Think of a multiplayer server with 10 to 100 players(need good server) playing an Infection Mode, what is Infection Mode? Ever played Halo 3 or Reach? Infection...
So the Infection Mode consists of several keys to open one door(the mode):
- Rounds
- Day and Night
- Infected
I hope I don't have much to tell here, but to tell you what a round does:
When a round starts, all the players will be put near one point. The Zombie will be put in the center of that point and the Survivors will be put in a circle around the zombie, approx. 10 blocks in radius away. So, you might wonder why the Zombies spawn at the start, in the daylight? Well, because the zombie would be bored to death by only staring at a black screen or whatever... And the Zombie will be determined by the one that was infected first the last round, if there is no "loser" then it will be chosen by random(and the zombie that was(if there were) will not be chosen again... Until the coming round is over...)
Day/Night Cycle
In Infection Mode Day/Night will not be a cycle, it ill be more like Daylight, then sunset and no sunrise ever again, until next round ofcourse!
The Zombie/Infected
The Zombies are the players who infects the Survivors, when a survivor is killed (s)he will spawn as a zombie at his/her corpse. The cycle of infection goes on like that until the last Survivor is infected.
When a Zombie/Infected dies, it will respawn if it has sufficient respawnpoints remaining. When a player is infected, the player get 3 respawnpoints, when infecting a survivor, the infector gains one more respawnpoint. When the Infected does not have more respawnpoints, the Infected can't play anymore.
NOTE: Respawnpoints are not shared, they are individual properties for the infected!
So now I will answer what may probbably be your question now: Why the heck is the zombies spawning in the middle of the day with the humans??; Well there is one reason why: The Infected would be bored to death at daytime, which is the preparation time for the survivors... So at day the zombies will walk 75% slower than normal(normal is 1.5x a survivors speed!(Normal can also be called nighttimespeed)) and at the same time being invulnerable...
Block Interaction
The infected would be disappointed if the could just stay outside the doors of the survivors and try to stare them to death. So the Zombies will be able to interact with blocks just like survivors, just that they infact do not have any inventory. All blocks will be mined by the same speed(except obsidian, it will take around 10 seconds!) and the common time is around 3 seconds(This might sound silly though...).
NOTE: Bedrock cannot be harvested!
"Finally, nighttime and I can hunt for BrainssSS!", But where are the brains? In a wast world like this it may be a slight odd of 1/100000000 to just even see a survivor, unless it's infront of you from the begining. So the Zombies will use their ugly noses to smell for players, jsut like dogs, but much better! When a player is withing 50-100 blocks of radius of the zombie, a red or green or any kind of dot will appear on the head(brain) of the survivor. So now life will be easier for the undead...
NOTE: Smelling is only active during night!
The health of the zombies will genearlly be 20 hearts, making them harder to kill and making it more challenging for the humans. The startezombie, will get 40 hearts, so that the zombies in the start have a better chance of surviving!
Other Info
So, you aren't done reading about the infected just yet... Heres a few answer to a few questions(that someone may have?):
Q: How many zombies will there be at the start of a round?
A: One, only one zombie will spawn in the center of the spawnpoint!
Q: How can you assure that the infection begins?
A: The starting zombie will get more hearts, 3x or 4x than normal, and the amount decrases by the amount of zombies there are on the map.
Q: Can the zombies climb ladders?
A: Yes, but the speed of their climbing it 75% of the survivors, meaning they will be slower than the humans.
Q: How fast does the zombie walk during the night?
A: The zombie walks 150% faster than a human at night, but at day the zomb ie walks 75% slower than the humans.
Teh humans start in a random position located in a ring around the starting zombie, they will be turned towrds the zombie(looking/facing towards the zombie) and is free to run.
There is not much to say about the humans in daytime, everything will be normal. But Nighttime is something else than daytime! Because of the zombies approach, the players have the possability to "Panic"... This will not activate immidiatly after night begins though, it will replinish from the beginning of using 12 mins. When used it grants the Survivor 250% movement speed, 125% gathering speed in 1½ minute, and the replinish time is 10 mins.
NOTE: The first time Panic replinishes it will take 12 mins and after use it will take 10 mins.
When you die as a human, of is infected as it is called: You will become a zombie and spawn as a zombie at the point you stood just before getting infected. But I also said something about dying without getting infected, if so you'll just respawn and a message about your death is broadcasted for all zombies to make it even harder after you die.
Because the map is so wast, the humans will leave traces. The traces will pop up where the humans leg have been stomped down. The traces is removeable by destroying the block the trace is on. If not removed the trace will stay put at all time. Alo, if the moon shines on the trace, it guides the zombie to which way the survivor went by an arrow. This'll make it very easy to track down and kill the humans!
