There have been several posts that immediately discarded this idea because wheels are round. Surely this means there are several readers who have done likewise but not commented. I implore you to read the entire post and open this post by saying this: The wheel would only be round in the inventory. Any model showing a wheel would have that wheel be square.
If you still are not convinced, redpine has brought up quite the valid point. Snowballs, slimeballs, ghastballs, and records are all circular! :tongue.gif:
I think Minecraft is missing two important things. A way to carry more items and an alternate source of string. My proposed solution for these problems comes in a circular form.
Yes a wheel! It would not take much resources but would then be used in other crafting recipes, like the following.
I imagine the wheelbarrow would look similar to this:
Ahaha! Yes a square wheel. XD I think it would look both awesome and hilarious, especially when it begins to spin. Anyhow, the wheelbarrow would be a vehicle controlled much like a boat. You would have the option to hold shift to pivot the wheelbarrow about on a fixed axis. While manning the wheelbarrow you would not be able to jump, that means anywhere you want to use a wheelbarrow must be accessible via stairs, half-blocks, or just plain old flat ground.
You would also not be able to craft while using a wheelbarrow, your hands are full. Instead you would see this:
Using the wheel you would also be able to make a Spinning Wheel!
I picture something similar to this being placed like any other block:
This would finally give a use to wool and allow players to make string. The Spinning Wheel would only work while you are interacting with it and would convert one block of wool to nine pieces of string. Right clicking on the Spinning wheel would give you a screen like the next picture. Several people have posted that they feel 9 string is way too many to be receiving from one piece of wool. Many have also posted that they think the player should not be able to make string at all. The number is variable and ultimately would be the choice of Notch. There has been a suggestion I would like to mention however. Mystify has suggested that there be a division made between string and spider silk. Depending on which you used it would alter the quality of the item in the same way that a diamond sword is better than a wooden sword.
"I am not comfortable with circles..." Don't worry, its only like that in the inventory. Any model in game would have a square shaped wheel :biggrin.gif:
"This changes the whole value of string. It is supposed to be difficult to get. Players have to hunt down spiders for it. It makes a bow very valuable." Alright lets examine this for a second. Minecraft is based more or less on real life. String is a very very basic commodity. Ancient civilizations made it all the time. You do not have to kill a deer and rip out its tendons to make string, though that is a viable option. People have been making lashings for millenniums. Now for the second part of that. A Spinning Wheel still requires a string to make it, so a player will have had to kill some spiders to get it. String becomes a much more easily obtained resource, but you do still need to have killed a spider or two to get it. Happy?
"Now wait a minute! What is a player to do with all the string that will suddenly become available to him?" This is the part I like. String suddenly becomes as common and an item as wood, and could become as crucial, leaving Notch plenty of room to expand the tech-tree of crafting. I know many players have really been wanting to see ropes. Players could create a loom to convert string into cloth; and from there? Sails, bags, more decor like clothing, curtains, rugs.
"This still leaves the players with a lot of string and not much to do with it. How do you propose to fix that?" Simple, Redstone. Redstone is an endgame item that has incredible uses. If you have the resources to acquire redstone, you are going to have the resources to make string. Now many of you are not going to like this, but hear me out. Redstone in dust form can no longer be used as wire. Instead, players will actually make wire. With increased discussion on this topic, I think having dust and wire coexist would be the preferable choice.
"Are you mad?! Why would you compound the cost of redstone?! It will break all my existing machines too! Burn him!" No no no no, Perhaps we can leave the dust as an option. I do not like that idea as much but its not my call. My suggestion is that all redstone 'wire' that is already placed will become the new redstone wire. "Ha, but that is similar to giving players hundreds of strings." Yes well, they would have had the strings before if the Spinning Wheel had been implemented earlier. "I am still not convinced. Why make redstone more difficult to use?" Ah, now we come to the exciting part. The new redstone wire, would be wire, not dust. In this way you could put wire on walls and ceilings! :biggrin.gif: I love this idea. It means a lot of work for Notch, but hey, its his job isn't it?
