bush. This bush grows bigger in intervals, trying to grow a few times every minute, just like a tree in minecraft now. The roots also grow progressively bigger, but always stay smaller than the tree itself. If there is an obstacle for the branches or the roots, the bush/tree will attempt to grow around it, but if it cannot grow either up top or down bellow, both sides will stop. A big tree needs big roots.
This is the second stage of the bush.
And this is the third stage.
3. The Tree Stage
Here we have a small tree. As you can see, the only thing that has changed is that the branches acting as the tree trunk in the bush have been replaced by logs and that the tree core has taken the texture of a taproot block. As the tree grows bigger, it will follow a pattern that takes it through both (oak) tree types we have in Minecraft now, but only if there is room. The trunk will grow taller, the leafy branches you see on the side of the tree will be moved up and will eventually start to grow outwards.
Not every leaf block will be a leafy branch block. In fact, as the tree grows bigger, there comes a point where first leaves grow, then branches replace them, then (sometimes) these are again replaced by logs. The roots work in a similar manner, with the differences being that there are only two stages (taproot and root block) and that the taproots do not branch off. Normal leaves can only grow one to the side and one above a branch.
This is a medium sized tree without its roots and with its leaves removed.
You may think this will cause a lot of lag; The reason it does not do this is because the intervals that a tree grows at are spaced at a reasonable degree, and much less blocks are placed/replaced every time than when a regular tree grows. And you need to remember this: All trees generated are fully grown according to the algorithm that the tree grows at.
Only if a new tree is planted will a tree start to grow. This obviously includes saplings, but remember: If a player cuts down a tree, he usually collects all the saplings, and even if he doesn't, as soon as one grows into a bush, the others can't if they are within 5 blocks of it.
If a tree is fully grown or can't grow any further, the tree core changes the intervals that it tries to grow from one or two times per minute to once every 30 minutes. If the tree can grow then, the core flips the interval times back. The core also flips back if the tree is damaged.
If a tree is damaged, it will react differently depending on which blocks that were broken. If a leaf, branch, or root block is broken, it will grow back the next interval. If a log or taproot is broken which is not within three blocks of the core, the tree will also attempt to grow it back. If a root block, branch, log or tapwood is broken, the blocks connected to it will start to decay. This also happens if a log or tapwood within 3 blocks of the core is broken, or if the core itself ifs destroyed.
The tree dissolves like how leaves decay now, but slower, so as to not make this a viable way of cutting down trees if you are pressed for time. The roots decay back into earth blocks, dropping nothing.While it takes longer for a tree to grow, the amount of wood it yields in the end is far larger through branches and (possibly, if you don't mind holes in the ground) roots.
I will now talk about each new block in detail:
1. The Tree Core
This is the tree core. It can either have the texture of taproot (for the tree stage; left) or of a root block (for the bush stage; right). If you break it, the tree dies and starts to decay. It is always directly underneath the tree trunck, one block in the earth. It drops anything that the blocks from which it derives its textures from drop. The recomended tool to break it is an axe. Silk touch does not work on it.
2. Taproot
Taproot is the root equivalent of logs. It grows strait down from the tree core. Roots grow from it. It decays into dirt. The recommended tool to break it is an axe, but it is tougher than normal wood, and as such takes a bit longer to break. It is crafted in the same way as wooden logs, yielding 4 planks.
3. Branches and roots
Branches and roots are most often seen with their respective outer coating (leaves or dirt). They can lose these, though. Branches could lose their leaves in winter (I will explain this more below) and roots will definitely not have dirt on the outside if they grow into air (a cave, for example).
An axe is the best tool to break either one, though if you want them without the covering, you first use some shears on the leafy branch or a shovel on the root, giving a normal root. Branches and roots can be placed like logs, but will only connect to each other if placed directly (a bit like hoppers). They also grow like this. I will repeat the image of the tree above, so you can see what I mean.
As you can see, the branches "stretch" a bit to connect. They don't connect automatically, otherwise this would result in loops. This lets branches and roots run parallel. There is even enough space between parallel branches for a player to walk between them. Sometimes, a branch is low enough for you to jump onto it: This may let you climb the tree, if there is room to navigate through the branches.
Branches (leafy and normal) and roots(dirty and normal) drop themselves. Both can be crafted into one plank per item. Leads can also attach to branches, like with fences.
I only addressed oak trees in this suggestion, for simplicity's' sake, but I can tell you the birch trees would be the same, pines would have smaller roots and jungle trees would have one core in one of the four corners and have very wide, but not very deep roots. These trees would also differ in the range that a sapling can grow with proximity to a core block.
That is more or less how trees work, but I have one more addition and one change that I think would be useful:
The addition:
Players can walk through leaves and the leafy bits of branches. This makes traversing through forests much easier, but not too easy, as the branches should still hinder you. This is realistic enough, because IRL you can push away leaves, but not if there is a branch in the way. This way, you can also hide in the leaves.You can still walk on top of trees, because of how many branches there are, but you will sink in.
The change:
Bonemeal can still be used on trees, but now you use 1-2 per stage. It may cost more than it did you originally, but you do get more wood out of it.
