Typo's alright. Just glad it got bumped.
Still worried about how to handle locked swords, though; If you parry an attack, how do you keep the attacker from just whipping the sword out and back in like a demented rotary saw?
Dunno if that'd work. Could end up sidestepping into lava or something similarly dangerous.
I like this idea much more than the OP, honestly. It is simple to perform, so it would be less likely to attack someone in a manner that you didn't want to (Swinging upward when you wanted to go diagonal). Also, it still allows for a lot of possible combinations for both attacking and blocking. As for "environmental hazards", dangers are in the real world, too. You wouldn't want to do a sidestep to someone's sword attack when there is a sheer cliff to the right of you, it is just common sense.
Maybe, but you'd still want to initiate a power attack somehow. Which you can't do if you have to sidestep into a hazard to do it.
The suggestion I put up allows for several angles of attack while avoiding button mashing as a winning strategy. It'd be a bit more like a minigame; you have to anticipate where the other person is blocking to get shots through.
this sounds a bit complicated to implement, good ideas but it could be subtuler. personally I am fine with only some more attacking animations, maybe related to the direction that you slash?
Simply moving your head while holding a sword and ending up hitting your dog and teammate would be terrible!
There needs to be a way to toggle killing-things-based-on-movement mode. For example holding down left click. So instead of aiming and clicking, you are holding click and slashing and such.
I really like this, and I completely agree that swordplay needs to be revamped. But, what I do like about pvp in Minecraft is that if you play as a group you have a big advantage, which promotes teams.
Now, the problem that I have with the "dragging the mouse where you want to swing" is that it is just as spammable as clicking. You just hold your left mouse button and shake away. Have you ever played Wii sports Resort Swordplay? Well, it isn't fun on multiplayer, because all you need to do to win is shake the controller like a manic in the general direction of the enemy. In fact, it is nearly impossible to block, giving my little brother the unfair advantage unless I do the same. I can tell you: Not fun.
I suggest a different method. If you press and hold the left mouse button while holding a sword, your screen freazes in place, stopping you from moving your head unless your mouse crosses the red line:
If you move beyond that, the head moves the same speed as normal.
When you do move your mouse, you get a new cross-hairs, coloured blue in this next picture for simplicity. Going from the center of your screen to this new cross-hairs is a dotted line.
Your sword follows your mouse, holding it over your head or to the ground or whereever you point the new cross-hairs. This is more or less the first part of the swing that you're about to do. If you do move your head by going out of the red circle, the normal cross-hairs stay where they are relative to you and you can even move out out sight of them, but the dotted line will still go to them.
When you release the mouse button, your sword travels to your cross-hairs along the line you just made, but you can now move your head again and the dotted line disappears. Whatever you do, be it run, turn around, jump off a cliff, your sword will keep its direction. The larger the swing, the faster the sword gets because of acceleration. This directly affects knockback. I aprove of the idea of sweeps, so when the sword hits something it loses a bit of momentum if it isn't finished.
Now, to stab, you click and release the left mouse button inside of the light blue circle:
Because of this simple way of stabbing I think it should do low damage and knockback, in balance for its speed.
To cancel a swing, you simply click the right mouse button and "draw back" your sword, in a way.
Right clicking and holding lets you block, but in my way it would work in a similar way to swinging: When you right click, your screen is frozen again unless you move out of the red circle.
Remember me?
You get the same new cross-hairs and the same line and if you move the mouse inside the circle, the sword-block moves to defend there.
Here for a swing from the upper right hand corner.
If you move the mouse outside of the circle, the circle and the normal cross-hairs move with you in that direction. When you let go, the sword just returns to normal.
Just to clarify, the circles don't show up, they are just there to tell you where they would be in the game.
I hope you liked my ideas, and sorry about all the pictures, but I needed them to explain myself.
Hmm... I love the idea of more advanced combat or fighting in minecraft, other than the boring and simple rapid, *click click click click click* of your sword hitting a mob or player. And as for the new players, you could type in a command as /help swordfighting or /help sword
and it would give you a list of options to choose from of what you'd like to learn how to do. Im sure other people will probably object this
suggestion, but I giveTOTAL SUPPORT!
I like the idea of adding sweeps. Slash all enemies in a certain attack arc. The weapon would lose durability for each target struck as usual and deal a point of damage less as the cost of performing the sweep.
