If Minecraft goes onto other gaming consoles, which is highly unlikely, they would put it onto the most popular gaming systems (Already out on Xbox, next would be PS3) but since Microsoft's contract, (read PugRme's post) it won't be ported too any others.
What bout kinect for xbox thats like even better you could acctuly swing your hands to break blocks (sorrry for typos brock my fist from punchin a tree
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Roses are red, violets are blue In Soviet Russia Minecraft play YOU!
Why is here the every Wii hater in the world? Wii is a great console the moving and the motion is alot better in Wii than XBox. But i dont think XBox or PS3 is bad they are great and so is Wii. I think they made it on XBox because Bill Gates paid the alot of $. And you can put a keyboard to Wii (i dont know can you do it to PS3 or XBox) and you can play on a ****ing HUGE HD screen.
While you can play on a huge HD screen with the wii(you can with all other consles as well.) the graphics are just that much worse. I have an xbox and wii hooked up to my HD and the wii has terrible graphics compared to the xbox. But anyway, they did make it on xbox because microsoft was willing to pay the most. That is how things work, so there is really no reason to say that it should be on the wii, because it never will
1) Mojang has an exclusive deal with Microsoft, so it is highly unlikely that Minecraft will appear on any console other than the xbox 360.
2) The Wii simply has not the capability to run a game like Minecraft.
3) The new console coming out thing.
4) Use the goddamm search button.
I'm afraid no one has really read yoshi9048's post. This thread isn't about which console is better, it's about wether Minecraft should be ported to the Wii (U). I personally think it would be interesting if done right, and gimmicky and boring if done wrong. But Microsoft, using its legal dark magic, probably won't allow Minecraft to be ported to another console anyway...
Microsoft is know to be good at using their "Legal Dark Magic"
I like the Wii. It has some very fun games. However, I'd like to tell you this idea just plain sucks. Minecraft has a place on the Xbox as an FPS, but almost no FPS is suitable for the Wii. I think that changing your vision by pointing the wii remote (or moving with the crosspad and changing it with the nunchuck) is just plain terrible. You'd have to turn Minecraft into a platformer if you wanted it to be playable on the Wii.
By the way, I'm really hoping this doesn't turn into a console war. I personally think that whole thing is ridiculous, and PS3, Wii, and Xbox are all enjoyable.
not again *facedesk* look here nintendo is about to release a new console with ALOT more power, also to add (as i always do to these threads) it should honestly be truly for all platforms with complete cross compatibility (you could play with people on PSVita, PS3, N3DS, WiiU, 360, Apple, and Windows) but that probably wont happen
EDIT: i am also going to suggest using the search feature to see if your idea has already been brought up
jeb said that he will never make minecraft for the playstation
Im the type of person that can watch hundreds of horror movies and not get scared, but scream at the top of my lungs when toast pops out of the toaster.
Uh, nope, haven't you ever heard of Minecraft Pocket Edition?
I've been thinking about this recently too. Then, of course, everyone has different ideas.
In the main menu, the top screen would say MINECRAFT across it with the panorama background. On the bottom screen, there would be 4 corners: The top left being for Singleplayer (says that and has a little silhouette waving), the top right being for Multiplayer (says that and has 2 little silhouettes waving), the bottom left being for Options (has three dots that says Options above it), and the bottom right being for tutorials (a question mark with Tutorials written above it).
The tutorials are similar to the Xbox tutorials, but showing the controls and stuff. Etc, etc.
The top screen has your world, while the bottom screen has all menus and GUIs. When nothing is open, it will be your inventory.
Touch Screen - Conveniently move around items in your inventory, put armor on, craft, and smelt with the touch of a stylus. In crafting, double tap the item to craft as many of the item as possible. When a menu/GUI is open, the top screen is dimmed (unless a menu using both screens is open).
For Chests: The contents of the chest will be displayed on the top screen. You can "hold" what you want to transfer with the stylus and press R to flip the screen, the inventory to the top and the chest to the bottom. Alternatively, you can hold down the L button and tap what you want to move, and it goes quickly up into the chest without any hassle.
Gyroscope (moving 3DS around, like in Face Raiders or the binoculars in Mario 3D Land) - Change camera view. Ex, aim the system at the ceiling, the player looks up. Aim it at the floor, the player looks down. Aim it left, the player looks left. Aim it right, the player looks right.
