I know it's a little early in development to start talking about multiplayer ideas, but I just thought this would be an interesting thing to consider. Instead of either making death permanent or even just having the player simply respawn, why not make things a bit more interesting. Notch mentioned in the infinite maps development blog that he might make it so that Hell would actually be a completely seperate area that you could go to, as opposed to simply being a different theme. So, why not make it so that plays a bit more of a role in terms of gameplay?
So, here's my idea.
When you die, you respawn in Hell. You lose everything in your inventory. I repeat, everything, including equiped armor, items, and blocks. Hell would be the most dangerous area in the game, and quite frankly it'd probably be a good idea to get the hell (lulz) out of there as soon as possible.
Monsters in hell would be twice as fast as normal, take significantly more damage, and deal more damage then regular monsters. They'd also drop a lot more loot as well. In addition to this, they spawn 24/7, There would be no day/night cycle. In addition, they'd also drop considerably more loot which would make it somewhat worthwhile to venture into hell for brief periods to hunt them for some extra material. So, while the player's in Hell they have to work quickly and diligently to make the tools they need to escape hell. They can't really count on a shelter too much thanks to the hellish variety of creepers which would be kind of like wandering proximity mines. If they wander within 10 blocks of a player, they would explode in a devastating 15 block radius blast after 3 seconds.
There's only two ways out of Hell, neither of which are easy, and both of which may actually require a bit of teamwork if they're to be anything besides temporary solutions.
The players can mine for a special type of ore that can be crafted into a sort of teleporter that would teleport them straight to the regular spawning point on the surface. The catch? The ore is rare, almost as rare as diamond, the players would need to create a furnace to smelt it after they've found it, and they'd need four of them to make the teleporter. In addition, it'd be pretty delicate so it'd be pretty important to put it in a place out of the reach of creepers. Once it's in place though, it's there until it is destroyed and so players have an easy way out of hell, so long as they can find it and use it without a wandering creeper getting too close.
The second option would be for the players to build their way up. However, this is no easy task mind you. It's a long way up to the top and even if they player does make it, they still have to navigate their way through the underground caves and deal with regular monsters on their way to the surface. They also have to be very careful building this, as any hellish monster that finds its way out of Hell becomes twice as deadly as they normally are and may even randomly explode in a devastating blast of apocalyptic proportions. If too many do this you may just find yourself sitting on a small piece of land floating miles above Hell. So, if you want to build a stairway to heaven, you're gonna have to be careful that it's demon proof.
This idea is awesome. Hell creatures should actively seek to escape from Hell, so careless/malicious players could open the gates of Hell, releasing hordes of monsters. And evil fortresses, existing solely to tunnel a permanent exit from hell. Then there's an epic battle at the gates, and just as the attackers who are trying to destroy the tunnel start to win, Hell is breached and thousands of monsters pour out.
Hyper-deadly creatures from hell sound like too large of a griefing risk.
Other than that, though, I like the concept. Notch already mentioned the possibility of mining too far down and accidentally hitting hell, but I like the idea of going there when you die.
The main issue I see is that if you go to hell, it's likely because you weren't quite all that good at not dying. Hell would make you even MORE likely to die with such hellish mobs, and might ramp the difficulty up enough that new players don't get a chance to learn because they die too quickly from super-creeps that pop from a long ways away.
There could be numerous circles of Hell. The longer you stay alive, the deeper into Hell you would go when you die. Also, to avoid griefing, Hell could be inaccessible from the top, with a portal at the end of Hell that takes you back.
Interesting idea.. what if you die in hell? you just respawn? then it's pointless to try to not die in hell.
The point is that it would not be much fun to be in Hell. Lots of dying, and no ability to gather resources. Dying in Hell would just set you back in your efforts to escape. You'd respawn where you were placed when you first died.
I think it's a really awesome idea, but knowing how easily mobs can kill a careless player I would expect people to spend alot of time in hell. I think it should be a bit easier to escape hell.
I think it's a really awesome idea, but knowing how easily mobs can kill a careless player I would expect people to spend alot of time in hell. I think it should be a bit easier to escape hell.
Part of the idea behind it is to discourage players from getting careless. Hence the difficulty of getting out of there.
I cool spinoff of this idea could be that when you die, hell gets your inventory scattered around. Then you can either cut your losses and just leave with nothing. Or stay and try to get some of your items back. The catch is, if you die in hell, the items you have are gone for good and you respawn in hell.
