Dwarves would be another playable race, aside from humans. The would spawn in a large underground cavern, be shorter than humans, have more hearts than humans, but be a bit slower and sunlight would make them even slower (not torchlight). They would be faster than humans at mining. Red mushrooms that are poisonous would be healthy to them. This would balance them out, and give them equal advantages and disadvantages. Another advantage for the dwarves is instead of able to make torches, sticks, craft tables, and all wooden things that are necessities, they could instead make them out of stone. Instead of having to mine stone with a wooden pickaxe, they could just use their hands because they are very advanced miners.
Imagine digging your city further into the depths of the earth in survival multi-player and you stumble upon humble cave dwelling dwarves... you could either shoot them from a distance with your bows and annihilate their people and use the ruins of their city to benefit yourselves, or you could make a treaty and trade your goods between cities. The humans could trade pork, wood, and other above-ground things to the dwarves in exchange for their rich minerals and ores.
I wouldn't mind some degree of character customization (a faster guy with fewer hearts or something like that), but I think this game gets on well enough without fantasy races. Equipment crafting is probably a better way of changing your attributes, and your appearance can freely be modified to look like a dwarf if you want already.
Elves who are fast at harvesting lumber, grow trees in half the time, and slowly gain health by staying ON grass that's UNDER leaves, but mine half as fast as humans and can't see as well in areas lit by torches
Fishfolk who can see clearly underwater, can breath underwater, and can mine at fulls speed underwater, but move as slow on land as other races do in water.
Harpies who can fly, but take damage from being caves.
Too bad. It would have been a lot of fun to set up a multi-racial alliance.
Also, fishfolk would have made it so much easier to work underwater.
I think I like you, Lets not let that fishman concept completely die. Bare with me here. Item= Air-bubble(Helmet) Can breath underwater for a longer period of time, but still have to come up to the surface.
On a tangentially related note, I think it'd be interesting if avatars grew cosmetic changes depending upon what they did the most. Say someone spends a lot of time in the water. I mean a lot. Like 40%+, they might grow little fish ears on the sides of their heads that can grow larger depending upon if they keep up with their current lifestyle. They'd fall away as they resumed their normal activities, of course. People who spend a lot of time underground get shorter and grow bright luminous eyes. Purely cosmetic though. It'd be interesting to see if you could take the cosmetic system and add tangible benefits such as better nightvision or holding your breath for longer, but that may be branching into entirely too silly territory.
Yeah, setting players apart, elves, good at running, they are able to effectively set up tree farm, and provision farms, they'll go down very slowly because of their heightened production skills.
Thus allowing them to scale walls, quickly burrgle anything with great haste, and avoid all you attempts to shoot them down, and melee warriors.
Dwarves, able to craft better equipment and out mine generally anyone, they'll be able to depelete vien, adn valuable resources. With their ability to mine at higher speeds they'll be able to quickly be able to demolish buildings, and with teheir superior crafting they can kill all of the inhabitants.
Mer-folk, all I can say is, mass-flooding, and very, very deadly sea-raids.
SO do you want these uber races?
It'd be an eternal battle of the offsetted, it is better to have no character diversity.
For those of you who dislike classes, and stuff, this isn't far off from classes, just simply replace the races with classes, smithy miners, nimble farmers, sea men.
I don't really think that having separate races would be all that necessary, but dwarves would be a very viable option for intelligent mobs, as they could live underground, where the player is oft to be found, and be capable of building defenses, and crafting weapons.
Imagine digging your city further into the depths of the earth in survival multi-player and you stumble upon humble cave dwelling dwarves... you could either shoot them from a distance with your bows and annihilate their people and use the ruins of their city to benefit yourselves, or you could make a treaty and trade your goods between cities. The humans could trade pork, wood, and other above-ground things to the dwarves in exchange for their rich minerals and ores.
Artist's Conception of a Minecraftian Dwarf:
Drawn by yours truly.
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
Elves who are fast at harvesting lumber, grow trees in half the time, and slowly gain health by staying ON grass that's UNDER leaves, but mine half as fast as humans and can't see as well in areas lit by torches
Fishfolk who can see clearly underwater, can breath underwater, and can mine at fulls speed underwater, but move as slow on land as other races do in water.
Harpies who can fly, but take damage from being caves.
Don't need racist bigots, and genocide militias.
Also, fishfolk would have made it so much easier to work underwater.
I think I like you, Lets not let that fishman concept completely die. Bare with me here. Item= Air-bubble(Helmet) Can breath underwater for a longer period of time, but still have to come up to the surface.
Elf; "Running shoes" "Benches" "Tree forts" Nuff' said.
Dwarves; Spawn underground....Thats about it. :tongue.gif: As for mining and digging faster, just craft better items :\
This takes all the things you want from having seperate races, and turns them into easily usable items and resting concepts. :biggrin.gif:
Thus allowing them to scale walls, quickly burrgle anything with great haste, and avoid all you attempts to shoot them down, and melee warriors.
Dwarves, able to craft better equipment and out mine generally anyone, they'll be able to depelete vien, adn valuable resources. With their ability to mine at higher speeds they'll be able to quickly be able to demolish buildings, and with teheir superior crafting they can kill all of the inhabitants.
Mer-folk, all I can say is, mass-flooding, and very, very deadly sea-raids.
SO do you want these uber races?
It'd be an eternal battle of the offsetted, it is better to have no character diversity.
For those of you who dislike classes, and stuff, this isn't far off from classes, just simply replace the races with classes, smithy miners, nimble farmers, sea men.
He may be wrong with ideas but you need to quit hitting people with that shitty club and go back under your bridge!