A suggestion brought to you by Jim_Puff I'm sorry if this was suggested before. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New Potions and Enchantments
Thank you Twister1134 for the magnificent banner!
I've come up of possible potions and enchantments that can be added to the game. Now, I know these potion and enchantment ideas come up a lot in the suggestions page, but I took the time and effor to ensure that my potions and enchantments aren't OP and are as balanced as they can get. Without further ado, let us begin!
POTIONS(THANK YOU 0_Zippyfor the Potion appearance and effect icons! )
1.) Potion of Immunity Awkward Potion+Bucket of Milk(The bucket is returned)
When you drink this potion or get splashed by it, you'll be under the effect known asimmune. This causes ALL potion effects to not occur. Strength, Weakness, or even Regeneration effects will not take place if under the Potion of Immunity's immune effect. If you are already in an effect such as Slowness, and you drink/splash the Potion of Immunity, all other effects will disappear, sort of like drinking a bucket of milk.
Potions of Harming, Instant Health, Scorching and Cooling are not affected by this
Potion of Immunity: 0:45
Potion of Immunity(Extended): 2:30
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion []Can add redstone to increase duration
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.) Potion of Vulnerability Potion of Immunity+Fermented Spider Eye
When you drink this potion or get splashed by it, you'll be under the effect known as vulnerable. This causes ALL NEGATIVE potion effects to have a +20 second duration time. Positive potion effects will NOT have an increased duration time, nor will they be decreased.
Potions of Harming, Instant Health, Scorching and Cooling are not affected by this
Potion of Vulnerability: 0:45
Potion of Vulnerability(Extended): 2:30
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion []Can add redstone to increase duration
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.) Potion of Cooling Awkward Potion+Snowball
If you are on fire and you drink this potion, the fire will automatically be set out. If a group of people or any blocks are on fire, using a splash potion will remove all fire in its splash radius. Potion of Cooling also does damage to Blazes and Magma Cubes, about two hearts of damage.(Idea by colers5) The Potion of Cooling will also remove any fires on blocks in a small radius.
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.)Potion of Scorching Potion of Cooling+Fermented Spider Eye
When you drink this, you will be automatically set on fire. Splash potions will set any mob and players in the splash radius to be set on fire. BLOCKS DO NOT GET SET ON FIRE. There is no extra effect.
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.)Potion of Luck Awkward Potion+Golden Apple(The one crafted with Gold Nuggets)[Thank you Epicness1234]
When you drink this or get splashed by it, there will be a 20% chance of any regular melee attack to be a critical hit, without even having to jump to get it. The potion also increases the chance of a mob dropping a rare item, such as a Bow from a Skeleton or an Iron Ingot from a Zombie.
With the potion of luck, I think its a good idea to increase the "rare" drop chance. Since it makes drops "luckier" as well, maybe the amount of drops could be increased? Similar to the looting enchantment, but can be used as a potion.
I had another idea for the luck potion as well. Maybe the thrown potion could affect a single mob, and would increase the chances for the mob to drop the item specific to it?
For example:
You threw the potion at a enderman.
Your GUARANTEED a enderpearl or two?
Just my two cents.
I do like the idea though +1
Duration Potion of Luck: 0:30 Potion of Luck(Extended): 1:45 Potion of Luck II: 0:15 Potion of Luck II(Extended): 3:00
Potion of Luck II
The chance of a regular melee attack to be a critical hit is increased from 20% to 40%, and the chances of a mob dropping a rare item is even higher.
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion []Can add redstone to increase duration []Can add glowstone to increase potency
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.)Potion of Cursing Potion of Luck+Fermented Spider Eye
When you drink this potion or get splashed by it, there is a 20% chance of any melee attack hit you land to do a full heart of damage to you. People are getting confused that this is beneficial. It is not. I may have explained it wrong. Your melee attack does damage to the oppenent, as well as yourself. When in the effect of this potion, there will be an increased crit chance on you, so you may take critical hits much more often from regular melee attacks. Idea from BanjoPlaying Horse.
