1. Have a mild slow while on water, a slow similar to soul sand, more or less.
If you're looking for speed and to cover distance, you make a boat. The boat fills that niche. But this potion would enable players the maneuverability for combat, building, utility, etc.
First of all, thanks for the support.
And secondly, not a bad idea. But if I used a speed potion, wouldn't that kind of ruin the point of that aspect? I guess you would be using a second potion... Hm.. Would walking on water null the Speed Potion affect?
Maybe if you brewed it with a fermented spider eye it would make a lava-walking potion? It would be useful for traversing the nether. Otherwise, SUPPORT!
Maybe if you brewed it with a fermented spider eye it would make a lava-walking potion? It would be useful for traversing the nether. Otherwise, SUPPORT!
Fermented spider eyes usually give a reverse effect to the potion. Besides, we already have a fire-resistance potion that works against lava.
With the problem of lily pads being non-renewable: Maybe when you break a lily pad, it gives you a lily pad and some seeds? I'm nor sure what the growth cycle is for lily pads, but my suggestion's a start.
Fermented spider eyes usually give a reverse effect to the potion. Besides, we already have a fire-resistance potion that works against lava.
Well, I imagine that lava is sort of the opposite of water in minecraft and so the inverse of walking on water would be walking on lava. And as for the fire resistance potion, that only let's us swim in lava, while this would let us walk on it as well.
Well, I imagine that lava is sort of the opposite of water in minecraft and so the inverse of walking on water would be walking on lava. And as for the fire resistance potion, that only let's us swim in lava, while this would let us walk on it as well.
I would think that the opposite of water-walking would be a "Potion of Drowning" or something that would make it harder for you to swim back up to the surface in the water.
A lava-walking potion is possible, though I think it would require something like obsidian or another lava-related item.
I would think that the opposite of water-walking would be a "Potion of Drowning" or something that would make it harder for you to swim back up to the surface in the water.
A lava-walking potion is possible, though I think it would require something like obsidian or another lava-related item.
I actually do think that you are right on this one. A drowning potion would be very cool! And lava walking should be brewed with something more expensive than a lily pad and a spider eye.
And secondly, not a bad idea. But if I used a speed potion, wouldn't that kind of ruin the point of that aspect? I guess you would be using a second potion... Hm.. Would walking on water null the Speed Potion affect?
Both situations could work.
1. Speed 2 potions would be inefficient on water, simply because of the math behind it. Only in short bursts would Speed 2 be worthwhile.
Mathematics and explanation:
Max duration of Speed II: 1:30
Max duration of an extended Water Walking potion: 3:00
For three minutes of swift water walking would require 2 speed II potions and 1 extended Water Walking potion. That's three inventory slots every three minutes, or one slot a minute. (there are ways to bypass this, but those are situational)
This situation isn't very practical or efficient because boats fill the transport and distance covering aspects much better than swift water walking for three minutes. This is especially true if this method (2 speed II + 1 water walking) is used for more than three minutes.
At 6:00, six inventory slots have been dedicated to water travel.
At 9:00, nine inventory slots... that's 25% of your inventory used just for water travel. Although this method could work, boats are simply better as time goes on. It's only a matter of time before you run out of potions, whereas boat users only need 5 wooden planks to sit around for 9+ minutes.
Speed 1 potions, however, would be the most likely choice between the two to be used alongside a water walking potion. This is twice as effective than using Speed 2, (in terms of longevity) and approximately counters the slow of water. (which is assumed to be that of around soul sand)
2. Again, if you read my explanation of speed 2, then you should know that speed 1 will encounter similar problems.
Max duration of Speed 1: 8:00
Max duration of Water Walking: 3:00
Their first common denominator of 8 and 3 is 24. Why do I mention this? To be completely efficient, you would need to have 24 minutes of water walking. However, this would require 11 potions. Not bad, considering that speed II would require 24 potions to last just as long.
I also mention the first common denominator because of duration gaps of the two potions:
3:00 - That's one water walking potion down, with another one to be had. 5:00 remaining on the first Speed 1.
6:00 - Same but with 2:00 remaining.
8:00 - Renew speed; water walking has 1:00 left.
... - rinse and repeat until you hit 24:00.
The duration gaps aren't too big of a deal to most people, but who doesn't want to walk on water for as long as possible? I would want to swim in lava or play with fire in the full 8:00 minutes I can with a Fire Resistance potion.
Even though water walking for 24 minutes would require 11 potions, (which is far better than the 24 of speed II) again, a boat beats lengthy usage of water walking.
