There are many reasons that a suggestions would not be good for Minecraft. This includes it not having enough uses, being overly complicated, or not being balanced. However, sometimes a suggestion just doesn't fit the theme, and that can be a little confusing. What does "Not fitting" mean, and what is the theme of minecraft? This post should cover the basics of the Minecraft theme, so you can make your suggestions fit. Please note that this is just a guide: If you think your suggestion still fits despite not agreeing with these guidelines, feel free to post it and say way you think it still fits. Minecraft is a unique, creative, fantasy, sandbox game.
Minecraft is a unique game. I think most people have realized that for themselves: There is no game that provides the creative, immersive experience minecraft does. This is because part of Minecraft's theme is being somewhat different from any other game or world. It has unique ores, worlds, magic, and monsters, although it does have some common fantasy elements. And it would most-likely be best if it stayed that way. There should not be and overwhelming number of generic fantasy elements, although some are fine to define the world. Also, applying ideas from other games is not necessarily a bad thing, but if the ideas is used in the exact same context or is suggested just to make Minecraft more like that other game, it will most likely mess with the uniqueness of Minecraft.
TL;DR: Minecraft is unique, so shouldn't become similar to some other game and should try to not blend in with any other fantasy worlds, with some level of uniqueness.
Minecraft is a creative game. It is all about surviving in a world by building your own base, farm, mine, what-have-you. You can choose exactly how you want anything you make to look. The best example of something creative is redstone: a simple ore with simple rules, that can do a ridiculous amount of operations: Indicators, weaponry, traps, computers, ect. That's why, before anything is suggested, it is good to look at it and say "Is there any way I could let the player add his creativity here?". For example: Instead of adding a craft-able wheelbarrow, why not add a craftable wheel that lets players design a cart or chariot? (This is just an example: Don't complain about how that would be hard to code.) In other words, think of how something could be more creative instead of just a single use.
TL;DR: Minecraft is creative, so things are best when they are versatile and inspire the player to make there own creation with it, and worst when they turn a chance to be creative into a mundane, uniform job.
Minecraft is a fantasy game. We have zombies, skeletons, magic dust, portals, and a realm of fire. More specifically, it is persudo-fantasy, meaning that magic isn't front and center, but rather a small part of gameplay. In this way, sometimes non-fantasy elements will stick out. Now, fantasy is a very diverse genra, so it can be hard to judge what is fantasy and what is not. Fantasy worlds, as a general statement, include magic, monsters, and many things that this world does not have, while often excluding modern technology and taking place in a medieval type era. Now, this isn't always true, and there is much room in the fantasy genera, so this leaves a lot of room for people to suggest their take on minecraft fantasy.
I have noticed that with many suggestions, people knock them down by saying "Too modern". I don't believe that this is their real complaint, as minecraft has no time frame. Their real complaint is that it doesn't fit the fantasy theme, which usually stays in the medieval era. This is usually some what of a good rebuttal, but as there is much room for interpretation in minecraft fantasy, a unique suggestion, even if not fitting with the standard fantasy status-quo, can sometimes be a good suggestion.
TL;DR: Minecraft is a fantasy setting, but there is much room to figure out the exact theme.
Minecraft is a sandbox game. The main point of a sandbox game is that there is no end goals, no preset paths to follow, no requirements to play a certain way. Most players start there games by punching a tree, finding coal, and making a base, but there is no need to do that. If you wanted to, you could stay outside to fight monsters all night. While the game is mostly about mining and crafting, there is no reason you need to do either of those. Many people would be content with building vast creations and having nothing to do with mining. In this way, any suggestions that adds late game goals, quests to follow, requirements to "win", forced progression, or any other limiting way of playing the game, would not be a good idea. This would restrict the freedom that minecraft prides, and would be pointlessly limiting what a player can do.
To make something clear: This refers only to the current game mode. Notch has stated that there is a possibility for other game modes (such as adventure) that may not be a sandbox. This is perfectly fine, but any non sandbox elements must go in these alternate game modes. TL;DR: Minecraft is a sandbox, and there should be no rules for how to win or survive.