"Why would I make a wheelbarrow when I can make a minecart and put a chest in it. Geez! This is already in the game." No its not! I should smack you people! Minecarts take iron, and the tracks take even more. Not only that but if you wish to travel with your goods, it takes another cart and likely another propulsion system... or you could use the glitch to have them propel each other.. but that would take twice as much track, and therefor iron! This is not a minecart copy! Comparing the two is ridiculous. Stop the ridiculousness. Stop it now.
Any more questions? Ridicule? Comments? Concerns?
Also! If we ever want this to reach the eyes of we are going to have to make this thread well known. If you are reading this and like the idea of it, post something! Even if it is as simple as.
"I think this would be a great addition to the game. Please add this Notch!"
Try to keep the thread alive!
Also! ...again. I made a little banner. If you could put it in your signature it would help spread knowledge, and hopefully support, about the wheel in Minecraft.
fireshredder1, If someone focuses on getting string they would end up with a ton of string really quickly. So perhaps a 1:1 ratio is better. Each wool block can be turned into one string. The key part though, is string would then be used in a lot of new recipes. You would be able to get a lot of string, similarly if someone focuses on getting wood they could get 64+ logs in one day not even working through the night, its the sheer amount you use that makes it necessary for you to get a ton. String should have a lot more uses than to make a bow or a fishing pole. Also, wool is useless. That needs to change.
The_Phantom_Potato, that is just the problem. We don't need another string source, because string is nearly useless. After you have gotten a dozen or so there is really no pressing need to get any more unless you want to make an army of dispenser turrets. I still like the wheel barrow though. The real problem is it takes too long to transfer items. When you are in a screen with the chest or wheelbarrow you should be able to left click on stacks of items to transfer them to the opposite inventory. A wheelbarrow would be very useful in many situations. Certainly not in exploring, but consider a large construction project, or strip mining. Also, perhaps one could combine the string and wheel to make a pulley that would be used with the implementation-in-progress piston mod to create an elevator that would them make the wheelbarrow much more useful as it would be more applicable in a wider variety of mine types. Think about where the game can be expanded. It is fine how it is now, but where can the game grow?
We don't need another string source, because string is nearly useless. After you have gotten a dozen or so there is really no pressing need to get any more unless you want to make an army of dispenser turrets. I still like the wheel barrow though. The real problem is it takes too long to transfer items. When you are in a screen with the chest or wheelbarrow you should be able to left click on stacks of items to transfer them to the opposite inventory. A wheelbarrow would be very useful in many situations. Certainly not in exploring, but consider a large construction project, or strip mining. Also, perhaps one could combine the string and wheel to make a pulley that would be used with the implementation-in-progress piston mod to create an elevator that would them make the wheelbarrow much more useful as it would be more applicable in a wider variety of mine types. Think about where the game can be expanded. It is fine how it is now, but where can the game grow?
Actually, it's because we already get string from spiders, as intended. Stuff could use more uses though.
The inventory is already portable itself. Makes a wheelbarrow seem redundant.
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Quote from Baraq Hussein Osama »
Do you show children your phallus? Is that what you want them to see?
Me too Bobbyjkk, me too. I would love to see one of my ideas implemented into the game. I think these would be really useful additions to the game. I also think that if Notch were to read through the post he would seriously consider some if not all of them. However he will never see this thread if we do not keep it alive. Moar posts! :biggrin.gif:
Fantastic idea. I think the Wool to 9 String should be fine as you can only make Fishing Rods, Wool, and Bows with it currently. And seeing how you only need 1 Bow, 2 Fishing rods (more if you don't use the repair glitch), and any wool you make will instantly be turnable back into string anyways the number seems fine by me.
This would be a good way to "Bleach" Wool so you can dye it a different color. Just make so any colored wool becomes normal string and all string makes white wool. Or give us multicolored string and give us some damn bleach already.
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inwntory is already big, don't really need a wheelbarrow, use a minecart if you want. Making cloth into string is OP btw. Redstone thing pretty much unnesasary, redstone on walls would be hard to implement.
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Creeper Jockeys, Because Screw Your Sense of Safety
I like the wheelbarrow Idea sounds good we do have storagecarts....but those are expensive cost this could work maybe make another use for leather like a backpack sort of like an addon to the inventory.