Potion of Cursing:0:30
Potion of Cursing(Extended): 1:45
Potion of Cursing II: 0:15
Potion of Cursing II(Extended): 3:00
Potion of Cursing II
The chance of a a regular melee attack to do a full heart of damage to yourself is increased from 20% to 40% and you take a heart and a half of damage instead.
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion []Can add redstone to increase duration []Can add glowstone to increase potency
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.)Potion of Repelling[Idea from Twister1134] Awkward Potion+Poisonous Potato
When you drink this potion or splash it on yourself, all mobs(excluding the Wither and Enderdragon) will not be able to get close to you. Skeletons, Ghasts and Blazes will still shoot at you, but can not get any closer.
Duration Potion of Repelling: 0:30
Potion of Repelling(Extended): 1:25
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion []Can add redstone to increase duration
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.)Potion of Attraction Potion of Repelling+Fermented Spider Eye
All passive and neutral mobs will stay very close to you until the potion effect wears off. Hostile mobs, however, will see you from a larger distance away, and walk toward you. Enderdragon and the Wither will not come even more close to you, they are unaffected by this potion.
Potion of Attraction: 0:30
Potion of Attraction(Extended): 1:25
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion []Can add redstone to increase duration
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.)Potion of Awareness[Idea from 0_Zippy] Awkward Potion+Eye of Ender
Drinking it allows the player to see mobs through walls as a green glow in a 30 block radius. Monster spawner blocks are seen as an orange glow. A splash version used on a hostile mob will detect players from 30 blocks away, rather than the standard 16.
Potion of Awareness: 0:45
Potion of Awareness(Extended): 1:45
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion []Can add redstone to increase duration
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.)Potion ofBlindness Potion of Awareness+Fermented Spider Eye
Drinking this potion creates a fog similar to bedrock fog for the player, preventing them from seeing a further distance. Using a splash potion does the same thing, but if thrown at a mob, they will not notice you as they normally should, and will have to be a lot closer to you to see you.
Duration Potion of Blindness: 0:45
Potion of Blindess(Extended): 1:45
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion []Can add redstone to increase duration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.)Potion of Enigma[Idea from Twister1134] Awkward Potion+Charcoal
This potion, when consumed, will give off a random effect. All effects are equally random. No effect has a greater chance of happening to the user. Likewise, there is even a chance that nothing will happen when drinking this potion. The potion cannot be made into a splash potion, nor can it be extended with redstone or have its potency increased with glowstone powder. Also, it cannot be tainted with a fermented spider eye.
The potion also gives the chance to get an extended effect or a more powerful effect of a potion, such as Instant Damage 2 or a Fire Resistance extended to 8 minutes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This sword enchantment causes blocking to be buffed up to remove 3/4 of the damage taken while blocking instead of the average 1/2.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Resistance I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unbreaking
At each use, there is a chance that the sword's durability will not decrease.(Basically Unbreaking for Pickaxes, Shovels and Axes, but for swords.)
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Unbreaking III -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leech
Each sword strike has a 5% chance of healing half a heart and 5% chance of healing half a hunger piece. Can not heal both at the same time.
Leech I
10% chance of healing half a heart
Leech II
10% chance of healing a heart
Leech III
10% chance of healing a heart and a half
Leech IV
10% chance of healing two hearts
This enchantment can not be paired with Looting.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Leech IV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Length(Idea from Twister1134) Increases the range of the sword, allowing to destroy blocks a further distance away and to hit mobs/players a further distance.
This enchantment can not be paired with Fire Aspect and Knockback.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Length I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cripple[Idea from Dwarvenhero81] When hit, there is a 30% chance that any player or mob will be under an effect known as Crippled for 5 seconds. During this effect, you will walk as if you are on soul sand, and you take half a heart of damage each second if you do move. Without taking damage, it is best to stay in the same place until the effect wears off. Each level increases the effect time by 3 seconds. At Cripple IV, you'll have the effect for 14 seconds.
