Alright there is all this talk about a cave update so I’ll throw in my two cents.
The mob instead of attacking the player will instead destroy light sources such as torches, glow stone etc...
So the situation could get very dangerous in a cave if your torches around you get destroyed and you could be very prone to attack from other mobs.
This mob tries to run away when attacked, but it will have low health so you won’t have to go chasing after it to kill it, unless you have terrible aim.
It will only spawn in caves, and it would be pretty cool if it was tall and weird looking.
Because then having these mobs that spawn in the surface such as zombies having the ability to destroy torches will be very annoying as they will be constantly attacking your house to destroy the light sources there also zombies target the player. This mob I am proposing targets light sources exclusively.
Alright there is all this talk about a cave update so I’ll throw in my two cents.
The mob instead of attacking the player will instead destroy light sources such as torches, glow stone etc...
So the situation could get very dangerous in a cave if your torches around you get destroyed and you could be very prone to attack from other mobs.
This mob tries to run away when attacked, but it will have low health so you won’t have to go chasing after it to kill it, unless you have terrible aim.
It will only spawn in caves, and it would be pretty cool if it was tall and weird looking.
Endermen can actually destroy light sources (they can but they wont)
Why not letting zombies break the torches a player placed?
Because then having these mobs that spawn in the surface such as zombies having the ability to destroy torches will be very annoying as they will be constantly attacking your house to destroy the light sources there also zombies target the player. This mob I am proposing targets light sources exclusively.
how about mobs only able to destroy torches and no glowstone? and redstone lamps?
I imagine a gollum-like creature crawling to a torch and nabbing it and giggling madly but that would be too creepy for Minecraft.
Perhaps maybe like a spider or insect creature
i like cheese