I've browsed a little throughout the topics looking for something similar, the closest thing I found was being able to put wire onto the walls, which I completely support.
Often I find myself trying to condense my redstone wiring as much as possible, but this is very difficult as the wires love to mesh. My proposed solution for this problem would be a cable that allows current to travel through a brick very similar to using a repeater. However the difference being that there is no delay, it is a block that can have other blocks placed on it, and you can make one that goes upwards. I want to be able to send current directly up and down without making odd stair-like structures.
I imagine it would be created something like this (with red wool being redstone):
Then if the player decided he needed a horizontal one he could make it like this:
These would give the player some odd amount (16?) of vertical or horizontal redstone piping. Perhaps something else could be used instead of iron, like paper or wool. The player would also be able to place normal redstone wire on top of the cable block. I picture a block looking similar to an iron block, but with red dots on two of the sides, allowing the current to travel in either direction but only those directions. I think this would be an incredibly useful block, perhaps it could do with a different name, but for the purposes of discussing it I think the name gives users an immediate understanding of the idea.
The only real problem I see with it, is that it may be frustrating that a horizontal and vertical block look and function similarly, but can not be used interchangeably. To solve this I say a player should be able to put one type of block in his crafting grid and receive the other type as the product.
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The idea here though, is if you put more time and resources into your wiring, it will not be as sloppy and indeed more functional than if you just lay redstone. I would love to see this idea become a reality. It would be really useful on the elevator I am making >.<
"now do not confuse this directly with the redstone dust your able to set down and use as wire, no this is different.
The crafting recipe would look something like this
=redstone dust =halfblock (just for clarification)
this would give you 3x redstone lines. these would look similar to the redstone delay/repeater in size/shape
okay now what this would be able to do is have red stone be set out like railroad tracks, but it would be different. for starters, when you right clicked on the set block, it would be able to make a 90 degree turn (first to the right) then if you right clicked it again it would make a 3 way intersection (also facing the right). clicking on it yet again would yield a four way intersection, after that it would begin to reverse (3 way intersection and 90 degree turn) except it would be facing left. What this would do is make it possible to connect the different redstone lines you might have going in a clear, reasonable, manner.
note: I would be open to the idea of this carrying less than normal redstone dust, which would mean an increase need for delay/repeaters.
Note#2: Just for clarification, these redstone lines (unless they intersected) would not effect each other."
now as this is simply an idea, and your welcomed to barrow from it, personally i would like a form of covered redstone to use for long distance wiring.
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No red stone blocks please. I do think red stone should be easier to use, but I think a copper wire could do that.
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I am just a guy looking for good suggestions that are original, creative, and match the theme of Mine-craft. I have some mob ideas that I need help forming which is a community project.
Often I find myself trying to condense my redstone wiring as much as possible, but this is very difficult as the wires love to mesh. My proposed solution for this problem would be a cable that allows current to travel through a brick very similar to using a repeater. However the difference being that there is no delay, it is a block that can have other blocks placed on it, and you can make one that goes upwards. I want to be able to send current directly up and down without making odd stair-like structures.
I imagine it would be created something like this (with red wool being redstone):
Then if the player decided he needed a horizontal one he could make it like this:
These would give the player some odd amount (16?) of vertical or horizontal redstone piping. Perhaps something else could be used instead of iron, like paper or wool. The player would also be able to place normal redstone wire on top of the cable block. I picture a block looking similar to an iron block, but with red dots on two of the sides, allowing the current to travel in either direction but only those directions. I think this would be an incredibly useful block, perhaps it could do with a different name, but for the purposes of discussing it I think the name gives users an immediate understanding of the idea.
The only real problem I see with it, is that it may be frustrating that a horizontal and vertical block look and function similarly, but can not be used interchangeably. To solve this I say a player should be able to put one type of block in his crafting grid and receive the other type as the product.
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Meet the redstone repeater.
"now do not confuse this directly with the redstone dust your able to set down and use as wire, no this is different.
The crafting recipe would look something like this
this would give you 3x
okay now what this would be able to do is have red stone be set out like railroad tracks, but it would be different. for starters, when you right clicked on the set block, it would be able to make a 90 degree turn (first to the right) then if you right clicked it again it would make a 3 way intersection (also facing the right). clicking on it yet again would yield a four way intersection, after that it would begin to reverse (3 way intersection and 90 degree turn) except it would be facing left. What this would do is make it possible to connect the different redstone lines you might have going in a clear, reasonable, manner.
note: I would be open to the idea of this carrying less than normal redstone dust, which would mean an increase need for delay/repeaters.
Note#2: Just for clarification, these redstone lines (unless they intersected) would not effect each other."
now as this is simply an idea, and your welcomed to barrow from it, personally i would like a form of covered redstone to use for long distance wiring.
ThatDutchIdiot, In most cases I think that would make wiring worse. It could work for vertical wiring, but it would still be a pain.
Do you know all it does is set of dispensers, open doors, and set of TNT? Redstone is not OP
I wish I was in this :C
Redstone does quite a bit more than that.
copper wire/electricity seems kinda redundant with redstone, i mean both would preform the same functions.