It's a simple idea. The Nether is supposed to be under the Overworld, which bottoms out at 0, right? So my idea is to have the top Y-coordinate in the Nether be -1 and the farther down you go the more negative the Y-coord gets.
Maybe more critters in the ocean. The ambience in the oceans is already very nice (especially compared to how it used to be), but having little crabs scuttling around, for instance, would make it feel even more alive.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I think to make the game more exciting, you should add an ore that is somewhat rarer thand Emerald ore. This would give players motivation to play the game more often (or in some cases, buy the game) just to find the new ore in Minecraft.
A quick note though, I don't really want to decide what ore that is. But I suggest Ruby ore. If not ruby, that is fine. All I care about is how rare you guys are going to make this ore.
Hey do you think you could try to add more ores and weapons like Rudy or emerald armor or swords. I also wanted to ask if you could add magic to mcpe to make it more fun, and also allow people to add there own things in with add-ons instead of just having the add-ons change the things in Minecraft (most of us can't use mods). People want to use furniture too so maybe that too. Sorry if this is much but I am just asking you to consider any of this
Originally ruby ore was going to be added, they changed it to emerald ore at the last moment because Dinnerbone is colorblind.
Quartz fence. Would be useful for building, no real reason why not.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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A land far far away
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I like both of these ideas. I would even enjoy an orange tree. Willow for looks, apple and orange for food items. However, the issues at hand would be Minecraft's philosophy. They dont like "kind alike this but not!" Statements. So unless you can come up with unique status values for the apple and orange trees, such as hunger saturation and health regen that is noticably different, I doubt they would implement it.
Perhaps an orange can be used in stead of milk to counter poison buffs? Such as dizziness, poison, and hunger? That would make it very useful.
But which Biome would it be in?
(I would suggest savannah, sinply because I live in a desert, and we have orange trees everywhere...but in Minecraft deserts are barren is like a desert forest so it seems to work)
I Defi itely would LOVE to see a tree like a willow tree in game. Maybe take tge place of the honey Oak trees in swamps, and grow near little lakes and rivers. (To plant one there must be at least one block of water somewhere around it). In fact...I think I will add these to a tree update idea...I need you names so I can credit you both.
I think if you were going to add a tree to a swamp, Cypress trees would make sense. Only thing is they're illegal to cut down in real life, and you know how Mojang is about helping the environment. They wouldn't want to encourage that.
I would love for minecraft to update what we can do with villagers. Trading is pretty cool, but the interactions are so limited. I would like to see the players interact more especially with the WHOLE village. Like we can be the mayor, or "king/queen" of the village, meaning you're in charge of protecting agaisnt raids, pillages, monsters, etc etc. And with that we can add a whole new set of villagers working class: guards or soldiers (even tho golems are cool they can still be there this is just an addition) that will help you do the protecting. The king/queen will be in charge of outfitting them with good armor and weapons, and giving them their duties. And to make it more interesting we can even have an "already king" of the village, and if you want to like take over that certain village you have to kill the king/queen or make him surrender of course he would have soldiers and stuff, but like once the "crown" is taken from him, similar to when a raid leader is killed you get the bad omen, you get the crown and the soldiers then has to answer to you. just thoughts about the game.. thanks yall.
Also with this, we can add a range of weaponries. I don't think we should delve into guns or all that, but medieval wise would be pretty cool. Like lets put a variety of weapons, for swords: katanas, long swords, dagger, short swords, bolo, knives, gladius, etc etc. Same with other weapons. I think having the option to make different KINDS of weapon will make the game a little bit more interesting. We've barely scratched the surface of this game and TBH there is a lot more that can be added to further enhance the game.
I think that would be pretty interesting, especially if you chose to live by the snowy mountains, instead of traditional horse as way to travel, you can use dog sleds for your wolf companion.
OOO good idea!! that would make things a lot more interesting. Plus they could also add in where we can outfit our dogs in armors or just clothes made for them or something.
