With the introduction of horses, I fear the minecarts are going to become obsolete. Horses are almost twice as fast, easier to obtain, can jump, and can go anywhere. The only trait minecarts have over horses is in transporting cargo, but even that's debatable since you can get donkeys to transport goods too. Therefore, I suggest a minecart speed buff to make minecarts go at 80% the speed of the fastest horse, up from 50%. This way, the draw of using minecarts is increased because to get a horse faster than them would take a lot of breeding and time. This would mean it would probably be easier to just make a rail system for places close to you, but a bit far to walk. However, horses would still be dominant in traveling to far away places or a large amount of different places. This would cause minecarts and horses to take up a separate niche in Minecraft transportation.
What's good about minecarts is that you don't have to drive. You make a track, then it is always there, and you can always go between those two points and just relax while you're doing it.
What's good about minecarts is that you don't have to drive. You make a track, then it is always there, and you can always go between those two points and just relax while you're doing it.
This is a pro I forgot to add, but when you think about it riding/driving a horse isn't very hard. Given the option, no matter how lazy I could be, I'd pick horse because I'd also have to lay down track for the cart. Yes, maybe it'd only be once, but it'd still drain a lot of iron.
I think the problem is we're treating minecarts like trains, but they're not. They're minecarts.
"The minecart or mine cart (also known as a mine trolley) is a type of rolling stock found on a mine railway, used for moving ore and materials procured in the process of traditional mining." -Wikipedia
Where does it say "used to transport people over long distances"? If anything it's making it closer to it's real life equivalent. It's good in tight areas that horses can't easily get to, and can be automated in numerous ways.
In this game, they're used as transportation. You can't put minerals into empty minecarts, you can only ride in them. Therefore, they should be effective as possible at what they do. The amount of tight spaces you'll find while riding a horse will probably be relatively small compared with the amount of other times a horse will be advantageous.
In this game, they're used as transportation. You can't put minerals into empty minecarts, you can only ride in them. Therefore, they should be effective as possible at what they do. The amount of tight spaces you'll find while riding a horse will probably be relatively small compared with the amount of other times a horse will be advantageous.
minecart chests?
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I would love it if you checked out my "about me" page on my profile and looked at my threads I'm always happy to see new posters.
The chance of successful taming on the first try is 0%. Every failed attempt increases this chance by 5. This means that on the second mount the player has 5% chance of success; on the third try, 10% etc. Taming can be sped up by feeding the horse any of the approved foods when you are standing next to it
Horses can also wander off, unless you craft a lead or fence off the horse. The former option is difficult because it requires slimeballs (not too hard since slimes spawn in swamps, but difficult nonetheless) and the latter can be unreliable, because horses are larger than one block wide (I.E, they can't fit through single fence gates), and/or bulky.
Minecarts, on the other hand, can be controlled, automated, and easily made (iron is very common). They can fit in tight spaces and areas horses cannot, such as this design for a mob-proof entryway, where minecarts and players can pass through the glass panes, but mobs cannot.
So in other words, horses are for free-range movement, minecarts are for controlled movement. you can substitute one for the other, but that doesn't make horses "better" than minecarts or vice versa.
How rare, exactly, are horses going to be? While saddles are uncraftable, dungeons aren't the hardest generated structures out there to find. As for taming them, you just have to keep on trying to ride them. It might be a slightly long process, but easy nonetheless. TO keep them contained, fences will do. Just have two fence gates.
Absurdly rare, according to this thread. Plus they can despawn unless tamed.
While saddles are uncraftable, dungeons aren't the hardest generated structures out there to find.
A dungeon has a 1/12 chance each time to spawn a saddle. Each time, so each time you find a dungeon, there's only a 1/12 chance a saddle will be there. The most dungeons I've ever seen reported to be in an area on a seed is 3-4. Combine this with horse rarity and it's very difficult to find both a horse and a saddle.
As for taming them, you just have to keep on trying to ride them. It might be a slightly long process, but easy nonetheless.
Hence, I changed what I said to "tedious".
TO keep them contained, fences will do. Just have two fence gates.
