This would essentially be a realm full of broken down ruins full of traps, monsters, and spawners, as well as nice loot. The realm would have cracked islands floating above the void the in the Aether mod, but the islands would be covered in ruins full of various evils and rewards.
Entering the Realm-
The portal would be made from stone bricks in the shape of a Nether one, but the bottom would have to be below level 9, and it would be lit by right clicking the inside with blaze powder.
This is how the world would look, excluding the bottom part. The ground would be more broken up, and floating above the void, which will take a 3rd party software for me to do.
A ruined altar thing where spawners would be. Need to do that on another software as well.
More of the maze that makes up the Afterlands.
Zombies, Skeletons and Spiders, as well as some new ones. (Creepers might be a bad idea, since the structures of the realm are already very unstable.
Wind Spirits- Tornado monsters that fly around. They have 15 hearts of health. They fly towards the player and spin around them, doing 1 damage per second and pushing the player around. They drop several random plants, including mushrooms, wheat, vines, leaves, and reeds, they have a 25% chance to also drop a wind essence.
Vulture- Fly around and occasionally swoop down on the player, knocking them back and doing 3 damage. They have 3 hearts of health and drop 0-2 feathers, 0-1 raw chicken, 0-1 raw beef, 0-1 raw pork, and 0-2 rotten flesh. (Doesn't drop more than 1 type of meat.)
The area would have a day/night cycle, but days would be light level 6, and nights would be at 1, allowing monsters to spawn at all times.
Maze Room- Full of broken, twisting walls with a few spawners and chests. Chests may have apples, iron or gold ingots, or power crystals. Usually covered.
Normal Room- Just a small room, sometimes covered sometimes not. It rarely has a chest with a some bread, meat or sometimes a gold nugget.
Altar Room- Sometimes covered, sometimes not. Made of obsidian and usually has multiple spawners. Power crystals can be charged on the altar block to power them up.
Power Crystals- These can be placed at an altar for several minutes to charge. These crystals provide power for many different things.
Fire Crystal- These blocks would be found in the ground near altars. They create a fire above them when powered. They can also be crafted by surrounding a charged power crystal in Netherack on a crafting table.
Light Crystal- These blocks would be found rarely in walls or in normal rooms. They
light on one side when powered. This side can be changed, and the blocks will be placed
like pistons (light side faces the person who places it). They can be crafted by surrounding a charged power crystal in glowstone.
Storm Crystal- These blocks can be found randomly around the realm. They can be crafted by surrounding a charged power crystal in wind essence. It changes from a block like reeds that the player can pass through into a solid one when it is powered.
Each piece of worn leather armor decreases knock-back from enemies by 5%, iron armor decreases knock-back from enemies by 15%, and each piece of diamond armor decreases this by 20%, allowing armor to decrease knock-back by up to 80% using armor.
The Rapture
The Wastes
The Islands of Despair
Reth'ren. (Nether backwards but different)
The Middle
The Reverse
The Flip
The Dungeons
The Traps
The Ruins
The Beginning
Paranoia (paranoia everybody's out to get meeeee... Just say you never met meeeee....)
Hm. Here goes:
The Rapture
The Wastes
The Islands of Despair
Reth'ren. (Nether backwards but different)
The Middle
The Reverse
The Flip
The Dungeons
The Traps
The Ruins
The Beginning
Paranoia (paranoia everybody's out to get meeeee... Just say you never met meeeee....)
And that's all I've got for now.
I like this one.
Edit: People got to upset because of the religious point of view on the word, so I changed.
According to religion, Rapture is the day when the angels descend from the sky and bring man into salvation. The angels were protecting man, but from what?
Rapture at the moment is basically a outside stronghold, being a ruin, and all. I suggest putting a unique environmental change that HASN'T BEEN USED YET. The endless void has been taken by the End.
the rapture is a religious event where "true believers" think they will get whisked away to heaven while everyone else ends up burning in hell. Ridiculous, pure ridiculousness. (But that's just my opinion, if you are christian then I respect that, but I would rather not have this in minecraft.)
Have you ever read Stephen King's Gunslinger? That would have some cool ideas.I wouldn't be concerned about religion, I would be concerned getting yet another lawsuit from a videogame company. It would be a great name, Rapture, but that's where Bioshock takes place. Just sayin
Not bad. Looks like some holy abandoned temple type place. This may be the anti-Nether? But yeah, you're gonna need mobs and other events if you want to make this popular and contributal.
What would we get from going there? Like in the nether, we can get blaze rods, netherrack, etc.
