its so simple. For the new combat testing I like everything they shouldn't remove ANYTHING. but just remove the hold to hit, just bring back spam clicking!
Mojang has stated that they will never bring back the old system; however, there is a partial compromise, which I've implemented myself - you can attack as fast as you can as long as every hit lands on a mob that is not damage-immune; missed hits will increment a "penalty" counter which will start to reduce damage if it gets too high, up to a maximum of 75% damage reduction which will gradually wear off once you stop (that is to say, it is more like a "fatigue" counter in that the effects take a while to appear and wear off instead of immediately kicking in. Also, players in Creative can freely attack as often as they want):
// Called when a player attacks a mob while it is damage immune, also called by
// Minecraft.checkAttackSpeed() when a player attacks more than once per second.
// Note harsher penalty as penaltyTicks increases; isImmune is used to apply
// the harshest possible penalty if a mob is struck while damage-immune.
public static synchronized void incrementPenaltyTicks(boolean isImmune)
penaltyTicks += (isImmune ? 60 : Math.min(Math.max(20, penaltyTicks >> 1), 60));
if (penaltyTicks > 140) penaltyTicks = 140;
if (DebugHelper.DEBUG_COOLDOWN) System.out.println("penaltyTicks = " + penaltyTicks);
// Damage is linearly scaled from 100% at 0 to 25% at 100 (5 seconds of penalty)
// or more; maximum duration of maximum penalty is 2 seconds
private float applyPenaltyCalculations(float damage)
if (penaltyTicks > 0) damage *= ((133.33333F - (float)Math.min(100, penaltyTicks)) / 133.33333F);
return damage;
// Used to check player attack speed and penalize player for spam-clicking if they did not hit a mob
// while holding a weapon. If check is false (not holding a weapon) only sets the last attack time.
private void checkAttackSpeed(boolean check)
if (check)
long attackTime = System.nanoTime();
int time = (int)((attackTime - this.lastAttackTime) / 1000000L);
ItemStack item = this.thePlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem();
// Time must be less than 1 second and player must be holding a tool or sword to activate penalty
if (time >= 0 && time < 1000 && item != null && (item.getItem() instanceof ItemTool || item.getItem() instanceof ItemSword))
this.lastAttackTime = attackTime;
this.lastAttackTime = System.nanoTime();
if (this.hurtResistantTime > (this.maxHurtResistantTime >> 1))
damage -= this.lastDamage;
if (applyDamageModifier)
// Only applies penalty if mob was last hit by a player and damage is less than previous damage
if (this.lastAttackedByPlayer && damage <= 0.0F) incrementPenaltyTicks(true);
damage = this.applyPenaltyCalculations(damage);
if (damage < 0.1F && !DebugHelper.DEBUG_COOLDOWN) return false;
var3 = false;
if (applyDamageModifier)
damage = this.applyPenaltyCalculations(damage);
if ((damage < par2 * 0.1F || damage < 0.1F) && !DebugHelper.DEBUG_COOLDOWN) return false;
this.hurtResistantTime = this.maxHurtResistantTime;
this.hurtTime = this.maxHurtTime = 10;
This is debug output from several different scenarios, all performed with a weapon that deals 8 attack damage against a zombie (21.74 effective health):
Attacking while it is damage-immune once, otherwise attacks are when it is not damage-immune; this did not reduce damage enough to require more than 3 valid hits, ignoring the one during the damage immunity period:
Spam-clicking until the zombie dies, which took a total of 29 hits with all the non-immune hits after the first dealing 2 damage, which also cost this much durability damage as I did not fix the "bug" where weapons lost durability on every use (Mojang fixed this in 1.7 but I do not consider it to be a bug but a deterrent to spam-clicking, especially when you need to repair items on the anvil):
The only potential issue with my system is that it could easily be exploited by an auto-attack mod which attacks as soon as it detects a non-damage-immune target out of any number of targets (you can attack n targets a total of 2n times per second), but this could be detected by a good anti-cheat system (realistically you can't attack more than a few times per second; I wasn't able to reliably attack multiple zombies a total of more than 3-4 times per second so a limit of 4 full-strength attacks per second is reasonable, past which damage is reduced in the same manner as in 1.9, and incidentally, this is the unarmed attack speed).