This enchantment can not be paired with Leech.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Cripple IV --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brisk This enchantment makes it that you have a very quick draw time, so you can shoot your bow quite fast.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Brisk I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spread[Idea from Twister1134]
This enchantment causes more than one arrow to shoot from one arrow shot. For example, a Spread 1 Bow will shoot 1 arrow, plus 1 arrow because of the level. So, thats 2 arrows shot. At the max enchantment, level 3, you can shoot up to 4 arrows at a time. This enchantment is a rare one.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Spread III -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chill
This enchantment causes all mobs/players hit with the arrow to have a 20% chance of walking slowly for 2 seconds. This is increased by 1 second per level of the enchantment. At Chill IV, the mob/player will walk slowly for 5 seconds.
After the slowness is finished, the player can not be slowed down again for another 10 seconds. This is to prevent PvP abuse and OPness.
This enchantment conflicts with Flame.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Chill IV --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Smelting Depending on what you mine, you'll get the smelted version of it. For example, digging sand will give you glass. Digging smooth stone will give you smooth stone, not cobblestone. Digging iron ore will give you an iron ingot, etc. HOWEVER, the smelted item does NOT occur all the time. There is a 30% chance of it happening. (Thanks rilesflower for reminding me to update this enchantment.)
This enchantment can't have Silk Touch with it on a Pick/Shovel
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Smelting I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Knockback Resistance(ALL EQUIPMENT) You will not go as far back as you'd normally would from a Knockback Sword, Punch Bow, explosion, regular attacks, etc.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Knockback Resistance I
This enchantment can't have Blast Protection, Protection, Fire Protection or Projectile Protection with it on any piece of armor.
They CAN be paired with one of these enchantments. Thanks fredoscar88 for allowing it to be paired with them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Char(CHESTPLATE ONLY) There is a 5% chance that if a mob/player melee attacks you, they will be caught on fire. The chance of it happening is increased by 5% per each level. At Char III, there is a 15% chance the mob/player will caught on fire upon melee attacking you. This is a very rare enchantment.
This enchantment can not be paired with Thornmail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Endurance(LEGGINGS ONLY) [Idea from Twister1134] Causes the hunger bar to deplete 5% slower. Percentage is increased every level by 5%. So, at Endurance IV, your hunger bar will deplete 20% slower.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Endurance IV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nimble(BOOTS ONLY) Causes you to swim 10% faster in Water and Lava and increases walking speed on soul sand by 10%. Each is increased by 5% per level. At Nimble III, you will swim 20% faster and walk on sould sand 20% faster.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Nimble III --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SHEARS(That's right! I've come up of possible Shear enchantments!)
Unbreaking Same as all tools and sword.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Unbreaking III -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extracting Shears with this enchantment have a higher chance of that when it is used to break a leaf block, an apple(for oaks) and cocoa beans(for jungle leaves) to drop. The probability is increased per level.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Extracting IV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shepherd Shears with this enchantment allows for sheep to drop even more wool. This makes the sheep drop 3-5 wool.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Shepherd I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HOES(The Unbreaking and Irrigation enchantments are all from Twister1134)
Same as the other tools.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Unbreaking III -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Irrigation
This enchantment has a chance that newly made farmland is instantly hydrated (will still dry out if there is no source of water nearby). Higher levels will increase this chance.
This enchantment conflicts with Strive
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Irrigation IV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strive
This enchantment causes all soil tilled with the enchanted hoe to cause crop growth time to be shortened by 10%, with an extra 5% for each level. This means Strive V has a 30% faster growth time.
This enchantment conflicts with Irrigation
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Strive V --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Some of my enchantments are very similar to iBurger's enchantments. His enchantments that some of mine are similar to are Nimble, Smelting, and Spread.If you'd like to check out iBurger's enchantment post, just follow this link:
+1 good ideas http://www.minecraft...eedback-needed/
Someone has already made a similar post to this. Surprisingly, almost none of the ideas are the same. You two should somehow merge the posts together.
+1 good ideas http://www.minecraft...eedback-needed/
Someone has already made a similar post to this. Surprisingly, almost none of the ideas are the same. You two should somehow merge the posts together.
Thank you for the +1!
