What mojang needs to do is fix the friggin traversal, since all they do is try to make minecraft fun and interesting by adding new things, rather than replacing what sucks, or offering better means to survive by creating things that ramp up in terms of craftable objects.
Im sure you've heard the comparisons to terraria, but, for you nay sayers out there, THATS THE POINT, terraria does it "better" BECUASE it offers upgrsdes to traversal which reduce the possibility of death, to the point that falling damage not only is completely negated, but you can actually fly by the end of the game!!
I mean think about it, and i know alot of people place terraria as superior for its combat, but, if with the systems they offered now, the combat cool downs, the bow wind ups, the sheild needing raising, the hunger depleting, the sprinting fatigue from hunger, and THAT F***ING FALL DAMAGE, and the the crap you have to do for a reprieve (THATS NOT VERY GOOD- POTIONS/ENCHANTING/BEACONS!!) and then have the offer something that, instead, offers A REAL PERMANENT UPGRADE, like terraria, going from ropes, to grappling hooks, to jet boots/clouds in bottles, and then to wings (negating all fall damage and even allowing flight!!)
that, THAT, would be a reak upgrade to minecraft and even then allow th to develop more content like the mods would, by allowing them to create other worlds like they did the nether and the end.
Minecraft is more of a survival game than a development game, maybe that's why.
Perhaps Hypixel or the new guy on the block, some 4-letter MC Dungeons / Roblox /Terraria blend, forgot the name, might be more your style.
Recently, I met someone really nice on a server. (the server had no friend type thing)
We talked for a bit and then had to go eat dinner. I was sad and wished him farewell, and was really trying to see if he was on. Never seen him since
2. Choose to download Java or Bedrock when downloading Minecraft
So, a few months ago, as lots of you know, (i think) Minecraft just added Bedrock edition to PS4. I know you could get bedrock on PC, but it would be easier tojust have some sort of menu when buying Minecraft or when re-downloading it.
3. Easier navigation
Yeah, the compass is useful, but normally when i spawn i can't find flat land or just cant find some trees. I think Mojang should add some sort of a waypoint system, or like a mini-map. (i like the first one more, but whatever you like) I know that there is some mods, but most people dont have the PC's to run that.
4. More bosses
As you know, Minecraft has two bosses when writing this. I think Mojang should add some more bosses. Some more harder, some more easier.
It would make the game a lot more fun then it already is.
5. More uses for XP
Mojang should add some more things to do with XP. Maybe a leveling system? Or some new weapons? I don't know.
6. A cave update
HIGHLY REQUESTED. Personally, I think this would be a great update. New gear, new weapons, and some more ores. I know they just added Netherite, but you have to go to the Nether to do that. They should add more ores to caves, and not something I have to already get Diamond tools and armor just to fall in lava?
Anyways, thank you so much for reading my post! :DDD Hope you enjoyed!!!
I’m new to posting, sorry if I make some mistakes.
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Static state for stairs, walls, fences, etc. Defaults to false; generated blocks may generate as true if desired. Placing a block while sneaking sets this state to true. This is a rare and not necessarily needed feature, but it occurred to me that it can be useful for more detailed designs, especially when trying to manipulate their states to give a particular, sometimes edgy, look. I ran into this idea when a stairway ceiling met, but did not overlap, with a ceiling edge trim to a room. Being that both incorporated upside-down stairs, the vertex being at one far side of the stairway ceiling forced that block to become a corner, whereas to match the rest of the room, should have been static so that it's backside matched what was otherwise a whole block.
I use beacons a lot in Creative, but never in Survival as the recipe is too expensive for a simple waypoint. My solution: Change the crafting recipe of beacons to use 1 diamond instead of 1 nether star, and allow them to be used as beacons without being placed on a material block base. However, instead of requiring one iron ingot/gold ingot/diamond/emerald to access the permanent buffs, a nether star is placed instead. Result: easier to use beacons as waypoints; no change for us8ng beacons as buff fields.
I like this idea, especially since it gives decorative beacons easier access (but still only if you have a surplus of diamonds). Maybe add a particle effect based on its base, size affects density/amount, material used affects color, buff active gives other effects (more effects for level 2 buff).
Yh the toxicity is also kinda bad and you’ll notice it’s always the same people and they don’t mean it in a horrible way but they act like the person who has written the thread is a complete fool (censored myself) and yes it may not be the best idea but it can be worked on (which is why I usually always try to suggest stuff to them as people do for me to try make it better rather than putting them down)
I do see what you mean though
title: why hero brine should be added
what they said in the thread: “I think hero brine should be added because hes a very old and creepy part of Minecraft and would go really well with the game” - no joke that is literally in rough words what they said ( although that was most likely a younger child probably 10-12 so You can’t blame them.