Hi guyz,I had a post on Technic ruins,I think it would be cool if they had them and Steampunk Villages,as well as Technic Golems,and there could be Technic Chests that can only be opened with Keys,does it sound cool? also add werewolves and vampires and sharks.
Mojang already said that they won't be adding sharks to minecraft
Set sea level back to y=64, because y=63 is a stupid random number but 64 makes sense to anyone who understands how computers work. Or, when map-customization is finally added back into the game, allow players to set sea level at y=64. The last time we had map-customization, the sea level slider went straight from 63 to 65.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
416 stone 296 stone slab (150 blocks) 149 stone stairs (228 blocks)
Set sea level back to y=64, because y=63 is a stupid random number but 64 makes sense to anyone who understands how computers work. Or, when map-customization is finally added back into the game, allow players to set sea level at y=64. The last time we had map-customization, the sea level slider went straight from 63 to 65.
I was thinking Mojang could actually add a whole new game mode in the major update after 1.17. My idea was that they could add a mystery game mode where they make an auto-generated mystery (Missing Villager, disappearing stone, etc.) This would really add some fun for people who like mysteries. I really hope Mojang adds this thanks! Another idea is a diamond compass you could craft with nine diamond blocks (81 diamonds). This may seem overpowered but after all 81 diamonds is a lot! Thanks again! Please reply to this message saying if you might add this or if it's a good idea!
I was thinking Mojang could actually add a whole new game mode in the major update after 1.17. My idea was that they could add a mystery game mode where they make an auto-generated mystery (Missing Villager, disappearing stone, etc.) This would really add some fun for people who like mysteries. I really hope Mojang adds this thanks! Another idea is a diamond compass you could craft with nine diamond blocks (81 diamonds). This may seem overpowered but after all 81 diamonds is a lot! Thanks again! Please reply to this message saying if you might add this or if it's a good idea!
A) you'll need to be more specific because there are limits to the number of generations that can be made. This is also a big suggestion..
you didn't specify what the diamond compass does nor how it's overpowered. Does it 'find a mystery'? Also, what kind of compass is crafted from solid diamond?...
Mojang should add a small chance for 1-2 Blaze Rods to spawn in Bastion Remnant chests, so that if someone really wants to for whatever reason, they can get to the End, and thus beat the game, entirely in Peaceful Mode.
Now me personally i would love a redstone update to make more mechanisms farms and alot more stuff for automating
if you could do a redstone update what would you want in it?
I have next to no understanding of advanced redstone mechanics.
I'd prefer an update that simplifies or explains villager mechanics, which can't really be put into redstone.
On the topic, it would be nice to add blocks that make it possible to automate every process in the game, even farming shulkers and lava from 1.17.
Don't know which or how though.
A good starting point might be observers on shulkers to power dispensers, ones that not only detect teleportation but also open/close of shells.
For lava, a way to suck liquids out of cauldrons into buckets (bucket machine? syringe?)
Original ideas might include a projector (projects an item frame as a light source onto a section of blocks or the sky if pointed upwards, so you can show maps, clocks, and compasses),
a loudspeaker (same but for music or noises)
and the ability to put books under a projector or have a TTS read them out loud through a loudspeaker.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Enchanted books on lecterns. If "read", they will have a random assortment of words using the Standard Galactic Alphabet (like in the enchanting table). Maybe a bit of hidden lore if one translates the alphabet. Great place to put a "guaranteed" enchanted book (of random or specific enchantments) in a structure's library or other applicable room.
Set sea level back to y=64, because y=63 is a stupid random number but 64 makes sense to anyone who understands how computers work. Or, when map-customization is finally added back into the game, allow players to set sea level at y=64. The last time we had map-customization, the sea level slider went straight from 63 to 65.
It's 63 because "anyone who understands how computers work" understands that 0 is the first bit, so the 64th bit is 63.
Enchanted books on lecterns. If "read", they will have a random assortment of words using the Standard Galactic Alphabet (like in the enchanting table). Maybe a bit of hidden lore if one translates the alphabet. Great place to put a "guaranteed" enchanted book (of random or specific enchantments) in a structure's library or other applicable room.
