Tridents are unreasonably hard to get in java. Trident drowned are rare, damaging, throw at close range, swim slowly, and barely ever drop their trident. In bedrock, tridents are easier to get, almost too easy, so you don't have to worry about getting mending on your first trident. Drowned spawn more, swim faster for melee, melee with tridents at close range, and drop tridents more often. All mobs drop rare loot more often in fact.
A joke extension of this suggestion would be to have realistic mob drops, e.g. 200 bones per skeleton or sticks per leaf block. But realistically it would be nice to have slightly higher rates of tridents and other rare-drop-exclusive items (e.g. trader and witch potions).
Tridents are unreasonably hard to get in java. Trident drowned are rare, damaging, throw at close range, swim slowly, and barely ever drop their trident. In bedrock, tridents are easier to get, almost too easy, so you don't have to worry about getting mending on your first trident. Drowned spawn more, swim faster for melee, melee with tridents at close range, and drop tridents more often. All mobs drop rare loot more often in fact.
A joke extension of this suggestion would be to have realistic mob drops, e.g. 200 bones per skeleton or sticks per leaf block. But realistically it would be nice to have slightly higher rates of tridents and other rare-drop-exclusive items (e.g. trader and witch potions).
Additionally, it should be possible to repair the trident with iron ingots, or at least have it be droped from drowned at full durability.
Coincidental timing as I just got mine in my hardcore world after realizing "hey, I don't have one yet", and it reminded me how much time and effort it could take. While I can tolerate it as-is, I do think it seems to be too rare.
I expect we have significant differences in playstyles as I seem to accumulate tridents fairly easily…
although (barring Channeling for charged creeper production) I rarely use a trident.
Part of this may be that my early game prioritizes land based builds and I avoid most mob confrontation/hunting until I'm well equiped.
I also spawn proof any water in the spawn chunks (via lighting) and do a considerable amount of developement around one or more Ocean Monuments.
[These later points may mean I'm spending significantly more time in Drowned spawnable volumes than are you. :idk: ]
I do tend to proactively kill and trident weilder I see. [Favored tactic is to let a trident bounce off my shield, rush during the recharge, repeat until in range, and engage with a sword – Sharp5Loot3 (or Smite5Loot3 if I've time to switch weapons) ]
If you're simply not seeing drowned there are a number of designs for farms based on tall, narrow volumes of falling water built over river biomes (for the increased drowned spawn weighting) and under bottom slab roofs to keep the water at light level 0. Many also incorporate resting/beathing platforms at frequent intervals — outside the water.
I'm partly the same way, which is why I can live with them being rare. I seldom use them (this does not mean I think they are useless), but I can't deny that I go to get one, they are overly rare.
And if being rare is the intent, I would be fine with it... but the disparity between the two versions where it's only rare in one version and common in the other seems unusual then. Ideally, I would say they should be more common because then this makes them usable without needing enchantments, and my opinion is enchantments should make things better but not be required (elytra with mending is another that suffers from this due to phantoms being the only place to get the item to repair it, and phantoms are more circumstantial than most sources).
While a lot of disparity between the two versions has been getting addressed, a few big ones seem to remain. Colored water in cauldrons? Different fish sizes? Sheep faces and sheered sheep in Java not matching the color? Disparity like that is one thing as it's not really important gameplay related stuff, but it's more quality of life and cosmetic, so that not being a huge priority I get. Should ideally still be addressed but I get it. But stuff like trident frequency or the wither are big things, and those just seem awkward to me to remain as disparity points.
Tridents are unreasonably hard to get in java. Trident drowned are rare, damaging, throw at close range, swim slowly, and barely ever drop their trident. In bedrock, tridents are easier to get, almost too easy, so you don't have to worry about getting mending on your first trident. Drowned spawn more, swim faster for melee, melee with tridents at close range, and drop tridents more often. All mobs drop rare loot more often in fact.
A joke extension of this suggestion would be to have realistic mob drops, e.g. 200 bones per skeleton or sticks per leaf block. But realistically it would be nice to have slightly higher rates of tridents and other rare-drop-exclusive items (e.g. trader and witch potions).
Additionally, it should be possible to repair the trident with iron ingots, or at least have it be droped from drowned at full durability.
Coincidental timing as I just got mine in my hardcore world after realizing "hey, I don't have one yet", and it reminded me how much time and effort it could take. While I can tolerate it as-is, I do think it seems to be too rare.
I expect we have significant differences in playstyles as I seem to accumulate tridents fairly easily…
although (barring Channeling for charged creeper production) I rarely use a trident.
Part of this may be that my early game prioritizes land based builds and I avoid most mob confrontation/hunting until I'm well equiped.
I also spawn proof any water in the spawn chunks (via lighting) and do a considerable amount of developement around one or more Ocean Monuments.
[These later points may mean I'm spending significantly more time in Drowned spawnable volumes than are you. :idk: ]
I do tend to proactively kill and trident weilder I see. [Favored tactic is to let a trident bounce off my shield, rush during the recharge, repeat until in range, and engage with a sword – Sharp5Loot3 (or Smite5Loot3 if I've time to switch weapons) ]
If you're simply not seeing drowned there are a number of designs for farms based on tall, narrow volumes of falling water built over river biomes (for the increased drowned spawn weighting) and under bottom slab roofs to keep the water at light level 0. Many also incorporate resting/beathing platforms at frequent intervals — outside the water.
A number of these were designed when 1.13 came out: River Biome Trident Farm from Ilmango may be a good place to start.
EDIT: fixed link
I'm partly the same way, which is why I can live with them being rare. I seldom use them (this does not mean I think they are useless), but I can't deny that I go to get one, they are overly rare.
And if being rare is the intent, I would be fine with it... but the disparity between the two versions where it's only rare in one version and common in the other seems unusual then. Ideally, I would say they should be more common because then this makes them usable without needing enchantments, and my opinion is enchantments should make things better but not be required (elytra with mending is another that suffers from this due to phantoms being the only place to get the item to repair it, and phantoms are more circumstantial than most sources).
While a lot of disparity between the two versions has been getting addressed, a few big ones seem to remain. Colored water in cauldrons? Different fish sizes? Sheep faces and sheered sheep in Java not matching the color? Disparity like that is one thing as it's not really important gameplay related stuff, but it's more quality of life and cosmetic, so that not being a huge priority I get. Should ideally still be addressed but I get it. But stuff like trident frequency or the wither are big things, and those just seem awkward to me to remain as disparity points.