But the wire Idea...thats great IMO dust works for the 15 blocks IIRC redstone WIRE (I think) would work double the length but could be put on walls and roof I do like this idea...A LOT
I want more "machines" in minecraft, now hold on we arent talking cars and aeroplanes! I mean more practical things to use bigger work table movable storage not on rails...spindle stuff like that.
Badprenup, That was my thought on the subject. You can use 9 string to make wool, which is a total waste, but why not do it the other way around? Personally I think 9 string should make cloth, which you would then use on other things. But that is not what this thread is focusing on.
jburtson, The problem with using a minecart for storage is you have to have already laid rails everywhere you want the cart to go. This is incredibly expensive. I think the wheelbarrow would be excellent say if you were building a large building in a new spot far from your storage facilities. You would simply load the wheelbarrow with extra tools and building materials, then take it to the construction site. It could remove large chunks of wasted time traveling to and from your chests.
As for the string. I really don't see how its that OP. Once you've gotten a dozen strings you'll never really need any more. Having string become a more readily available resource would allow Notch to make more craft recipes that rely on it, like redstone wire.
As for the redstone. I am not completely sure how Notch's current system works, but I imagine it wouldn't really be that hard to implement. If you have wire running along the base of a wall, = redwire
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You could just put the wire on the wall, and it would run up the side of the wall like it does if you make it climb one block. The wire on the side of the first block and on the ground in the corner is the same piece of wire. The wire on the block above is another one.
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Really the only thing that might involve a big change is making it so blocks can accept input from wires coming from beneath. Or at least if the system works the way I think it does.
Bloodaegis, I think the 15 blocks was probably put in for not overloading the system with computations. Though I kind of like the idea of, if dust was retained as a wiring method as well, of the wire carrying the current further. Another five blocks wouldn't hurt anything would it? Either way, I would love to see this get implemented.
MeanBakedBean, Isn't it funny? Yea the wheels in game would be square. I made some mock-up images in the original post. :/
Maybe I should texture them...
MrNomNoms, you are missing the point. This is an incredibly primitive technology. In Minecraft we are able to create explosives, smelt metals, even make paintings, yet remain unable to make a simple wheel. Also, as I have said in several other places. Mine carts require track and a significant amount of iron. The wheelbarrow would be for the pre-I-have-enough-iron-to-build-a-freight-train stage, for trips you do not need to take large amounts of material more many times (like a construction project), or where minecarts would just not work out very well (like large farms). You didn't even comment on the other ideas like the spinning wheel or redstone wire.
But seriously! Are you really going to compare
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(log representing wheel)
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(Yes I know you add the chest afterwards)
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There is no comparison! Especially if you only plan to make the trip once or twice so that you can build a building. And that is assuming you only want to go 16 spaces which I really doubt. No one would waste the time or resources to set up tracks to use a minecart for this purpose. The wheelbarrow would be sitting around your house and you would just grab it whenever you needed it and head off.
Also, if you are going to criticize, make it constructive. Your comment did nothing to help Minecraft. :tongue.gif:
A great start. I think the ideas are okay. But the wheel could open up so many possibilitys! And people saying "Storage minecart" No. Rails are costly, and you can push wheelbarrows around WITHOUT a track.
Well GhastTamer? Lets hear some of these possibilities. I have been thinking about things like making a water wheel that can detect if water is moving, kind of useless right now though. But I would love to hear your ideas as well. Perhaps I could make some mock-ups of them.
If you still are not convinced, redpine has brought up quite the valid point. Snowballs, slimeballs, ghastballs, and records are all circular! :tongue.gif:
I think Minecraft is missing two important things. A way to carry more items and an alternate source of string. My proposed solution for these problems comes in a circular form.
Yes a wheel! It would not take much resources but would then be used in other crafting recipes, like the following.
I imagine the wheelbarrow would look similar to this:
Ahaha! Yes a square wheel. XD I think it would look both awesome and hilarious, especially when it begins to spin. Anyhow, the wheelbarrow would be a vehicle controlled much like a boat. You would have the option to hold shift to pivot the wheelbarrow about on a fixed axis. While manning the wheelbarrow you would not be able to jump, that means anywhere you want to use a wheelbarrow must be accessible via stairs, half-blocks, or just plain old flat ground.