I agree, while using the sweep your minecraft player could jump, and twist in a full circle with the sword pointing outwards facing the enemy/enemies, thus, damaging the player/mob you are fighting AND pushing them backwards from you at the same time, though loosing durability for each target struck and deal a point of damage less as the cost of performing the sweep - as you said.
I agree with how you explained this would work though.
While on the topic of improved combat, how would using tools or fists work? Maybe some of the tools would have better stats(Axe gets better slash, pickaxe gets better stab, etc.). Maybe swinging/stabbing would be faster/slower depending on weapon class(Wood,stone,iron,gold, diamond) and weapon type(Sword is balanced, axe is slower, pickaxe is faster or something similar to that.).
Would it look like something like this?
Now, as we know, its better to be caught in a battle with a tool(even if its just say, a makeshift wooden pickaxe) than it is to be caught completely unarmed. How would fighting with fists work? Would it be focused more on dodging and would have a "delayed strikes" system similar to the sword? Or will it remain as a clickspam attack thing?
I also suggest a "Flanking" concept. If you attack your opponent from the side or back, you would do more damage/get a better chance of critical hits. This, while not necessarily have the full mechanics of a backstab feature, does add some more strategic combat. Having your friend tank the damage while you go in from behind, for example is more strategic than the current "Jump and spam the left click button to win combat".
Now, jumping. Jumping is often used in pvp for critical hits. Could this somehow become implemented into this mechanic? By jump-striking, you carry a big risk, you could POSSIBLY deal a lot of damage, but at the same time, you leave yourself very open to attacks. A simple thrust could end your battle. This is good for initiating combat or a silent attack from behind, but it becomes quite hard to use in the middle of combat.
Thank you for reading and taking my suggestions into mind. Open to criticism, and I can also do renders of your concepts if requested.
If I do not reply to my posts, I either have no internet connection, or am busy with college work. Alternatively, I may be writing up the post now. It all depends on the situation.
Ok, I've thought about the idea I mentioned (with the drawing lines to attack and such) and I have come to the conclusion that it is overcomplicated (my idea). I now think both blocking and slashing should be done by moving the mouse where you want to slash or block. I do think that my circle idea, namely that your head doesn't move unless you move out of the circle with your mouse, is still a good idea, and that my stabbing idea is good too. I'd really like to see what you make of my ideas.
Minecraft does need a better combat system, what with like 70% of adventure maps heavily combat focused, and all the new hostile mobs being added, click click click doesn't cut it. This new combat could slice it.
Instead of actually having to move the mouse to slash, instead revamp the blocking system.
Instead of weakening the attack, make it negate all damage.
However, the blocker will be able to block only head and chest or waist on down. (not holding shift, upper body; shifting, lower body)
The attacker will be able to hit only the unguarded part the same way they attack now.
I like this idea. Really much thought through, I'll give you that.
The only thing I wish were added would be something to prevent players from spamming the blocking. Is there anything preventing a player from blocking right after attacking a player?
Still worried about how to handle locked swords, though; If you parry an attack, how do you keep the attacker from just whipping the sword out and back in like a demented rotary saw?
I like this idea much more than the OP, honestly. It is simple to perform, so it would be less likely to attack someone in a manner that you didn't want to (Swinging upward when you wanted to go diagonal). Also, it still allows for a lot of possible combinations for both attacking and blocking. As for "environmental hazards", dangers are in the real world, too. You wouldn't want to do a sidestep to someone's sword attack when there is a sheer cliff to the right of you, it is just common sense.
The suggestion I put up allows for several angles of attack while avoiding button mashing as a winning strategy. It'd be a bit more like a minigame; you have to anticipate where the other person is blocking to get shots through.
Which ones? And how would you improve on them?
There needs to be a way to toggle killing-things-based-on-movement mode. For example holding down left click. So instead of aiming and clicking, you are holding click and slashing and such.
#Rereads OP
Oh dear, no I didn't.
I KNEW i shouldn't have outsourced the typing to Testificate Inc.
I'll edit that.
Now, the problem that I have with the "dragging the mouse where you want to swing" is that it is just as spammable as clicking. You just hold your left mouse button and shake away. Have you ever played Wii sports Resort Swordplay? Well, it isn't fun on multiplayer, because all you need to do to win is shake the controller like a manic in the general direction of the enemy. In fact, it is nearly impossible to block, giving my little brother the unfair advantage unless I do the same. I can tell you: Not fun.