Perhaps we can merge the posts together, if he/she was willing to do it. Thanks very much again!
potion of cooling; having a water bucket with you does miracles, and is re-usable
potion of luck: when you have potions, you had blaze rods, and to have blaze rods, you need a nether portal, and for a portal, you need obsidian (still following?), and for obsidian, you need a diamond pick (or visit allot of villages, with only 27 percent chance for 3-7 obsidian, which means that it can take an average 8 to 16 villages to get), for a diamond pick you need diamonds (or again, searching a infinite amount of chunks for temples and villages that may or may not present you a diamond, again, unlikely that you will do that) and for diamonds, you need do (well unless you x-ray) allot of mining, pretty much making about all of the rare loot to little use to you, as you
likely have enough materials to make a dozen of them, so why waste netherwart on it.
potion of cursing: chance for 1 full hart eh..... imma take a dozen with me when going against the netherdragon (not all mobs bitchslap a half hard away, just sayin')
Potion of Cooling doesn't make a mess of placing actual water down. Some PvP servers do not allow to placement of water in an arena. The Potion of Cooling does the same thing, except doesn't make a mess.
Potion of Luck doesn't only make it so mobs have a higher chance of dropping rare items. You have a chance to land a critical without even jumping.
As for Potion of Cursing, you wouldn't be able to carry a dozen with you, as you'll have other stuff, and using it for the enderdragon would be very difficult to even land the splash on it. And some times the mobs or player will not lose health.
1. mmmm.. good point, still not so useful when the restriction is not present
2. sorry, guess i read it to fast
3. i meant use it on yourself, not the enderdragon, ****. perhaps the effect should just be changed to chance to recieve 100/150% more dmg, also, carrying anything other than heal pots, bow, armor, sword, food and lots of arrows with you to the enderdragon, i think you are a pretty big moron.
4. my apologies, english is not my main language, and even though i am very good in vocabulary (though i admittedly threw in some meme language) my vocal and grammar are terrible (what do you expect, i learned my first english from runescape)
1. I see what you mean. That is understandable.
2. No problem.
3. I don't see any reason for the Potion of Cursing to be changed honestly.
4. Its OK. I understand. Sorry for saying your grammar was terrible. Didn't realize.
Thanks for your feedback, despite calling me a ****.
With the potion of luck, I think its a good idea to increase the "rare" drop chance. Since it makes drops "luckier" as well, maybe the amount of drops could be increased? Similar to the looting enchantment, but can be used as a potion.
I had another idea for the luck potion as well. Maybe the thrown potion could affect a single mob, and would increase the chances for the mob to drop the item specific to it?
With the potion of luck, I think its a good idea to increase the "rare" drop chance. Since it makes drops "luckier" as well, maybe the amount of drops could be increased? Similar to the looting enchantment, but can be used as a potion.
I had another idea for the luck potion as well. Maybe the thrown potion could affect a single mob, and would increase the chances for the mob to drop the item specific to it?
For example:
You threw the potion at a enderman.
Your GUARANTEED a enderpearl or two?
Just my two cents.
I do like the idea though +1
That seems REALLY good actually. I'll add that to the OP. Thanks! I'll credit you in the thread.
Overall, it all sounds good, but to be slightly more specific...
Potion of Immunity: Good
Potion of Vulnerability: Genius
Potion of Cooling: Could be solved by a water bucket.
Potion of Scorching: Enchantments and Flint & Steel already do this.
Potion of Luck: Genius
Potion of Cursing: Luck potion already covers this, but seems useful in Splash form.
Resistance: Genius
Unbreaking (Swords): Fair
Leech: A tad overpowered in some cases, but not bad.
Brisk: Genius
Smelting: Hurts the point of furnaces, since one can get XP from furnaces.
Knockback Resistance: Genius
Char: Meh.
Unbreaking (Shears): Not heavily needed, but fair.
Extracting: Not heavily needed, but good.
Shepherd: Genius.
If you want icons for all of those, I'll give them to you.
Overall, it all sounds good, but to be slightly more specific...
Potion of Immunity: Good
Potion of Vulnerability: Genius
Potion of Cooling: Could be solved by a water bucket.
Potion of Scorching: Enchantments and Flint & Steel already do this.
Potion of Luck: Genius
Potion of Cursing: Luck potion already covers this, but seems useful in Splash form.
