I don't like the idea of diamonds not being renewable, and having to make another mine just because you mined out all the diamonds in the area does not always seem fun to me. Can you add a boss that drops diamonds? Make it a really rare boss and make it hard to kill so that it can't be abused.
Eh I don't see a need. You can get Diamonds and Diamond gear pretty easily using Fortune, plus they are found in treasure chests and Diamond equipment is really common in the End if you explore.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Every single chunk has the potential for at least 4 diamonds, so while technically they are not renewable they are effectively unlimited. Even if you somehow were able to path directly to each diamond to avoid the literal world of blocks clogging up your inventory/storage, that's something like 20 trillion diamonds in the entire world (so, in a reasonably-explored world, maybe around 1.5 million).
I don't see any harm in adding a low rate method of farming (eg a wither killed within the AoE of a beacon might drop a diamond, maybe even 1-3 instead of a nether star).
Neither, however, do I see this as a pressing need (following largely the same reasoning as DuhDerp).
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Why does everything have to be so stoopid?" Harvey Pekar (from American Splendor)
WARNING: I have an extemely "grindy" playstyle; YMMV — if this doesn't seem fun to you, mine what you can from it & bin the rest.
I got it, a boss that'll drop diamonds. The Diamond Golem. To fight this new boss, place 4 diamond blocks in a T formation and place a carved pumpkin on its head. It'll immediately attack you and when it dies drops 1-3 diamonds.
What makes you think they can't be farmed? TangoTek managed to build a vex farm on the Hermitcraft server in Season 5, if I recall.
Also, is it just a modded thing or do vanilla shulkers drop diamonds too? Obviously you can't really farm those, but via modded (by way of creating a custom spawner) Xisumavoid was able to create a shulker grinder for all the diamonds.
One problem that I don't think has been brought up yet is the payoff. If you were to have with this boss that is really hard to kill, only 1-3 diamonds as a reward? That seems a little bit of a rip-off. 2 Diamond blocks at least. Make it more if you want.
I've seen this variant used in several (thoroughly-MultiPlayer enough, even) Games: take the most-valuable and yet - Barely - commonly-used enough item; make it renewable (the main advantage being only if you don't have to Travel, so FAR - this isn't that problem - at all [Mining may-literally be Boring - heh - but that doesn't make it inherently-frustrating, as people Watch Other People's YouTube Vid's. Of Them - JUST - Mining {Whatever Stuff}]), But then. But-then, Everyone starts "farming" those - limited, Boring-themselves (Almost-as soon, Almost-as much) - more-often yes, mobile (see: Mob[ile] ; other than Shulkers, above-mentioned, basically [though don't they rarely Teleport themselves around, and /or make-themselves Float, or is that more Enderman-type weirdness I'm confused by?]), and gets Almost-as Bored (again[..! even]) (with: things).
Giants? The problem I see is even a - whole "New" (Hypothetical) Mob (or even just new Spawn Egg, and they've been working-on Giant AI, I think I'd just read), introduced is a lot-of work to as the (mod[erator]) above suggests, essentially "re-invent the wheel(s 'heh' , in this case)."
Existing Mob(ile)s would Change Game Mechanics, fundamentally (not-necessarily a good thing, to say the least). New ones almost require their-own "(will-be-) 'Farming' Zone" (which require[s] its /their Own re-Design[ings to be cool-looking]).. meanwhile, there's other stuff - like the for-Beacon Crafting, (Nether) Star, also-listed above from the Wither-"(un-? 'heh' )killing" - Probably, More-valuable, which one would rather - say - I dunno... get Instead, for Mob-Fighting (as in, making "New" Mobs for things even-Still, Other-than Diamond?)?
They go through blocks, instantly breaking any such farms. The only way to kill them would be by surrounding an Evoker with lava, which could be solved by making vexes fireproof.
They go through blocks, instantly breaking any such farms. The only way to kill them would be by surrounding an Evoker with lava, which could be solved by making vexes fireproof.
Still not a problem, I think. Here's the list of problems that must be tackled:
1)contain the vex. This can be accomplished just by keeping the vex platform isolated from everything else. If they don't see a player, villager, or iron golem, they aren't going to wander out of a 15x15 area.
2)providing a target for them to attack. Players are not renewable, and at any rate nobody in their right mind is going to go into a vex farm to just stand there swinging their melee weapons until dead. That leaves villagers and iron golems, both of which are completely renewable. Simply place their respective farms far enough above the vex platform to avoid detection and protect the bait against fall damage, and your vex farm will be able to run forever.