Now, just because a suggestion doesn't fit the theme doesn't mean it's a bad idea. In many cases, something totally non-fantasy can be turned fantasy with simply a re-skin. Look as pistons: They were an extremely powerful, creative, wonderful tool, but in the mod they looked modern and hydraulic. By simply changing the visual design with a stone base, a wooden pusher, and a thiner bar, Mojang was able to turn this absolutely brilliant, but non-fantasy idea, into one that would fit the theme.
Hopefully this will provide an unbiased, understandable, helpful guide to making your suggestions fit the minecraft theme. Please note that this is just a guide: If you think your suggestion still fits despite not agreeing with my guidelines, feel free to post it and say way you think it still fits. Please, comment ideas to make this thread more thorough and correct, as well as added more aspects of the Minecraft theme. If you would like this to be pinned, keep it alive and suggest it to mods!
This is a valid, well-written (although not proofread :tongue.gif: ) post. It's too bad that this community is largely incapable of focusing long enough to read more than the first sentence.
While I admire you attempt to stop people from going against the theme of minecraft or at least explaining what it is. It will never work minecraft theme can change at any time.
Also do think most the people who make suggestion use search they will most likely never see this topic but they will probably never search for the them of minecraft.
While I admire you attempt to stop people from going against the theme of minecraft or at least explaining what it is. It will never work minecraft theme can change at any time.
Also do think most the people who make suggestion use search they will most likely never see this topic but they will probably never search for the them of minecraft.
If the minecraft theme changes, it will no longer be minecraft. Adding game modes that have different themes would be fine (such as the up coming adventure mode), the current game theme should never change.
Also, if this topic is pinned (which I hope!) then all can see it.
If the minecraft theme changes, it will no longer be minecraft. Adding game modes that have different themes would be fine (such as the up coming adventure mode), the current game theme should never change.
Also, if this topic is pinned (which I hope!) then all can see it.
I doubt it will be pinned at most it will be quoted or referenced a lot.
This is a valid, well-written (although not proofread :tongue.gif: ) post. It's too bad that this community is largely incapable of focusing long enough to read more than the first sentence.
I feel insulted sir! I very well read two of those sentences!!
Yes. Although I want some generic things added like a controllable mount or other stuff like that I think this sums up Minecraft very well and what should be avoided when suggesting things.
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Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
This topic is just what the suggestions forum needs. Can you believe that people have suggested that tiberium (from Command & Conquer, copyrighted by EA) should be in Minecraft?
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Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
This topic is just what the suggestions forum needs. Can you believe that people have suggested that tiberium (from Command & Conquer, copyrighted by EA) should be in Minecraft?
I would support, but the problem with trying something like this is "where do you draw the line?"
For example:
TL;DR: Minecraft is unique, and shouldn't become similar to some other game or a generic fantasy setting.
But damn near everything has already been made. Truly unique ideas are a rarity now across the entire spectrum of gaming.
Look at the Nether. It's essentially Hell, with a Portal too it. TONS of games have stuff like that.
But if the line is drawn such that the Nether is okay, then what else from other games is okay?
TL;DR: Minecraft is a sandbox, and there should be no rules to for how to progress and play.
Then what about the incredibly popular Aether thread that wants the minor progression of "You need lightstone (Nether material) and a bucket of water before you can enter here"? Or the fact that you can't enter the Nether before first making a Diamond Pickax?
And then there's the fact that this thread is missing such things as suggestions that DEFINE portions of Minecraft, such as the New Nether. Where the Nether is moved from barren wasteland to a realm where it's dog eat dog, and the only way to survive is to fight?
Or even the Aether where monsters can be agressive, but not directly damaging?
Lastly, though I don't know if this SHOULD be in your topic, what about entirely superfluous suggestions?
Such as... "I want another wood type" or "I want a mob that will drop cooked meat when killed in the Overworld" orrr "MOAR OREZ! DIS IZ MINECRAFT LOLNUB! U NED 2 MINE!!!"
I voted in favour of this topic being stickied. I don't want to say that the OP is the be-all and end-all of the Minecraft theme, but it is an important and interesting discussion.
I just want to add a suggestion about the theme of minecraft: Minecraft is a game where the user is the creator. The best suggestions aren't the ones that just give you a new toy, but that give you the tools to create your own toys. For example, people often suggest fireplaces, while it's more in keeping with the theme of Minecraft to add components of fireplaces. A good suggestion for a fireplace might be some kind of ever-burning log, or a fire poker. Or a special shield to prevent sparks from burning down your wood house.