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New enchantment: Farmers Grace, (for java) Farmers Grace is basically just fortune, but can be applied on a hoe. The reason behind this is because well, farming is now easier, and the hoe has been really really undermined for minecraft. Farmers Grace I, Farmers Grace II, Farmers Grace III, will all be enchantments. Farmers grace 1, can be found in the Enchantment Table, but II is extremely rare in it and III needs to be traded with a villager.
You've also always been able to break crops with any Fortune tool so the only purpose of Fortune on a hoe is if you want a dedicated tool (in vanilla I make a Fortune pickaxe named "Potato Harvester") but I don't think many players would do this over just using the Fortune pickaxe they made to mine diamonds.
However, it would be another thing if Fortune only worked on crops if you used a hoe, as I implemented myself (much as Efficiency only works if you use the proper tool), along with hoes losing durability when breaking any block (crops and other blocks with a hardness of 0 do not normally damage tools), as a way to make higher tiers more useful (you can harvest around 20,000 potatoes with an Unbreaking III diamond hoe before it wears out). Either way, adding an enchantment just for this purpose is unnecessary.
I'd like to have in buffet worlds floating islands also possibility to have all biomes and also higher diamonds to be playable on survival, simply islands mostly spawn over 16. also that mineshafts are problem when they are everywhere floating in the air they shall be inside islands only ...
I think a naturally spawning underwater lab would be cool (nothing too big). It would have chests with prismarine and maybe iron in it too to make a trip there worthwhile. Zombies would spawn there too, to make it look as if the scientists in the lab have died.
Recently, I met someone really nice on a server. (the server had no friend type thing)
We talked for a bit and then had to go eat dinner. I was sad and wished him farewell, and was really trying to see if he was on. Never seen him since
2. Choose to download Java or Bedrock when downloading Minecraft
So, a few months ago, as lots of you know, (i think) Minecraft just added Bedrock edition to PS4. I know you could get bedrock on PC, but it would be easier tojust have some sort of menu when buying Minecraft or when re-downloading it.
3. Easier navigation
Yeah, the compass is useful, but normally when i spawn i can't find flat land or just cant find some trees. I think Mojang should add some sort of a waypoint system, or like a mini-map. (i like the first one more, but whatever you like) I know that there is some mods, but most people dont have the PC's to run that.
4. More bosses
As you know, Minecraft has two bosses when writing this. I think Mojang should add some more bosses. Some more harder, some more easier.
It would make the game a lot more fun then it already is.
5. More uses for XP
Mojang should add some more things to do with XP. Maybe a leveling system? Or some new weapons? I don't know.
6. A cave update
HIGHLY REQUESTED. Personally, I think this would be a great update. New gear, new weapons, and some more ores. I know they just added Netherite, but you have to go to the Nether to do that. They should add more ores to caves, and not something I have to already get Diamond tools and armor just to fall in lava?
Anyways, thank you so much for reading my post! :DDD Hope you enjoyed!!!
I’m new to posting, sorry if I make some mistakes.
In regards to the first point, if you remember the players gamertag then u can search them up on the Xbox app and friend them their.
They should apdate the end and add another material like netherite and other things and they should add hammers to minecraft if you want to know what hammers are they can mine a 3 by 3 area
I think that Mojang should add a coarse moss variant, similar to coarse dirt vs dirt, in the 1.17 update to help blend the gradient between mossy stones and moss blocks.
Minecraft is more of a survival game than a development game, maybe that's why.
Perhaps Hypixel or the new guy on the block, some 4-letter MC Dungeons / Roblox /Terraria blend, forgot the name, might be more your style.
Here is my post:
1. Friends
Recently, I met someone really nice on a server. (the server had no friend type thing)
We talked for a bit and then had to go eat dinner. I was sad and wished him farewell, and was really trying to see if he was on. Never seen him since
2. Choose to download Java or Bedrock when downloading Minecraft
So, a few months ago, as lots of you know, (i think) Minecraft just added Bedrock edition to PS4. I know you could get bedrock on PC, but it would be easier tojust have some sort of menu when buying Minecraft or when re-downloading it.
3. Easier navigation
Yeah, the compass is useful, but normally when i spawn i can't find flat land or just cant find some trees. I think Mojang should add some sort of a waypoint system, or like a mini-map. (i like the first one more, but whatever you like) I know that there is some mods, but most people dont have the PC's to run that.
4. More bosses
As you know, Minecraft has two bosses when writing this. I think Mojang should add some more bosses. Some more harder, some more easier.