Possible additions
These are additions that I personally approve of, but could see that some players could have a problem with them.
Seasons: This is not an idea to add seasons. The idea is, that, in whatever form seasons are added, trees change the colour of their leaves in autumn, lose them in winter and regrow them in spring. This has been suggested time and time before, but this gives a way of doing it realistically, by not having the data be stored in the leaf blocks themselves.
Leaves could sometimes drop sticks and/or it becomes impossible to get logs by breaking them with your fists. Instead you'd have to break the branches. This give axes a boost in necessity. (Original idea by Kilyle.)
This is the list of ASAs, or Already Stated Arguments, the list of arguments for this suggestion I have already stated to other people. It differs slightly from an FAQ because most people didn't really ask questions.
Argument: It makes future trees much more confusing.
Counterargument: It does, but also makes them more adaptable to certain gameplay features such as losing and regrowing leaves, allowing the player to have more influence on how a tree grows, allowing trees to really grow along, over and through the landscape and stopping leaves being such a hindrance in forests.
Argument: It breaks automatic tree farms.
Counterargument: Branches can be broken with pistons, I would imagine, but a BUD switch would need to be moved to the top of the farm, this is correct.
Argument: Leaf floors would need ugly branches.
Counterargument: This is true, though you can dispute if branches are really ugly. However, while this is outside the scope of this suggestion, a new recipe could be added, perhaps combining leaves and sticks, to get the old, solid leaves back.
Possible crafting recipes:
Gives 5 solid leaves.
Gives 4 solid leaves.
Another partial solution to this, which I feel could be added along with the solution above, is to press shift to stop falling through leaf blocks. This both allows easier navigation over the tops of trees, as well as letting leaves break your fall if you press shift quick enough. (Thank you to FallaciousFoxtrot for this idea)
Argument: Your textures are ugly.
Counterargument: Tough, you'll just have to live with them. I'm joking, of course: Mojang will use their own textures if they decide this is a good idea. The ones I have now are just there so you can get an idea of what the new blocks may look like.
Argument: Currently growth patterns and growth rates are among the most needy processes in keeping a minecraft server up. Wouldn't this make it a lot harder to keep a server running?
Counterargument: As far as I can tell, no, not a lot harder. The trees would at most grow at a slightly quicker rate per stage than they do now. As trees only have two stages now - saplings and grown trees - this means the new tree growth makes the tree grow much slower, which I compensated for by letting the tree drop more wood trough its branches. However, it does mean the trees take longer to stop growing, so there could be a minor increase, along with the just ever so slightly quicker ticks, but this could be optimized by Mojang; Different parts could grow more or less quicker, for example.
The supporter list:
People who directly stated their support:
Scimiguy - Created the Banner.
AngryPengin (1/2 support)
People who gave me a reputation point (has precedence over the tally above):
Ouatcheur - The origin of a lot of ideas in this suggestion.
There is an awesome banner for this, created by Scimiguy:
Copy it, if you will, if you support this suggestion! Also, try pressing that little green button in the bottom right, if you do. I helps me see who supports this, even if you don't want to post.
Here is another great suggestion on improving trees, which focuses more on the amount of tree types and more biome specific trees. I advise you to check it out!
Oops, forgot about that. I meant to make 1-2 bonemeal be used for each stage. I will add that.
Well, If tree farms use blocks under them, otherwise not really, no.
I'm guessing you mean the ones with pistons. Since they work with bud-switches, some of them could well be broken, I guess, but to fix that all the players would need to do is have a bud-switch right at the top, so it is only acctivated if the tree is large enough.
Anyway, thanks for supporting this suggestion.
I know it is a bit complicated, but it does not require much input from players to funktion, so that balances out.
Could you tell me why you dislike the core and the branches?
I think this would be ok if you want branches or if Mojang wants to implement them.
Ok, let me explain. First, the tree core itself cannot be ugly, because it takes the texture from either the taproot or the root block. If you think these textures are ugly, I can understand that, but those wouldn't be the textures Mojang uses. I just had my brother make them to give an impression of what they could look like.
The tree core is very needed, because it stores all the information about the tree (wether or not it is growing, any speical algorithm that make the tree unique, if the tree is alive or not, etc.)
The branches are needed for a few reasons:
1. To keep it at least a little difficult for a player to walk through a forest, and not just let him basicly ignore the trees except for the trunk.
2. To make the tree look better if winter is added and it loses its leaves.
3. To give the player more wood, in exchange for having hime wait longer/use more bonemeal for the tree to grow.
I admit, climbing through trees would be a little more difficult, but not much. You just need to stay on the branches.
Thank you for the support! I don't know about biomes, sorry. Though it would be cool to have them transition more smoothly.
Branches drop branches and taproot drops taproot. Branches can be turned into two planks, while taproot can be turned into four. There may be a rare drop someday; On the other thread someone suggested knotted sticks, to use for magic, but that's a little out of my spectrum at the moment.
Play minecraft.
Thank you! I did think about it, but as the branches offer the advantage of more wood to balance to slower growth of a tree, I don't think it would be a good idea.
Thank you! He'll be glad to hear that!
If anyone wants to make a better one, be my guest (PLEASE!).
OcD Simple Add-On!