Since there are not a whole lot of ores and minerals in this game, i decided to think of a metal in the game that would be good. There isnt a variety of armors, tools, etc that make the game interesting. A new ore would spice things up for minecraft players and it doesnt have to be cobalt! It could be platinum, silver, tin, etc.
I want half slaps of grass and rocks What do you mean by rocks? This would be a great idea though! It definetley would make the terrain look way more realistic! it will make the game look far more beautiful and pleasing. If you destroy a slap you wont get it instead you get a block, the only way to get a slap is to use a certain tool. Which tool? Other then these small things, still a great suggestion!
There should also be stone shards or perhaps flint? in forests and in beaches collecting nine shards and you can create a block, aswell as sticks in forests. This could be cool and even open up some new possibilitys for potentially unique blocks or even rarely stumbling upon a reward.
More denser grass or new bushes This could be a good touch in biomes like the Savanna., and more varities of the same trees rather than same look This is already a thing with Spruce Trees, it would be great with the others!. Aswell as treestumps. Aren't fallen trees already a thing?
Some weather update where the trees change color, perhaps even the grass . I am not expecting it to snow, but atleast changing the color of trees etc during some peroid of time. Perhaps leafs on the grass during "fall" This weather update could also bring cold and warmth. Meaning. You need to build a shelter to survive. If you spend long periods of time in cold you move slower. Not draining health but making you slower. And in heat, Draining hunger faster. I don't really agree with this one. What about people going on long adventures?
I mentioned this earlier but i write it again as i expect this post to grow bigger. Calm nights, on these rare night event there should be no mobs playing perhaps fairytail music playing quiet low. I really liked that suggestion!
This forest has tall and dead trees mixed with pine trees and unique mobs like bats(aboveground) and owls Please give more details on Owls., Black wolves spawn here, they´re aggresive. Are they still tamable? Hmmm.... What if they had a unique way to tame them???
-Abounded homes Please give some more details. Good idea, though.
-Ruins Please give some more details. Good idea, though.
-Bird singing and chirping This would be a cool ambient touch in certain biomes.
-Random roads What do you mean by this?
-Wind sound blowing in tress, also make the leafs move a little. This would also be a great addition!
Adding more mobs in this game will make minecraft seem far more alive. That is true, but the only thing is how they would go about adding new mobs.
Beaver this creature will cut down wood and steal wood. I don't really agree with mob griefing. On even more rare occasions you will see a beaverdam inside this beaverdam you can find variety of woodtypes, and if you´re lucky a gem. This would be a cool structure to come across.
Brown bear, act as an ordinary polar bear but in forest biome Would be cool. Maybe they could also be black in colour? I think though that they should spawn in Mega Taigas. Maybe occasionally they could grab Salmon out of the river? Good idea!
Chimpanzee this creature will give you fruits if you treat them well. Please elaborate.
Responses in Bold. Good ideas, overall! They could use some more details, but I like them overall!
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Hey guys I'm James, I used to be a noob but now I'm not, I finally figured out how to use TextCraft so here's a banner for one of my suggestions.
Maybe more critters in the ocean. The ambience in the oceans is already very nice (especially compared to how it used to be), but having little crabs scuttling around, for instance, would make it feel even more alive.
That would be a cool idea! Crabs and other ambient creatures could make the oceans feel more alive!
Full Support!
Btw I also like The Beatles
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Hey guys I'm James, I used to be a noob but now I'm not, I finally figured out how to use TextCraft so here's a banner for one of my suggestions.
When you shift right click a dog, all other dogs in a 8 block radius with the same collar color stand up or sit down depending on what you told the first dog to do.
Different biomes have different loot tables for fishing.
Nether fishing
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"The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass,
it becomes a mysterious, awesome, incredibly magnificent world in itself"-Henry Miller
I wish we could have concrete slabs, stairs, etc... Also vertical slabs would be a great idea! '
I have lots of little ideas; I may even try to make some small mods to try it out!
