Minecraft has had plenty of updates throughout the years, but I can't be the only on to notice there hasn't been that much change to underground mining? You'd think it would be one of the most important aspects considering how it is mentioned in the name. All the updates have been amazing but I would love to the ravines, caves, ores all more enhanced and updated.
how about a cave only biomes? more exciting dungeons with full on diamond armour found inside?
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I would like to see some new ores. Maybe some new mobs. Maybe even some new dungeons. But, I feel like Minecraft has always been more about "craft" and less about "mine" so the whole mining aspect of Minecraft may never really get changed that much.
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I would like to see some new ores. Maybe some new mobs. Maybe even some new dungeons. But, I feel like Minecraft has always been more about "craft" and less about "mine" so the whole mining aspect of Minecraft may never really get changed that much.
The earliest version of the game was called "Cave Game" - and I play as if that is what the game still is; I spend most of the time in a world just running around underground, probably exploring more caves and mining more resources than most player will do in an entire world (I've mined more than 5,000 ores on several occasions; just the other day I mined a record 5,669 in a world which has double the caves as vanilla 1.6.4, which in turn had more and more varied caves, as well as mineshafts and dungeons, than 1.7 and later versions).
I've also made numerous mods that enhance the underground; here is a comparison between vanilla 1.7, 1.6.4, and TMCW, and a closer look at the last:
This also includes underground biomes, where various biomes have blocks like sandstone replacing stone and variants of ores to match, and other biome-specific features:
A huge ravine in a desert; note the lack of stone and ores with the sandstone texture; you can also see stalagmites and stalactites, which come in a total of 104 variants (all just a single block):
A cave in a mesa biome, which has its own variant of husk, which also spawn anywhere as 50% of zombies, not just at the surface (a bit pointless when you spend all of your time underground):
A ravine in a badlands biome (similar to a combination of a red desert and mesa but blocks below the surface are red sandstone/sand). Both mesa and badlands have veins of red clay (identical to the vanilla gray clay except for its color), making it vastly more common than it is in vanilla (you'll never run out once you find one of these biomes, which are much easier to find than in 1.7+ due to how biomes are laid out; for example, this is a world I played on):
A cave in a swamp; 50% of dirt is replaced with clay:
Caves under a jungle; the second screenshot shows a "jungle cave", which is a chamber filled with vegetation which has a skylight going to the surface. Both have a special variant of grass, "cave grass", that can survive in the dark:
A cave in a volcanic wasteland, where stone and andesite are reversed (base block is andesite with pockets of stone) and there are veins of magma blocks, as well as far more lava springs and lakes and no water except in rivers:
Ice hills, including a stray, which like husks spawn anywhere as 50% of skeletons:
Icelands, which is like a mesa biome made out of various types of packed ice:
Quartz desert, which is a desert with quartz sand and sandstone:
A cave in Ice Plains Spikes:
The floors of caves in Mushroom Islands are lined with mycelium; they also have a higher chance of giant mushrooms:
This shows how many variants of ores there are, including gravel gold ore which drops gold nuggets when mined and netherrack gold ore, which is found in the Nether (another rather forgotten dimension which I spiced up with more and more cave variants and dungeons and more types of mobs):
An enormous cave and ravine with multiple huge mushrooms, which come in more shapes and colors (this includes Mooshrooms as well):
The type of wood used in a mineshaft is based on the most common biome within a 5x5 chunk area around the center, usually based on the type of wood that trees use; they also generate platforms under the center room and staircases so they don't just cut off in midair (intersections like that shown are also relatively uncommon since they can only generate in regions of lower cave density, and not near larger caves/ravines):
Also, you can make in-game maps of caves (only blocks lit by player-placed torches are visible):
There are also other enhancements, such as making cave spiders live up to their name (they spawn below sea level at about 1/10 the rate of normal spiders) and adding naturally spawning silverfish (only silverfish spawned from monster eggs or spawners can hide in blocks), which also come in more colors, as well as monster eggs in more biomes, including variants that blend in with the 1.8 stones, and two new mining-related enchantments, Smelting (iron and gold drop ingots and XP; to balance this out is is only obtainable from chests) and Vein Miner (level 1 mines ores of the same type directly adjacent to the block being mined (up to 6 blocks) while level II mines blocks adjacent to the ones mined by level I (up to 18); like Smelting it can only be found in chests, encouraging exploration).
