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Non-converted Drowned should be reverted to always being able to drop tridents, as a way to make Tridents acceptably common without allowing people to turn Spawner-created zombies into Drowned in order to farm them.
This is a stupid idea, but bring back the small roses and make them drop from rose bushes (4). Obviously you should be able to craft the bushes in the style that you craft let's say, stone bricks.
It's really quick, plis make some sort of sleeping bag where we can spend the night without changing our spawn point. Now this could be a feature with the camping stuff like the fireplace and the lamp
It would be great for adveturers and constructing big things.
Back for a third one, let us ride skeleton horses. Why? Because why not? It's not like you can't throw a saddle on those things already!
Been saddling and riding skeleton horses for some time… (Actual skeleton horses that remain after one disposes of the skeleton riders, not the skeleton "trap" itself – which looks like a horse…)
I was thinking that Microsoft should add an extra armor slot. But it is no ordinary slot. You know how you have to take off your chest plate to put on the Elytra? Well with this slot you won’t have to. You can pu the elytra in that and a few other things I would like in Minecraft. Such as a backpack. How you would open it is 1. Go into your inventory 2. Under the backpack will be another button that looks like the normal inventory button. You click it and it shows you what’s in the backpack. You would craft it with a chest or shulker box, leather, and some string for the straps. Next I was thinking of a quiver to put and take arrows from. I was also thinking that you put the sword/bow/shield in this slot as well. And it would show the items on your back.
this new slot would be right next to the chest plate slot.
I think Minecraft forces you to choose between elytra and a diamond chestplate to add a challenging choice to the game- should you go from more defense or the ability to fly?
Been saddling and riding skeleton horses for some time… (Actual skeleton horses that remain after one disposes of the skeleton riders, not the skeleton "trap" itself – which looks like a horse…)
Briefly; as a regular [tamed] horse – sneak & right click to equip one with a saddle (or right click to mount then 'e' to open the inventory and equip a saddle). [All four horses that result from a skeleton horse trap will be tamed. ]
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"Why does everything have to be so stoopid?" Harvey Pekar (from American Splendor)
WARNING: I have an extemely "grindy" playstyle; YMMV — if this doesn't seem fun to you, mine what you can from it & bin the rest.
Ambient birds based on biomes. They fly from tree to tree or block to block, whistling and chirping, you know. For ambience. And for thsoe who say "there is no need, they are useless and serve no purpose" to you I retort with...
Parrots are useless. You tame them they follow you. Mimicing mobs they encounter. Other than nothing. Basically just for looks. So...useless.
Bats. Even more useless than parrots. Killing one awards you nothing. You cant tame them, they simply exist. Flitting around and committing suicide by lava. Pointless. (For anything other than ambience)
Number 4 coming in, and I've honestly felt strongly about the game lacking this for such a long time: Forest Green dye (#228b22). Crafted with lime green and cactus green, shapeless. All dyeable blocks can use this too.
Number 4 coming in, and I've honestly felt strongly about the game lacking this for such a long time: Forest Green dye (#228b22). Crafted with lime green and cactus green, shapeless. All dyeable blocks can use this too.
Mojangcrasoft won't be adding any more dyes. 16 is a nice, round number.
Titanium ore that only spawns in the end and is stronger than diamond. It would be very rare though.
Would it have the same uses of regular diamond? Could it be enchanted?
Non-converted Drowned should be reverted to always being able to drop tridents, as a way to make Tridents acceptably common without allowing people to turn Spawner-created zombies into Drowned in order to farm them.
New Death Animations. "Mr Amppl50, I don't feel so good" -fishg
Lead Ore
Wind revamp and hot air balloons.
This is a stupid idea, but bring back the small roses and make them drop from rose bushes (4). Obviously you should be able to craft the bushes in the style that you craft let's say, stone bricks.
Discord: Ryzen_1600#7458
Another one: let users be able to use riptide while in a cauldron (if that's even possible).
Discord: Ryzen_1600#7458
Back for a third one, let us ride skeleton horses. Why? Because why not? It's not like you can't throw a saddle on those things already!
Discord: Ryzen_1600#7458
It's really quick, plis make some sort of sleeping bag where we can spend the night without changing our spawn point. Now this could be a feature with the camping stuff like the fireplace and the lamp
It would be great for adveturers and constructing big things.
Thanks for reading everyone <3
Been saddling and riding skeleton horses for some time… (Actual skeleton horses that remain after one disposes of the skeleton riders, not the skeleton "trap" itself – which looks like a horse…)
Really? How do I ride them then? I actually have one nametagged in my base.
Discord: Ryzen_1600#7458
I was thinking that Microsoft should add an extra armor slot. But it is no ordinary slot. You know how you have to take off your chest plate to put on the Elytra? Well with this slot you won’t have to. You can pu the elytra in that and a few other things I would like in Minecraft. Such as a backpack. How you would open it is 1. Go into your inventory 2. Under the backpack will be another button that looks like the normal inventory button. You click it and it shows you what’s in the backpack. You would craft it with a chest or shulker box, leather, and some string for the straps. Next I was thinking of a quiver to put and take arrows from. I was also thinking that you put the sword/bow/shield in this slot as well. And it would show the items on your back.
this new slot would be right next to the chest plate slot.
I think Minecraft forces you to choose between elytra and a diamond chestplate to add a challenging choice to the game- should you go from more defense or the ability to fly?
See for a full explanation…
Briefly; as a regular [tamed] horse – sneak & right click to equip one with a saddle (or right click to mount then 'e' to open the inventory and equip a saddle). [All four horses that result from a skeleton horse trap will be tamed. ]
CAN WE PLEASE HAVE VILLAGER GUARDS its not too late to put it into the village and pillager update
Ambient birds based on biomes. They fly from tree to tree or block to block, whistling and chirping, you know. For ambience. And for thsoe who say "there is no need, they are useless and serve no purpose" to you I retort with...
Parrots are useless. You tame them they follow you. Mimicing mobs they encounter. Other than nothing. Basically just for looks. So...useless.
Bats. Even more useless than parrots. Killing one awards you nothing. You cant tame them, they simply exist. Flitting around and committing suicide by lava. Pointless. (For anything other than ambience)
There for....birds should be a thing.
Couple of Items I'd like to see;
Glass Doors
Bamboo Blocks
Bamboo Doors, Slabs, Steps, and Fences crafted from Bamboo Blocks
Drowned with fishing rods can pull you into their arms with it when?
Question regarding the slabs: would the bamboo sticks be vertical, or horizontal?
Discord: Ryzen_1600#7458
Enderman heads
Discord: Ryzen_1600#7458
Number 4 coming in, and I've honestly felt strongly about the game lacking this for such a long time: Forest Green dye (#228b22). Crafted with lime green and cactus green, shapeless. All dyeable blocks can use this too.
Discord: Ryzen_1600#7458
Mojangcrasoft won't be adding any more dyes. 16 is a nice, round number.
My suggestions: Enhancements - Throwable Fire Charges - On Phantoms and Elytra. Also check out The Minecraftian Language. This signature is not here to waste your space.