You would also not be able to craft while using a wheelbarrow, your hands are full. Instead you would see this:
Using the wheel you would also be able to make a Spinning Wheel!
I picture something similar to this being placed like any other block:
This would finally give a use to wool and allow players to make string. The Spinning Wheel would only work while you are interacting with it and would convert one block of wool to nine pieces of string. Right clicking on the Spinning wheel would give you a screen like the next picture. Several people have posted that they feel 9 string is way too many to be receiving from one piece of wool. Many have also posted that they think the player should not be able to make string at all. The number is variable and ultimately would be the choice of Notch. There has been a suggestion I would like to mention however. Mystify has suggested that there be a division made between string and spider silk. Depending on which you used it would alter the quality of the item in the same way that a diamond sword is better than a wooden sword.
"I am not comfortable with circles..." Don't worry, its only like that in the inventory. Any model in game would have a square shaped wheel :biggrin.gif:
"This changes the whole value of string. It is supposed to be difficult to get. Players have to hunt down spiders for it. It makes a bow very valuable." Alright lets examine this for a second. Minecraft is based more or less on real life. String is a very very basic commodity. Ancient civilizations made it all the time. You do not have to kill a deer and rip out its tendons to make string, though that is a viable option. People have been making lashings for millenniums. Now for the second part of that. A Spinning Wheel still requires a string to make it, so a player will have had to kill some spiders to get it. String becomes a much more easily obtained resource, but you do still need to have killed a spider or two to get it. Happy?
"Now wait a minute! What is a player to do with all the string that will suddenly become available to him?" This is the part I like. String suddenly becomes as common and an item as wood, and could become as crucial, leaving Notch plenty of room to expand the tech-tree of crafting. I know many players have really been wanting to see ropes. Players could create a loom to convert string into cloth; and from there? Sails, bags, more decor like clothing, curtains, rugs.
"This still leaves the players with a lot of string and not much to do with it. How do you propose to fix that?" Simple, Redstone. Redstone is an endgame item that has incredible uses. If you have the resources to acquire redstone, you are going to have the resources to make string. Now many of you are not going to like this, but hear me out. Redstone in dust form can no longer be used as wire. Instead, players will actually make wire. With increased discussion on this topic, I think having dust and wire coexist would be the preferable choice.
"Are you mad?! Why would you compound the cost of redstone?! It will break all my existing machines too! Burn him!" No no no no, Perhaps we can leave the dust as an option. I do not like that idea as much but its not my call. My suggestion is that all redstone 'wire' that is already placed will become the new redstone wire. "Ha, but that is similar to giving players hundreds of strings." Yes well, they would have had the strings before if the Spinning Wheel had been implemented earlier. "I am still not convinced. Why make redstone more difficult to use?" Ah, now we come to the exciting part. The new redstone wire, would be wire, not dust. In this way you could put wire on walls and ceilings! :biggrin.gif: I love this idea. It means a lot of work for Notch, but hey, its his job isn't it?
"Why would I make a wheelbarrow when I can make a minecart and put a chest in it. Geez! This is already in the game." No its not! I should smack you people! Minecarts take iron, and the tracks take even more. Not only that but if you wish to travel with your goods, it takes another cart and likely another propulsion system... or you could use the glitch to have them propel each other.. but that would take twice as much track, and therefor iron! This is not a minecart copy! Comparing the two is ridiculous. Stop the ridiculousness. Stop it now.
Any more questions? Ridicule? Comments? Concerns?
Also! If we ever want this to reach the eyes of
"I think this would be a great addition to the game. Please add this Notch!"
Try to keep the thread alive!
Also! ...again. I made a little banner. If you could put it in your signature it would help spread knowledge, and hopefully support, about the wheel in Minecraft.
It has wheels!
How many sheep I kill in a day = around 30
How many spiders I kill in a night = around 5
If you were to use the spinning wheel, I would have approximately 275 string in one day/night cycle, considering ALL sheep drop at least 1 wool block.
In case you did not know, that is a shitload of string for one cycle. Rethink that part and I will support this.
We can carry enough.
Wheel is alright.
I read the thread where you got your signature from. Funny ****.
