Mojangcrasoft adding one more dye would change the number of dyes to 17, which isn't nice and round like 16. If Mojangcrasoft were to add one more dye they'd have to add 15 or 47 more to make it a nice, round number.
Mojangcrasoft adding one more dye would change the number of dyes to 17, which isn't nice and round like 16. If Mojangcrasoft were to add one more dye they'd have to add 15 or 47 more to make it a nice, round number.
I call laziness.
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A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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A new goat mob. Could be an alternative animal for milk, and spawns only in the mountains. Drops Chevon, or goat meat. I mainly want this animal to be added because it would be the last farm animal Minecraft needs to add.
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A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
I'd assumed it was just an efficient way of handling sounds, Fire-and-Forget, send the sound to the sound handler and don't waste any processing cycles in the main loop keeping track of it.
A new goat mob. Could be an alternative animal for milk, and spawns only in the mountains. Drops Chevon, or goat meat. I mainly want this animal to be added because it would be the last farm animal Minecraft needs to add.
And mohair or cashmere wool.
Though I doubt they'd add an animal that only drops variants of drops from other animals unless they had some other use as well.
Though I doubt they'd add an animal that only drops variants of drops from other animals unless they had some other use as well.
My idea was horns (pillager beasts would drop these too) that could be used in a potion. The potion could be like a leaping potion, but instead of making you jump higher, it makes you jump forwards more, so you could literally "leap".
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A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
A new goat mob. Could be an alternative animal for milk, and spawns only in the mountains. Drops Chevon, or goat meat. I mainly want this animal to be added because it would be the last farm animal Minecraft needs to add.
We don't need another meat source given that we already have five (and that's not counting fish).
We didn't need another meat source 3 meat sources ago, but look where we are.
At least most other meat sources also do other things, and only pigs have them as their main reason to exist, as rabbits mostly have the Rabbit's Foot drop, whereas chickens, cows, and sheep also provide other resources apart from meat.
Of course, goats could use their horns as their main drop, which would be used for magical stuff; rather than using their meat. They could also be much more voracious than sheep as grass-eaters and eat more plants (Particularly in the case of tall grass, vines and flowers), which could make them useful as living lawnmowers. Another use could be to have them drop their guts instead of normal meat, which would then be used to make things that require tubing (As catgut), used as food by itself or cooked, or traded; whereas the goats themselves could be made to more or less lend themselves to a "shepherding" playstyle, by simply breeding after eating enough, and being similar to llamas in terms of attacking hostile mobs.
My solution to the "too much food" issue is to distinguish the tase of different foods, as in real life.
In the real world, the "best" (to simplify it tremendously) food are vegetables. But we don't eat vegetables and protein all the time... because junk food tastes much better.
In Minecraft, the best food is either golden apples or golden carrots. We always eat this because there is no taste in the game.
So, in my opinion, the solution to the food dilemma is to give certain foods like cake and cookies very minor buffs such as increased regen or a spurt of energy. While healthier foods might make Steve a bit annoyed and take a longer time to consume, costing precious time in battles or whatever. And the more "healthy" foods like vegetables and somewhat meat you consume the further slow it gets. I don't have it down to a science. There would be no need for extra bars, but the player would still want to try different kinds of foods.
The best foods would be both tasty and healthy, these would be magical such as mushroom stew, golden apples, and golden carrots.
4.) when you break (e.g. pickaxe while mining) and you have another one in your inventory, it automatically adds to that slot
5.) BETTER DUAL WIELDING (e.g. when you have two swords you swing with both, maybe faster mining with two pickaxes lol :D)
Maybe also better hitboxes
Potions not being stackable is a balance thing. Otherwise, you would be able to have stacks upon stacks of harming potions, which would be OP, stacks of strength potions, stacks of invisibility potions, et cetera.
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A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
I agree, but only up to 16. (It makes logical sense. IMHO everything except tools should be stackable, and everything except Tools and potions be stackable to 64).