Resistance: Genius
Unbreaking (Swords): Fair
Leech: A tad overpowered in some cases, but not bad.
Brisk: Genius
Smelting: Hurts the point of furnaces, since one can get XP from furnaces.
Knockback Resistance: Genius
Char: Meh.
Unbreaking (Shears): Not heavily needed, but fair.
Extracting: Not heavily needed, but good.
Shepherd: Genius.
If you want icons for all of those, I'll give them to you.
Sure! Thanks for the feedback and all those 'Geniuses'. Those made me feel really good.
About Potion of Cooling. Some servers that have PvP arenas do not allow the placement of water from a water bucket, so this would be a good alternative. It also doesn't make much of a mess a regular water bucket does.
Potion of Scorching time. Some servers also prevent the usage of Flint and Steel, so this would also serve as a good alternative, and good to hit a massive group of mobs/players, not shooting them one by one or hitting them one by one.
I love most of the ideas, but Unbreaking on a sword seems useless, diamond swords last quite a long time as is. It would have no use on a PvP server, but this is just me. And (like the fellow above me said) Leech does seem overpowering, as I'm sure there would be an easy way to abuse it.
My favorites: Potion of Immunity/Vulnerability (Should be added to Vanilla) and Brisk (also should be added)
And just a few suggestions: to make it more valuable on SSP, it should create resistance to hunger and poison. Luck Potions, idk, could be brewed by adding gold nugget (or something of the part) to awkward potion? Anyway, love the ideas, +1 for you!
I love most of the ideas, but Unbreaking on a sword seems useless, diamond swords last quite a long time as is. It would have no use on a PvP server, but this is just me. And (like the fellow above me said) Leech does seem overpowering, as I'm sure there would be an easy way to abuse it.
My favorites: Potion of Immunity/Vulnerability (Should be added to Vanilla) and Brisk (also should be added)
And just a few suggestions: to make it more valuable on SSP, it should create resistance to hunger and poison. Luck Potions, idk, could be brewed by adding gold nugget (or something of the part) to awkward potion? Anyway, love the ideas, +1 for you!
The thing for Luck Potions, I want it to be made from a sort of rare item. Gold Nuggets seems too easy to get for me.
I'm sorry if this was suggested before.
I've come up of possible potions and enchantments that can be added to the game. Now, I know these potion and enchantment ideas come up a lot in the suggestions page, but I took the time and effor to ensure that my potions and enchantments aren't OP and are as balanced as they can get. Without further ado, let us begin!
POTIONS (THANK YOU 0_Zippy for the Potion appearance and effect icons! )
1.) Potion of Immunity
Awkward Potion+Bucket of Milk(The bucket is returned)
When you drink this potion or get splashed by it, you'll be under the effect known as immune. This causes ALL potion effects to not occur. Strength, Weakness, or even Regeneration effects will not take place if under the Potion of Immunity's immune effect. If you are already in an effect such as Slowness, and you drink/splash the Potion of Immunity, all other effects will disappear, sort of like drinking a bucket of milk.
Potions of Harming, Instant Health, Scorching and Cooling are not affected by this
Potion of Immunity: 0:45
Potion of Immunity(Extended): 2:30
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion
[]Can add redstone to increase duration
2.) Potion of Vulnerability
Potion of Immunity+Fermented Spider Eye
When you drink this potion or get splashed by it, you'll be under the effect known as vulnerable. This causes ALL NEGATIVE potion effects to have a +20 second duration time. Positive potion effects will NOT have an increased duration time, nor will they be decreased.
Potions of Harming, Instant Health, Scorching and Cooling are not affected by this
Potion of Vulnerability: 0:45
Potion of Vulnerability(Extended): 2:30
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion
[]Can add redstone to increase duration
3.) Potion of Cooling
Awkward Potion+Snowball
If you are on fire and you drink this potion, the fire will automatically be set out. If a group of people or any blocks are on fire, using a splash potion will remove all fire in its splash radius. Potion of Cooling also does damage to Blazes and Magma Cubes, about two hearts of damage.(Idea by colers5) The Potion of Cooling will also remove any fires on blocks in a small radius.