D-Pad - Change player view. Up is first person, press Down to go to the third person back view, and press Down again to go to the third person front view. Press Up again to go back to third person back view, press Up again to go back to first person. By default it is at first person. Left and right change the FoV, left going to normal and right going to Quake Pro.
Circle Pad - Move. Move it left, strafe left. Move it right, strafe right. Move it up, move forward. Move it down, move backward.
A - Jump.
B - Sprint.
X - Drop item.
Y - Sneak.
L & R (Interchangeable)
One is the same as Left Click on computer, the other is the same as Right Click. Whatever feels more comfortable to you.
Start - Opens pause menu (on Touch Screen). When Options/Achievements/Stats is selected, the menu slides up to the top screen while the new menu appears on the bottom screen. For Options, you can change that as you please (including controls). For Achievements, you use the Touch Screen to pan around and tap on an achievement to view its status/description. For Statistics, you use L and R to switch between the 3 different types and Touch Screen to scroll (if you can). You press B to return back to the pause menu. Alternatively, you can use the D-Pad or Circle Pad to highlight what you want to "click" and press A to do that.
Select - Opens Chat/Command GUI. Top button says Command List. You can scroll through and pick one to use. If it requires extra text, you type that in. Exampled of singleplayer commands are: /give, /time, /gamemode, /spawn, etc. Examples of Multiplayer commands are: /tp, /kick, /op, etc. (In Multiplayer only:) Middle button says Text Chat, tap to type in text and send it. The bottom button says Microphone: On/Off. If any of those are disabled, they will be grayed out and you cannot use them.
For multiplayer, pretty much what the original poster said. However, instead of just joining anyone's game, you have to be friends with the host (meaning you exchanged Friend Codes). There wouldn't be anything special you have to do to host a server. The multiplayer menu would be somewhat like this:
- Open 1 [Join]
- Open 2 [Join]
- Friend 1: Hosting a Server [Join]
- Friend 2: Online
- Friend 3: Playing Singleplayer
- Friend 4: Playing Multiplayer
- Friend 5: Offline
[Back] [Host a Server]
The Open servers are basically servers where you can do pretty much anything. Probably would not be much griefer protection.
If you pressed Host a Server, then the world creation stuff would come up, then after that, server options ({} around something means it is selected by default, but can be changed):
Commands {Enabled} [Disabled]
Text Chat {Enabled} [Disabled]
Voice Chat [Enabled] {Disabled}
Default Ops: (Friends list opened up, scroll through and check ones who should be ops)
...and maybe others.
Etc, etc. I pretty much gave a basic explanation of my idea, no need for graphics (for me at least).
you might support this but it still wont happen nomatter how many people support this because they have a contract with microsoft that minecraft will be only on 360 and computer
is minecraft Not on android and Iphone, along with mac and linux?
While you can play on a huge HD screen with the wii(you can with all other consles as well.) the graphics are just that much worse. I have an xbox and wii hooked up to my HD and the wii has terrible graphics compared to the xbox. But anyway, they did make it on xbox because microsoft was willing to pay the most. That is how things work, so there is really no reason to say that it should be on the wii, because it never will
1) Mojang has an exclusive deal with Microsoft, so it is highly unlikely that Minecraft will appear on any console other than the xbox 360.
2) The Wii simply has not the capability to run a game like Minecraft.
3) The new console coming out thing.
4) Use the goddamm search button.
By the way, I'm really hoping this doesn't turn into a console war. I personally think that whole thing is ridiculous, and PS3, Wii, and Xbox are all enjoyable.
jeb said that he will never make minecraft for the playstation
R (Hold)-
Simultaneous ATK
Place Block
Block w/ Sword
L (Hold)-
Simultaneous Placing
Throw item
X (Hold)-
Simultaneous Throwing
Circle Pad-
Move (Double Up to Run)
D-Pad Up-
HUD Display toggle
D-Pad Down-
Chat (Touch Screen)
D-Pad Left-
Next Item
D-Pad Right-
Prev. Item
Players (Server)
Touch Screen-
Too bad I don't have a 3DS
Only a DS
Uh, nope, haven't you ever heard of Minecraft Pocket Edition?