Last Man Standing
In some infection games there is a last-man standing thing, it shows where the last survivor is, that is simply it, but in MineCraft it could show the last 3 not the last ONE!
Hope you like the suggestion, and I'd love cool suggestions to improve this suggestion :smile.gif:
(Im sorry, i didn't read quite all of it)
Maybe wherever humans walk, they leave a track on the blocks they walk on, so if your human you would have to cover your tracks, also there NEEDS to be some edge of the world, becuase if your human the very best thing you can do is keep walking. Also when night time comes, humans could just walk up to a zombie and shoot it, and the zombie wont be able to do crap about it. That needs to be fixed somehow. If the admin can turn it off/on you can have players start a base, and then switch to playing an defend the base they've made.
Overall interesting idea, but minecraft is open enough that it probably wouldn't work. Humans could be anywhere below ground, only occupying 2 of 64+ blocks, but if the zombie can see them from anywhere, it would be OP. Maybe it could just be somthing you play with other people on a server, but not an actual programmed thing.
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Creeper Jockeys, Because Screw Your Sense of Safety
Ok, to cover some stuff, the zombies walk 150% faster than the humans during night time, this makes it easy to walk to the sides and dodge the arrows(when you can see them...) And ye, I will add the trace thing, cause that was an awesome thing :tongue.gif: And the zombies can see the humans from a circle with 50-100 in radius around them...
Block interaction could be disabled (i.e. when Notch adds in adventure mode), which makes this suggestion a decent idea for a mod request.
Go request this as a mod, I don't bother... Actually I'd love it...But I'm not gonna do it :tongue.gif: And: why disable block interaction, should the zombie players bore themself to death and the human players have nothing to be chased by? Keep in mind that playrs/humen gets way faster bored than Computer units :tongue.gif:
So what you mean is that if a survivor uses 1 sec with his/her hands, it will take 3 sec for the zombie? I like :biggrin.gif:
It sounds OK when you talk about dirt/wood and stuff, but what about stone, whicvh takes approx 10 secs for the humans... I think a zombie would be bored to death then... So you need to think of how to balance it so the Zombies have fun all the time and that being a zombie isn't so crappingly boring... If you see what I mean :tongue.gif:
Think of a multiplayer server with 10 to 100 players(need good server) playing an Infection Mode, what is Infection Mode? Ever played Halo 3 or Reach? Infection...
So the Infection Mode consists of several keys to open one door(the mode):
- Rounds
- Day and Night
- Infected
- Infecting
- Survivors- Dying
- Day
- Block Interaction
- Smelling
- Health
- Other Info
- Start
- Day
- Dying
- Traces
- Last Man Standing
I hope I don't have much to tell here, but to tell you what a round does:
When a round starts, all the players will be put near one point. The Zombie will be put in the center of that point and the Survivors will be put in a circle around the zombie, approx. 10 blocks in radius away. So, you might wonder why the Zombies spawn at the start, in the daylight? Well, because the zombie would be bored to death by only staring at a black screen or whatever... And the Zombie will be determined by the one that was infected first the last round, if there is no "loser" then it will be chosen by random(and the zombie that was(if there were) will not be chosen again... Until the coming round is over...)
Day/Night Cycle
In Infection Mode Day/Night will not be a cycle, it ill be more like Daylight, then sunset and no sunrise ever again, until next round ofcourse!
The Zombie/Infected
The Zombies are the players who infects the Survivors, when a survivor is killed (s)he will spawn as a zombie at his/her corpse. The cycle of infection goes on like that until the last Survivor is infected.
When a Zombie/Infected dies, it will respawn if it has sufficient respawnpoints remaining. When a player is infected, the player get 3 respawnpoints, when infecting a survivor, the infector gains one more respawnpoint. When the Infected does not have more respawnpoints, the Infected can't play anymore.
NOTE: Respawnpoints are not shared, they are individual properties for the infected!
So now I will answer what may probbably be your question now: Why the heck is the zombies spawning in the middle of the day with the humans??; Well there is one reason why: The Infected would be bored to death at daytime, which is the preparation time for the survivors... So at day the zombies will walk 75% slower than normal(normal is 1.5x a survivors speed!(Normal can also be called nighttimespeed)) and at the same time being invulnerable...
Block Interaction
The infected would be disappointed if the could just stay outside the doors of the survivors and try to stare them to death. So the Zombies will be able to interact with blocks just like survivors, just that they infact do not have any inventory. All blocks will be mined by the same speed(except obsidian, it will take around 10 seconds!) and the common time is around 3 seconds(This might sound silly though...).