It's 63 because "anyone who understands how computers work" understands that 0 is the first bit, so the 64th bit is 63.
Good idea. And yeah you're right, zero indexing is always a chore.
Sorry if these has been already mentioned, but I'm not going to search all over the place just to avoid a double post.
#1: Let me Eat the Eggs!
I don't understand what Mojang has against eating eggs.
I've got a crap-ton of eggs from my chicken farm, an I want to eat them. Just a simple content would be fine - put an egg in the crafting table and get a boiled egg; put an egg in the furnace and get a fried egg. It would be a great start of game food.
#2: Blue and yellow make...
Let us make green dye by mixing blue dye and yellow dye, the same way you can make orange dye with red and yellow dye, or purple with red and blue. You can still keep smelting cactus to make green dye.
#3: Take that, Copper!
Make it so you can make armor, weapons, and tools out of copper instead of iron. Maybe they would have less durability than iron, but it would sure help those of us whose world spawned more copper and less iron.
The stonecutter shouldn't just be limited to stone, and even though the name is the way it is, you could say that it's a "cutter made out of stone" (did not take that from anyone obviously). Like putting a log in there could show stripped and bark blocks and planks would show stairs, slabs, fences, fence gates, etc. The stonecutter could be used like a chisel.
There should also be many block varients that are stonecutter exclusive, like brick blocks with missing bricks or stone pillars.
Actually, I think there should be a wood cutter for wood, and add a new villager job - the Sawyer.
Hi, I realy dont know where to write this up, i have an idea for goat horn usage: i realy like minecraft rainy weather and it would be cool to summon rain in survival without chets, for example the new item - Horn of Rain wich can be crafted with : Goat horn, bucket of water and some jther expensive items, and can summon rain for one day
Mojang has stated that they will never bring back the old system; however, there is a partial compromise, which I've implemented myself - you can attack as fast as you can as long as every hit lands on a mob that is not damage-immune; missed hits will increment a "penalty" counter which will start to reduce damage if it gets too high, up to a maximum of 75% damage reduction which will gradually wear off once you stop (that is to say, it is more like a "fatigue" counter in that the effects take a while to appear and wear off instead of immediately kicking in. Also, players in Creative can freely attack as often as they want):
This is debug output from several different scenarios, all performed with a weapon that deals 8 attack damage against a zombie (21.74 effective health):
Attacking while it is not damage-immune:
Attacking while it is damage-immune once, otherwise attacks are when it is not damage-immune; this did not reduce damage enough to require more than 3 valid hits, ignoring the one during the damage immunity period:
Spam-clicking until the zombie dies, which took a total of 29 hits with all the non-immune hits after the first dealing 2 damage, which also cost this much durability damage as I did not fix the "bug" where weapons lost durability on every use (Mojang fixed this in 1.7 but I do not consider it to be a bug but a deterrent to spam-clicking, especially when you need to repair items on the anvil):
Missing entirely between successful attacks, which didn't have much effect (my main intent is to nerf outright spam-clicking)
Spam-clicking and missing entirely on every attack; it took 7 attacks to reach the maximum penalty:
The only potential issue with my system is that it could easily be exploited by an auto-attack mod which attacks as soon as it detects a non-damage-immune target out of any number of targets (you can attack n targets a total of 2n times per second), but this could be detected by a good anti-cheat system (realistically you can't attack more than a few times per second; I wasn't able to reliably attack multiple zombies a total of more than 3-4 times per second so a limit of 4 full-strength attacks per second is reasonable, past which damage is reduced in the same manner as in 1.9, and incidentally, this is the unarmed attack speed).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
I think they should give more uses to beetroots.
And... that's it i guess?
good idea LOL
Mojang already said that they won't be adding sharks to minecraft
And... that's it i guess?
Set sea level back to y=64, because y=63 is a stupid random number but 64 makes sense to anyone who understands how computers work. Or, when map-customization is finally added back into the game, allow players to set sea level at y=64. The last time we had map-customization, the sea level slider went straight from 63 to 65.
