As a craft-able object attainable through technological progression, yes. I'm not sure what's supposed to power it, but...there's always the arcane!
I can see it now, a massive strip mine on an MP server with fan conveyors, and miners working in different areas down the line. Whenever they are full on blocks they just throw them on the conveyor to be relayed to the builders of a fortification, or a town, or a castle. The perfect system.
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Choose your words wisely.
Defend your words flexibly.
Change your words fittingly.
Let prejudice, popular opinion, and preconception be free from your judgments.
How about making wind part of the weather? Instead of the clouds perpetually moving north, the clouds will move in the same direction as the wind is blowing, with the same speed.
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My Youtube channel.
Contains Pachebel's Canon made with noteblocks, a working Rubik's cube made with pistons, and the ultimate TNT cannon.
I know that parts of this idea are basically straight out of DF, but bear with me...
Conundrummer mentioned moving winds, as part of the map. Perhaps you could create small windmills, attach gears to them, and link the gears to the fans. An engineer/guy who stands near them and whistles a soft medley would have to rotate, or remove and replace the windmill depending on the direction of the wind that is blowing on the map so the smaller fan can continue blowing. The smaller fan would have a stronger force, but smaller, than the maps wind, so it would create a current in water/air, even if the wind is against it, allowing you to transport goods through channels of water/etc.
you could create perpetual motion machine!! if you have a fan blowing into a windmill which then powers the fan again!!! Screw you thermodynamics!
This seems like a nice idea, but the only problems is that it would we hard to tell where is windy and so it'd be confusing just being pushed around. In real life you can tell because of the feel of it and the sounds and the sights of trees and stuff swaying, which might be hard to put in. I think with flowing water you could do most of this, especially the machine stuff.
Wind from Fans would only move mobs, you and items dropped on the floor.
Place a Fan in water and it will make a current in the way its facing.
Fan blocks can go up, down, and all directions.
This would be good for a item transport system for when you dont have water, or currents.
I can see it now, a massive strip mine on an MP server with fan conveyors, and miners working in different areas down the line. Whenever they are full on blocks they just throw them on the conveyor to be relayed to the builders of a fortification, or a town, or a castle. The perfect system.
Defend your words flexibly.
Change your words fittingly.
Let prejudice, popular opinion, and preconception be free from your judgments.
And some engineers making sure the engines are fueled, don't break, and the fans are blowing the right way.
Contains Pachebel's Canon made with noteblocks, a working Rubik's cube made with pistons, and the ultimate TNT cannon.
Don't let them dies, please D'=
They wouldn't let you die if you were in need of hatching!
How about using waterwheel power, and running axels to the fans?
How about we just make a space build mod... but, instead of air for space, we need air for underground.
Don't let them dies, please D'=
They wouldn't let you die if you were in need of hatching!
You should be able to turn them on and off via pressure blocks/switches though, and they should push gravity-effected blocks upwards.
But DF has no fans, so we need those too.
So you're saying that simple mechanical power is the same as advanced rocketry, environmental controls, and extra-terrestrial operations?
You, sir, are terribly misguided if that is indeed your view on this matter.
Conundrummer mentioned moving winds, as part of the map. Perhaps you could create small windmills, attach gears to them, and link the gears to the fans. An engineer/guy who stands near them and whistles a soft medley would have to rotate, or remove and replace the windmill depending on the direction of the wind that is blowing on the map so the smaller fan can continue blowing. The smaller fan would have a stronger force, but smaller, than the maps wind, so it would create a current in water/air, even if the wind is against it, allowing you to transport goods through channels of water/etc.
This seems like a nice idea, but the only problems is that it would we hard to tell where is windy and so it'd be confusing just being pushed around. In real life you can tell because of the feel of it and the sounds and the sights of trees and stuff swaying, which might be hard to put in. I think with flowing water you could do most of this, especially the machine stuff.
Warning: Metawarning
Umm... redstone!