Maybe hitting a 1x1x1 meter cube of solid rock turns it into nice, already put-together cobblestones, but we need to make crafting more interesting, or complex. Not too complex, though.
You need a needle and thread to make anything involving leather or wool. You start with one, it has 16 uses. For each piece of leather/wool used in a recipe, it costs one use.
You need a hammer and some nails to make anything involving wood. The hammer never breaks. You start with 64 nails. Each iron ingot/gold ingot/diamond makes 16. For each piece of wood used in a recipe, 1 nail is used as well.
You need a hammer to craft tools. You start with one.
Also, the action bar should be reduced to 2. One for each hand. Once dual wielding is purchased with skill points, you can have them both active at once. When wearing pants, you get 4 action slots. (pockets)
How about it?
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Borderlands + Fallout + TF2 + Halo + COD + Left 4 Dead + Metroid + Castlevania + Mario + Pokemon + Megaman + Legos + Mount and Blade + Tropico + EVE + WOW + Sims + Spore + Micheal J = Minecraft
You need a needle and thread to make anything involving leather or wool. You start with one, it has 16 uses. For each piece of leather/wool used in a recipe, it costs one use.
You need a hammer and some nails to make anything involving wood. The hammer never breaks. You start with 64 nails. Each iron ingot/gold ingot/diamond makes 16. For each piece of wood used in a recipe, 1 nail is used as well.
You need a hammer to craft tools. You start with one.
Also, the action bar should be reduced to 2. One for each hand. Once dual wielding is purchased with skill points, you can have them both active at once. When wearing pants, you get 4 action slots. (pockets)
How about it?