Loot, as it stands, is basically a random assortment of items within a chest, with seemingly very few restrictions on what I get and where.
This makes little sense; why am I able to get the same items regardless of what kind of structure I'm in? And it's not as rewarding; music discs, leads, and saddles are nice, but they don't live up to their potential. Let's change that:
I propose reworking the loot system; reorganizing how the loot is distributed and adding a few items which would be worth having.
A small addition is that of mob heads; skeleton heads a majority of the time, but other mob heads occasionally have a chance of spawning inside dungeons and strongholds.
The main addition is that of weapons/armor. Not just basic swords, but named, attributed, and sometimes enchanted armor.
These items are basically an assortment of several names, attributes, and enchantments that can go on to weapons and armor within the chests. Please note, mine are just examples, and I don't favor having these specific items.
Wooden swords with higher durability, stone swords with lower durability, and bows can all generate. They are either unnamed or named, enchanted, or attributed.
Loot is currently not too reliant on where it spawns; let's change this as well. Let's make it so that now some structures have preferences as to what spawn. Here are the examples I've created so far, and I will be adding more: Dungeons:
Dungeons have a higher chance of spawning weapons, as they are combat-based due to the mob spawner. They have an average chance of spawning "dead" objects, such as bones and string, and retain the ability to generate with music discs inside.
Strongholds are similar to dungeons; they spawn an average amount of "dead" loot like strings and bones, but they have an average chance of spawning weapons and a higher chance of spawning armors. Furthermore, Strongholds are very likely to contain enchanted books, more so than the other structures.
Villages, as I already mentioned, will not generate "dead" loot, but instead "live" loot, such as wood planks or sticks. They are more likely to generate food, raw and cooked, as well as seeds, than any other structure. They also spawn saddles a great deal more often, and since villagers are usually above ground and easier to locate than dungeons, this makes saddles a great deal easier to get. Weapons are rare, and you're more likely to encounter passive tools such as axes or picks, generally stone, less likely iron, with a chance of being enchanted and named, but not attributed.
*Note: the pick's "+3 Attack Damage" is the natural attribute for an iron pick. By "not spawning with attributes" I mean extra attributes that aren't normally in the game.
Mineshafts already spawn ore for the most part. This is good, and I want to mainly keep it this way; it makes logical sense and provides valuables to loot from these chests. However, one thing I do want to see is highly enchanted picks, low durability iron tools and only slightly higher durability gold tools. Mineshafts can also spawn cobwebs in stacks of one each time, to make the chest look older.
Witch huts:
Witch huts currently do not spawn with a chest. This is decent enough because Witches drop such good loot, but it doesn't necessarily reward for the exploration as it does for the grinding of Witches. So, for Witch Huts, I'm saying give them a lesser chance of spawning with a chest inside. This chest will contain mostly rotten flesh, poison potatoes, and "Dead" loot, but also have a small chance of containing water bottles, and an even smaller chance of containing tier one harmful potions (Potions of Poison or Potions of Weakness, and never in their splash form).
Stronghold Libraries:
Because they differ so much from the rest of the stronghold, I'm designating these as their own structure. They also currently spawn with decent loot, so not much changes. There are some additions, however, such as that of renamed books and quills (doesn't have to be renamed, but I suggest renaming them "Diary". None of them are actually written in). Nametags, also, spawn here the most frequently out of all structures.
Jungle Temples:
Jungle temples were difficult to think of how to rework them, but their redstone traps and their location give me a decent enough idea of how to go about it; mossy cobble/vines make up a majority of the bad loot, while redstone, strings, tripwires, and arrows can be included. Occasionally, axes and picks with lower durability which may be attributed, but not enchanted. Desert temples and Jungle temples spawn more emeralds than any other structure.
Desert Temples:
Desert temples were also difficult, but I ended up with the idea that Desert Temples spawn things such as zombie heads, lapis blocks, and colored wool; mainly decoration. Ingots can also spawn commonly, as well as low-durability shovels and picks. Desert Temples and Jungle Temples spawn more emeralds than any other structure.
