However, griefers can get to people's water houses easily and raid and break them. This would be a huge problem for them.
You assume too much. This is purely situational and depends on the server, plug-ins, etc. etc. Also, you happen to be ignoring single player in its entirety.
Plus, it's up to players to protect their belongings. Players can also use this potion against griefers. If griefers use this potion, they're limited to the surface of the water. And you also forget that you can't place blocks on water, you can only walk across it.
EDIT: With the new suggested crouch mechanism, your side has some more strength to it. (Crouch to submerge while under this effect) Nevertheless, griefing protection is only one small part of the equation.
I could go on but my point is that your criticism is full of holes, albeit a problem, nonetheless.
Holy, thanks for the feedback guys. Really didn't expect this.
1. Do you think that adding Glowstone is a little too cheap? Maybe it should be harder to get, but I wouldn't know what else I could use instead of it. I guess they would still take damage without a fire resistance potion. I'll add it to the OP for now.
Alright so we have Potion of Drowning/Submersion, and Potion of Underwater Walking if added a Fermented Spider Eye, correct? Both are interesting, but I'm leaning toward the Drowning/Submersion one. It makes the most sense of being the "opposite" to waterwalking.
Well, seeing as glowstone is the necessary ingredient for intensifying the effects of potions, I would put it that way, and I can't see any other alternatives.
Btw, the lava part was just a suggestion. Lava is meant to be deadly and walking across it... kinda makes it a lot less dangerous. Anyways, I think the drowning/submersion potion is the best choice for an opposite potion.
How about no? My picture says all I would tell him. Its not random, if you did not notice that is his avatar.
Your criticism is invalid without adequate support, sorry. If you say why you think that the Potion of Waterwalking "destroys any and all game balance," then the suggestion will be modified as deemed necessary after discussion. Otherwise, you can kindly leave.
Also, to the OP, mention that this potion shouldn't affect horses. A horse with this effect would stray too much into the niche of boats.
If you say why you think that the Potion of Waterwalking "destroys any and all game balance," then the suggestion will be modified as deemed necessary after discussion. Otherwise, you can kindly leave.
I honestly spent like one hour writing a reply explaining all and probably making you notice I am not the random spaceboot1 that comes to troll a topic, but it's not worth my time, it's not worth your time and it's not worth everyone's time to waste reading it when they could be doing something to change and make this forum actually worth it. Don't bother replying or quoting me and wasting more time as I don't take this forum content seriously anymore... I probably won't reply or will reply with fragments of this one text.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Notice: If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.
1. The duration of the starting potion is 1:00 long. With redstone, the duration becomes 3:00. I mention this because, with the addition of glowstone, the potion of Water Walking should become a potion of Lava Walking. Duration effects apply normally to the Lava Walking potion. I don't think glowstone should make it Lava Walking. Lava Walking would be a different effect. If, it is the same effect "Water Walking", but the increased potency version makes you walk on both water and lava, then okay.
2. However, when a water walking potions is changed to a lava walking potion, the duration of the new potion defaults back to 1 minute, and vice versa. (not sure if this is already a thing, but I'm suggesting it anyways) That's already a thing with glowstone. In fact, it actually halves it based on the original duration (so, to like 30 seconds). Also, I think the redstone version should be around 2:30-2:45 (the extended version isn't exactly triple).
3. Implement a slow while walking on water/lava similar to that of soul sand. Yes, this is for all of you "THIS IS OP" kind of people. This effect can be offset by Swiftness potions, but that's up to the player. Yes, this would balance it out, and I guess you could also sprint.
4. While walking on lava, you will still catch on fire. You will not, however, take lava damage. (As in you're swimming in lava) It's up to the player to deal with the risk of fire damage. Yes, this seems good, but if you submerge, then you will take fire damage. That is kind of what I meant by Water Walking and Fire Resistance, since you would need it anyway in most situations.
5. A player using water/lava walking potion should not be affected by flowing water/lava. If there is a flowing liquid on a block, the player will not be considered swimming on the block. Instead, depending on the height of the flow, it will either be a half block or a full block in height while walking on it. No, that could get a little bit weird. Just make it that it stops the push.
6. Update the OP if you think any of these suggestions would work.
Thanks for reading.