3. Nullifying speed while on water is a great option as well. (and admittedly probably the best option) If you haven't read most of my post, then I'll say here that this potion will have great dynamics with boats and anything water-based.
Fermented spider eyes usually give a reverse effect to the potion.
Any ideas for a reversed water walking potion? So far it seems like a "potion of drowning" or "poton of submersion" would be the most likely options. Plus, it could be a really cool potion against mobs or players, especially as a splash potion.
The reverse of a water walking potion should make it so you or any mob affected by it are unable to swim. You can still jump one block, so pillar jumping is a valid way to escape drowning. It should also make you sink through water more quickly. If endermen are affected, it should make them unable to teleport out of water.
Fermented spider eyes usually give a reverse effect to the potion. Besides, we already have a fire-resistance potion that works against lava. With the problem of lily pads being non-renewable: Maybe when you break a lily pad, it gives you a lily pad and some seeds? I'm nor sure what the growth cycle is for lily pads, but my suggestion's a start. Support.
I guess I'll support... Could be a nice implementation. Would this work with flowing water blocks? Perhaps for flowing water, it could just negate the push effect while the effect is active.
Also, what would the increased potency version do (add glowstone)?
Well, I imagine that lava is sort of the opposite of water in minecraft and so the inverse of walking on water would be walking on lava. And as for the fire resistance potion, that only let's us swim in lava, while this would let us walk on it as well.
Maybe if the player has both Water Walking and Fire Resistance, they can walk on lava?
The reverse of a water walking potion should make it so you or any mob affected by it are unable to swim. You can still jump one block, so pillar jumping is a valid way to escape drowning. It should also make you sink through water more quickly. If endermen are affected, it should make them unable to teleport out of water.
Or a potion of underwater-walking (best if used with water breathing) alowwing faster walking speed and sprinting underwater.
Actually, as of 1.7 lilly pads are renewable. They are a "junk" item that can be found when fishing.
Anyway, I support
I stand corrected. This has my full support now.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
-The Gods Of The Copybook Headings, by Rudyard Kipling.
Wood is really expensive nowadays. Besides, this could be very useful in adventure maps, aswell as potentially adding a way to walk over lava? I think this is a great idea.
The reverse of a water walking potion should make it so you or any mob affected by it are unable to swim. You can still jump one block, so pillar jumping is a valid way to escape drowning. It should also make you sink through water more quickly. If endermen are affected, it should make them unable to teleport out of water.
So no movement in water? That sounds pretty cool. But your thought kinda misses the point. Like with any other pair of positive and negative potions, water walking needs a clear opposite as well.
For swiftness, there is slowness; for strength, there is weakness. For Water Walking, there should either be Lava Walking, or some kind of submersion. You nailed it with the submersion part in your post, but it shouldn't freeze their motion entirely.
Also the splash potions of waterwalking would improve one's horse terribly!
It should be disabled for horses. It would compete against the boat for water travel, and a horse would probably win. Plus, if the effect isn't renewed, you're going to lose your horse, unlike other mobs.
I guess I'll support... Could be a nice implementation. Would this work with flowing water blocks? Perhaps for flowing water, it could just negate the push effect while the effect is active.
Also, what would the increased potency version do (add glowstone)?
Maybe if the player has both Water Walking and Fire Resistance, they can walk on lava?
First part, I agree with. Using this potion should negate flowing water effects.
Second part, it could remove the slow from walking on water. (should there be one)
Third part, not sure if they could walk on water. The potion is "water walking" not something else. That said, this potion could be changed to accommodate this, and the name changed perhaps. Also, a fire resistance potion will be needed unless you feel like spontaneously combusting.
Suggestion for additions:
1. The duration of the starting potion is 1:00 long. With redstone, the duration becomes 3:00. I mention this because, with the addition of glowstone, the potion of Water Walking should become a potion of Lava Walking. Duration effects apply normally to the Lava Walking potion.
2. However, when a water walking potions is changed to a lava walking potion, the duration of the new potion defaults back to 1 minute, and vice versa. (not sure if this is already a thing, but I'm suggesting it anyways)
3. Implement a slow while walking on water/lava similar to that of soul sand. Yes, this is for all of you "THIS IS OP" kind of people. This effect can be offset by Swiftness potions, but that's up to the player.
4. While walking on lava, you will still catch on fire. You will not, however, take lava damage. (As in you're swimming in lava) It's up to the player to deal with the risk of fire damage.