People often also suggest some very elaborate vehicles. One of my favorite suggestions I've seen in this forum is the Independent Block Entities, which results in the user being empowered to create any kind of vehicle they could possibly want. With a very simple tool. (That suggestion has its issues and problems, but I think the core idea is really good and sticks to the theme of Minecraft.)
Yes... because people are obviously going to FIRST try the roundabout way of making obsidian.
I left that option out because 1) it's harder to both guess, and perform without guidance 2) It's still forced staging that X must be done before Y can be accessed.
I have another suggestion to add: Minecraft is a game of singular ideas. Each creature has one purpose (or rarely two). In Minecraft, you cannot eat chickens, cows, sheep, or wolves. There is one meat animal, the Pig. Each animal has its own use in the game. So if you're creating a new suggestion about a new animal, it should have its singular use as well. In my opinion, the way to approach this is by first asking what you want the animal to do.
Want an animal that you can ride around? That sounds cool. That sounds like a horse. But should the horse also drop meat and leather? Should the horse fight for you like wolves do? I don't think so. I think it should have one major purpose. (Maybe it would be funny if the horse dropped gelatin to make into glue... I guess we can make exceptions for a secondary purpose if that secondary purpose is also unique.)
How about an animal that carries your stuff? To me, that sounds like an alpaca. Maybe to someone else it sounds like a pack mule. I know for a fact that someone on the forums has made a turtle that carries your stuff. But you probably shouldn't also be able to ride your alpaca.
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I think you are going to love my Survival Let's Play series on YouTube! It's called Spaceboot1's Garden. I make pretty things.
Also: We don't need useless items. No need for things that use too many components that can't be used for anything else, no need for things with almost no use, no need for stuff making it too easy, no need for things that are almost the same as other things.
(I think we need stained glass and wool clothes though)
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Medieval builder and texture artists. Also totally awesome.
I would support, but the problem with trying something like this is "where do you draw the line?"
For example:
But damn near everything has already been made. Truly unique ideas are a rarity now across the entire spectrum of gaming.
Look at the Nether. It's essentially Hell, with a Portal too it. TONS of games have stuff like that.
But if the line is drawn such that the Nether is okay, then what else from other games is okay?
Then what about the incredibly popular Aether thread that wants the minor progression of "You need lightstone (Nether material) and a bucket of water before you can enter here"? Or the fact that you can't enter the Nether before first making a Diamond Pickax?
And then there's the fact that this thread is missing such things as suggestions that DEFINE portions of Minecraft, such as the New Nether. Where the Nether is moved from barren wasteland to a realm where it's dog eat dog, and the only way to survive is to fight?
Or even the Aether where monsters can be agressive, but not directly damaging?
Lastly, though I don't know if this SHOULD be in your topic, what about entirely superfluous suggestions?
Such as... "I want another wood type" or "I want a mob that will drop cooked meat when killed in the Overworld" orrr "MOAR OREZ! DIS IZ MINECRAFT LOLNUB! U NED 2 MINE!!!"
I think this is a wording problem more then anything. While almost everything in fantasy is used and reused, I am against using exact ideas from other game without a unique spin on it, or any stereotypical fantasy themed thing, such as elves, dwarfs, goblins, or trolls.
Also, this isn't really what I meant when talked about progression. What I meant is that there is no goals, and nothing is required that you do.
I don't get what you mean by "This thread is missing such things as suggestions that DEFINE portions of Minecraft". What would you like me to say about them? They fit the theme, and that is what this thread is about. If I were to give you my full opinion, I would say that Notch should come up with his own ideas for such grand-scale suggestions, but that has nothing to do with this thread.
So I think the problem is with wording. I will see if I can fix that.
I voted in favour of this topic being stickied. I don't want to say that the OP is the be-all and end-all of the Minecraft theme, but it is an important and interesting discussion.
I just want to add a suggestion about the theme of minecraft: Minecraft is a game where the user is the creator. The best suggestions aren't the ones that just give you a new toy, but that give you the tools to create your own toys. For example, people often suggest fireplaces, while it's more in keeping with the theme of Minecraft to add components of fireplaces. A good suggestion for a fireplace might be some kind of ever-burning log, or a fire poker. Or a special shield to prevent sparks from burning down your wood house.