Just a quick question, what if the player wants to swim in the water or submerge?
I honestly spent like one hour writing a reply explaining all and probably making you notice I am not the random spaceboot1 that comes to troll a topic, but it's not worth my time, it's not worth your time and it's not worth everyone's time to waste reading it when they could be doing something to change and make this forum actually worth it. Don't bother replying or quoting me and wasting more time as I don't take this forum content seriously anymore... I probably won't reply or will reply with fragments of this one text.
Well, I honestly spent a minute reading about how you threw away some possibly very valuable criticism. Feel free to come back whenever you want.
I don't think glowstone should make it Lava Walking. Lava Walking would be a different effect. If, it is the same effect "Water Walking", but the increased potency version makes you walk on both water and lava, then okay.
No, that could get a little bit weird. Just make it that it stops the push.
As stated in one of my earlier posts, I said that the increased potency version should be a potion of submersion/drowning. Also, your idea is much simpler and probably more effective than my idea. Try to get it added to the OP.
This is a great idea. This could be very useful. Support!!
And also, would you think a counterpart to this would be a good idea? Add a fermented spider eye and people can't swim. Just throwing a random thought out there.
Ah yes, er... What am I adding to the OP? Just a little confused on everything.
Oh, lol. Let me break it down for you:
1. The duration of the starting potion is 1:00 long. With redstone, the duration becomes 3:00.
2. Implement a slow while walking on water similar to that of soul sand. Yes, this is for all of you "THIS IS OP" kind of people. This effect can be offset by Swiftness potions or sprinting, but that's up to the player.
3. Horses are not affected by this potion, since this would compete with the niche of the boat.
4. A player using this potion ignores all water currents' effects on movement.
5. The opposite of the Potion of Water Walking is the Potion of Submersion/Drowning. (Possibly vote for the name?) Its' effects have not been determined yet.
6. While affected by this potion, if a player wishes to submerge, all they have to do is crouch. They will break the plane of the surface of the water and be able to swim normally. Similarly, if a player wishes to walk on water again, they must simply jump out of the water and back on top of the surface of the water.
How is wood expensive? It's a renewable resource.
(And if it was supposed to be sarcastic, it was a bad one)
I don't really support this, as while lilypads are fairly difficult to get, each lilypad will yield three potions, making it a bit overpowered.
Maybe it could be just a potion effect that can be hacked into the game, making it useful for adventure maps, while at the same time not handing it to Survival.
Lily Pads are now a renewable resource thanks to the new "junk" from fishing. Also, the duration of the potion or some other aspect could be modified to fit your definition of "not overpowered." All that's needed is your reasoning why you think that this potion, in its' current form, is overpowered.
As stated in one of my earlier posts, I said that the increased potency version should be a potion of submersion/drowning. Also, your idea is much simpler and probably more effective than my idea. Try to get it added to the OP.
That's even worse. That's better for the reversed version, not the increased potency version. Did you think that's what I meant. When I say increased potency, I mean Water Walking II.
you couldn't have picked a better brewing ingredient!
however I don't find it necessary since we have boats.
For crossing rivers and swamps for exploring purposes (Or if you just need to get somewhere), this potion works better in these areas rather than a boat.
For ocean travel, using a boat is of course better.
nice idea. I'm not to keen on the ingredient though, as with a lot of other people. Once you find a swamp, you have a ton of lilly pads, while other potions require ingredients found in small numbers, such as pufferfish. Speaking of pufferfish, perhaps the potion could be made by adding a fermented spider eye to a water breathing potion. Seeing as water breathing allows you to stay under water longer, the reverse could be not staying underwater at all?
nice idea. I'm not to keen on the ingredient though, as with a lot of other people. Once you find a swamp, you have a ton of lilly pads, while other potions require ingredients found in small numbers, such as pufferfish. Speaking of pufferfish, perhaps the potion could be made by adding a fermented spider eye to a water breathing potion. Seeing as water breathing allows you to stay under water longer, the reverse could be not staying underwater at all?
Lily Pads are fitting for the potion and they just make sense. They are the only item in the game that floats on water, nothing else.
How about no? My picture says all I would tell him. Its not random, if you did not notice that is his avatar.
