Alright, true, but I remember some pretty big cave systems in 1.7.
I say big ones should come semi-rarely.
"Small ones" still shoudn't be like, really small, but they shouldn't be gigantic like most today.
I agree, mineshafts are everywhere, they could be a bit rarer, but not extinct.
We need more underground structures, like ice temples, etc, in my opinion.
If they do get smaller, I hope the natural sphere like rooms don't vanish, I enjoy those
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I began minecraft ~July 7 2011 1.7.3 Beta
My username used to be Creative_Dalek but is now Dalek since 2/4/2015
If you had actually taken the time out to read the entire thread to create an actual constructive post then you'd be aware that mods are not exactly what we are looking for, nor are we looking for a 1.7 map generator. In fact, I believe out of all the mods that have ever been listed on this thread none of them even fit the standards that we are talking about. A mod is an alternative to something that the majority of the Minecraft player base wants to happen.
A mod would be a temporary fix for a long term problem. We want changes to be made to the current default map generation and say what you will but just look how many supporters we have and how many people are actually wanting this change to be made. Are you also going to tell all of them "Go get a mod" If this was the answer for all of Mojang's problems they wouldn't have any players in the first place.
Next time please read the thread before posting a solution to something that isn't even the issue here.
Thank you.
Alright, true, but I remember some pretty big cave systems in 1.7.
I say big ones should come semi-rarely.
"Small ones" still shoudn't be like, really small, but they shouldn't be gigantic like most today.
I agree, mineshafts are everywhere, they could be a bit rarer, but not extinct.
We need more underground structures, like ice temples, etc, in my opinion.
If they do get smaller, I hope the natural sphere like rooms don't vanish, I enjoy those
I agree with this 100% If the big ones occurred less frequently and were "rare" this would make them that much more fun to find!
So we have your support?
Sure, support. I miss the old generation, this one is sort of boring. There are mods for mountain biomes instead of extreme hills that adds a bit of excitement, but its not the same
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I began minecraft ~July 7 2011 1.7.3 Beta
My username used to be Creative_Dalek but is now Dalek since 2/4/2015
its good to see this gaining some ground and getting dome support it would be so nice having old terrain. like the time i got lost in a cave lost my base, got out of the cave and made a new base then died XD ah good times. now its so easy to survive, i even found a stronghold under my base connected to a massive cave system which didnt really feel very speacial seeing how strongholds are meant to be super rare
Aiyoki: That's becuase jungle got quite a bit of height variation. But that's the only one to have it...
Gnoom:Why aren't we happy with the terrain generation as it is now? Becuase it's Boring. Everything looks the same in different worlds. Why aren't we playing other games already? Becuase we want to play minecraft the way it was before, exploring and discovering new exciting places. The terrain generator alone is enough to make minecraft boring. If you really like the old generation, why don't use mods? Because it's a nuisance. It's a problem with vanilla minecraft, and the developers are still developing and caring about it, If a different game was still under development, and a problem of similar scale of this and would get similar attention, the developers would For sure fix it. I have no idea why jeb is not focusing on fixing the things we have, and instead adds more and more stuff that keeps changing the game.
Axmann: It's too flat on MOST of the biomes, not on extreme hills, for example. Extreme hills do the opposite and spam huge mountains right in your face. Which is not good either.
Indev's terrain generation was mostly experimental, and notch had no intentions of keeping it in-game.
To be completely honest, I thought this was a thread about how you get many more wheat seeds from harvesting than you know what to do with...
Lololol i can see how you would get that idea XD
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"Idiots are just like Slinkies. They're practically useless, but still give a smile to your face if you push them down a flight of stairs."
"It’s not that I hate you, it’s more like if you were on fire and I had water, I would drink it." EPIC: ۞
I agree, at some level. It would be nice to have more really awesome worlds like we used to see.
My ideal changes to world generation:
-More variety and awesome features
-Smoother transitions between biomes (some are a bit awkward). Maybe bigger biomes, as well.
-Caves that aren't labyrinths
-Improvement to beaches (they're getting closer to the pre-1.8 quality, though), and better sea floors (I don't like the patches of sand, dirt, and clay. It looks weird.)
-A couple of new biomes, maybe.
I don't necessarily want pre-1.8 worlds back, because they've added some really cool things like jungles and rivers and strongholds, but some of the changes have made world generation worse.
Prepare yourself this is another long one.
It still never ceases to amaze me how simple minded and lazy people are I need to add another update to the OP saying: Please read the entire thread before posting. A lot of you guys just come in here, skim over it and post your opinion without knowing the full extent of what this thread is talking about.