3)trigger the kill attempt.
a)I suppose this could most easily be accomplished by simply keeping a large-ish number of golems on the platform at all times. It stands to reason that if the vex/evoker will attack golems then the golems will attack the evoker/vex. Their slow movement probably means they won't be at all effective, but perhaps this can simply be brute-forced with sheer numbers.
b)Perhaps splash potions would work, but I don't think you can fully automate them so you'd have to actively maintain a supply of ingredients to keep the farm going. Would also have a degree of ineffectiveness given the lack of corralability of the vex.
c)what about lightning bolts? currently the only source of such are tridents with the channelling enchant, so not only can this not be automated but they're definitely not dropped fast enough to keep the farm supplied. Maybe Channeling is available via fish farm, but probably not. Player might also have to be close enough that the vex could see them, too.
d)arrows? Arrow dispenser traps are easy to implement in ways that blanket a large area, but keeping them supplied is quite the challenge. The missed arrows are probably also not recoverable, but you're not likely to be taking regular trips through the vex farm to collect anything so they're probably despawning anyways.
e)explosions? If you can damage vex with tnt, then the TNT cannon becomes a viable killing method. I don't recall if tnt in water still destroys items on the ground, though, but perhaps magma block bubble columns to shoot the drops downwards would fix that issue if the cannons were placed at a far enough distance that the tnt projectile ends up exploding above the waterline.
Still not a problem, I think. Here's the list of problems that must be tackled:
1)contain the vex. This can be accomplished just by keeping the vex platform isolated from everything else. If they don't see a player, villager, or iron golem, they aren't going to wander out of a 15x15 area.
2)providing a target for them to attack. Players are not renewable, and at any rate nobody in their right mind is going to go into a vex farm to just stand there swinging their melee weapons until dead. That leaves villagers and iron golems, both of which are completely renewable. Simply place their respective farms far enough above the vex platform to avoid detection and protect the bait against fall damage, and your vex farm will be able to run forever.
3)trigger the kill attempt.
a)I suppose this could most easily be accomplished by simply keeping a large-ish number of golems on the platform at all times. It stands to reason that if the vex/evoker will attack golems then the golems will attack the evoker/vex. Their slow movement probably means they won't be at all effective, but perhaps this can simply be brute-forced with sheer numbers.
b)Perhaps splash potions would work, but I don't think you can fully automate them so you'd have to actively maintain a supply of ingredients to keep the farm going. Would also have a degree of ineffectiveness given the lack of corralability of the vex.
c)what about lightning bolts? currently the only source of such are tridents with the channelling enchant, so not only can this not be automated but they're definitely not dropped fast enough to keep the farm supplied. Maybe Channeling is available via fish farm, but probably not. Player might also have to be close enough that the vex could see them, too.
d)arrows? Arrow dispenser traps are easy to implement in ways that blanket a large area, but keeping them supplied is quite the challenge. The missed arrows are probably also not recoverable, but you're not likely to be taking regular trips through the vex farm to collect anything so they're probably despawning anyways.
e)explosions? If you can damage vex with tnt, then the TNT cannon becomes a viable killing method. I don't recall if tnt in water still destroys items on the ground, though, but perhaps magma block bubble columns to shoot the drops downwards would fix that issue if the cannons were placed at a far enough distance that the tnt projectile ends up exploding above the waterline.
All this while keeping the Evoker unharmed so it can make more vexes.
Yeah, sorry, but no. Anybody who has the patience to build all that deserves free diamonds anyway as far as I'm concerned.
I don't see why diamonds can't be a drop; I even added them as a drop from Giants myself, which have a (Looting / 3) chance of dropping a diamond (0% without Looting, 100% with Looting III); Giants themselves are a pretty rare spawn, with only a 1/109 chance of being chosen per pack spawn attempt and only a 1/8 chance of actually spawning one per pack, for an overall chance of one in 872 pack spawn attempts, then most mobs have a pack size of 4 for one in many thousands of mobs spawned. You can still see more than one in a night, especially in Superflat worlds (their large size significantly reduces spawn rates since their bounding box must not collide with anything) but you can find diamonds faster by mining, plus the requirements of Looting means that you must get at least enchanted gear first, which usually means mining for diamonds.