5. A player using water/lava walking potion should not be affected by flowing water/lava. If there is a flowing liquid on a block, the player will not be considered swimming on the block. Instead, depending on the height of the flow, it will either be a half block or a full block in height while walking on it.
6. Update the OP if you think any of these suggestions would work.
1. The duration of the starting potion is 1:00 long. With redstone, the duration becomes 3:00. I mention this because, with the addition of glowstone, the potion of Water Walking should become a potion of Lava Walking. Duration effects apply normally to the Lava Walking potion.
2. However, when a water walking potions is changed to a lava walking potion, the duration of the new potion defaults back to 1 minute, and vice versa. (not sure if this is already a thing, but I'm suggesting it anyways)
3. Implement a slow while walking on water/lava similar to that of soul sand. Yes, this is for all of you "THIS IS OP" kind of people. This effect can be offset by Swiftness potions, but that's up to the player.
4. While walking on lava, you will still catch on fire. You will not, however, take lava damage. (As in you're swimming in lava) It's up to the player to deal with the risk of fire damage.
5. A player using water/lava walking potion should not be affected by flowing water/lava. If there is a flowing liquid on a block, the player will not be considered swimming on the block. Instead, depending on the height of the flow, it will either be a half block or a full block in height while walking on it.
6. Update the OP if you think any of these suggestions would work.
Thanks for reading.
1. Do you think that adding Glowstone is a little too cheap? Maybe it should be harder to get, but I wouldn't know what else I could use instead of it. I guess they would still take damage without a fire resistance potion. I'll add it to the OP for now.
2. Agreed, the time should revert back to 1:00.
3. Completely agree.
4. Mhm.
5. Interesting idea. It does make the most sense for this to happen.
Alright so we have Potion of Drowning/Submersion, and Potion of Underwater Walking if added a Fermented Spider Eye, correct? Both are interesting, but I'm leaning toward the Drowning/Submersion one. It makes the most sense of being the "opposite" to waterwalking.
First of all, thanks for the support.
And secondly, not a bad idea. But if I used a speed potion, wouldn't that kind of ruin the point of that aspect? I guess you would be using a second potion... Hm.. Would walking on water null the Speed Potion affect?
Fermented spider eyes usually give a reverse effect to the potion. Besides, we already have a fire-resistance potion that works against lava.
With the problem of lily pads being non-renewable: Maybe when you break a lily pad, it gives you a lily pad and some seeds? I'm nor sure what the growth cycle is for lily pads, but my suggestion's a start.
Well, I imagine that lava is sort of the opposite of water in minecraft and so the inverse of walking on water would be walking on lava. And as for the fire resistance potion, that only let's us swim in lava, while this would let us walk on it as well.
I would think that the opposite of water-walking would be a "Potion of Drowning" or something that would make it harder for you to swim back up to the surface in the water.
A lava-walking potion is possible, though I think it would require something like obsidian or another lava-related item.
I actually do think that you are right on this one. A drowning potion would be very cool! And lava walking should be brewed with something more expensive than a lily pad and a spider eye.
Both situations could work.
1. Speed 2 potions would be inefficient on water, simply because of the math behind it. Only in short bursts would Speed 2 be worthwhile.
Mathematics and explanation:
Max duration of Speed II: 1:30
Max duration of an extended Water Walking potion: 3:00
For three minutes of swift water walking would require 2 speed II potions and 1 extended Water Walking potion. That's three inventory slots every three minutes, or one slot a minute. (there are ways to bypass this, but those are situational)
This situation isn't very practical or efficient because boats fill the transport and distance covering aspects much better than swift water walking for three minutes. This is especially true if this method (2 speed II + 1 water walking) is used for more than three minutes.
At 6:00, six inventory slots have been dedicated to water travel.
At 9:00, nine inventory slots... that's 25% of your inventory used just for water travel. Although this method could work, boats are simply better as time goes on. It's only a matter of time before you run out of potions, whereas boat users only need 5 wooden planks to sit around for 9+ minutes.
2. Again, if you read my explanation of speed 2, then you should know that speed 1 will encounter similar problems.
Max duration of Speed 1: 8:00
Max duration of Water Walking: 3:00
Their first common denominator of 8 and 3 is 24. Why do I mention this? To be completely efficient, you would need to have 24 minutes of water walking. However, this would require 11 potions. Not bad, considering that speed II would require 24 potions to last just as long.
I also mention the first common denominator because of duration gaps of the two potions:
3:00 - That's one water walking potion down, with another one to be had. 5:00 remaining on the first Speed 1.