I really hate those people who always say that the terrain generation is bad. Why you aren't happy with Minecraft as it looks like now? If you don't like it, why you aren't playing other games already? If you really like the old generation, why don't use mods?
It's not nice to hate mass amounts of people just because they all agree on something. We don't mind the way minecraft looks now we just think it could use a little more variety and tweaking that's all. No mod has yet to fit the standards that we are setting as they all are attempts to add 1.7 map generation into the current game which is not what we want by a long shot. Re-read the original post and then make a more constructive post, please.
YMMV. Yes, the game was more exciting prior to 1.8, and I personally feel the biomes are currently... stifling... However, the game does have a lot more control now. How? Well, now Mojang, as far as I'm aware, can just add new rules for a new kind of Biome, and it'll generate in. This means that future updates have a lot more capacity for a controlled change as apposed to the old form of chaos which you rightly said at the OP, was a bit silly with floating gravel and the ilk.
As to the seeds... The main usage, I feel, is to be able to generate the same structure of ground, so friends could potentially challenge each other, given the same resources, to build object X. Yes, they do not give you as much control as I have heard they used to, as some seeds were prone to smaller caves and so on, however that functionality will probably return in the form of a menu in the future.
There is a point though, I'll admit, where I find the biomes... dull. There's a point where you realise "oh, it's another swamp biome" or "oh, it's another desert biome" that kinda bugs me. It's as though the core rules which make up the game have been drastically simplified to ensure more variety in the far future, even though the rules are still pretty complex judging by how wobbly the borders of biomes are.
When you saw a mountain in the old days, it was something pretty epic, because the game worked out how to build a mountain from a bunch of complex rules. Now however there is a clearly marked area which is mountainous, which although is somewhat realistic, it does somewhat take away the awe of playing.
That said, epic mountain biomes are interesting to my mind primarily because they tend to have, in my experience, far less open caves and far less ores overall, based on what I've seen at any rate.
Seeds do have a tiny use right now, but honestly, I feel that they should be there as an advanced option in world generation, while the more detailed bits like, as you said, smaller caves and etc, be kept down to a bunch of sliders in the slightly-less-advanced options in world generation.
Incidentally, the variation you mentioned underground looks more or less the same as I recall it used to with an X-ray pack. You get tiny pockets here there and everywhere, and then there's these huge tunnel systems that tend to connect to Ravines, and then, often at the bottom of the world there's generally this HUGE bit of lava in spirals that almost looks octopus-like to my mind... Most servers I've tried out with an X-ray pack tend to have the deep-octopus, and there's seldom anyone who mines towards it...
Yes I agree. Before 1.8 there were breathtaking overhangs and mountains and it was hard to distinguish one biome from another. Mojang, since 1.8 has tried to simplify that and make it more realistic. Which is not a problem it's just now it is too realistic. I recall someone mentioning that with the simplified terrain the way it is now, it would be easier to add updates and such but honestly it's the surface land - what update are you going to add other then height variation and land formation?
There's only so much Mojang can do with surface land unless they start spamming more generated structures all over the place. And that would just **** most of their player base off and drive them to playing another game. The person who posted that they have the opprotunity to add updates to the land the way it is now you are absolutely correct. They can add height variation to the land and then everyone would be happy.
Again, we don't completely oppose the flat and disntinctive land formation the way it is now: We simply would like a little more variety per biome rather then solely for extreme hills. Someone also mentioned something about the new update having more height variety: Did you also see massive overhangs as well? That's something I'd love to see on a personal level.
As for the cave systems - regardless of what you saw with your x-ray pack I've been playing Minecraft since almost classic and I've noticed a drastic change in cave length and frequency. Caves appear a lot more often then they used to and most of them do seem never ending :/ So I must disagree with you on that one. But as for the rest I completely agree!
Again, thank you for your post and thank you for your support!
I agree, at some level. It would be nice to have more really awesome worlds like we used to see.
My ideal changes to world generation:
-More variety and awesome features
-Smoother transitions between biomes (some are a bit awkward). Maybe bigger biomes, as well.
-Caves that aren't labyrinths
-Improvement to beaches (they're getting closer to the pre-1.8 quality, though), and better sea floors (I don't like the patches of sand, dirt, and clay. It looks weird.)
-A couple of new biomes, maybe.
I don't necessarily want pre-1.8 worlds back, because they've added some really cool things like jungles and rivers and strongholds, but some of the changes have made world generation worse.
We do not want pre 1.8 map generation either so, support?
This is a good point. Though I want to see stuff like abandoned cities, underground towns, a ton of si-fi basicly. Oh, here's an idea, a floating island with an NPC village on it! Yeah, I'd like a different type of diversity, but diversity nontheless.