It would make the game a lot more fun then it already is.
5. More uses for XP
Mojang should add some more things to do with XP. Maybe a leveling system? Or some new weapons? I don't know.
6. A cave update
HIGHLY REQUESTED. Personally, I think this would be a great update. New gear, new weapons, and some more ores. I know they just added Netherite, but you have to go to the Nether to do that. They should add more ores to caves, and not something I have to already get Diamond tools and armor just to fall in lava?
Anyways, thank you so much for reading my post! :DDD Hope you enjoyed!!!
I’m new to posting, sorry if I make some mistakes.
Static state for stairs, walls, fences, etc. Defaults to false; generated blocks may generate as true if desired. Placing a block while sneaking sets this state to true. This is a rare and not necessarily needed feature, but it occurred to me that it can be useful for more detailed designs, especially when trying to manipulate their states to give a particular, sometimes edgy, look. I ran into this idea when a stairway ceiling met, but did not overlap, with a ceiling edge trim to a room. Being that both incorporated upside-down stairs, the vertex being at one far side of the stairway ceiling forced that block to become a corner, whereas to match the rest of the room, should have been static so that it's backside matched what was otherwise a whole block.
I like this idea, especially since it gives decorative beacons easier access (but still only if you have a surplus of diamonds). Maybe add a particle effect based on its base, size affects density/amount, material used affects color, buff active gives other effects (more effects for level 2 buff).
Just allowing warped and crimson fungus to be planted on mycelium. That is all
Can you make a new material in the End like end crystal for armor, tools and weapons?
Pnk trees for minecraft java editon
Yh the toxicity is also kinda bad and you’ll notice it’s always the same people and they don’t mean it in a horrible way but they act like the person who has written the thread is a complete fool (censored myself) and yes it may not be the best idea but it can be worked on (which is why I usually always try to suggest stuff to them as people do for me to try make it better rather than putting them down)
I do see what you mean though
title: why hero brine should be added
what they said in the thread: “I think hero brine should be added because hes a very old and creepy part of Minecraft and would go really well with the game” - no joke that is literally in rough words what they said ( although that was most likely a younger child probably 10-12 so You can’t blame them.
Buy PoE currency you can not only stock up on various types of things, but what I like the most is that PoE currency also improves our hero.
If you want to Buy PoE currency, then only on the website
Proven and safe[/pre]
New enchantment: Farmers Grace, (for java) Farmers Grace is basically just fortune, but can be applied on a hoe. The reason behind this is because well, farming is now easier, and the hoe has been really really undermined for minecraft. Farmers Grace I, Farmers Grace II, Farmers Grace III, will all be enchantments. Farmers grace 1, can be found in the Enchantment Table, but II is extremely rare in it and III needs to be traded with a villager.
You can just put fortune on hoes now in 1.16
You've also always been able to break crops with any Fortune tool so the only purpose of Fortune on a hoe is if you want a dedicated tool (in vanilla I make a Fortune pickaxe named "Potato Harvester") but I don't think many players would do this over just using the Fortune pickaxe they made to mine diamonds.
However, it would be another thing if Fortune only worked on crops if you used a hoe, as I implemented myself (much as Efficiency only works if you use the proper tool), along with hoes losing durability when breaking any block (crops and other blocks with a hardness of 0 do not normally damage tools), as a way to make higher tiers more useful (you can harvest around 20,000 potatoes with an Unbreaking III diamond hoe before it wears out). Either way, adding an enchantment just for this purpose is unnecessary.
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
I'd like to have in buffet worlds floating islands also possibility to have all biomes and also higher diamonds to be playable on survival, simply islands mostly spawn over 16. also that mineshafts are problem when they are everywhere floating in the air they shall be inside islands only ...
I think a naturally spawning underwater lab would be cool (nothing too big). It would have chests with prismarine and maybe iron in it too to make a trip there worthwhile. Zombies would spawn there too, to make it look as if the scientists in the lab have died.
They should bring back the old isometric screenshots
In regards to the first point, if you remember the players gamertag then u can search them up on the Xbox app and friend them their.
I want Gallium to be featured in MC in some way, it's tied with Platinum for being my fave element on the periodic table
Lodestones should act the same when placed in somebody inventory similar to Dream’s minecraft manhunt
They should apdate the end and add another material like netherite and other things and they should add hammers to minecraft if you want to know what hammers are they can mine a 3 by 3 area
I think that Mojang should add a coarse moss variant, similar to coarse dirt vs dirt, in the 1.17 update to help blend the gradient between mossy stones and moss blocks.