*Note, the contents of this chest represents the contents of one of the chests generated in a Desert Temple
Nether Fortress:
Nether Fortresses, being the most difficult to enter and navigate due to Wither Skeletons, Blazes, lava, and Ghasts, have rare, high-powered weapons and sometimes armor, as well as higher-tiered "harmful" enchanted books (Thorns, Fire Aspect, Smite, II and III). Gold and "fiery" objects such as fire charges and blaze powder are common, and less commonly there's Nether quartz and rarely, ghast tears.
List of possible weapon/armors:
This list is not unchangeable, items can be added, removed, renamed, re-attributed, re-enchanted, and so on by Mojang or by people on this thread. They are merely my suggestions.
Rarity: Common, can be found in dungeons, strongholds, nether fortresses. This is the most common bow type.
Durability: Full
Enchantments: Punch I
Attributes: Attack Damage +5
Rarity: Common, found in dungeons, strongholds, and nether fortresses. This is the most common sword type.
Tier: Stone
Durability: 1/3 of full durability
Enchantments: None
Attributes: Attack Damage +10
Rarity: Rare, only spawns in Nether Fortresses and at a very low chance.
Tier: Stone
Durability: About 2/3 of full durability
Enchantments: Fire Aspect II
Attributes: Knockback resistance +1, Attack Damage +9
Rarity: Uncommon, found rarely in dungeons and uncommonly in strongholds.
Tier: Chain
Durability: Full
Enchantments: None
Attributes: Knockback resistance -1, Speed +0.1
Rarity: Uncommon, only found in villages and abandoned mineshafts
Tier: Stone
Durability: 1/3 of full durability
Enchantments: Efficiency I
Attributes: None
Rarity: Uncommon, only found in abandoned mineshafts
Tier: Gold
Durability: About 1/3 of full durability
Enchantments: Efficiency II, Fortune I
Attributes: None
sounds like you've got one big idea! but wouldn't that take a bit of time to program?
Not necessarily. The main issue is specifying what items get what attributes, names, and enchantments, but even that is stuff that I could probably do if I put my mind to it.
It doesn't necessarily have change anything about the loot spawning algorithm, that would just be the OCD-organized way of doing it, if you make it very basic, it just alters the lists of what can already spawn.
i really like the concept of having kind of "special" weapons and items generating in certain places. my only suggestion is that the kind of loot also relies on how common or uncommon the structure that the chest generates in is, that way you could get better weapons/armour in a nether fortress which takes longer to get to, than a mineshaft which are fairly common and only require digging to find.
Hence why I said that the structure determines the probability; this can be easily altered to also tell the game that higher-powered weapons appear more likely in certain structures.
I like it. A lot. I think one of the big hindrances of exploring is you don't have a reason to look for a specific thing. Anything can be found in any structure for the most part. So this is a good change.
What about Jungle Temples and Desert Temples?
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I like it. A lot. I think one of the big hindrances of exploring is you don't have a reason to look for a specific thing. Anything can be found in any structure for the most part. So this is a good change.
What about Jungle Temples and Desert Temples?
Working on them. I'm thinking Jungle temples and Desert temples will have higher emerald spawns, and I have a few other ideas in mind.
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[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
Yes loots should get distributed and it should be as random as it is now. Eg: Strongholds are rare and hard to find, so I would suggest adding 5-8 diamonds in stronghold chests.
This is such a good idea, and you explain it so well . It seems like everything you say makes perfect logical sense, and i'm wondering why this isn't already in the game, because you make it sound so obvious. Full support and my compliments!
The idea of finding such weapons - more RPG style - is appealing. Only issue is, you need to come up with them. Like, are we going to end up having a wiki of the different types, or?
I was thinking a random assortment of names and then randomized attributes and enchantments. So the "Runed Blade" in the first picture would be named that, and it's +10 attack damage would be some random attribute with some random number between 1 and 10 (anything else I tested was rather overkill), and it may have some enchantment. As a result, there may be limited names, but not necessarily limited weapons and armor. Furthermore, if they were made a .txt file like splashes, they could be edited and added to in Resource Packs.
The problem is that you would have to specify the armor type within the .txt, maybe written as:
With this system, you don't need to define each item individually every time and you can define item by just their type (which could apply to any item of that type) or subtype which could define items by tier (for any item of that type and subtype). That could be implemented by attaching a subtype tag to weapons and armor so it could be compatible with mod added items as long as they define the subtype.
