The Improved Superflat World
Minecraft is getting bigger and bigger as it travels. Since 1.1, they introduce a new Superflat world type but it is disturbing. How about adding ideas to it?
Height increase in chunk spawn I see that the superflat world is about four blocks tall. Slimes can spawn abundantly which results in disturbances in building. So we recommend that the chunks height should increase to the original height of the Default world type.
Addition of The End and the Nether in superflat form If you are wondering how the The End and the Nether look like, how about making a superflat style since you can't make a portal to The End and to the Nether? Plus, I would recommend that The End should be expanded in a superflat form carefully if you load a superflat world. Another plus, there will be an addition of creating portals to these dimensions.
Abandoned Mine Shafts, Strongholds, and Dungeons addition When you load a Superflat world, it seems that there is no Strongholds, Mine Shafts, and Dungeons when you dig deep. Why not adding these in a superflat world? Because Minecraftians are explorers and builders, they always look into strongholds, mineshafts, and dungeons but there is none in a Superflat world. Gosh, indeed if they can add these new structures?
Biomes Without Biomes, we have no source of pets, food, shelter, and more. Why not adding biomes to expand the Superflat world with sheep, cows, pigs, and more? Why not adding Tundra to get wolves? Why not adding Jungle to get cats from ocelots? Here, we should add Biomes to get resources in Survival mode.
The Ocean Minecraft needs fish. Cats need fish to breed. Ocelots need fish to tame themselves. They should add ocean in the superflat world so if we need to tame an ocelot, we can use a fishing line to catch fish from the water.
Eye of Ender AI The Eye of Ender is useless in a Superflat world. if Minecraft can be hacked to throw Eye of Ender in a superflat, the Eye will go out of control. To the third suggestion in this topic, we should make Eye of Enders work if they add a stronghold when creating chunks.
So thats it, here are all the recommended improvements for the Superflat world type. Thanks for reading! ~Jaden1291
I think when Mojang had super-flat worlds in mind, they thought building rather than exploring and adventuring. Therefore, for that reason, they limited the amount of stuff included in the flat worlds. For instance, abandoned mine shafts, strongholds, and dungeons are not necessarily needed when it comes to building on a super flat world. However, the points that you made about the chunk size and the various biomes are a valid point. Perhaps if Mojang decided to add a check-box list, that would allow the user to choose which biomes would be available in the world, it would please some people. But I think, for now, if you're wanting to see more of the adventure-like aspects of Minecraft, you're going to have to play the Survival mode in its original form.
Superflat is designed for creative buildings and pixel art and stuff like that.
I won't support this idea, but I wouldn't mind its implimentation if the original superflat stays as well. I don't want to have to clear a bunch of trees so I can build on superflat.
Minecraft is getting bigger and bigger as it travels. Since 1.1, they introduce a new Superflat world type but it is disturbing. How about adding ideas to it?
Height increase in chunk spawn
I see that the superflat world is about four blocks tall. Slimes can spawn abundantly which results in disturbances in building. So we recommend that the chunks height should increase to the original height of the Default world type.
Addition of The End and the Nether in superflat form
If you are wondering how the The End and the Nether look like, how about making a superflat style since you can't make a portal to The End and to the Nether? Plus, I would recommend that The End should be expanded in a superflat form carefully if you load a superflat world. Another plus, there will be an addition of creating portals to these dimensions.
Abandoned Mine Shafts, Strongholds, and Dungeons addition
When you load a Superflat world, it seems that there is no Strongholds, Mine Shafts, and Dungeons when you dig deep. Why not adding these in a superflat world? Because Minecraftians are explorers and builders, they always look into strongholds, mineshafts, and dungeons but there is none in a Superflat world. Gosh, indeed if they can add these new structures?
Without Biomes, we have no source of pets, food, shelter, and more. Why not adding biomes to expand the Superflat world with sheep, cows, pigs, and more? Why not adding Tundra to get wolves? Why not adding Jungle to get cats from ocelots? Here, we should add Biomes to get resources in Survival mode.
The Ocean
Minecraft needs fish. Cats need fish to breed. Ocelots need fish to tame themselves. They should add ocean in the superflat world so if we need to tame an ocelot, we can use a fishing line to catch fish from the water.
Eye of Ender AI
The Eye of Ender is useless in a Superflat world. if Minecraft can be hacked to throw Eye of Ender in a superflat, the Eye will go out of control. To the third suggestion in this topic, we should make Eye of Enders work if they add a stronghold when creating chunks.
So thats it, here are all the recommended improvements for the Superflat world type. Thanks for reading! ~Jaden1291
Graphics Designer
I won't support this idea, but I wouldn't mind its implimentation if the original superflat stays as well. I don't want to have to clear a bunch of trees so I can build on superflat.
But please do not bump old topics until I add more information.