2.) KEYBINDING like ALT + 1 possible
This would void (say) shift/ctrl/alt being used as keys on their own. Maybe this could be an option?
This would line up JE's 5-block mining range with Bedrock's 6 (which is a convenient shortcut for me while mining).
4.) when you break (e.g. pickaxe while mining) and you have another one in your inventory, it automatically adds to that slot
...Doesn't that already happen?
5.) BETTER DUAL WIELDING (e.g. when you have two swords you swing with both, maybe faster mining with two pickaxes lol :D)
What if they could be used to harvest and replant crops? Doing so wouldn't yield any extra crops or seeds but would save time for larger (manual) farms. Using a hoe to harvest and replant would use durability.
They could even function in dispensers, this maybe OP though.
What if they could be used to harvest and replant crops? Doing so wouldn't yield any extra crops or seeds but would save time for larger (manual) farms. Using a hoe to harvest and replant would use durability.
They could even function in dispensers, this maybe OP though.
Extending this, hoes could be able to get Fortune (from a book) and Fortune would only work on crops if it were on a hoe (currently, you can use any tool, which also doesn't lose durability, allowing you to use them indefinitely. A similar issue occurred with shears before 1.9; IMO, instead of removing Silk Touch from them they could have just made them always lose durability, as they did anyway). I've implemented this myself, minus the replanting, mainly to make higher tier hoes more useful (there is no reason to use a diamond hoe other than to get an achievement):
if (block instanceof BlockCrops)
// Prevents Fortune from working on crops unless it is on a hoe, placed first to override hammers
int fortune = 0;
if (equippedItem instanceof ItemHoe)
fortune = CustomEnchantmentHelper.getFortuneModifier(player);
block.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, meta, fortune);
return true;
(a Mending hoe is extreme overkill as it can harvest over 6,000 crops before having to be repaired, which yields about 3 times that much in potatoes, far more than I harvested in this world; I never repaired this, with a normal hoe used to till farmland)
So obviously this isn't a small suggestion but I think it is something that would turn survival mode into and actual survival mode. Currently all you do is kill mobs and find resources and food so you don't starve to death and can kill mobs easier. But to survive in real life it requires so much more. Obviously nutrition would be difficult to add but needing water wouldn't be difficult to add and it is a life nessesity. This would be something that should be similar for animals to. Animals need water so they should have to have a water supply otherwise they die of thirst. Another thing is to add more to farming. I'm not just saying more crops which would be awesome but rather plants needing a curtain biome or weather in order to survive. If a plant gets to little water they die and the same with sunlight. And it goes the other way to. They can't have to much of water or sun. This would make farming more enjoyable because you have to actually focus on what your doing and make sure that the plants can grow. I also think that there should be more weather. Currently it is either sunny, rainy, or thunderstorms. I believe that there should be other kinds of stuff in different biomes. One post on this forum mentioned sandstorms in desserts and that is a great idea. But along with the weather should be temperature and season changings. In a snowy biome or dessert it should still be snowy or hot year round but it could get hitter and colder. And then in the grasslands and timber is where there should be seasons. What would go perfect with this, is the player needing clothing for the environment they are in. If your living in the cold snow biome you would need wool clothes to keep from getting frostbite. This would just add a small thing that players actually have to worry about when playing. And there would be different kinds of clothes to for different environments. You wouldn't be wearing a winter coat in the dessert would you. But for the dessert I think it should be possible to get sunburned so you might want a thin layer to protect from the UV radiation. The clothes would be created in the loom. Another small feature would be sleep deprivation, so more if you didn't get enough sleep you would only have to deal with the phantoms but also fatigue and possibly nausea. And something I think almost everybody would agree with which is more animals. Especially predators, there armt any predatorial animals really and they do actually exist. Predators should also want to kill prey like wolves do with sheep in the game. I believe all this would add so much more to the game. It seems like they focus so much on creative mode now days which is fine and all but survival mode could have so much more to it that would make the game way more enjoyable, especially for older audiences. And all this doesn't need to be in regular survival, I was thinking rather a hardcore survival that way those that are just learning the game or maybe don't like the changes, wouldn't have to play the game this way. So you would be able to select survival or hardcore survival. If you read all this I would like to say thanks and I am excited to see what you have to say. Thank you.
