I was thinking Mojang could actually add a whole new game mode in the major update after 1.17. My idea was that they could add a mystery game mode where they make an auto-generated mystery (Missing Villager, disappearing stone, etc.) This would really add some fun for people who like mysteries. I really hope Mojang adds this thanks! Another idea is a diamond compass you could craft with nine diamond blocks (81 diamonds). This may seem overpowered but after all 81 diamonds is a lot! Thanks again! Please reply to this message saying if you might add this or if it's a good idea!
Add a gamerule for changing the default reach distance. Would be a godsend for creative players, would not have to rely on modclients for easier building.
I was thinking Mojang could actually add a whole new game mode in the major update after 1.17. My idea was that they could add a mystery game mode where they make an auto-generated mystery (Missing Villager, disappearing stone, etc.) This would really add some fun for people who like mysteries. I really hope Mojang adds this thanks! Another idea is a diamond compass you could craft with nine diamond blocks (81 diamonds). This may seem overpowered but after all 81 diamonds is a lot! Thanks again! Please reply to this message saying if you might add this or if it's a good idea!
Sandstone golem or red sandstone golem depending on the biome
The golem would spawn near wells giving it a new feature
It would be strong enough to be considered a boss
1. it can do a smash attack or something and it would launch the player up
2. leap attack not really a attack it just jumps when doing this but it can do a smash attack while in the air and land on the player
3. it could do some sort of roar and it would push you back
4. when your near it it could punch you, which launches you
5. charge attack, after doing a roar it could charge after you which once again launches you back
6. final attack, it just swings its arms like a iron golem launching you into the air
before you trigger it to fight you it just looks like one of many piles of sandstone next to the well but then it rises up and starts a boss battle
i would love this if if you combined a milk bucked with coco beans you et choclete milk and if you put the choclete milk in a furnece or smoker you get hot choclete
its so simple. For the new combat testing I like everything they shouldn't remove ANYTHING. but just remove the hold to hit, just bring back spam clicking!
Use dye to change collar color.
I agree with different fur patterns for dogs.
Disagree with muffins and goats.
Partial support.
My videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/robingravel
My cartoons: http://www.dailymotion.com/robin-gravel
Flash Animation (if your computer supports flash):
Few flash movies have easter egg/extras
POR FAVOR adicionem elevador na do minecraft
Minecraft but piglins drop op items
You should probably update mineshafts. They seem a bit out of place
mojang has to add illusion illager to the bad omen 6
I was thinking Mojang could actually add a whole new game mode in the major update after 1.17. My idea was that they could add a mystery game mode where they make an auto-generated mystery (Missing Villager, disappearing stone, etc.) This would really add some fun for people who like mysteries. I really hope Mojang adds this thanks! Another idea is a diamond compass you could craft with nine diamond blocks (81 diamonds). This may seem overpowered but after all 81 diamonds is a lot! Thanks again! Please reply to this message saying if you might add this or if it's a good idea!
This actually did happen with the chains addition. I wonder what else chains will be used for. 'We will watch your career with great interest'.
Add a deepslate furnace so it looks like the same material
Add a gamerule for changing the default reach distance. Would be a godsend for creative players, would not have to rely on modclients for easier building.
Make levers craftable from blackstone. Why is this not a thing??
Making wandering traders have a chance to sell bamboo to get scaffholding for the new caves.
I was thinking Mojang could actually add a whole new game mode in the major update after 1.17. My idea was that they could add a mystery game mode where they make an auto-generated mystery (Missing Villager, disappearing stone, etc.) This would really add some fun for people who like mysteries. I really hope Mojang adds this thanks! Another idea is a diamond compass you could craft with nine diamond blocks (81 diamonds). This may seem overpowered but after all 81 diamonds is a lot! Thanks again! Please reply to this message saying if you might add this or if it's a good idea!
Sandstone golem or red sandstone golem depending on the biome
The golem would spawn near wells giving it a new feature
It would be strong enough to be considered a boss
1. it can do a smash attack or something and it would launch the player up
2. leap attack not really a attack it just jumps when doing this but it can do a smash attack while in the air and land on the player
3. it could do some sort of roar and it would push you back
4. when your near it it could punch you, which launches you
5. charge attack, after doing a roar it could charge after you which once again launches you back
6. final attack, it just swings its arms like a iron golem launching you into the air
before you trigger it to fight you it just looks like one of many piles of sandstone next to the well but then it rises up and starts a boss battle
Scorpions, can poison you and spawn in different types, maybe even a boss scorpion that uses its claws and stinger sometimes summoning scorpions
best way to defeat it would be using arrows from far away
i would love this if if you combined a milk bucked with coco beans you et choclete milk and if you put the choclete milk in a furnece or smoker you get hot choclete
maybe but not in regler minecraft maybe minecarft dungens instead
they are going to add goats i think in 1.17
yee they are going to add mountain goats
its so simple. For the new combat testing I like everything they shouldn't remove ANYTHING. but just remove the hold to hit, just bring back spam clicking!