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I love this.
I can tell a LOT of time and effort went into making this post and I really like the idea.
Not only does this add another factor of mystery to the game, it gives an incentive to explore and pillage.
It makes the player think twice about opening the chest, simply because he/she is wondering what they're going to get.
I like this idea a lot and would love to see it get implemented.
I like it, but may I ask why you added zombie heads to the desert temple loot?
It seemed similar to mummies/mummified remains. Although I also thought about Creeper heads or having it spawn any kind of head (except Wither skeletons) but I wasn't sure, so I went with Zombies as a generic. Which do you think is better?
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[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
Wow. All of these make perfect sense. If this was added, an explorer would know just what to look for if they wanted specific loot. I thought this was going to be mob drops, but this is a whole lot better. Nice detail and pictures as well.
This makes little sense; why am I able to get the same items regardless of what kind of structure I'm in? And it's not as rewarding; music discs, leads, and saddles are nice, but they don't live up to their potential. Let's change that:
I propose reworking the loot system; reorganizing how the loot is distributed and adding a few items which would be worth having.
A small addition is that of mob heads; skeleton heads a majority of the time, but other mob heads occasionally have a chance of spawning inside dungeons and strongholds.
The main addition is that of weapons/armor. Not just basic swords, but named, attributed, and sometimes enchanted armor.
These items are basically an assortment of several names, attributes, and enchantments that can go on to weapons and armor within the chests. Please note, mine are just examples, and I don't favor having these specific items.
Wooden swords with higher durability, stone swords with lower durability, and bows can all generate. They are either unnamed or named, enchanted, or attributed.
Loot is currently not too reliant on where it spawns; let's change this as well. Let's make it so that now some structures have preferences as to what spawn. Here are the examples I've created so far, and I will be adding more:
Dungeons have a higher chance of spawning weapons, as they are combat-based due to the mob spawner. They have an average chance of spawning "dead" objects, such as bones and string, and retain the ability to generate with music discs inside.
Strongholds are similar to dungeons; they spawn an average amount of "dead" loot like strings and bones, but they have an average chance of spawning weapons and a higher chance of spawning armors. Furthermore, Strongholds are very likely to contain enchanted books, more so than the other structures.
Villages, as I already mentioned, will not generate "dead" loot, but instead "live" loot, such as wood planks or sticks. They are more likely to generate food, raw and cooked, as well as seeds, than any other structure. They also spawn saddles a great deal more often, and since villagers are usually above ground and easier to locate than dungeons, this makes saddles a great deal easier to get. Weapons are rare, and you're more likely to encounter passive tools such as axes or picks, generally stone, less likely iron, with a chance of being enchanted and named, but not attributed.
*Note: the pick's "+3 Attack Damage" is the natural attribute for an iron pick. By "not spawning with attributes" I mean extra attributes that aren't normally in the game.
Mineshafts already spawn ore for the most part. This is good, and I want to mainly keep it this way; it makes logical sense and provides valuables to loot from these chests. However, one thing I do want to see is highly enchanted picks, low durability iron tools and only slightly higher durability gold tools. Mineshafts can also spawn cobwebs in stacks of one each time, to make the chest look older.
Witch huts:
Witch huts currently do not spawn with a chest. This is decent enough because Witches drop such good loot, but it doesn't necessarily reward for the exploration as it does for the grinding of Witches. So, for Witch Huts, I'm saying give them a lesser chance of spawning with a chest inside. This chest will contain mostly rotten flesh, poison potatoes, and "Dead" loot, but also have a small chance of containing water bottles, and an even smaller chance of containing tier one harmful potions (Potions of Poison or Potions of Weakness, and never in their splash form).
Stronghold Libraries:
Because they differ so much from the rest of the stronghold, I'm designating these as their own structure. They also currently spawn with decent loot, so not much changes. There are some additions, however, such as that of renamed books and quills (doesn't have to be renamed, but I suggest renaming them "Diary". None of them are actually written in). Nametags, also, spawn here the most frequently out of all structures.
Jungle Temples:
Jungle temples were difficult to think of how to rework them, but their redstone traps and their location give me a decent enough idea of how to go about it; mossy cobble/vines make up a majority of the bad loot, while redstone, strings, tripwires, and arrows can be included. Occasionally, axes and picks with lower durability which may be attributed, but not enchanted. Desert temples and Jungle temples spawn more emeralds than any other structure.