I've been thinking about this recently too. Then, of course, everyone has different ideas.
In the main menu, the top screen would say MINECRAFT across it with the panorama background. On the bottom screen, there would be 4 corners: The top left being for Singleplayer (says that and has a little silhouette waving), the top right being for Multiplayer (says that and has 2 little silhouettes waving), the bottom left being for Options (has three dots that says Options above it), and the bottom right being for tutorials (a question mark with Tutorials written above it).
The tutorials are similar to the Xbox tutorials, but showing the controls and stuff. Etc, etc.
The top screen has your world, while the bottom screen has all menus and GUIs. When nothing is open, it will be your inventory.
Touch Screen - Conveniently move around items in your inventory, put armor on, craft, and smelt with the touch of a stylus. In crafting, double tap the item to craft as many of the item as possible. When a menu/GUI is open, the top screen is dimmed (unless a menu using both screens is open).
For Chests: The contents of the chest will be displayed on the top screen. You can "hold" what you want to transfer with the stylus and press R to flip the screen, the inventory to the top and the chest to the bottom. Alternatively, you can hold down the L button and tap what you want to move, and it goes quickly up into the chest without any hassle.
Gyroscope (moving 3DS around, like in Face Raiders or the binoculars in Mario 3D Land) - Change camera view. Ex, aim the system at the ceiling, the player looks up. Aim it at the floor, the player looks down. Aim it left, the player looks left. Aim it right, the player looks right.
D-Pad - Change player view. Up is first person, press Down to go to the third person back view, and press Down again to go to the third person front view. Press Up again to go back to third person back view, press Up again to go back to first person. By default it is at first person. Left and right change the FoV, left going to normal and right going to Quake Pro.
Circle Pad - Move. Move it left, strafe left. Move it right, strafe right. Move it up, move forward. Move it down, move backward.
A - Jump.
B - Sprint.
X - Drop item.
Y - Sneak.
L & R (Interchangeable)
One is the same as Left Click on computer, the other is the same as Right Click. Whatever feels more comfortable to you.
Start - Opens pause menu (on Touch Screen). When Options/Achievements/Stats is selected, the menu slides up to the top screen while the new menu appears on the bottom screen. For Options, you can change that as you please (including controls). For Achievements, you use the Touch Screen to pan around and tap on an achievement to view its status/description. For Statistics, you use L and R to switch between the 3 different types and Touch Screen to scroll (if you can). You press B to return back to the pause menu. Alternatively, you can use the D-Pad or Circle Pad to highlight what you want to "click" and press A to do that.
Select - Opens Chat/Command GUI. Top button says Command List. You can scroll through and pick one to use. If it requires extra text, you type that in. Exampled of singleplayer commands are: /give, /time, /gamemode, /spawn, etc. Examples of Multiplayer commands are: /tp, /kick, /op, etc. (In Multiplayer only:) Middle button says Text Chat, tap to type in text and send it. The bottom button says Microphone: On/Off. If any of those are disabled, they will be grayed out and you cannot use them.
For multiplayer, pretty much what the original poster said. However, instead of just joining anyone's game, you have to be friends with the host (meaning you exchanged Friend Codes). There wouldn't be anything special you have to do to host a server. The multiplayer menu would be somewhat like this:
- Open 1 [Join]
- Open 2 [Join]
- Friend 1: Hosting a Server [Join]
- Friend 2: Online
- Friend 3: Playing Singleplayer
- Friend 4: Playing Multiplayer
- Friend 5: Offline
[Back] [Host a Server]
The Open servers are basically servers where you can do pretty much anything. Probably would not be much griefer protection.
If you pressed Host a Server, then the world creation stuff would come up, then after that, server options ({} around something means it is selected by default, but can be changed):
Commands {Enabled} [Disabled]
Text Chat {Enabled} [Disabled]
Voice Chat [Enabled] {Disabled}
Default Ops: (Friends list opened up, scroll through and check ones who should be ops)
...and maybe others.
Etc, etc. I pretty much gave a basic explanation of my idea, no need for graphics (for me at least).
is minecraft Not on android and Iphone, along with mac and linux?
Click for penguins in minecraft!
You should too! Find it here; http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1648718-slime-blocksnew-method-of-trapping-mobs/