I suggest a different method. If you press and hold the left mouse button while holding a sword, your screen freazes in place, stopping you from moving your head unless your mouse crosses the red line:
If you move beyond that, the head moves the same speed as normal.
When you do move your mouse, you get a new cross-hairs, coloured blue in this next picture for simplicity. Going from the center of your screen to this new cross-hairs is a dotted line.
Your sword follows your mouse, holding it over your head or to the ground or whereever you point the new cross-hairs. This is more or less the first part of the swing that you're about to do. If you do move your head by going out of the red circle, the normal cross-hairs stay where they are relative to you and you can even move out out sight of them, but the dotted line will still go to them.
When you release the mouse button, your sword travels to your cross-hairs along the line you just made, but you can now move your head again and the dotted line disappears. Whatever you do, be it run, turn around, jump off a cliff, your sword will keep its direction. The larger the swing, the faster the sword gets because of acceleration. This directly affects knockback. I aprove of the idea of sweeps, so when the sword hits something it loses a bit of momentum if it isn't finished.
Now, to stab, you click and release the left mouse button inside of the light blue circle:
Because of this simple way of stabbing I think it should do low damage and knockback, in balance for its speed.
To cancel a swing, you simply click the right mouse button and "draw back" your sword, in a way.
Right clicking and holding lets you block, but in my way it would work in a similar way to swinging: When you right click, your screen is frozen again unless you move out of the red circle.
You get the same new cross-hairs and the same line and if you move the mouse inside the circle, the sword-block moves to defend there.
If you move the mouse outside of the circle, the circle and the normal cross-hairs move with you in that direction. When you let go, the sword just returns to normal.
Just to clarify, the circles don't show up, they are just there to tell you where they would be in the game.
I hope you liked my ideas, and sorry about all the pictures, but I needed them to explain myself.
Anyway, even if you don't add my ideas, support!
and it would give you a list of options to choose from of what you'd like to learn how to do. Im sure other people will probably object this
suggestion, but I give TOTAL SUPPORT!
I agree, while using the sweep your minecraft player could jump, and twist in a full circle with the sword pointing outwards facing the enemy/enemies, thus, damaging the player/mob you are fighting AND pushing them backwards from you at the same time, though loosing durability for each target struck and deal a point of damage less as the cost of performing the sweep - as you said.
I agree with how you explained this would work though.
Would it look like something like this?
Now, as we know, its better to be caught in a battle with a tool(even if its just say, a makeshift wooden pickaxe) than it is to be caught completely unarmed. How would fighting with fists work? Would it be focused more on dodging and would have a "delayed strikes" system similar to the sword? Or will it remain as a clickspam attack thing?
I also suggest a "Flanking" concept. If you attack your opponent from the side or back, you would do more damage/get a better chance of critical hits. This, while not necessarily have the full mechanics of a backstab feature, does add some more strategic combat. Having your friend tank the damage while you go in from behind, for example is more strategic than the current "Jump and spam the left click button to win combat".
Now, jumping. Jumping is often used in pvp for critical hits. Could this somehow become implemented into this mechanic? By jump-striking, you carry a big risk, you could POSSIBLY deal a lot of damage, but at the same time, you leave yourself very open to attacks. A simple thrust could end your battle. This is good for initiating combat or a silent attack from behind, but it becomes quite hard to use in the middle of combat.
Thank you for reading and taking my suggestions into mind. Open to criticism, and I can also do renders of your concepts if requested.
Also, I support this suggestion completely.
If I do not reply to my posts, I either have no internet connection, or am busy with college work. Alternatively, I may be writing up the post now. It all depends on the situation.
even though minecraft wasn't for combat system, I would like to support because some people play minecraft just to slay other minecraft player.
maybe perks? because it's nice in combat system.
Minecraft does need a better combat system, what with like 70% of adventure maps heavily combat focused, and all the new hostile mobs being added, click click click doesn't cut it. This new combat could slice it.
Instead of weakening the attack, make it negate all damage.
However, the blocker will be able to block only head and chest or waist on down. (not holding shift, upper body; shifting, lower body)
The attacker will be able to hit only the unguarded part the same way they attack now.
The only thing I wish were added would be something to prevent players from spamming the blocking. Is there anything preventing a player from blocking right after attacking a player?