6:00 - Same but with 2:00 remaining.
8:00 - Renew speed; water walking has 1:00 left.
... - rinse and repeat until you hit 24:00.
The duration gaps aren't too big of a deal to most people, but who doesn't want to walk on water for as long as possible? I would want to swim in lava or play with fire in the full 8:00 minutes I can with a Fire Resistance potion.
Even though water walking for 24 minutes would require 11 potions, (which is far better than the 24 of speed II) again, a boat beats lengthy usage of water walking.
3. Nullifying speed while on water is a great option as well. (and admittedly probably the best option) If you haven't read most of my post, then I'll say here that this potion will have great dynamics with boats and anything water-based.
Any ideas for a reversed water walking potion? So far it seems like a "potion of drowning" or "poton of submersion" would be the most likely options. Plus, it could be a really cool potion against mobs or players, especially as a splash potion.
IP: mc.deadmandungeons.com
[Mod] Ex2c ~ Deadman Dungeons
I would skirmish the sheiss out of hostile mobs whit water walking abilities...
"What is it Creeper? any trouble swimming as I axe you from my sure footing and the run?"
Also the splash potions of waterwalking would improve one's horse terribly!
Actually, as of 1.7 lilly pads are renewable. They are a "junk" item that can be found when fishing.
Anyway, I support
Also, what would the increased potency version do (add glowstone)?
Maybe if the player has both Water Walking and Fire Resistance, they can walk on lava?
Also, this new potion should allow you to walk on lava. The problem is that you'll burst into flames if you do so without fire immunity.
Or a potion of underwater-walking (best if used with water breathing) alowwing faster walking speed and sprinting underwater.
I stand corrected. This has my full support now.
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
-The Gods Of The Copybook Headings, by Rudyard Kipling.
So no movement in water? That sounds pretty cool. But your thought kinda misses the point. Like with any other pair of positive and negative potions, water walking needs a clear opposite as well.
For swiftness, there is slowness; for strength, there is weakness. For Water Walking, there should either be Lava Walking, or some kind of submersion. You nailed it with the submersion part in your post, but it shouldn't freeze their motion entirely.
It should be disabled for horses. It would compete against the boat for water travel, and a horse would probably win. Plus, if the effect isn't renewed, you're going to lose your horse, unlike other mobs.
First part, I agree with. Using this potion should negate flowing water effects.
Second part, it could remove the slow from walking on water. (should there be one)
Third part, not sure if they could walk on water. The potion is "water walking" not something else. That said, this potion could be changed to accommodate this, and the name changed perhaps. Also, a fire resistance potion will be needed unless you feel like spontaneously combusting.
Suggestion for additions:
1. The duration of the starting potion is 1:00 long. With redstone, the duration becomes 3:00. I mention this because, with the addition of glowstone, the potion of Water Walking should become a potion of Lava Walking. Duration effects apply normally to the Lava Walking potion.
2. However, when a water walking potions is changed to a lava walking potion, the duration of the new potion defaults back to 1 minute, and vice versa. (not sure if this is already a thing, but I'm suggesting it anyways)
3. Implement a slow while walking on water/lava similar to that of soul sand. Yes, this is for all of you "THIS IS OP" kind of people. This effect can be offset by Swiftness potions, but that's up to the player.
4. While walking on lava, you will still catch on fire. You will not, however, take lava damage. (As in you're swimming in lava) It's up to the player to deal with the risk of fire damage.
5. A player using water/lava walking potion should not be affected by flowing water/lava. If there is a flowing liquid on a block, the player will not be considered swimming on the block. Instead, depending on the height of the flow, it will either be a half block or a full block in height while walking on it.
6. Update the OP if you think any of these suggestions would work.
Thanks for reading.
IP: mc.deadmandungeons.com
[Mod] Ex2c ~ Deadman Dungeons
1. Do you think that adding Glowstone is a little too cheap? Maybe it should be harder to get, but I wouldn't know what else I could use instead of it. I guess they would still take damage without a fire resistance potion. I'll add it to the OP for now.
2. Agreed, the time should revert back to 1:00.
3. Completely agree.
4. Mhm.
5. Interesting idea. It does make the most sense for this to happen.
Alright so we have Potion of Drowning/Submersion, and Potion of Underwater Walking if added a Fermented Spider Eye, correct? Both are interesting, but I'm leaning toward the Drowning/Submersion one. It makes the most sense of being the "opposite" to waterwalking.
How about you argue against him instead of putting down a random picture?