Desert Temples:
Desert temples were also difficult, but I ended up with the idea that Desert Temples spawn things such as zombie heads, lapis blocks, and colored wool; mainly decoration. Ingots can also spawn commonly, as well as low-durability shovels and picks. Desert Temples and Jungle Temples spawn more emeralds than any other structure.
*Note, the contents of this chest represents the contents of one of the chests generated in a Desert Temple
Nether Fortress:
Nether Fortresses, being the most difficult to enter and navigate due to Wither Skeletons, Blazes, lava, and Ghasts, have rare, high-powered weapons and sometimes armor, as well as higher-tiered "harmful" enchanted books (Thorns, Fire Aspect, Smite, II and III). Gold and "fiery" objects such as fire charges and blaze powder are common, and less commonly there's Nether quartz and rarely, ghast tears.
List of possible weapon/armors:
This list is not unchangeable, items can be added, removed, renamed, re-attributed, re-enchanted, and so on by Mojang or by people on this thread. They are merely my suggestions.
Durability: Full
Enchantments: Punch I
Attributes: Attack Damage +5
Tier: Stone
Durability: 1/3 of full durability
Enchantments: None
Attributes: Attack Damage +10
Tier: Stone
Durability: About 2/3 of full durability
Enchantments: Fire Aspect II
Attributes: Knockback resistance +1, Attack Damage +9
Tier: Chain
Durability: Full
Enchantments: None
Attributes: Knockback resistance -1, Speed +0.1
Tier: Stone
Durability: 1/3 of full durability
Enchantments: None
Attributes: Attack Damage +5
Tier: Stone
Durability: 1/3 of full durability
Enchantments: Efficiency I
Attributes: None
Tier: Gold
Durability: About 1/3 of full durability
Enchantments: Efficiency II, Fortune I
Attributes: None
[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
Not necessarily. The main issue is specifying what items get what attributes, names, and enchantments, but even that is stuff that I could probably do if I put my mind to it.
It doesn't necessarily have change anything about the loot spawning algorithm, that would just be the OCD-organized way of doing it, if you make it very basic, it just alters the lists of what can already spawn.
Hence why I said that the structure determines the probability; this can be easily altered to also tell the game that higher-powered weapons appear more likely in certain structures.
[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
What about Jungle Temples and Desert Temples?
Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
Working on them. I'm thinking Jungle temples and Desert temples will have higher emerald spawns, and I have a few other ideas in mind.
[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
"On a scale of one mile to Lord of the Rings, how far did you walk today?"
"And so I go fast. Not because I want to, because no one else will."
-Sanic Hegehog
As people above stated, this will make exploration a lot better.
I was thinking a random assortment of names and then randomized attributes and enchantments. So the "Runed Blade" in the first picture would be named that, and it's +10 attack damage would be some random attribute with some random number between 1 and 10 (anything else I tested was rather overkill), and it may have some enchantment. As a result, there may be limited names, but not necessarily limited weapons and armor. Furthermore, if they were made a .txt file like splashes, they could be edited and added to in Resource Packs.
The problem is that you would have to specify the armor type within the .txt, maybe written as:
[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
I think it would be easier to break it up by section like so:
With this system, you don't need to define each item individually every time and you can define item by just their type (which could apply to any item of that type) or subtype which could define items by tier (for any item of that type and subtype). That could be implemented by attaching a subtype tag to weapons and armor so it could be compatible with mod added items as long as they define the subtype.
Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
I can tell a LOT of time and effort went into making this post and I really like the idea.
Not only does this add another factor of mystery to the game, it gives an incentive to explore and pillage.
It makes the player think twice about opening the chest, simply because he/she is wondering what they're going to get.
I like this idea a lot and would love to see it get implemented.
[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
It seemed similar to mummies/mummified remains. Although I also thought about Creeper heads or having it spawn any kind of head (except Wither skeletons) but I wasn't sure, so I went with Zombies as a generic. Which do you think is better?
[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
Nice work Neo. *Applaud
This is a wonderful idea and i would love this in vanilla Minecraft.
EDIT: 250 posts yay!
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