In either case, there should be a maximum amount of time that you can just wait and rejoin the world. Like a couple minutes or something. People aren't going to want to just sit in hell constantly because someone got diamond everything somehow and won't leave them alone.
Not to mention that as soon as one guy builds an exit, everyone can get out.
Not if the monsters are all going for it to escape and wreak havoc on the surface.
An idea I want for Hell, is not just a respawn timer to go with it, but perhaps periodic earthquakes that drop dirt blocks? That way, Hell wouldn't just become a magma ocean after a few players, but will still show the 'scars' of previous battles with the monsters. Also, if we get 'circles' in Hell, then when you die in Hell you could be teleported up a circle. Higher circles would be easier, and have less magma, so even if you spawned in, say, the 8th circle before an earthquake and MAGMA EVERYWHERE, you would just go up circles until you found one where you could survive. The catch is, harder circles would have better loot. Establishing a Hell base would be very dangerous, but extremely lucrative, as there would be metals and mob drops everywhere.
Quote from Rybec »
Hyper-deadly creatures from hell sound like too large of a griefing risk.
From the way the OP put it, I think Hell would be the bottom of the map, hundreds of blocks down. It would take an extremely long time to burrow into Hell, which is why I mentioned fortresses be established solely for it. So it would be a very uncommon event, but when it did happen, chaos.
The more players you kill, the harder the hell will be. Live by the sword, die by the MAGMA.
Exactly. This would make it so that the more accident-prone players don't spend as much time in hell. Also, if a player is particularly good at killing people, having that player spend a longer time in hell after his death would give the noobs a chance to regroup and prepare for his return.
I don't think hell should be a way to profit from dying. It should at it's worst be a huge penalty for dying, and at best, get you back somewhat how you were when you died(but it will take skill and luck). You shouldn't be able to die on purpose, sit in hell running from mobs and such while mining and establishing a base and gather resources for when you escape. Because once you do that, dying in the overworld becomes pointless again. Sure, it would probably be hard for one player to set up a decent base in hell, but in multiplayer everyone could work together to make dying have no bad side again.
That's why you'd either just have to escape with nothing, or allow the players to at least get some of their items back that they lost.
Dying shouldn't make you any worse off than flat out restarting would. Otherwise anyone who dies is just going to log out of the server and start fresh.
Dying shouldn't make you any worse off than flat out restarting would. Otherwise anyone who dies is just going to log out of the server and start fresh.
Well, I'm not sure how the game will work on multiplayer, but you'd still have stuff that you stored in a chest. I would imagine chests would be only accessible by whoever made them. By logging out, I'd imagine you chest would either disappear, or open up to everyone; allowing them to take your stuff. If you store some stuff in a chest, you'll only lose whatever you had on you at the time of death, so you wouldn't be starting all over as if you relogged.
This idea is awesome. Hell creatures should actively seek to escape from Hell, so careless/malicious players could open the gates of Hell, releasing hordes of monsters. And evil fortresses, existing solely to tunnel a permanent exit from hell. Then there's an epic battle at the gates, and just as the attackers who are trying to destroy the tunnel start to win, Hell is breached and thousands of monsters pour out.
Random EPIC idea.
Also, i love this idea alot!
This would be an amazing feature!
So, here's my idea.
When you die, you respawn in Hell. You lose everything in your inventory. I repeat, everything, including equiped armor, items, and blocks. Hell would be the most dangerous area in the game, and quite frankly it'd probably be a good idea to get the hell (lulz) out of there as soon as possible.
Monsters in hell would be twice as fast as normal, take significantly more damage, and deal more damage then regular monsters. They'd also drop a lot more loot as well. In addition to this, they spawn 24/7, There would be no day/night cycle. In addition, they'd also drop considerably more loot which would make it somewhat worthwhile to venture into hell for brief periods to hunt them for some extra material. So, while the player's in Hell they have to work quickly and diligently to make the tools they need to escape hell. They can't really count on a shelter too much thanks to the hellish variety of creepers which would be kind of like wandering proximity mines. If they wander within 10 blocks of a player, they would explode in a devastating 15 block radius blast after 3 seconds.