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion
4.)Potion of Scorching
Potion of Cooling+Fermented Spider Eye
When you drink this, you will be automatically set on fire. Splash potions will set any mob and players in the splash radius to be set on fire. BLOCKS DO NOT GET SET ON FIRE. There is no extra effect.
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion
5.)Potion of Luck
Awkward Potion+Golden Apple(The one crafted with Gold Nuggets)[Thank you Epicness1234]
When you drink this or get splashed by it, there will be a 20% chance of any regular melee attack to be a critical hit, without even having to jump to get it. The potion also increases the chance of a mob dropping a rare item, such as a Bow from a Skeleton or an Iron Ingot from a Zombie.
Potion of Luck: 0:30
Potion of Luck(Extended): 1:45
Potion of Luck II: 0:15
Potion of Luck II(Extended): 3:00
Potion of Luck II
The chance of a regular melee attack to be a critical hit is increased from 20% to 40%, and the chances of a mob dropping a rare item is even higher.
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion
[]Can add redstone to increase duration
[]Can add glowstone to increase potency
6.)Potion of Cursing
Potion of Luck+Fermented Spider Eye
When you drink this potion or get splashed by it, there is a 20% chance of any melee attack hit you land to do a full heart of damage to you. People are getting confused that this is beneficial. It is not. I may have explained it wrong. Your melee attack does damage to the oppenent, as well as yourself. When in the effect of this potion, there will be an increased crit chance on you, so you may take critical hits much more often from regular melee attacks. Idea from BanjoPlaying Horse.
Potion of Cursing:0:30
Potion of Cursing(Extended): 1:45
Potion of Cursing II: 0:15
Potion of Cursing II(Extended): 3:00
Potion of Cursing II
The chance of a a regular melee attack to do a full heart of damage to yourself is increased from 20% to 40% and you take a heart and a half of damage instead.
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion
[]Can add redstone to increase duration
[]Can add glowstone to increase potency
7.)Potion of Repelling[Idea from Twister1134]
Awkward Potion+Poisonous Potato
When you drink this potion or splash it on yourself, all mobs(excluding the Wither and Enderdragon) will not be able to get close to you. Skeletons, Ghasts and Blazes will still shoot at you, but can not get any closer.
Potion of Repelling: 0:30
Potion of Repelling(Extended): 1:25
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion
[]Can add redstone to increase duration
8.)Potion of Attraction
Potion of Repelling+Fermented Spider Eye
All passive and neutral mobs will stay very close to you until the potion effect wears off. Hostile mobs, however, will see you from a larger distance away, and walk toward you. Enderdragon and the Wither will not come even more close to you, they are unaffected by this potion.
Potion of Attraction: 0:30
Potion of Attraction(Extended): 1:25
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion
[]Can add redstone to increase duration
9.)Potion of Awareness[Idea from 0_Zippy]
Awkward Potion+Eye of Ender
Drinking it allows the player to see mobs through walls as a green glow in a 30 block radius. Monster spawner blocks are seen as an orange glow. A splash version used on a hostile mob will detect players from 30 blocks away, rather than the standard 16.
Potion of Awareness: 0:45
Potion of Awareness(Extended): 1:45
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion
[]Can add redstone to increase duration
10.)Potion of Blindness
Potion of Awareness+Fermented Spider Eye
Drinking this potion creates a fog similar to bedrock fog for the player, preventing them from seeing a further distance. Using a splash potion does the same thing, but if thrown at a mob, they will not notice you as they normally should, and will have to be a lot closer to you to see you.
Potion of Blindness: 0:45
Potion of Blindess(Extended): 1:45
[]Can add gunpowder to make it a splash potion
[]Can add redstone to increase duration
11.)Potion of Enigma[Idea from Twister1134]
Awkward Potion+Charcoal
This potion, when consumed, will give off a random effect. All effects are equally random. No effect has a greater chance of happening to the user. Likewise, there is even a chance that nothing will happen when drinking this potion. The potion cannot be made into a splash potion, nor can it be extended with redstone or have its potency increased with glowstone powder. Also, it cannot be tainted with a fermented spider eye.