416 stone
296 stone slab (150 blocks)
149 stone stairs (228 blocks)
794 total stone
1082 blackstone
174 blackstone slab (87 blocks)
52 blackstone stairs (78 blocks)
1247 total blackstone
(not counting drawbridges and portcullises)
I have a feeling that it's not 64 on purpose.
I was thinking Mojang could actually add a whole new game mode in the major update after 1.17. My idea was that they could add a mystery game mode where they make an auto-generated mystery (Missing Villager, disappearing stone, etc.) This would really add some fun for people who like mysteries. I really hope Mojang adds this thanks! Another idea is a diamond compass you could craft with nine diamond blocks (81 diamonds). This may seem overpowered but after all 81 diamonds is a lot! Thanks again! Please reply to this message saying if you might add this or if it's a good idea!
A) you'll need to be more specific because there are limits to the number of generations that can be made. This is also a big suggestion..
I suggest that they add also the java edition features like
Swepping edge on sword
I wish they add that .
I would like to see a new game rule that makes crop/sapling growth biome/dimension specific.
Kinda of how nether wart at one point could only be grown in the nether.
Having this driven by datapacks would be cool as well so server owners can specify how they want it, assuming they want to enable it at all.
Mojang should add a small chance for 1-2 Blaze Rods to spawn in Bastion Remnant chests, so that if someone really wants to for whatever reason, they can get to the End, and thus beat the game, entirely in Peaceful Mode.
(In response to a previous suggestion of adding the Sweeping Edge Enchantment to Bedrock Edition)
I want that so bad! It's the only reason I'd ever consider playing Java Edition.
And now we have Netherite.
Now me personally i would love a redstone update to make more mechanisms farms and alot more stuff for automating
if you could do a redstone update what would you want in it?
I have next to no understanding of advanced redstone mechanics.
I'd prefer an update that simplifies or explains villager mechanics, which can't really be put into redstone.
On the topic, it would be nice to add blocks that make it possible to automate every process in the game, even farming shulkers and lava from 1.17.
Don't know which or how though.
A good starting point might be observers on shulkers to power dispensers, ones that not only detect teleportation but also open/close of shells.
For lava, a way to suck liquids out of cauldrons into buckets (bucket machine? syringe?)
Original ideas might include a projector (projects an item frame as a light source onto a section of blocks or the sky if pointed upwards, so you can show maps, clocks, and compasses),
a loudspeaker (same but for music or noises)
and the ability to put books under a projector or have a TTS read them out loud through a loudspeaker.
Enchanted books on lecterns. If "read", they will have a random assortment of words using the Standard Galactic Alphabet (like in the enchanting table). Maybe a bit of hidden lore if one translates the alphabet. Great place to put a "guaranteed" enchanted book (of random or specific enchantments) in a structure's library or other applicable room.
It's 63 because "anyone who understands how computers work" understands that 0 is the first bit, so the 64th bit is 63.
Good idea. And yeah you're right, zero indexing is always a chore.
Sorry if these has been already mentioned, but I'm not going to search all over the place just to avoid a double post.
#1: Let me Eat the Eggs!
I don't understand what Mojang has against eating eggs.
I've got a crap-ton of eggs from my chicken farm, an I want to eat them. Just a simple content would be fine - put an egg in the crafting table and get a boiled egg; put an egg in the furnace and get a fried egg. It would be a great start of game food.
#2: Blue and yellow make...
Let us make green dye by mixing blue dye and yellow dye, the same way you can make orange dye with red and yellow dye, or purple with red and blue. You can still keep smelting cactus to make green dye.
#3: Take that, Copper!
Make it so you can make armor, weapons, and tools out of copper instead of iron. Maybe they would have less durability than iron, but it would sure help those of us whose world spawned more copper and less iron.
Actually, I think there should be a wood cutter for wood, and add a new villager job - the Sawyer.
My daughter would like to suggest giant butterflies that you can tame and ride.
Hi, I realy dont know where to write this up, i have an idea for goat horn usage: i realy like minecraft rainy weather and it would be cool to summon rain in survival without chets, for example the new item - Horn of Rain wich can be crafted with : Goat horn, bucket of water and some jther expensive items, and can summon rain for one day