When creating a world there should be an option for custom difficulty.
Like how many hearts you have max or how many hunger points you loose when you sleep(that is not in the game but it would be cool) how many hunger each food gives,removing some mobs or items from the world permanently and stuff like that.
There should also be some pre built challanges.
Here is an example:-having creepers spawn on any block at any light level making cats essential to survive- like a challange that has a solution you have to follow in order to survive.
When creating a world there should be an option for custom difficulty.
Like how many hearts you have max or how many hunger points you loose when you sleep(that is not in the game but it would be cool) how many hunger each food gives,removing some mobs or items from the world permanently and stuff like that.
There should also be some pre built challanges.
Here is an example:-having creepers spawn on any block at any light level making cats essential to survive- like a challange that has a solution you have to follow in order to survive.
These would be fun in my opinion.
This can be done relatively easy with datapacks