-CORN- It would behave like sugar cane when growing, 3 high, but would grow in large fields of it, and could be eaten raw and is unable to be cooked
-SNAKES- new hostile mob that spawns in about every biome except snowy, it would also be a mob that spawned in caves and would drop snake meat which can be cooked or eaten raw, and snake skin, and maybe a 1/10 chance of getting poisoned if you’re bitten by one
When posting suggestions, you are only allowed to include one idea (or closely-related group of ideas) per thread. This thread contains multiple unrelated ideas and is considered a wish list, which is not allowed.
-CORN- It would behave like sugar cane when growing, 3 high, but would grow in large fields of it, and could be eaten raw and is unable to be cooked
-SNAKES- new hostile mob that spawns in about every biome except snowy, it would also be a mob that spawned in caves and would drop snake meat which can be cooked or eaten raw, and snake skin, and maybe a 1/10 chance of getting poisoned if you’re bitten by one
Why not making corn smeltable for popcorn?
When posting suggestions, you are only allowed to include one idea (or closely-related group of ideas) per thread. This thread contains multiple unrelated ideas and is considered a wish list, which is not allowed.
- sunperp