The potion also gives the chance to get an extended effect or a more powerful effect of a potion, such as Instant Damage 2 or a Fire Resistance extended to 8 minutes.
This sword enchantment causes blocking to be buffed up to remove 3/4 of the damage taken while blocking instead of the average 1/2.
At each use, there is a chance that the sword's durability will not decrease.(Basically Unbreaking for Pickaxes, Shovels and Axes, but for swords.)
Each sword strike has a 5% chance of healing half a heart and 5% chance of healing half a hunger piece. Can not heal both at the same time.
Leech I
10% chance of healing half a heart
Leech II
10% chance of healing a heart
Leech III
10% chance of healing a heart and a half
Leech IV
10% chance of healing two hearts
This enchantment can not be paired with Looting.
Length(Idea from Twister1134)
Increases the range of the sword, allowing to destroy blocks a further distance away and to hit mobs/players a further distance.
This enchantment can not be paired with Fire Aspect and Knockback.
Cripple[Idea from Dwarvenhero81]
When hit, there is a 30% chance that any player or mob will be under an effect known as Crippled for 5 seconds. During this effect, you will walk as if you are on soul sand, and you take half a heart of damage each second if you do move. Without taking damage, it is best to stay in the same place until the effect wears off. Each level increases the effect time by 3 seconds. At Cripple IV, you'll have the effect for 14 seconds.
This enchantment can not be paired with Leech.
This enchantment makes it that you have a very quick draw time, so you can shoot your bow quite fast.
Spread[Idea from Twister1134]
This enchantment causes more than one arrow to shoot from one arrow shot. For example, a Spread 1 Bow will shoot 1 arrow, plus 1 arrow because of the level. So, thats 2 arrows shot. At the max enchantment, level 3, you can shoot up to 4 arrows at a time. This enchantment is a rare one.
This enchantment causes all mobs/players hit with the arrow to have a 20% chance of walking slowly for 2 seconds. This is increased by 1 second per level of the enchantment. At Chill IV, the mob/player will walk slowly for 5 seconds.
After the slowness is finished, the player can not be slowed down again for another 10 seconds. This is to prevent PvP abuse and OPness.
This enchantment conflicts with Flame.
Depending on what you mine, you'll get the smelted version of it. For example, digging sand will give you glass. Digging smooth stone will give you smooth stone, not cobblestone. Digging iron ore will give you an iron ingot, etc. HOWEVER, the smelted item does NOT occur all the time. There is a 30% chance of it happening. (Thanks rilesflower for reminding me to update this enchantment.)
This enchantment can't have Silk Touch with it on a Pick/Shovel
Knockback Resistance(ALL EQUIPMENT)
You will not go as far back as you'd normally would from a Knockback Sword, Punch Bow, explosion, regular attacks, etc.
MAX ENCHANTMENT LEVEL: Knockback Resistance I
This enchantment can't have Blast Protection, Protection, Fire Protection or Projectile Protection with it on any piece of armor.They CAN be paired with one of these enchantments. Thanks fredoscar88 for allowing it to be paired with them.
There is a 5% chance that if a mob/player melee attacks you, they will be caught on fire. The chance of it happening is increased by 5% per each level. At Char III, there is a 15% chance the mob/player will caught on fire upon melee attacking you. This is a very rare enchantment.
This enchantment can not be paired with Thornmail.
Endurance(LEGGINGS ONLY) [Idea from Twister1134]
Causes the hunger bar to deplete 5% slower. Percentage is increased every level by 5%. So, at Endurance IV, your hunger bar will deplete 20% slower.
Causes you to swim 10% faster in Water and Lava and increases walking speed on soul sand by 10%. Each is increased by 5% per level. At Nimble III, you will swim 20% faster and walk on sould sand 20% faster.
SHEARS(That's right! I've come up of possible Shear enchantments!)
Same as all tools and sword.
Shears with this enchantment have a higher chance of that when it is used to break a leaf block, an apple(for oaks) and cocoa beans(for jungle leaves) to drop. The probability is increased per level.
Shears with this enchantment allows for sheep to drop even more wool. This makes the sheep drop 3-5 wool.
