So obviously this isn't a small suggestion but I think it is something that would turn survival mode into and actual survival mode. Currently all you do is kill mobs and find resources and food so you don't starve to death and can kill mobs easier. But to survive in real life it requires so much more. Obviously nutrition would be difficult to add but needing water wouldn't be difficult to add and it is a life nessesity. This would be something that should be similar for animals to. Animals need water so they should have to have a water supply otherwise they die of thirst. Another thing is to add more to farming. I'm not just saying more crops which would be awesome but rather plants needing a curtain biome or weather in order to survive. If a plant gets to little water they die and the same with sunlight. And it goes the other way to. They can't have to much of water or sun. This would make farming more enjoyable because you have to actually focus on what your doing and make sure that the plants can grow. I also think that there should be more weather. Currently it is either sunny, rainy, or thunderstorms. I believe that there should be other kinds of stuff in different biomes. One post on this forum mentioned sandstorms in desserts and that is a great idea. But along with the weather should be temperature and season changings. In a snowy biome or dessert it should still be snowy or hot year round but it could get hitter and colder. And then in the grasslands and timber is where there should be seasons. What would go perfect with this, is the player needing clothing for the environment they are in. If your living in the cold snow biome you would need wool clothes to keep from getting frostbite. This would just add a small thing that players actually have to worry about when playing. And there would be different kinds of clothes to for different environments. You wouldn't be wearing a winter coat in the dessert would you. But for the dessert I think it should be possible to get sunburned so you might want a thin layer to protect from the UV radiation. The clothes would be created in the loom. Another small feature would be sleep deprivation, so more if you didn't get enough sleep you would only have to deal with the phantoms but also fatigue and possibly nausea. And something I think almost everybody would agree with which is more animals. Especially predators, there armt any predatorial animals really and they do actually exist. Predators should also want to kill prey like wolves do with sheep in the game. I believe all this would add so much more to the game. It seems like they focus so much on creative mode now days which is fine and all but survival mode could have so much more to it that would make the game way more enjoyable, especially for older audiences. And all this doesn't need to be in regular survival, I was thinking rather a hardcore survival that way those that are just learning the game or maybe don't like the changes, wouldn't have to play the game this way. So you would be able to select survival or hardcore survival. If you read all this I would like to say thanks and I am excited to see what you have to say. Thank you.
Not in response to the whole thread but regarding player thirst mojang put that on the never going to add list
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A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
I was thinking that a big food update might spice some things up. Along with it could be more crops, animals, recipes and blocks, allowing for those with a taste for making food for their friends different. As well as a change to the hunger bar.
I was thinking that a big food update might spice some things up. Along with it could be more crops, animals, recipes and blocks, allowing for those with a taste for making food for their friends different. As well as a change to the hunger bar.
I think a change to the hunger bar would be essential to a food update because right now so many foods just do the exact same thing.
I think a change to the hunger bar would be essential to a food update because right now so many foods just do the exact same thing.
I'd argue that it's entirely possible to balance the hunger system without changing the hunger bar. You could have different saturation values, hunger points, and eating times. Something like Nutrition could also be implemented.
Hey do you think you could try to add more ores and weapons like Rudy or emerald armor or swords. I also wanted to ask if you could add magic to mcpe to make it more fun, and also allow people to add there own things in with add-ons instead of just having the add-ons change the things in Minecraft (most of us can't use mods). People want to use furniture too so maybe that too. Sorry if this is much but I am just asking you to consider any of this
Make a biomes with volcanoes. to make it harder make a mob that lives in the volcanoes call it the lava monster. The only way to defeat the lava monster is with the fire sword.To make the fire sword u need to trow your sword in the blue fire then the fire goes away then boom fire sword. make a hunting place with bucks and does. the items u need to have is guns (pistols,rifles knifes).
Make Slash Potions of Water Vial better at dousing fire.
Make Snowballs douse fire (seems like huge oversight).
On Playstation 3, the starting sound is megaloud. Typically I have my TV set at 22. For Minecraft, I must reduce it to 9, that a massive difference. I can go into options and adjust music volume, but it resets after awhile. I'd like it adjusted by default.
I have some suggestions some that probably wont get noticed and some that some people think about posting but are too lazy too post their ideas. I think a beacon is cool, if you add a slab type of block that stops the beacon from going through blocks, kind of like the solar panel thing. Another suggestion for the beacon is another mode like instead of getting buffs you get de-buffs or at least a type of laser, like if the player touches it they lose a heart something like that. You could make it so you can put a clock on the wall instead of putting it in a item frame. You could make a invisible type of redstone block that makes blocks invisible, and then after deactivating it with redstone the blocks are visible, sort of like a barrier and sort of like lex luthers invisible mansion. You should add plates for food. Puddles too. retrospect perhaps it should happen during a basic storm too..I feel that this being a rare occurrence that ONLY happens during a thunderstorm would make it poontless to most players...idk.
Now with how trading in villages was overhauled it would be nice to have a way of not needing to constantly chase down the villagers for trading.