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"We only really exist when someone looks at you, and they see someone. That is the moment you really begin to exist."
This is a good point. Though I want to see stuff like abandoned cities, underground towns, a ton of si-fi basicly. Oh, here's an idea, a floating island with an NPC village on it! Yeah, I'd like a different type of diversity, but diversity nontheless.
lol now that sounds like something you might want to look into mods for
I'm personally failing to see what the big deal is... I personally can't bring myself to care much about the fact that seeds are now useless, having never been very involved in seed-sharing anyways, but would say that many of the structures we see now in extreme hill biomes closely resemble the ones found in those few special seeds pre 1.8. In fact, I'm rather satisfied that the exclusivity is now gone, and I can find truly breathtaking sights with just about any random seed, rather than looking at the exact same terrain that hundreds of others have looked at. It sort of personalizes the minecraft experience, and I have seen truly breathtaking natural wonders in jungles and mountains (though I'm too lazy to screenshot) of magnitudes I never saw earlier, and have found exploring more rewarding than ever. One only has to know how to find impressive things- avoid temperate forests, plains, and flat deserts, and preferrably follow the paths of rivers through the land. (One complaint I do have is that most rivers flowing through mountains are not navigable by boat.) You may point out that I'm totally ignoring well over half the biomes we have, but this is both reflective of both the real world and the logical limitations of the biomes. Imagine, for example, a world as has been proposed earlier, where realistic terrain is generated and then biomes applied to it. This would be fairly difficult to generate, but would presumably be based around creating a continental shelf, superimposing several mountain ranges per continent and then filling in most of the rest with presumptive sediments from those mountains. What you would get is several nodes of mountains, perhaps more elongated in shape than we currently have, surrounded by the forests and plains, and those surrounded by swamps and beaches on the outside. Basically, you would be generating the same thing as we have now, except that swamps would be necessarily distanced from mountains and always adjacent to an ocean. This doesn't seem worth rewriting the terrain generator for, so I'd recommend using huge biomes and following some mountain valleys. You might want to change the grass color though
I'm personally failing to see what the big deal is... I personally can't bring myself to care much about the fact that seeds are now useless, having never been very involved in seed-sharing anyways, but would say that many of the structures we see now in extreme hill biomes closely resemble the ones found in those few special seeds pre 1.8. In fact, I'm rather satisfied that the exclusivity is now gone, and I can find truly breathtaking sights with just about any random seed, rather than looking at the exact same terrain that hundreds of others have looked at. It sort of personalizes the minecraft experience, and I have seen truly breathtaking natural wonders in jungles and mountains (though I'm too lazy to screenshot) of magnitudes I never saw earlier, and have found exploring more rewarding than ever. One only has to know how to find impressive things- avoid temperate forests, plains, and flat deserts, and preferrably follow the paths of rivers through the land. (One complaint I do have is that most rivers flowing through mountains are not navigable by boat.) You may point out that I'm totally ignoring well over half the biomes we have, but this is both reflective of both the real world and the logical limitations of the biomes. Imagine, for example, a world as has been proposed earlier, where realistic terrain is generated and then biomes applied to it. This would be fairly difficult to generate, but would presumably be based around creating a continental shelf, superimposing several mountain ranges per continent and then filling in most of the rest with presumptive sediments from those mountains. What you would get is several nodes of mountains, perhaps more elongated in shape than we currently have, surrounded by the forests and plains, and those surrounded by swamps and beaches on the outside. Basically, you would be generating the same thing as we have now, except that swamps would be necessarily distanced from mountains and always adjacent to an ocean. This doesn't seem worth rewriting the terrain generator for, so I'd recommend using huge biomes and following some mountain valleys. You might want to change the grass color though
You're making it more complicated than it really is.
Mountains - limited to one or two biomes (if you count jungles)
The mountains you see now are spammed together, dull, and repetitive. You will never find a mountain by itself. Just add random height variation to most if not all biomes. I don't really see what the problem is.
Read the entire thread before posting, thank you
- Shreads
I say big ones should come semi-rarely.
"Small ones" still shoudn't be like, really small, but they shouldn't be gigantic like most today.
I agree, mineshafts are everywhere, they could be a bit rarer, but not extinct.
We need more underground structures, like ice temples, etc, in my opinion.
If they do get smaller, I hope the natural sphere like rooms don't vanish, I enjoy those
I began minecraft ~July 7 2011 1.7.3 Beta
My username used to be Creative_Dalek but is now Dalek since 2/4/2015
I dont have the time, thank you
I was answering the topic.