You assume too much. This is purely situational and depends on the server, plug-ins, etc. etc. Also, you happen to be ignoring single player in its entirety.
Plus, it's up to players to protect their belongings. Players can also use this potion against griefers. If griefers use this potion, they're limited to the surface of the water. And you also forget that you can't place blocks on water, you can only walk across it.
EDIT: With the new suggested crouch mechanism, your side has some more strength to it. (Crouch to submerge while under this effect) Nevertheless, griefing protection is only one small part of the equation.
I could go on but my point is that your criticism is full of holes, albeit a problem, nonetheless.
Well, seeing as glowstone is the necessary ingredient for intensifying the effects of potions, I would put it that way, and I can't see any other alternatives.
Btw, the lava part was just a suggestion. Lava is meant to be deadly and walking across it... kinda makes it a lot less dangerous. Anyways, I think the drowning/submersion potion is the best choice for an opposite potion.
Your criticism is invalid without adequate support, sorry. If you say why you think that the Potion of Waterwalking "destroys any and all game balance," then the suggestion will be modified as deemed necessary after discussion. Otherwise, you can kindly leave.
Also, to the OP, mention that this potion shouldn't affect horses. A horse with this effect would stray too much into the niche of boats.
[Mod] Ex2c ~ Deadman Dungeons
I honestly spent like one hour writing a reply explaining all and probably making you notice I am not the random spaceboot1 that comes to troll a topic, but it's not worth my time, it's not worth your time and it's not worth everyone's time to waste reading it when they could be doing something to change and make this forum actually worth it. Don't bother replying or quoting me and wasting more time as I don't take this forum content seriously anymore... I probably won't reply or will reply with fragments of this one text.
Just a quick question, what if the player wants to swim in the water or submerge?
I feel like hitting shift would do.
Well, I honestly spent a minute reading about how you threw away some possibly very valuable criticism. Feel free to come back whenever you want.
As stated in one of my earlier posts, I said that the increased potency version should be a potion of submersion/drowning. Also, your idea is much simpler and probably more effective than my idea. Try to get it added to the OP.
What he said.
Rasumii, if you don't mind, update the OP, unless there is something that you think should be different than discussed.
[Mod] Ex2c ~ Deadman Dungeons
And also, would you think a counterpart to this would be a good idea? Add a fermented spider eye and people can't swim. Just throwing a random thought out there.
Oh, lol. Let me break it down for you:
1. The duration of the starting potion is 1:00 long. With redstone, the duration becomes 3:00.
2. Implement a slow while walking on water similar to that of soul sand. Yes, this is for all of you "THIS IS OP" kind of people. This effect can be offset by Swiftness potions or sprinting, but that's up to the player.
3. Horses are not affected by this potion, since this would compete with the niche of the boat.
4. A player using this potion ignores all water currents' effects on movement.
5. The opposite of the Potion of Water Walking is the Potion of Submersion/Drowning. (Possibly vote for the name?) Its' effects have not been determined yet.
6. While affected by this potion, if a player wishes to submerge, all they have to do is crouch. They will break the plane of the surface of the water and be able to swim normally. Similarly, if a player wishes to walk on water again, they must simply jump out of the water and back on top of the surface of the water.
[Mod] Ex2c ~ Deadman Dungeons
Lily Pads are now a renewable resource thanks to the new "junk" from fishing. Also, the duration of the potion or some other aspect could be modified to fit your definition of "not overpowered." All that's needed is your reasoning why you think that this potion, in its' current form, is overpowered.
[Mod] Ex2c ~ Deadman Dungeons
however I don't find it necessary since we have boats.
That's even worse. That's better for the reversed version, not the increased potency version. Did you think that's what I meant. When I say increased potency, I mean Water Walking II.
For crossing rivers and swamps for exploring purposes (Or if you just need to get somewhere), this potion works better in these areas rather than a boat.
For ocean travel, using a boat is of course better.
Lily Pads are fitting for the potion and they just make sense. They are the only item in the game that floats on water, nothing else.
Sugar is easily accessible, and spider eyes are as well. If it's not easy enough already, everyone knows where spiders are and will be.
[Mod] Ex2c ~ Deadman Dungeons