Of course, my perception of the renewability of diamond is influenced by the fact that I still play in 1.6.4 where you can trade to get every single diamond tool and armor; a diamond pickaxe can be obtained for 10 emeralds, which in turn can be obtained for 180 wheat, which is easy to get even with basic manual farms (I've traded for hundreds of diamond items in my first world, which is all done for fun as I've mined over 12,000 diamond ore and don't consider Fortune as worth using on them even when gathering my first resources). I also "fixed" this imbalance in TMCW by nerfing diamond gear and replacing it as the top tier with a material which can only be obtained by mining and the rare mob drop.
Also, farms should not be used as a reason not to add anything and they should officially be discouraged, if not broken - I nerfed iron and gold farms by requiring that the player kill the mobs themselves - which is also something that Mojang tried in the 1.8 snapshots but unfortunately they reverted it due to backlash from the community (in a game where mining is half the game and I can easily mine 200 iron ore in an hour - hundreds of thousands in one world - with ores in general being more common in newer versions. Ironically, farms are the main reason why they need so much iron, for hoppers). Likewise, mob spawners were not added so players can easily farm mobs - no, they were added to spawn mobs in cases where natural spawning wouldn't work - I made it so that if they spawn too many mobs too quickly they stop dropping XP and items, with a recovery period long enough to deter AFKing. I don't really even see why mobs need to drop anything at all unless they are killed by a player or in special cases (e.g. skeletons shooting creepers).
More things that I did to deter farms include making mobs despawn based on horizontal distance only so you are forced to light up all caves (more than twice the volume as 1.7+) and the surface to make an effective darkroom spawner, and even then the spawning code alternates between sets of chunks when spawning mobs so the spawn rates per chunk are halved (this was done as an optimization and has no noticeable impact on "normal" spawns). Also, you suffocate and die (like in the void) if you try to get on top of the Nether roof in Survival (there is absolutely no reason to ever be there as bedrock is supposed to be an impenetrable barrier. I do allow Creative players but you still can't build any farms as mobs cannot spawn that high, and otherwise the despawn rules give no benefit to being high up).
Still not a problem, I think. Here's the list of problems that must be tackled:
1)contain the vex. This can be accomplished just by keeping the vex platform isolated from everything else. If they don't see a player, villager, or iron golem, they aren't going to wander out of a 15x15 area.
2)providing a target for them to attack. Players are not renewable, and at any rate nobody in their right mind is going to go into a vex farm to just stand there swinging their melee weapons until dead. That leaves villagers and iron golems, both of which are completely renewable. Simply place their respective farms far enough above the vex platform to avoid detection and protect the bait against fall damage, and your vex farm will be able to run forever.
3)trigger the kill attempt.
a)I suppose this could most easily be accomplished by simply keeping a large-ish number of golems on the platform at all times. It stands to reason that if the vex/evoker will attack golems then the golems will attack the evoker/vex. Their slow movement probably means they won't be at all effective, but perhaps this can simply be brute-forced with sheer numbers.
b)Perhaps splash potions would work, but I don't think you can fully automate them so you'd have to actively maintain a supply of ingredients to keep the farm going. Would also have a degree of ineffectiveness given the lack of corralability of the vex.
c)what about lightning bolts? currently the only source of such are tridents with the channelling enchant, so not only can this not be automated but they're definitely not dropped fast enough to keep the farm supplied. Maybe Channeling is available via fish farm, but probably not. Player might also have to be close enough that the vex could see them, too.
d)arrows? Arrow dispenser traps are easy to implement in ways that blanket a large area, but keeping them supplied is quite the challenge. The missed arrows are probably also not recoverable, but you're not likely to be taking regular trips through the vex farm to collect anything so they're probably despawning anyways.
e)explosions? If you can damage vex with tnt, then the TNT cannon becomes a viable killing method. I don't recall if tnt in water still destroys items on the ground, though, but perhaps magma block bubble columns to shoot the drops downwards would fix that issue if the cannons were placed at a far enough distance that the tnt projectile ends up exploding above the waterline.
Solution: vexes only drop diamonds when killed by the player. This instantly breaks all of 3.
I don't like the idea of diamonds not being renewable, and having to make another mine just because you mined out all the diamonds in the area does not always seem fun to me. Can you add a boss that drops diamonds? Make it a really rare boss and make it hard to kill so that it can't be abused.
Edit: Make it drop 3 diamonds max.
Finds a server that says "No PvP"
*Pushes AFK player off cliff*
Steals Player's Stuff
Admin Can't do anything cause I didn't hit him so "no actual PvP".
Eh I don't see a need. You can get Diamonds and Diamond gear pretty easily using Fortune, plus they are found in treasure chests and Diamond equipment is really common in the End if you explore.
Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
Every single chunk has the potential for at least 4 diamonds, so while technically they are not renewable they are effectively unlimited. Even if you somehow were able to path directly to each diamond to avoid the literal world of blocks clogging up your inventory/storage, that's something like 20 trillion diamonds in the entire world (so, in a reasonably-explored world, maybe around 1.5 million).
I don't see any harm in adding a low rate method of farming (eg a wither killed within the AoE of a beacon might drop a diamond, maybe even 1-3 instead of a nether star).
Neither, however, do I see this as a pressing need (following largely the same reasoning as DuhDerp).
I got it, a boss that'll drop diamonds. The Diamond Golem. To fight this new boss, place 4 diamond blocks in a T formation and place a carved pumpkin on its head. It'll immediately attack you and when it dies drops 1-3 diamonds.
Solution: Have vexes drop diamonds occasionally. They can respawn (as they are summoned by evokers) but can't be farmed (they go through blocks).
My suggestions: Enhancements - Throwable Fire Charges - On Phantoms and Elytra. Also check out The Minecraftian Language. This signature is not here to waste your space.
What makes you think they can't be farmed? TangoTek managed to build a vex farm on the Hermitcraft server in Season 5, if I recall.
Also, is it just a modded thing or do vanilla shulkers drop diamonds too? Obviously you can't really farm those, but via modded (by way of creating a custom spawner) Xisumavoid was able to create a shulker grinder for all the diamonds.
One problem that I don't think has been brought up yet is the payoff. If you were to have with this boss that is really hard to kill, only 1-3 diamonds as a reward? That seems a little bit of a rip-off. 2 Diamond blocks at least. Make it more if you want.
I've seen this variant used in several (thoroughly-MultiPlayer enough, even) Games: take the most-valuable and yet - Barely - commonly-used enough item; make it renewable (the main advantage being only if you don't have to Travel, so FAR - this isn't that problem - at all [Mining may-literally be Boring - heh - but that doesn't make it inherently-frustrating, as people Watch Other People's YouTube Vid's. Of Them - JUST - Mining {Whatever Stuff}]), But then. But-then, Everyone starts "farming" those - limited, Boring-themselves (Almost-as soon, Almost-as much) - more-often yes, mobile (see: Mob[ile] ; other than Shulkers, above-mentioned, basically [though don't they rarely Teleport themselves around, and /or make-themselves Float, or is that more Enderman-type weirdness I'm confused by?]), and gets Almost-as Bored (again[..! even]) (with: things).
Giants? The problem I see is even a - whole "New" (Hypothetical) Mob (or even just new Spawn Egg, and they've been working-on Giant AI, I think I'd just read), introduced is a lot-of work to as the (mod[erator]) above suggests, essentially "re-invent the wheel(s 'heh' , in this case)."
Existing Mob(ile)s would Change Game Mechanics, fundamentally (not-necessarily a good thing, to say the least). New ones almost require their-own "(will-be-) 'Farming' Zone" (which require[s] its /their Own re-Design[ings to be cool-looking]).. meanwhile, there's other stuff - like the for-Beacon Crafting, (Nether) Star, also-listed above from the Wither-"(un-? 'heh' )killing" - Probably, More-valuable, which one would rather - say - I dunno... get Instead, for Mob-Fighting (as in, making "New" Mobs for things even-Still, Other-than Diamond?)?
I suggest illager beasts drop a single diamond when killed by melee weapons only. Now that's a well-earned diamond!
They go through blocks, instantly breaking any such farms. The only way to kill them would be by surrounding an Evoker with lava, which could be solved by making vexes fireproof.
My suggestions: Enhancements - Throwable Fire Charges - On Phantoms and Elytra. Also check out The Minecraftian Language. This signature is not here to waste your space.
Still not a problem, I think. Here's the list of problems that must be tackled:
1)contain the vex. This can be accomplished just by keeping the vex platform isolated from everything else. If they don't see a player, villager, or iron golem, they aren't going to wander out of a 15x15 area.
2)providing a target for them to attack. Players are not renewable, and at any rate nobody in their right mind is going to go into a vex farm to just stand there swinging their melee weapons until dead. That leaves villagers and iron golems, both of which are completely renewable. Simply place their respective farms far enough above the vex platform to avoid detection and protect the bait against fall damage, and your vex farm will be able to run forever.