I'm adding that. I'll add a few more mobs with new items, and the chests will have new things as well. You could also find the 3 types of stone brick more easily I geuss.
~Main Post
~More Pictures
This would essentially be a realm full of broken down ruins full of traps, monsters, and spawners, as well as nice loot. The realm would have cracked islands floating above the void the in the Aether mod, but the islands would be covered in ruins full of various evils and rewards.
Entering the Realm-
The portal would be made from stone bricks in the shape of a Nether one, but the bottom would have to be below level 9, and it would be lit by right clicking the inside with blaze powder.
This is how the world would look, excluding the bottom part. The ground would be more broken up, and floating above the void, which will take a 3rd party software for me to do.
A ruined altar thing where spawners would be. Need to do that on another software as well.
More of the maze that makes up the Afterlands.
Zombies, Skeletons and Spiders, as well as some new ones. (Creepers might be a bad idea, since the structures of the realm are already very unstable.
Wind Spirits- Tornado monsters that fly around. They have 15 hearts of health. They fly towards the player and spin around them, doing 1 damage per second and pushing the player around. They drop several random plants, including mushrooms, wheat, vines, leaves, and reeds, they have a 25% chance to also drop a wind essence.
Vulture- Fly around and occasionally swoop down on the player, knocking them back and doing 3 damage. They have 3 hearts of health and drop 0-2 feathers, 0-1 raw chicken, 0-1 raw beef, 0-1 raw pork, and 0-2 rotten flesh. (Doesn't drop more than 1 type of meat.)
The area would have a day/night cycle, but days would be light level 6, and nights would be at 1, allowing monsters to spawn at all times.
Maze Room- Full of broken, twisting walls with a few spawners and chests. Chests may have apples, iron or gold ingots, or power crystals. Usually covered.
Normal Room- Just a small room, sometimes covered sometimes not. It rarely has a chest with a some bread, meat or sometimes a gold nugget.
Altar Room- Sometimes covered, sometimes not. Made of obsidian and usually has multiple spawners. Power crystals can be charged on the altar block to power them up.
Power Crystals- These can be placed at an altar for several minutes to charge. These crystals provide power for many different things.
Fire Crystal- These blocks would be found in the ground near altars. They create a fire above them when powered. They can also be crafted by surrounding a charged power crystal in Netherack on a crafting table.
Light Crystal- These blocks would be found rarely in walls or in normal rooms. They
light on one side when powered. This side can be changed, and the blocks will be placed
like pistons (light side faces the person who places it). They can be crafted by surrounding a charged power crystal in glowstone.
Storm Crystal- These blocks can be found randomly around the realm. They can be crafted by surrounding a charged power crystal in wind essence. It changes from a block like reeds that the player can pass through into a solid one when it is powered.
Each piece of worn leather armor decreases knock-back from enemies by 5%, iron armor decreases knock-back from enemies by 15%, and each piece of diamond armor decreases this by 20%, allowing armor to decrease knock-back by up to 80% using armor.
More Coming Soon!
My Other Ideas-
Barbed Wire- http://www.minecraft...72-barbed-wire/
BatteryHorse- Realm Name
Hm. Here goes:
The Rapture
The Wastes
The Islands of Despair
Reth'ren. (Nether backwards but different)
The Middle
The Reverse
The Flip
The Dungeons
The Traps
The Ruins
The Beginning
Paranoia (paranoia everybody's out to get meeeee... Just say you never met meeeee....)
And that's all I've got for now.
I like this one.
Edit: People got to upset because of the religious point of view on the word, so I changed.
To Do's:
Find a good place
Get a screen recorder
make a video
post some pictures
make a mod!
Rapture at the moment is basically a outside stronghold, being a ruin, and all. I suggest putting a unique environmental change that HASN'T BEEN USED YET. The endless void has been taken by the End.
They both are kinda the same, but you know, a mod for this isn't so bad!
Throw in a custom skybox, miranda, and you've got me onboard!
I'll update this sig when I do!
Maybe something desolate looking-ish, having red undertones and whatnot.
I'll update this sig when I do!
the rapture is a religious event where "true believers" think they will get whisked away to heaven while everyone else ends up burning in hell. Ridiculous, pure ridiculousness. (But that's just my opinion, if you are christian then I respect that, but I would rather not have this in minecraft.)
think of a new name then maybe I'll support
I'll update this sig when I do!
I'm adding that. I'll add a few more mobs with new items, and the chests will have new things as well. You could also find the 3 types of stone brick more easily I geuss.
not many people suggest generated structures, while pretty much everyone wants to have their own little dimension in MC.