Dungeons spawn most Overworld mobs and at a much faster rate, including a larger variant with two spawners, so they are actually a challenge (to hinder exploiting them mobs spawned will temporarily stop dropping loot and XP if too many spawn too quickly, more than will spawn when you find one by caving); I've also nerfed most other farms, including iron and gold farms (you must kill them yourself to get drops; Mojang actually tried this in a 1.8 snapshot but the community "forced" them to revert it even though you could still farm them, just less effectively) since the game should be about mining, not farming).
There are also an infinite number of strongholds, once every 8192 chunks outside of a 40 chunk radius from the origin, which are more exciting than usual due to additional mob spawners (e.g. under chests in hallways and in libraries), while having more valuable loot (if diamond gear can be seen as such considering that I nerfed it and added a new material, amethyst, which replaces it as the top tier and is much rarer and more expensive to enchant/repair).
I also added ruby ore, which can be used in the anvil to reduce the prior work penalty by 5 levels per ruby (prior to 1.8 each operation only increases it by 2 levels so you get 2.5 operations back per ruby, which does not apply a penalty increase when used; due to how my version of Mending works (like renaming did before 1.8) it can't be used on highly enchanted items as they would be too expensive so this lets you indefinitely maintain such gear for a higher cost).
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Well yes, there are a lot of mods out there (like your very expansive-looking one above) that change and add to the mining/caving/underground exploration aspect of Minecraft. I don't think Microsoft's current main focus is expanding the mining aspect of the game. It is rumored that there will be new ores come the release of 1.15/1.16, but these are just rumors. The vanilla cave system was bad since 1.7, but that never really hindered my play-style, where I normally am not mining in a play-through. But, you and I are two completely different people. You spend most of your time mining while I barely spend any time mining. I guess because of how I play, I've never realized that there are people out there that enjoy "mine" more than "craft" and I respect that. Maybe down the road, Microsoft will change mining for the better. But for right now, their main focus is expanding on what can be done on layer 58 and higher.
And, uhhh, do you, by any chance, have a download for that mod?
Minecraft has had plenty of updates throughout the years, but I can't be the only on to notice there hasn't been that much change to underground mining? You'd think it would be one of the most important aspects considering how it is mentioned in the name. All the updates have been amazing but I would love to the ravines, caves, ores all more enhanced and updated.
how about a cave only biomes? more exciting dungeons with full on diamond armour found inside?
ok sorry about that
Don't say sorry, add the details to the post so that I can support this.
I don't even play Minecraft much anymore yet here I am on the Minecraft forums for some reason...
I would support more stuff underground but you provided us with not a lot of much anything really :((
follow lezanman on minecraftforum
I would like to see some new ores. Maybe some new mobs. Maybe even some new dungeons. But, I feel like Minecraft has always been more about "craft" and less about "mine" so the whole mining aspect of Minecraft may never really get changed that much.
This is a generic signature for a guy with a generic username.
The earliest version of the game was called "Cave Game" - and I play as if that is what the game still is; I spend most of the time in a world just running around underground, probably exploring more caves and mining more resources than most player will do in an entire world (I've mined more than 5,000 ores on several occasions; just the other day I mined a record 5,669 in a world which has double the caves as vanilla 1.6.4, which in turn had more and more varied caves, as well as mineshafts and dungeons, than 1.7 and later versions).