I am aware, but I believe certain exceptions should be made.
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
Mojangcrasoft adding one more dye would change the number of dyes to 17, which isn't nice and round like 16. If Mojangcrasoft were to add one more dye they'd have to add 15 or 47 more to make it a nice, round number.
My suggestions: Enhancements - Throwable Fire Charges - On Phantoms and Elytra. Also check out The Minecraftian Language. This signature is not here to waste your space.
I call laziness.
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
A new goat mob. Could be an alternative animal for milk, and spawns only in the mountains. Drops Chevon, or goat meat. I mainly want this animal to be added because it would be the last farm animal Minecraft needs to add.
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
It would be nice if mob noises ended as soon as you killed the mob.
I'm always left wondering if there is another zombie or phantom around.
Just testing.
I feel like that's a glitch.
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
I'd assumed it was just an efficient way of handling sounds, Fire-and-Forget, send the sound to the sound handler and don't waste any processing cycles in the main loop keeping track of it.
Just testing.
And mohair or cashmere wool.
Though I doubt they'd add an animal that only drops variants of drops from other animals unless they had some other use as well.
Just testing.
My idea was horns (pillager beasts would drop these too) that could be used in a potion. The potion could be like a leaping potion, but instead of making you jump higher, it makes you jump forwards more, so you could literally "leap".
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
We don't need another meat source given that we already have five (and that's not counting fish).
My suggestions: Enhancements - Throwable Fire Charges - On Phantoms and Elytra. Also check out The Minecraftian Language. This signature is not here to waste your space.
We didn't need another meat source 3 meat sources ago, but look where we are.
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
At least most other meat sources also do other things, and only pigs have them as their main reason to exist, as rabbits mostly have the Rabbit's Foot drop, whereas chickens, cows, and sheep also provide other resources apart from meat.
Of course, goats could use their horns as their main drop, which would be used for magical stuff; rather than using their meat. They could also be much more voracious than sheep as grass-eaters and eat more plants (Particularly in the case of tall grass, vines and flowers), which could make them useful as living lawnmowers. Another use could be to have them drop their guts instead of normal meat, which would then be used to make things that require tubing (As catgut), used as food by itself or cooked, or traded; whereas the goats themselves could be made to more or less lend themselves to a "shepherding" playstyle, by simply breeding after eating enough, and being similar to llamas in terms of attacking hostile mobs.
New Death Animations. "Mr Amppl50, I don't feel so good" -fishg
Lead Ore
Wind revamp and hot air balloons.
My solution to the "too much food" issue is to distinguish the tase of different foods, as in real life.
In the real world, the "best" (to simplify it tremendously) food are vegetables. But we don't eat vegetables and protein all the time... because junk food tastes much better.
In Minecraft, the best food is either golden apples or golden carrots. We always eat this because there is no taste in the game.
So, in my opinion, the solution to the food dilemma is to give certain foods like cake and cookies very minor buffs such as increased regen or a spurt of energy. While healthier foods might make Steve a bit annoyed and take a longer time to consume, costing precious time in battles or whatever. And the more "healthy" foods like vegetables and somewhat meat you consume the further slow it gets. I don't have it down to a science. There would be no need for extra bars, but the player would still want to try different kinds of foods.
The best foods would be both tasty and healthy, these would be magical such as mushroom stew, golden apples, and golden carrots.
I like the idea that they are "living lanwmowers". However, the guts idea seems a little gory for Minecraft, but it's a good idea none the less.
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
I would be happy if the :
2.) KEYBINDING like ALT + 1 possible
4.) when you break (e.g. pickaxe while mining) and you have another one in your inventory, it automatically adds to that slot
5.) BETTER DUAL WIELDING (e.g. when you have two swords you swing with both, maybe faster mining with two pickaxes lol :D)
Maybe also better hitboxes
Potions not being stackable is a balance thing. Otherwise, you would be able to have stacks upon stacks of harming potions, which would be OP, stacks of strength potions, stacks of invisibility potions, et cetera.