New ore would be a nice addition and maybe so it’s tradable with the villagers
Negative Y-Coordinate in Nether
It's a simple idea. The Nether is supposed to be under the Overworld, which bottoms out at 0, right? So my idea is to have the top Y-coordinate in the Nether be -1 and the farther down you go the more negative the Y-coord gets.
Breeding a black sheep and an orange sheep produce a brown sheep.
I think dogs deserve an update. More textures like cats and horses would be nice. They could also retrieve items for the player.
good idea! i'd like more dog breeds
bootleg fishcenterlive
Maybe more critters in the ocean. The ambience in the oceans is already very nice (especially compared to how it used to be), but having little crabs scuttling around, for instance, would make it feel even more alive.
Christian artist. Here is my art page.
Originally ruby ore was going to be added, they changed it to emerald ore at the last moment because Dinnerbone is colorblind.
Quartz fence. Would be useful for building, no real reason why not.
Christian artist. Here is my art page.
I think if you were going to add a tree to a swamp, Cypress trees would make sense. Only thing is they're illegal to cut down in real life, and you know how Mojang is about helping the environment. They wouldn't want to encourage that.
Christian artist. Here is my art page.
I think its really cool if there's a sled(for wolf) or ice skating in minecraft. also Yeti or Ice Monster...
I would love for minecraft to update what we can do with villagers. Trading is pretty cool, but the interactions are so limited. I would like to see the players interact more especially with the WHOLE village. Like we can be the mayor, or "king/queen" of the village, meaning you're in charge of protecting agaisnt raids, pillages, monsters, etc etc. And with that we can add a whole new set of villagers working class: guards or soldiers (even tho golems are cool they can still be there this is just an addition) that will help you do the protecting. The king/queen will be in charge of outfitting them with good armor and weapons, and giving them their duties. And to make it more interesting we can even have an "already king" of the village, and if you want to like take over that certain village you have to kill the king/queen or make him surrender of course he would have soldiers and stuff, but like once the "crown" is taken from him, similar to when a raid leader is killed you get the bad omen, you get the crown and the soldiers then has to answer to you. just thoughts about the game.. thanks yall.
Also with this, we can add a range of weaponries. I don't think we should delve into guns or all that, but medieval wise would be pretty cool. Like lets put a variety of weapons, for swords: katanas, long swords, dagger, short swords, bolo, knives, gladius, etc etc. Same with other weapons. I think having the option to make different KINDS of weapon will make the game a little bit more interesting. We've barely scratched the surface of this game and TBH there is a lot more that can be added to further enhance the game.
I think that would be pretty interesting, especially if you chose to live by the snowy mountains, instead of traditional horse as way to travel, you can use dog sleds for your wolf companion.
OOO good idea!! that would make things a lot more interesting. Plus they could also add in where we can outfit our dogs in armors or just clothes made for them or something.
Swords shouldn't break blocks that can be broken instantly by hand, such as grass or torches.
Since there are not a whole lot of ores and minerals in this game, i decided to think of a metal in the game that would be good. There isnt a variety of armors, tools, etc that make the game interesting. A new ore would spice things up for minecraft players and it doesnt have to be cobalt! It could be platinum, silver, tin, etc.
Responses in Bold. Good ideas, overall! They could use some more details, but I like them overall!
Hey guys I'm James, I used to be a noob but now I'm not, I finally figured out how to use TextCraft so here's a banner for one of my suggestions.
That would be a cool idea! Crabs and other ambient creatures could make the oceans feel more alive!
Full Support!
Btw I also like The Beatles
Hey guys I'm James, I used to be a noob but now I'm not, I finally figured out how to use TextCraft so here's a banner for one of my suggestions.
When you shift right click a dog, all other dogs in a 8 block radius with the same collar color stand up or sit down depending on what you told the first dog to do.
Different biomes have different loot tables for fishing.
Nether fishing
The nether should use all of the vertical space in newly made worlds in the nether update.
Planetary travel
Whales and whalefalls