The_Phantom_Potato, that is just the problem. We don't need another string source, because string is nearly useless. After you have gotten a dozen or so there is really no pressing need to get any more unless you want to make an army of dispenser turrets. I still like the wheel barrow though. The real problem is it takes too long to transfer items. When you are in a screen with the chest or wheelbarrow you should be able to left click on stacks of items to transfer them to the opposite inventory. A wheelbarrow would be very useful in many situations. Certainly not in exploring, but consider a large construction project, or strip mining. Also, perhaps one could combine the string and wheel to make a pulley that would be used with the implementation-in-progress piston mod to create an elevator that would them make the wheelbarrow much more useful as it would be more applicable in a wider variety of mine types. Think about where the game can be expanded. It is fine how it is now, but where can the game grow?
Actually, it's because we already get string from spiders, as intended. Stuff could use more uses though.
The inventory is already portable itself. Makes a wheelbarrow seem redundant.
This would be a good way to "Bleach" Wool so you can dye it a different color. Just make so any colored wool becomes normal string and all string makes white wool. Or give us multicolored string and give us some damn bleach already.
Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
I like the wheelbarrow Idea sounds good we do have storagecarts....but those are expensive cost this could work maybe make another use for leather like a backpack sort of like an addon to the inventory.
But the wire Idea...thats great IMO dust works for the 15 blocks IIRC redstone WIRE (I think) would work double the length but could be put on walls and roof I do like this idea...A LOT
I want more "machines" in minecraft, now hold on we arent talking cars and aeroplanes! I mean more practical things to use bigger work table movable storage not on rails...spindle stuff like that.
jburtson, The problem with using a minecart for storage is you have to have already laid rails everywhere you want the cart to go. This is incredibly expensive. I think the wheelbarrow would be excellent say if you were building a large building in a new spot far from your storage facilities. You would simply load the wheelbarrow with extra tools and building materials, then take it to the construction site. It could remove large chunks of wasted time traveling to and from your chests.
As for the string. I really don't see how its that OP. Once you've gotten a dozen strings you'll never really need any more. Having string become a more readily available resource would allow Notch to make more craft recipes that rely on it, like redstone wire.
As for the redstone. I am not completely sure how Notch's current system works, but I imagine it wouldn't really be that hard to implement. If you have wire running along the base of a wall,
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You could just put the wire on the wall, and it would run up the side of the wall like it does if you make it climb one block. The wire on the side of the first block and on the ground in the corner is the same piece of wire. The wire on the block above is another one.
[] [] []
Really the only thing that might involve a big change is making it so blocks can accept input from wires coming from beneath. Or at least if the system works the way I think it does.
Bloodaegis, I think the 15 blocks was probably put in for not overloading the system with computations. Though I kind of like the idea of, if dust was retained as a wiring method as well, of the wire carrying the current further. Another five blocks wouldn't hurt anything would it? Either way, I would love to see this get implemented.
MeanBakedBean, Isn't it funny? Yea the wheels in game would be square. I made some mock-up images in the original post. :/
Maybe I should texture them...
My minecraft guy is SLOW
I support Carrier Eagle
I support Power gloves
I support Coal Powered carts delay
MrNomNoms, you are missing the point. This is an incredibly primitive technology. In Minecraft we are able to create explosives, smelt metals, even make paintings, yet remain unable to make a simple wheel. Also, as I have said in several other places. Mine carts require track and a significant amount of iron. The wheelbarrow would be for the pre-I-have-enough-iron-to-build-a-freight-train stage, for trips you do not need to take large amounts of material more many times (like a construction project), or where minecarts would just not work out very well (like large farms). You didn't even comment on the other ideas like the spinning wheel or redstone wire.
But seriously! Are you really going to compare
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(log representing wheel)
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(Yes I know you add the chest afterwards)
There is no comparison! Especially if you only plan to make the trip once or twice so that you can build a building. And that is assuming you only want to go 16 spaces which I really doubt. No one would waste the time or resources to set up tracks to use a minecart for this purpose. The wheelbarrow would be sitting around your house and you would just grab it whenever you needed it and head off.
Also, if you are going to criticize, make it constructive. Your comment did nothing to help Minecraft. :tongue.gif:
I wish I was in this :C
Wait, it doesin't have feet?