People often also suggest some very elaborate vehicles. One of my favorite suggestions I've seen in this forum is the Independent Block Entities, which results in the user being empowered to create any kind of vehicle they could possibly want. With a very simple tool. (That suggestion has its issues and problems, but I think the core idea is really good and sticks to the theme of Minecraft.)
That is something to think about... I'm trying to think of how I would word it. Creative, maybe? I think that would be good to add.
I have another suggestion to add: Minecraft is a game of singular ideas. Each creature has one purpose (or rarely two). In Minecraft, you cannot eat chickens, cows, sheep, or wolves. There is one meat animal, the Pig. Each animal has its own use in the game. So if you're creating a new suggestion about a new animal, it should have its singular use as well. In my opinion, the way to approach this is by first asking what you want the animal to do.
Want an animal that you can ride around? That sounds cool. That sounds like a horse. But should the horse also drop meat and leather? Should the horse fight for you like wolves do? I don't think so. I think it should have one major purpose. (Maybe it would be funny if the horse dropped gelatin to make into glue... I guess we can make exceptions for a secondary purpose if that secondary purpose is also unique.)
How about an animal that carries your stuff? To me, that sounds like an alpaca. Maybe to someone else it sounds like a pack mule. I know for a fact that someone on the forums has made a turtle that carries your stuff. But you probably shouldn't also be able to ride your alpaca.
Maybe. This doesn't matter as much as other things. If I were to add it, I might call it "Simple". But I think this is more about gameplay then theme. I don't know.
There are many reasons that a suggestions would not be good for Minecraft. This includes it not having enough uses, being overly complicated, or not being balanced. However, sometimes a suggestion just doesn't fit the theme, and that can be a little confusing. What does "Not fitting" mean, and what is the theme of minecraft? This post should cover the basics of the Minecraft theme, so you can make your suggestions fit. Please note that this is just a guide: If you think your suggestion still fits despite not agreeing with these guidelines, feel free to post it and say way you think it still fits. Minecraft is a unique, creative, fantasy, sandbox game.
TL;DR: Minecraft is unique, so shouldn't become similar to some other game and should try to not blend in with any other fantasy worlds, with some level of uniqueness.
TL;DR: Minecraft is creative, so things are best when they are versatile and inspire the player to make there own creation with it, and worst when they turn a chance to be creative into a mundane, uniform job.
I have noticed that with many suggestions, people knock them down by saying "Too modern". I don't believe that this is their real complaint, as minecraft has no time frame. Their real complaint is that it doesn't fit the fantasy theme, which usually stays in the medieval era. This is usually some what of a good rebuttal, but as there is much room for interpretation in minecraft fantasy, a unique suggestion, even if not fitting with the standard fantasy status-quo, can sometimes be a good suggestion.
TL;DR: Minecraft is a fantasy setting, but there is much room to figure out the exact theme.
To make something clear: This refers only to the current game mode. Notch has stated that there is a possibility for other game modes (such as adventure) that may not be a sandbox. This is perfectly fine, but any non sandbox elements must go in these alternate game modes.
TL;DR: Minecraft is a sandbox, and there should be no rules for how to win or survive.
Now, just because a suggestion doesn't fit the theme doesn't mean it's a bad idea. In many cases, something totally non-fantasy can be turned fantasy with simply a re-skin. Look as pistons: They were an extremely powerful, creative, wonderful tool, but in the mod they looked modern and hydraulic. By simply changing the visual design with a stone base, a wooden pusher, and a thiner bar, Mojang was able to turn this absolutely brilliant, but non-fantasy idea, into one that would fit the theme.
Hopefully this will provide an unbiased, understandable, helpful guide to making your suggestions fit the minecraft theme. Please note that this is just a guide: If you think your suggestion still fits despite not agreeing with my guidelines, feel free to post it and say way you think it still fits. Please, comment ideas to make this thread more thorough and correct, as well as added more aspects of the Minecraft theme. If you would like this to be pinned, keep it alive and suggest it to mods!
Also do think most the people who make suggestion use search they will most likely never see this topic but they will probably never search for the them of minecraft.
If the minecraft theme changes, it will no longer be minecraft. Adding game modes that have different themes would be fine (such as the up coming adventure mode), the current game theme should never change.