3)trigger the kill attempt.
a)I suppose this could most easily be accomplished by simply keeping a large-ish number of golems on the platform at all times. It stands to reason that if the vex/evoker will attack golems then the golems will attack the evoker/vex. Their slow movement probably means they won't be at all effective, but perhaps this can simply be brute-forced with sheer numbers.
b)Perhaps splash potions would work, but I don't think you can fully automate them so you'd have to actively maintain a supply of ingredients to keep the farm going. Would also have a degree of ineffectiveness given the lack of corralability of the vex.
c)what about lightning bolts? currently the only source of such are tridents with the channelling enchant, so not only can this not be automated but they're definitely not dropped fast enough to keep the farm supplied. Maybe Channeling is available via fish farm, but probably not. Player might also have to be close enough that the vex could see them, too.
d)arrows? Arrow dispenser traps are easy to implement in ways that blanket a large area, but keeping them supplied is quite the challenge. The missed arrows are probably also not recoverable, but you're not likely to be taking regular trips through the vex farm to collect anything so they're probably despawning anyways.
e)explosions? If you can damage vex with tnt, then the TNT cannon becomes a viable killing method. I don't recall if tnt in water still destroys items on the ground, though, but perhaps magma block bubble columns to shoot the drops downwards would fix that issue if the cannons were placed at a far enough distance that the tnt projectile ends up exploding above the waterline.
All this while keeping the Evoker unharmed so it can make more vexes.
Yeah, sorry, but no. Anybody who has the patience to build all that deserves free diamonds anyway as far as I'm concerned.
I don't see why diamonds can't be a drop; I even added them as a drop from Giants myself, which have a (Looting / 3) chance of dropping a diamond (0% without Looting, 100% with Looting III); Giants themselves are a pretty rare spawn, with only a 1/109 chance of being chosen per pack spawn attempt and only a 1/8 chance of actually spawning one per pack, for an overall chance of one in 872 pack spawn attempts, then most mobs have a pack size of 4 for one in many thousands of mobs spawned. You can still see more than one in a night, especially in Superflat worlds (their large size significantly reduces spawn rates since their bounding box must not collide with anything) but you can find diamonds faster by mining, plus the requirements of Looting means that you must get at least enchanted gear first, which usually means mining for diamonds.
Of course, my perception of the renewability of diamond is influenced by the fact that I still play in 1.6.4 where you can trade to get every single diamond tool and armor; a diamond pickaxe can be obtained for 10 emeralds, which in turn can be obtained for 180 wheat, which is easy to get even with basic manual farms (I've traded for hundreds of diamond items in my first world, which is all done for fun as I've mined over 12,000 diamond ore and don't consider Fortune as worth using on them even when gathering my first resources). I also "fixed" this imbalance in TMCW by nerfing diamond gear and replacing it as the top tier with a material which can only be obtained by mining and the rare mob drop.
Also, farms should not be used as a reason not to add anything and they should officially be discouraged, if not broken - I nerfed iron and gold farms by requiring that the player kill the mobs themselves - which is also something that Mojang tried in the 1.8 snapshots but unfortunately they reverted it due to backlash from the community (in a game where mining is half the game and I can easily mine 200 iron ore in an hour - hundreds of thousands in one world - with ores in general being more common in newer versions. Ironically, farms are the main reason why they need so much iron, for hoppers). Likewise, mob spawners were not added so players can easily farm mobs - no, they were added to spawn mobs in cases where natural spawning wouldn't work - I made it so that if they spawn too many mobs too quickly they stop dropping XP and items, with a recovery period long enough to deter AFKing. I don't really even see why mobs need to drop anything at all unless they are killed by a player or in special cases (e.g. skeletons shooting creepers).
More things that I did to deter farms include making mobs despawn based on horizontal distance only so you are forced to light up all caves (more than twice the volume as 1.7+) and the surface to make an effective darkroom spawner, and even then the spawning code alternates between sets of chunks when spawning mobs so the spawn rates per chunk are halved (this was done as an optimization and has no noticeable impact on "normal" spawns). Also, you suffocate and die (like in the void) if you try to get on top of the Nether roof in Survival (there is absolutely no reason to ever be there as bedrock is supposed to be an impenetrable barrier. I do allow Creative players but you still can't build any farms as mobs cannot spawn that high, and otherwise the despawn rules give no benefit to being high up).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Solution: vexes only drop diamonds when killed by the player. This instantly breaks all of 3.
My suggestions: Enhancements - Throwable Fire Charges - On Phantoms and Elytra. Also check out The Minecraftian Language. This signature is not here to waste your space.