Сделайте жителей похожими на игрока. Translation: Make villagers look like the player.
No, that's... a bad idea. Why would Mojang suddenly change their appearance out of nowhere after all these years just for that? There's already multiple mobs based on their appearance, so... no.
As for the idea, it makes sense, but I don't see what the true gain would be in adding this.
Add the same mechanics as the piglins but have them pick up and throw away what appears in their trading interface
Let's take as an example these trades in the image at the top, If I drop 15 beets to the villager he would have to pick them up and give me 1 emerald.
Mm, I don't know. I think we are meant to see villagers are more civil than piglins.
Adding villagers picking up trade items would open up automatic trading with villagers.
Given that there is already pushback from those who dislike automated systems over automated barter halls, I don't see MS/Mj going for this.
(If anything, the 'experimental' trading nerfs suggest they will be greifing villager trading rather than facilitating it....)
Сделайте жителей похожими на игрока.
No, that's... a bad idea. Why would Mojang suddenly change their appearance out of nowhere after all these years just for that? There's already multiple mobs based on their appearance, so... no.
As for the idea, it makes sense, but I don't see what the true gain would be in adding this.