HOES(The Unbreaking and Irrigation enchantments are all from Twister1134)
Same as the other tools.
This enchantment has a chance that newly made farmland is instantly hydrated (will still dry out if there is no source of water nearby). Higher levels will increase this chance.
This enchantment conflicts with Strive
This enchantment causes all soil tilled with the enchanted hoe to cause crop growth time to be shortened by 10%, with an extra 5% for each level. This means Strive V has a 30% faster growth time.
This enchantment conflicts with Irrigation
Some of my enchantments are very similar to iBurger's enchantments. His enchantments that some of mine are similar to are Nimble, Smelting, and Spread. If you'd like to check out iBurger's enchantment post, just follow this link:
I'll post more enchantments/potions as I think of them. So, this is it for now.
Thank you all for reading! Please leave comments/complaints/hatemail/suggestions down below and have a WONDERFUL day.
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Someone has already made a similar post to this. Surprisingly, almost none of the ideas are the same. You two should somehow merge the posts together.
Thank you for the +1!
Perhaps we can merge the posts together, if he/she was willing to do it. Thanks very much again!
Potion of Cooling doesn't make a mess of placing actual water down. Some PvP servers do not allow to placement of water in an arena. The Potion of Cooling does the same thing, except doesn't make a mess.
Potion of Luck doesn't only make it so mobs have a higher chance of dropping rare items. You have a chance to land a critical without even jumping.
As for Potion of Cursing, you wouldn't be able to carry a dozen with you, as you'll have other stuff, and using it for the enderdragon would be very difficult to even land the splash on it. And some times the mobs or player will not lose health.
And work on your grammar. It is terrible.
1. I see what you mean. That is understandable.
2. No problem.
3. I don't see any reason for the Potion of Cursing to be changed honestly.
4. Its OK. I understand. Sorry for saying your grammar was terrible. Didn't realize.
Thanks for your feedback, despite calling me a ****.
Understandable. Thanks for the feedback!
I had another idea for the luck potion as well. Maybe the thrown potion could affect a single mob, and would increase the chances for the mob to drop the item specific to it?
For example:
You threw the potion at a enderman.
Your GUARANTEED a enderpearl or two?
Just my two cents.
I do like the idea though +1
That seems REALLY good actually. I'll add that to the OP. Thanks! I'll credit you in the thread.
Potion of Immunity: Good
Potion of Vulnerability: Genius
Potion of Cooling: Could be solved by a water bucket.
Potion of Scorching: Enchantments and Flint & Steel already do this.
Potion of Luck: Genius
Potion of Cursing: Luck potion already covers this, but seems useful in Splash form.
Resistance: Genius
Unbreaking (Swords): Fair
Leech: A tad overpowered in some cases, but not bad.
Brisk: Genius
Smelting: Hurts the point of furnaces, since one can get XP from furnaces.
Knockback Resistance: Genius
Char: Meh.
Unbreaking (Shears): Not heavily needed, but fair.
Extracting: Not heavily needed, but good.
Shepherd: Genius.
If you want icons for all of those, I'll give them to you.
Sure! Thanks for the feedback and all those 'Geniuses'. Those made me feel really good.
About Potion of Cooling. Some servers that have PvP arenas do not allow the placement of water from a water bucket, so this would be a good alternative. It also doesn't make much of a mess a regular water bucket does.
Potion of Scorching time. Some servers also prevent the usage of Flint and Steel, so this would also serve as a good alternative, and good to hit a massive group of mobs/players, not shooting them one by one or hitting them one by one.
The only one would be for Luck. I want Luck to be some sort of greenish. Do as you please with the others.
Thanks a bunch!
My favorites: Potion of Immunity/Vulnerability (Should be added to Vanilla) and Brisk (also should be added)
And just a few suggestions: to make it more valuable on SSP, it should create resistance to hunger and poison. Luck Potions, idk, could be brewed by adding gold nugget (or something of the part) to awkward potion? Anyway, love the ideas, +1 for you!
The thing for Luck Potions, I want it to be made from a sort of rare item. Gold Nuggets seems too easy to get for me.