I feel like an update to tamable animals should be expanded, like additional Fur colors to wolves like cats and rabbits do, more common animals that are kept as pets, like rabbits should also be tamable, along with turtles and foxes, and new mobs like guinea pigs and ferrets, all of these animals would bring so much more to choose in Minecraft’s pet choices, cause not everyone is a cat or dog person, I know a lot of people who would rather have a ferret or fox. What do you think, is this a good idea or no
I feel like an update to tamable animals should be expanded, like additional Fur colors to wolves like cats and rabbits do, more common animals that are kept as pets, like rabbits should also be tamable, along with turtles and foxes, and new mobs like guinea pigs and ferrets, all of these animals would bring so much more to choose in Minecraft’s pet choices, cause not everyone is a cat or dog person, I know a lot of people who would rather have a ferret or fox. What do you think, is this a good idea or no
If the entire update was to focus only on pets, it would not be enough. The comunity is ascustomized for big updates.
I feel like an update to tamable animals should be expanded, like additional Fur colors to wolves like cats and rabbits do, more common animals that are kept as pets, like rabbits should also be tamable, along with turtles and foxes, and new mobs like guinea pigs and ferrets, all of these animals would bring so much more to choose in Minecraft’s pet choices, cause not everyone is a cat or dog person, I know a lot of people who would rather have a ferret or fox. What do you think, is this a good idea or no
If the entire update was to focus only on pets, it would not be enough. The comunity is ascustomized for big updates.
I feel like they should rather improve the existing pets in combat than implement new ones.
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