Also, if this topic is pinned (which I hope!) then all can see it.
I doubt it will be pinned at most it will be quoted or referenced a lot.
I feel insulted sir! I very well read two of those sentences!!
Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
I wish I was in this :C
Thanks! But I also see you voted that minecraft was not a <blank> themed game. Care to tell me which of these themes you don't think minecraft is?
Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
Non-unique suggestion is Non-unique.
For example:
But damn near everything has already been made. Truly unique ideas are a rarity now across the entire spectrum of gaming.
Look at the Nether. It's essentially Hell, with a Portal too it. TONS of games have stuff like that.
But if the line is drawn such that the Nether is okay, then what else from other games is okay?
Then what about the incredibly popular Aether thread that wants the minor progression of "You need lightstone (Nether material) and a bucket of water before you can enter here"? Or the fact that you can't enter the Nether before first making a Diamond Pickax?
And then there's the fact that this thread is missing such things as suggestions that DEFINE portions of Minecraft, such as the New Nether. Where the Nether is moved from barren wasteland to a realm where it's dog eat dog, and the only way to survive is to fight?
Or even the Aether where monsters can be agressive, but not directly damaging?
Lastly, though I don't know if this SHOULD be in your topic, what about entirely superfluous suggestions?
Such as... "I want another wood type" or "I want a mob that will drop cooked meat when killed in the Overworld" orrr "MOAR OREZ! DIS IZ MINECRAFT LOLNUB! U NED 2 MINE!!!"
Mostly moved on. May check back a few times a year.
I just want to add a suggestion about the theme of minecraft: Minecraft is a game where the user is the creator. The best suggestions aren't the ones that just give you a new toy, but that give you the tools to create your own toys. For example, people often suggest fireplaces, while it's more in keeping with the theme of Minecraft to add components of fireplaces. A good suggestion for a fireplace might be some kind of ever-burning log, or a fire poker. Or a special shield to prevent sparks from burning down your wood house.
People often also suggest some very elaborate vehicles. One of my favorite suggestions I've seen in this forum is the Independent Block Entities, which results in the user being empowered to create any kind of vehicle they could possibly want. With a very simple tool. (That suggestion has its issues and problems, but I think the core idea is really good and sticks to the theme of Minecraft.)
Want to play Minecraft SSP like Spaceboot1? Try my modpack, all mods made by me, Spaceboot1!
Yes... because people are obviously going to FIRST try the roundabout way of making obsidian.
I left that option out because 1) it's harder to both guess, and perform without guidance 2) It's still forced staging that X must be done before Y can be accessed.
Want an animal that you can ride around? That sounds cool. That sounds like a horse. But should the horse also drop meat and leather? Should the horse fight for you like wolves do? I don't think so. I think it should have one major purpose. (Maybe it would be funny if the horse dropped gelatin to make into glue... I guess we can make exceptions for a secondary purpose if that secondary purpose is also unique.)
How about an animal that carries your stuff? To me, that sounds like an alpaca. Maybe to someone else it sounds like a pack mule. I know for a fact that someone on the forums has made a turtle that carries your stuff. But you probably shouldn't also be able to ride your alpaca.
Want to play Minecraft SSP like Spaceboot1? Try my modpack, all mods made by me, Spaceboot1!
(I think we need stained glass and wool clothes though)
I think this is a wording problem more then anything. While almost everything in fantasy is used and reused, I am against using exact ideas from other game without a unique spin on it, or any stereotypical fantasy themed thing, such as elves, dwarfs, goblins, or trolls.
Also, this isn't really what I meant when talked about progression. What I meant is that there is no goals, and nothing is required that you do.
I don't get what you mean by "This thread is missing such things as suggestions that DEFINE portions of Minecraft". What would you like me to say about them? They fit the theme, and that is what this thread is about. If I were to give you my full opinion, I would say that Notch should come up with his own ideas for such grand-scale suggestions, but that has nothing to do with this thread.
So I think the problem is with wording. I will see if I can fix that.
That is something to think about... I'm trying to think of how I would word it. Creative, maybe? I think that would be good to add.
Maybe. This doesn't matter as much as other things. If I were to add it, I might call it "Simple". But I think this is more about gameplay then theme. I don't know.