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker could have.
I agree, but only up to 16. (It makes logical sense. IMHO everything except tools should be stackable, and everything except Tools and potions be stackable to 64).
This would void (say) shift/ctrl/alt being used as keys on their own. Maybe this could be an option?
This would line up JE's 5-block mining range with Bedrock's 6 (which is a convenient shortcut for me while mining).
...Doesn't that already happen?
How would you control it?
My suggestions: Enhancements - Throwable Fire Charges - On Phantoms and Elytra. Also check out The Minecraftian Language. This signature is not here to waste your space.
Just a small suggestion regarding hoes.
What if they could be used to harvest and replant crops? Doing so wouldn't yield any extra crops or seeds but would save time for larger (manual) farms. Using a hoe to harvest and replant would use durability.
They could even function in dispensers, this maybe OP though.
Extending this, hoes could be able to get Fortune (from a book) and Fortune would only work on crops if it were on a hoe (currently, you can use any tool, which also doesn't lose durability, allowing you to use them indefinitely. A similar issue occurred with shears before 1.9; IMO, instead of removing Silk Touch from them they could have just made them always lose durability, as they did anyway). I've implemented this myself, minus the replanting, mainly to make higher tier hoes more useful (there is no reason to use a diamond hoe other than to get an achievement):
(a Mending hoe is extreme overkill as it can harvest over 6,000 crops before having to be repaired, which yields about 3 times that much in potatoes, far more than I harvested in this world; I never repaired this, with a normal hoe used to till farmland)
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
So obviously this isn't a small suggestion but I think it is something that would turn survival mode into and actual survival mode. Currently all you do is kill mobs and find resources and food so you don't starve to death and can kill mobs easier. But to survive in real life it requires so much more. Obviously nutrition would be difficult to add but needing water wouldn't be difficult to add and it is a life nessesity. This would be something that should be similar for animals to. Animals need water so they should have to have a water supply otherwise they die of thirst. Another thing is to add more to farming. I'm not just saying more crops which would be awesome but rather plants needing a curtain biome or weather in order to survive. If a plant gets to little water they die and the same with sunlight. And it goes the other way to. They can't have to much of water or sun. This would make farming more enjoyable because you have to actually focus on what your doing and make sure that the plants can grow. I also think that there should be more weather. Currently it is either sunny, rainy, or thunderstorms. I believe that there should be other kinds of stuff in different biomes. One post on this forum mentioned sandstorms in desserts and that is a great idea. But along with the weather should be temperature and season changings. In a snowy biome or dessert it should still be snowy or hot year round but it could get hitter and colder. And then in the grasslands and timber is where there should be seasons. What would go perfect with this, is the player needing clothing for the environment they are in. If your living in the cold snow biome you would need wool clothes to keep from getting frostbite. This would just add a small thing that players actually have to worry about when playing. And there would be different kinds of clothes to for different environments. You wouldn't be wearing a winter coat in the dessert would you. But for the dessert I think it should be possible to get sunburned so you might want a thin layer to protect from the UV radiation. The clothes would be created in the loom. Another small feature would be sleep deprivation, so more if you didn't get enough sleep you would only have to deal with the phantoms but also fatigue and possibly nausea. And something I think almost everybody would agree with which is more animals. Especially predators, there armt any predatorial animals really and they do actually exist. Predators should also want to kill prey like wolves do with sheep in the game. I believe all this would add so much more to the game. It seems like they focus so much on creative mode now days which is fine and all but survival mode could have so much more to it that would make the game way more enjoyable, especially for older audiences. And all this doesn't need to be in regular survival, I was thinking rather a hardcore survival that way those that are just learning the game or maybe don't like the changes, wouldn't have to play the game this way. So you would be able to select survival or hardcore survival. If you read all this I would like to say thanks and I am excited to see what you have to say. Thank you.