My suggesting would be to implement market stands.
When placed down in a village villagers with jobs will "adopt" available stands (only one per villager). They will then spend much more time at the market stands or, when you right click the stand, will come to it as if called (could also make "ding" noise like you hit a call bell). The only exception is at night, they wont come when sleeping.
I want a update that will give us cave biomes and new tools maybe ore trees which can be planted or found in caves new mobs like a miner zombie which can drop a random ore when killed
I think to make the game more exciting, you should add an ore that is somewhat rarer thand Emerald ore. This would give players motivation to play the game more often (or in some cases, buy the game) just to find the new ore in Minecraft.
A quick note though, I don't really want to decide what ore that is. But I suggest Ruby ore. If not ruby, that is fine. All I care about is how rare you guys are going to make this ore.
I think there should be a new boss that roams around the overworld in certain biomes, or in a castle-like dungeon. Probably something like the beholder from dungeons and dragons or an undead knight.
Not in response to the whole thread but regarding player thirst mojang put that on the never going to add list
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
@GDog_0 Support
I was thinking that a big food update might spice some things up. Along with it could be more crops, animals, recipes and blocks, allowing for those with a taste for making food for their friends different. As well as a change to the hunger bar.
I think a change to the hunger bar would be essential to a food update because right now so many foods just do the exact same thing.
I'd argue that it's entirely possible to balance the hunger system without changing the hunger bar. You could have different saturation values, hunger points, and eating times. Something like Nutrition could also be implemented.
Check out my suggestions! Here is one of them:
Hey do you think you could try to add more ores and weapons like Rudy or emerald armor or swords. I also wanted to ask if you could add magic to mcpe to make it more fun, and also allow people to add there own things in with add-ons instead of just having the add-ons change the things in Minecraft (most of us can't use mods). People want to use furniture too so maybe that too. Sorry if this is much but I am just asking you to consider any of this
Make a biomes with volcanoes. to make it harder make a mob that lives in the volcanoes call it the lava monster. The only way to defeat the lava monster is with the fire sword.To make the fire sword u need to trow your sword in the blue fire then the fire goes away then boom fire sword. make a hunting place with bucks and does. the items u need to have is guns (pistols,rifles knifes).
Make Slash Potions of Water Vial better at dousing fire.
Make Snowballs douse fire (seems like huge oversight).
On Playstation 3, the starting sound is megaloud. Typically I have my TV set at 22. For Minecraft, I must reduce it to 9, that a massive difference. I can go into options and adjust music volume, but it resets after awhile. I'd like it adjusted by default.
I have some suggestions some that probably wont get noticed and some that some people think about posting but are too lazy too post their ideas. I think a beacon is cool, if you add a slab type of block that stops the beacon from going through blocks, kind of like the solar panel thing. Another suggestion for the beacon is another mode like instead of getting buffs you get de-buffs or at least a type of laser, like if the player touches it they lose a heart something like that. You could make it so you can put a clock on the wall instead of putting it in a item frame. You could make a invisible type of redstone block that makes blocks invisible, and then after deactivating it with redstone the blocks are visible, sort of like a barrier and sort of like lex luthers invisible mansion. You should add plates for food. Puddles too. retrospect perhaps it should happen during a basic storm too..I feel that this being a rare occurrence that ONLY happens during a thunderstorm would make it poontless to most players...idk.
I hope the volcanoes are added in minecraft.
Everything slabs. This is how it sounds all blocks could be turned into slabs. Emerald slabs, glowstone slabs, wool slabs, even grass slabs.
Britton Rice
What about Aurorae for cold biomes like ice plains, ice spikes, icebergs etc.
Now with how trading in villages was overhauled it would be nice to have a way of not needing to constantly chase down the villagers for trading.
My suggesting would be to implement market stands.
When placed down in a village villagers with jobs will "adopt" available stands (only one per villager). They will then spend much more time at the market stands or, when you right click the stand, will come to it as if called (could also make "ding" noise like you hit a call bell). The only exception is at night, they wont come when sleeping.
The market stand recipe could be:
Fence post - Sign - Fence post
Wood slab - Wood slab - Wood slab
Fence post - empty - Fence post
I want a update that will give us cave biomes and new tools maybe ore trees which can be planted or found in caves new mobs like a miner zombie which can drop a random ore when killed
Ogres for new mob
I think to make the game more exciting, you should add an ore that is somewhat rarer thand Emerald ore. This would give players motivation to play the game more often (or in some cases, buy the game) just to find the new ore in Minecraft.
A quick note though, I don't really want to decide what ore that is. But I suggest Ruby ore. If not ruby, that is fine. All I care about is how rare you guys are going to make this ore.
I think it would be really cool to have seasons in minecraft and features for all of them.
For example: when it's winter you have to be near a fire source or else you will freeze to death
I think there should be a new boss that roams around the overworld in certain biomes, or in a castle-like dungeon. Probably something like the beholder from dungeons and dragons or an undead knight.