I had the idea when i was trying to make a floor seecret door with pistons but basically this
Like the Repeater this swich will receive imput from one side (back like repeater is fine) and on the other side send output however it differs from the repeater in that it can send output without need input.
When it recieves input it will switch its vaule (either from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1) this will allow things like pistons to say active until a redstone device sends a signal to it.
I figure this could be useful to reduce alot of space needed from complex redstone wiring but it could still be refined so if you think of anything along those lines to improve it post it.
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Like the Repeater this swich will receive imput from one side (back like repeater is fine) and on the other side send output however it differs from the repeater in that it can send output without need input.
When it recieves input it will switch its vaule (either from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1) this will allow things like pistons to say active until a redstone device sends a signal to it.
I figure this could be useful to reduce alot of space needed from complex redstone wiring but it could still be refined so if you think of anything along those lines to improve it post it.