Needing to make a wooden pick is kind of a pointless extra step you shouldn't need to take if you want to conserve wood or something. Breaking stone with your hands takes long enough that it's not like it would be a big advantage or anything. It'd just be nice if you don't have immediate access to wood. Collecting iron and diamonds should still require a pick the way it is now.
Is it a big deal either way? No, but I'd rather have it be my way.
But then there would be absolutely no reason to ever craft a wooden pickaxe. Since when do you need to conserve wood anyway? It grows on trees! Also, you start in a wooden house.
Notch wanted you to be complete inable to mine rock without a pickaxe. Then we complained(Because of spawn house placement and the fact that spawn houses were made of rock) and it was changed to the old way. Then Notch decided to find a happy medium, where you need a pick to mine but not having one won't trap you. A clever move. However, with the advent of wood spawn houses the ability to dig rock is no longer needed. I'm sure if you are not careful then you could still get stuck in a stone pit, but this is something I'm willing to accept.
Or even better, every pick excavates rock and every material harder than stone can break stone blocks, but not excavate stone from it.
I really dislike that we can break anything with our bare hands. Dungeons or jails are impossible now.
But two minutes into the game, they'd have tools and would be able to escape anyway. All they'd need to do it lie low until they have enough wood for their first pick. Or are you talking about spawn jails so only authorized people can play in the server?
I really dislike that we can break anything with our bare hands. Dungeons or jails are impossible now.
But two minutes into the game, they'd have tools and would be able to escape anyway. All they'd need to do it lie low until they have enough wood for their first pick. Or are you talking about spawn jails so only authorized people can play in the server?
Actually, it's one minute, one minute to build a wood pick, and mine three rocks, in one minute, UNLIKE WITHOUT IT, it'd be like three minutes without the wood pick.
Anyways Notch is trying to ADD balance to the game, so that no moron can immediately skip form bare hand to iron equipment.
Is it a big deal either way? No, but I'd rather have it be my way.
Stop being lazy and Make a pick. It takes half the time to make a wood pick than it takes to mine 3 stone blocks.
There's no reason to make a wooden anything after that initial pickaxe to get you started on rocks.
It wouldn't break either, but that's not how it works in Minecraft.
Is there some important reason why fists absolutely must not yield stone that I'm missing? It's just a minor convenience feature.
In the word someone above, it's just a miner in-convenience feature
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
Or even better, every pick excavates rock and every material harder than stone can break stone blocks, but not excavate stone from it.
But two minutes into the game, they'd have tools and would be able to escape anyway. All they'd need to do it lie low until they have enough wood for their first pick. Or are you talking about spawn jails so only authorized people can play in the server?
This. Well, and sand. And cloth. And trees. Etc. Not any kind of metal or rock. :tongue.gif:
Voyager of the Seas WIP ~~~~~ Big Book of Alchemy ~ Crafting Tech Tree
Actually, it's one minute, one minute to build a wood pick, and mine three rocks, in one minute, UNLIKE WITHOUT IT, it'd be like three minutes without the wood pick.
Anyways Notch is trying to ADD balance to the game, so that no moron can immediately skip form bare hand to iron equipment.