So I see you haven't seen any of the complaint threads? There seems to be more of them on the Bug Reports, I suppose.
Horses still gain a cargo transport in the form of a donkey.
Donkeys are even more rare than horses. In terms of resources, it's easier to construct a minecart with a chest. But like I said, horses are for free-range movement and minecarts are for controlled movement.
Minecarts don't need a buff, they need new more useful features. Horses can't be used for easy AFK travel, which is why I still use minecarts.
Yes, I still want comparators to check if a player is in a minecart, personally. It would be nice to have jumping rails and upside-down rails too, but that's being discussed elsewhere. Speed buffs they do not need.
Yes, I still want comparators to check if a player is in a minecart, personally. It would be nice to have jumping rails and upside-down rails too, but that's being discussed elsewhere. Speed buffs they do not need.
They go fast enough, which is why the speed is a bad 'solution'. Horses are also a tad unbalanced at the moment.
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Hey, if you want to make sure I saw what you said, quote me on it.
Oh God, I didn't realize just how rare horses are going to be. That certainly is a bigger con to horses than I imagined. Though I feel like saddles are more common than that, I always seem to get at least about 5 on my survival worlds. I guess I'm just venting because everyone says they're going to use horses on a server where I have a big minecart network in place.
Make a horse roller coaster, and then tell me they're obsolete.
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“The important thing is not how long you live... It's what you accomplish with your life.
While I live, I want to shine. I want to prove that I exist. If I could do something really important... That would definitely carry on into the future.” -Grovyle
Please read these two threads:
"The minecart or mine cart (also known as a mine trolley) is a type of rolling stock found on a mine railway, used for moving ore and materials procured in the process of traditional mining." -Wikipedia
Where does it say "used to transport people over long distances"? If anything it's making it closer to it's real life equivalent. It's good in tight areas that horses can't easily get to, and can be automated in numerous ways.
I would love it if you checked out my "about me" page on my profile and looked at my threads
I'm always happy to see new posters.
Horses can also wander off, unless you craft a lead or fence off the horse. The former option is difficult because it requires slimeballs (not too hard since slimes spawn in swamps, but difficult nonetheless) and the latter can be unreliable, because horses are larger than one block wide (I.E, they can't fit through single fence gates), and/or bulky.
Minecarts, on the other hand, can be controlled, automated, and easily made (iron is very common). They can fit in tight spaces and areas horses cannot, such as this design for a mob-proof entryway, where minecarts and players can pass through the glass panes, but mobs cannot.
So in other words, horses are for free-range movement, minecarts are for controlled movement. you can substitute one for the other, but that doesn't make horses "better" than minecarts or vice versa.
[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
I'm mainly talking about normal minecarts here. Horses still gain a cargo transport in the form of a donkey.
Absurdly rare, according to this thread. Plus they can despawn unless tamed.
A dungeon has a 1/12 chance each time to spawn a saddle. Each time, so each time you find a dungeon, there's only a 1/12 chance a saddle will be there. The most dungeons I've ever seen reported to be in an area on a seed is 3-4. Combine this with horse rarity and it's very difficult to find both a horse and a saddle.
Hence, I changed what I said to "tedious".
So I see you haven't seen any of the complaint threads? There seems to be more of them on the Bug Reports, I suppose.
Donkeys are even more rare than horses. In terms of resources, it's easier to construct a minecart with a chest. But like I said, horses are for free-range movement and minecarts are for controlled movement.
[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
Yes, I still want comparators to check if a player is in a minecart, personally. It would be nice to have jumping rails and upside-down rails too, but that's being discussed elsewhere. Speed buffs they do not need.
[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
They go fast enough, which is why the speed is a bad 'solution'. Horses are also a tad unbalanced at the moment.
Well, use doesn't necessarily mean all the time. On a large server, a minecart network is still a good thing to have. Good luck with it then.
[quote=Badgerz]You have to keep in mind that people are stupid.
[quote=Catelite]Just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't make it broken or pointless. >_<
“The important thing is not how long you live... It's what you accomplish with your life.
While I live, I want to shine. I want to prove that I exist. If I could do something really important... That would definitely carry on into the future.” -Grovyle