There's only two ways out of Hell, neither of which are easy, and both of which may actually require a bit of teamwork if they're to be anything besides temporary solutions.
The players can mine for a special type of ore that can be crafted into a sort of teleporter that would teleport them straight to the regular spawning point on the surface. The catch? The ore is rare, almost as rare as diamond, the players would need to create a furnace to smelt it after they've found it, and they'd need four of them to make the teleporter. In addition, it'd be pretty delicate so it'd be pretty important to put it in a place out of the reach of creepers. Once it's in place though, it's there until it is destroyed and so players have an easy way out of hell, so long as they can find it and use it without a wandering creeper getting too close.
The second option would be for the players to build their way up. However, this is no easy task mind you. It's a long way up to the top and even if they player does make it, they still have to navigate their way through the underground caves and deal with regular monsters on their way to the surface. They also have to be very careful building this, as any hellish monster that finds its way out of Hell becomes twice as deadly as they normally are and may even randomly explode in a devastating blast of apocalyptic proportions. If too many do this you may just find yourself sitting on a small piece of land floating miles above Hell. So, if you want to build a stairway to heaven, you're gonna have to be careful that it's demon proof.
Actually, I'll bet anyone leaving will just build a tower, taking less materials, and no monster can climb up.
Otherwise, this seems like a perfectly reasonable idea :biggrin.gif:
This idea is awesome. Hell creatures should actively seek to escape from Hell, so careless/malicious players could open the gates of Hell, releasing hordes of monsters. And evil fortresses, existing solely to tunnel a permanent exit from hell. Then there's an epic battle at the gates, and just as the attackers who are trying to destroy the tunnel start to win, Hell is breached and thousands of monsters pour out.
Other than that, though, I like the concept. Notch already mentioned the possibility of mining too far down and accidentally hitting hell, but I like the idea of going there when you die.
The main issue I see is that if you go to hell, it's likely because you weren't quite all that good at not dying. Hell would make you even MORE likely to die with such hellish mobs, and might ramp the difficulty up enough that new players don't get a chance to learn because they die too quickly from super-creeps that pop from a long ways away.
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
Bah! Isn't that where the idea for hell came from? :?
Link Removed
The point is that it would not be much fun to be in Hell. Lots of dying, and no ability to gather resources. Dying in Hell would just set you back in your efforts to escape. You'd respawn where you were placed when you first died.
Part of the idea behind it is to discourage players from getting careless. Hence the difficulty of getting out of there.
In either case, there should be a maximum amount of time that you can just wait and rejoin the world. Like a couple minutes or something. People aren't going to want to just sit in hell constantly because someone got diamond everything somehow and won't leave them alone.
Not if the monsters are all going for it to escape and wreak havoc on the surface.
An idea I want for Hell, is not just a respawn timer to go with it, but perhaps periodic earthquakes that drop dirt blocks? That way, Hell wouldn't just become a magma ocean after a few players, but will still show the 'scars' of previous battles with the monsters. Also, if we get 'circles' in Hell, then when you die in Hell you could be teleported up a circle. Higher circles would be easier, and have less magma, so even if you spawned in, say, the 8th circle before an earthquake and MAGMA EVERYWHERE, you would just go up circles until you found one where you could survive. The catch is, harder circles would have better loot. Establishing a Hell base would be very dangerous, but extremely lucrative, as there would be metals and mob drops everywhere.
From the way the OP put it, I think Hell would be the bottom of the map, hundreds of blocks down. It would take an extremely long time to burrow into Hell, which is why I mentioned fortresses be established solely for it. So it would be a very uncommon event, but when it did happen, chaos.
Exactly. This would make it so that the more accident-prone players don't spend as much time in hell. Also, if a player is particularly good at killing people, having that player spend a longer time in hell after his death would give the noobs a chance to regroup and prepare for his return.
That's why you'd either just have to escape with nothing, or allow the players to at least get some of their items back that they lost.
Well, I'm not sure how the game will work on multiplayer, but you'd still have stuff that you stored in a chest. I would imagine chests would be only accessible by whoever made them. By logging out, I'd imagine you chest would either disappear, or open up to everyone; allowing them to take your stuff. If you store some stuff in a chest, you'll only lose whatever you had on you at the time of death, so you wouldn't be starting all over as if you relogged.
Random EPIC idea.
Also, i love this idea alot!
This would be an amazing feature!