If you had actually taken the time out to read the entire thread to create an actual constructive post then you'd be aware that mods are not exactly what we are looking for, nor are we looking for a 1.7 map generator. In fact, I believe out of all the mods that have ever been listed on this thread none of them even fit the standards that we are talking about. A mod is an alternative to something that the majority of the Minecraft player base wants to happen.
A mod would be a temporary fix for a long term problem. We want changes to be made to the current default map generation and say what you will but just look how many supporters we have and how many people are actually wanting this change to be made. Are you also going to tell all of them "Go get a mod" If this was the answer for all of Mojang's problems they wouldn't have any players in the first place.
Next time please read the thread before posting a solution to something that isn't even the issue here.
Thank you.
I agree with this 100%
So we have your support?
I began minecraft ~July 7 2011 1.7.3 Beta
My username used to be Creative_Dalek but is now Dalek since 2/4/2015
have some
I generated a world in the latest update and spawned in what appeared to be an extreme hills/jungle biome.
If it were up to me, land generation would still be similar to how Indev's terrain was generated, just infinite.
Gnoom:Why aren't we happy with the terrain generation as it is now? Becuase it's Boring. Everything looks the same in different worlds. Why aren't we playing other games already? Becuase we want to play minecraft the way it was before, exploring and discovering new exciting places. The terrain generator alone is enough to make minecraft boring. If you really like the old generation, why don't use mods? Because it's a nuisance. It's a problem with vanilla minecraft, and the developers are still developing and caring about it, If a different game was still under development, and a problem of similar scale of this and would get similar attention, the developers would For sure fix it. I have no idea why jeb is not focusing on fixing the things we have, and instead adds more and more stuff that keeps changing the game.
Axmann: It's too flat on MOST of the biomes, not on extreme hills, for example. Extreme hills do the opposite and spam huge mountains right in your face. Which is not good either.
Indev's terrain generation was mostly experimental, and notch had no intentions of keeping it in-game.
"Gotta blast!" ~Spongebob Squarepants
"Use the Force, Kirk!" ~ Ka D'Argo
Lololol i can see how you would get that idea XD
"It’s not that I hate you, it’s more like if you were on fire and I had water, I would drink it." EPIC: ۞
My ideal changes to world generation:
-More variety and awesome features
-Smoother transitions between biomes (some are a bit awkward). Maybe bigger biomes, as well.
-Caves that aren't labyrinths
-Improvement to beaches (they're getting closer to the pre-1.8 quality, though), and better sea floors (I don't like the patches of sand, dirt, and clay. It looks weird.)
-A couple of new biomes, maybe.
I don't necessarily want pre-1.8 worlds back, because they've added some really cool things like jungles and rivers and strongholds, but some of the changes have made world generation worse.
It still never ceases to amaze me how simple minded and lazy people are
It's not nice to hate mass amounts of people just because they all agree on something. We don't mind the way minecraft looks now we just think it could use a little more variety and tweaking that's all. No mod has yet to fit the standards that we are setting as they all are attempts to add 1.7 map generation into the current game which is not what we want by a long shot. Re-read the original post and then make a more constructive post, please.
Sorry to hear that you oppose.
Yes I agree. Before 1.8 there were breathtaking overhangs and mountains and it was hard to distinguish one biome from another. Mojang, since 1.8 has tried to simplify that and make it more realistic. Which is not a problem it's just now it is too realistic. I recall someone mentioning that with the simplified terrain the way it is now, it would be easier to add updates and such but honestly it's the surface land - what update are you going to add other then height variation and land formation?
There's only so much Mojang can do with surface land unless they start spamming more generated structures all over the place. And that would just **** most of their player base off and drive them to playing another game. The person who posted that they have the opprotunity to add updates to the land the way it is now you are absolutely correct. They can add height variation to the land and then everyone would be happy.
Again, we don't completely oppose the flat and disntinctive land formation the way it is now: We simply would like a little more variety per biome rather then solely for extreme hills. Someone also mentioned something about the new update having more height variety: Did you also see massive overhangs as well? That's something I'd love to see on a personal level.
As for the cave systems - regardless of what you saw with your x-ray pack I've been playing Minecraft since almost classic and I've noticed a drastic change in cave length and frequency. Caves appear a lot more often then they used to and most of them do seem never ending :/ So I must disagree with you on that one. But as for the rest I completely agree!
Again, thank you for your post and thank you for your support!
We do not want pre 1.8 map generation either so, support?
lol now that sounds like something you might want to look into mods for
You're making it more complicated than it really is.
Mountains - limited to one or two biomes (if you count jungles)
The mountains you see now are spammed together, dull, and repetitive. You will never find a mountain by itself. Just add random height variation to most if not all biomes. I don't really see what the problem is.