NOTE: Bedrock cannot be harvested!
"Finally, nighttime and I can hunt for BrainssSS!", But where are the brains? In a wast world like this it may be a slight odd of 1/100000000 to just even see a survivor, unless it's infront of you from the begining. So the Zombies will use their ugly noses to smell for players, jsut like dogs, but much better! When a player is withing 50-100 blocks of radius of the zombie, a red or green or any kind of dot will appear on the head(brain) of the survivor. So now life will be easier for the undead...
NOTE: Smelling is only active during night!
The health of the zombies will genearlly be 20 hearts, making them harder to kill and making it more challenging for the humans. The startezombie, will get 40 hearts, so that the zombies in the start have a better chance of surviving!
Other Info
So, you aren't done reading about the infected just yet... Heres a few answer to a few questions(that someone may have?):
Q: How many zombies will there be at the start of a round?
A: One, only one zombie will spawn in the center of the spawnpoint!
Q: How can you assure that the infection begins?
A: The starting zombie will get more hearts, 3x or 4x than normal, and the amount decrases by the amount of zombies there are on the map.
Q: Can the zombies climb ladders?
A: Yes, but the speed of their climbing it 75% of the survivors, meaning they will be slower than the humans.
Q: How fast does the zombie walk during the night?
A: The zombie walks 150% faster than a human at night, but at day the zomb ie walks 75% slower than the humans.
Teh humans start in a random position located in a ring around the starting zombie, they will be turned towrds the zombie(looking/facing towards the zombie) and is free to run.
There is not much to say about the humans in daytime, everything will be normal. But Nighttime is something else than daytime! Because of the zombies approach, the players have the possability to "Panic"... This will not activate immidiatly after night begins though, it will replinish from the beginning of using 12 mins. When used it grants the Survivor 250% movement speed, 125% gathering speed in 1½ minute, and the replinish time is 10 mins.
NOTE: The first time Panic replinishes it will take 12 mins and after use it will take 10 mins.
When you die as a human, of is infected as it is called: You will become a zombie and spawn as a zombie at the point you stood just before getting infected. But I also said something about dying without getting infected, if so you'll just respawn and a message about your death is broadcasted for all zombies to make it even harder after you die.
Because the map is so wast, the humans will leave traces. The traces will pop up where the humans leg have been stomped down. The traces is removeable by destroying the block the trace is on. If not removed the trace will stay put at all time. Alo, if the moon shines on the trace, it guides the zombie to which way the survivor went by an arrow. This'll make it very easy to track down and kill the humans!
Last Man Standing
In some infection games there is a last-man standing thing, it shows where the last survivor is, that is simply it, but in MineCraft it could show the last 3 not the last ONE!
Hope you like the suggestion, and I'd love cool suggestions to improve this suggestion :smile.gif:
Maybe wherever humans walk, they leave a track on the blocks they walk on, so if your human you would have to cover your tracks, also there NEEDS to be some edge of the world, becuase if your human the very best thing you can do is keep walking. Also when night time comes, humans could just walk up to a zombie and shoot it, and the zombie wont be able to do crap about it. That needs to be fixed somehow. If the admin can turn it off/on you can have players start a base, and then switch to playing an defend the base they've made.
Overall interesting idea, but minecraft is open enough that it probably wouldn't work. Humans could be anywhere below ground, only occupying 2 of 64+ blocks, but if the zombie can see them from anywhere, it would be OP. Maybe it could just be somthing you play with other people on a server, but not an actual programmed thing.
Go request this as a mod, I don't bother... Actually I'd love it...
But I'm not gonna do it:tongue.gif: And: why disable block interaction, should the zombie players bore themself to death and the human players have nothing to be chased by? Keep in mind that playrs/humen gets way faster bored than Computer units :tongue.gif:In other words nice job I hope somthing like this would be on zombie seige!
It sounds OK when you talk about dirt/wood and stuff, but what about stone, whicvh takes approx 10 secs for the humans... I think a zombie would be bored to death then... So you need to think of how to balance it so the Zombies have fun all the time and that being a zombie isn't so crappingly boring... If you see what I mean :tongue.gif:
Minecraft =/= FPS, aside from bows of course.
I would purchase an Xbox if I wanted to play Halo.
This is not halo. And stop using bold on everything you say.
Precisely, which is why it doesn't need to be like Halo.
Anything like this should just be a custom server or an expansion to minecraft way WAY in the future.
I don't see the core of your arguments, why can't the game be a little more like Halo, your dear example?
And if you read the topic, the zombies are quite balanced to humans IMO. I don't need this immediatly either, I can wait for an expansion :smile.gif: