I didn't really know where to put this so I just put it here, don't be mean if I put it in the wrong place!
but anyways. will they add crocodiles to minecraft soon? they're just my all time favorite animal! I saw the the animal voting paper and saw a crocodile or an alligator, I even peeked first I was so scared people were gonna vote something else, yup, they voted pandas.
I really hope crocodiles will be added soon
here's how the animal behaves
all crocodiles or alligators will start off aggressive (duuh) they are kinda slow but they still chase you a little fast, if you give them any meat (even raw) they will be your pet and fight other creatures (also, crocodiles are stronger than the wolf), and if you hurt them they will be faster. also they hurt other animals too.
They won't add this animal soon, no. They've already got plans for the next 2 versions in place with an incredible amount of detail stuffed into them already (and no, other than knowing the biomes they're focusing on they haven't released any information yet). All of the biomes in Minecraft (at least those that existed in 1.12 and earlier) are getting makeovers similar in style to the taiga and if 1.13 (which madeover the oceans biomes) and 1.14 are any indication there's going to be major feature additions included. This effectively means each biome will take roughly 6 months to a year to complete.
There are something like 10 different biomes (there are more in the list, but those are either M variations which are not even biomes or are sub-biomes such as JungleHills or JungleEdge that would surely be bundled with the base biome). Mojang has only gotten through 2 biomes (oceans and taiga) so far, with definite plans for 2 more directly after. We don't know what the order will be for the rest, and they'll probably do another poll to gauge player interests at that point.
I didn't really know where to put this so I just put it here, don't be mean if I put it in the wrong place!
but anyways. will they add crocodiles to minecraft soon? they're just my all time favorite animal! I saw the the animal voting paper and saw a crocodile or an alligator, I even peeked first I was so scared people were gonna vote something else, yup, they voted pandas.
I really hope crocodiles will be added soon
here's how the animal behaves
all crocodiles or alligators will start off aggressive (duuh) they are kinda slow but they still chase you a little fast, if you give them any meat (even raw) they will be your pet and fight other creatures (also, crocodiles are stronger than the wolf), and if you hurt them they will be faster. also they hurt other animals too.
"Hej, MJ, I like this animal, add it."
Do you see the problem with this?
Personally I think it should've been added regardless. Jungles could use threat like a Croc in its waters. Kind of a wasted opportunity imo.
They won't add this animal soon, no. They've already got plans for the next 2 versions in place with an incredible amount of detail stuffed into them already (and no, other than knowing the biomes they're focusing on they haven't released any information yet). All of the biomes in Minecraft (at least those that existed in 1.12 and earlier) are getting makeovers similar in style to the taiga and if 1.13 (which madeover the oceans biomes) and 1.14 are any indication there's going to be major feature additions included. This effectively means each biome will take roughly 6 months to a year to complete.
There are something like 10 different biomes (there are more in the list, but those are either M variations which are not even biomes or are sub-biomes such as JungleHills or JungleEdge that would surely be bundled with the base biome). Mojang has only gotten through 2 biomes (oceans and taiga) so far, with definite plans for 2 more directly after. We don't know what the order will be for the rest, and they'll probably do another poll to gauge player interests at that point.
There should also be alligators in swamps