I've also made numerous mods that enhance the underground; here is a comparison between vanilla 1.7, 1.6.4, and TMCW, and a closer look at the last:
This also includes underground biomes, where various biomes have blocks like sandstone replacing stone and variants of ores to match, and other biome-specific features:
A cave in a mesa biome, which has its own variant of husk, which also spawn anywhere as 50% of zombies, not just at the surface (a bit pointless when you spend all of your time underground):
A ravine in a badlands biome (similar to a combination of a red desert and mesa but blocks below the surface are red sandstone/sand). Both mesa and badlands have veins of red clay (identical to the vanilla gray clay except for its color), making it vastly more common than it is in vanilla (you'll never run out once you find one of these biomes, which are much easier to find than in 1.7+ due to how biomes are laid out; for example, this is a world I played on):
A cave in a swamp; 50% of dirt is replaced with clay:
Caves under a jungle; the second screenshot shows a "jungle cave", which is a chamber filled with vegetation which has a skylight going to the surface. Both have a special variant of grass, "cave grass", that can survive in the dark:
A cave in a volcanic wasteland, where stone and andesite are reversed (base block is andesite with pockets of stone) and there are veins of magma blocks, as well as far more lava springs and lakes and no water except in rivers:
Ice hills, including a stray, which like husks spawn anywhere as 50% of skeletons:
Icelands, which is like a mesa biome made out of various types of packed ice:
Quartz desert, which is a desert with quartz sand and sandstone:
A cave in Ice Plains Spikes:
The floors of caves in Mushroom Islands are lined with mycelium; they also have a higher chance of giant mushrooms:
This shows how many variants of ores there are, including gravel gold ore which drops gold nuggets when mined and netherrack gold ore, which is found in the Nether (another rather forgotten dimension which I spiced up with more and more cave variants and dungeons and more types of mobs):
An enormous cave and ravine with multiple huge mushrooms, which come in more shapes and colors (this includes Mooshrooms as well):
The type of wood used in a mineshaft is based on the most common biome within a 5x5 chunk area around the center, usually based on the type of wood that trees use; they also generate platforms under the center room and staircases so they don't just cut off in midair (intersections like that shown are also relatively uncommon since they can only generate in regions of lower cave density, and not near larger caves/ravines):
Also, you can make in-game maps of caves (only blocks lit by player-placed torches are visible):
There are also other enhancements, such as making cave spiders live up to their name (they spawn below sea level at about 1/10 the rate of normal spiders) and adding naturally spawning silverfish (only silverfish spawned from monster eggs or spawners can hide in blocks), which also come in more colors, as well as monster eggs in more biomes, including variants that blend in with the 1.8 stones, and two new mining-related enchantments, Smelting (iron and gold drop ingots and XP; to balance this out is is only obtainable from chests) and Vein Miner (level 1 mines ores of the same type directly adjacent to the block being mined (up to 6 blocks) while level II mines blocks adjacent to the ones mined by level I (up to 18); like Smelting it can only be found in chests, encouraging exploration).
Dungeons spawn most Overworld mobs and at a much faster rate, including a larger variant with two spawners, so they are actually a challenge (to hinder exploiting them mobs spawned will temporarily stop dropping loot and XP if too many spawn too quickly, more than will spawn when you find one by caving); I've also nerfed most other farms, including iron and gold farms (you must kill them yourself to get drops; Mojang actually tried this in a 1.8 snapshot but the community "forced" them to revert it even though you could still farm them, just less effectively) since the game should be about mining, not farming).
There are also an infinite number of strongholds, once every 8192 chunks outside of a 40 chunk radius from the origin, which are more exciting than usual due to additional mob spawners (e.g. under chests in hallways and in libraries), while having more valuable loot (if diamond gear can be seen as such considering that I nerfed it and added a new material, amethyst, which replaces it as the top tier and is much rarer and more expensive to enchant/repair).
I also added ruby ore, which can be used in the anvil to reduce the prior work penalty by 5 levels per ruby (prior to 1.8 each operation only increases it by 2 levels so you get 2.5 operations back per ruby, which does not apply a penalty increase when used; due to how my version of Mending works (like renaming did before 1.8) it can't be used on highly enchanted items as they would be too expensive so this lets you indefinitely maintain such gear for a higher cost).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Well yes, there are a lot of mods out there (like your very expansive-looking one above) that change and add to the mining/caving/underground exploration aspect of Minecraft. I don't think Microsoft's current main focus is expanding the mining aspect of the game. It is rumored that there will be new ores come the release of 1.15/1.16, but these are just rumors. The vanilla cave system was bad since 1.7, but that never really hindered my play-style, where I normally am not mining in a play-through. But, you and I are two completely different people. You spend most of your time mining while I barely spend any time mining. I guess because of how I play, I've never realized that there are people out there that enjoy "mine" more than "craft" and I respect that. Maybe down the road, Microsoft will change mining for the better. But for right now, their main focus is expanding on what can be done on layer 58 and higher.
And, uhhh, do you, by any chance, have a download for that mod?
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