The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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For many years, I've taken to using inventory sorting mods, the latest one being Inventory Tweaks. You get used to it and you don't even realise just how convenient it is until it's gone. Since Forge hasn't been updated in months, nor has the mod and I've realised just how nice it would be for the base game to have even a simple inventory sorting system.
It doesn't have to be much, or even nearly as fleshed out as the mod currently is. Just a simple button or mouse click to order the items. I was pleasantly surprised when Terraria added this feature on top of an already pretty solid inventory system. Maybe not in the way that would be best suited for Minecraft, but the idea itself is there.
Having the option to order your inventory, quick stack into a chest, deposit all of your items or only one item would coexist very nicely with the already existing shortcut system of splitting stacks, click-dragging and shift-clicking.
The more minute things that the mod possesses, like a sorting rules, vertical and horizontal sorting patterns and if an item enters the hotbar upon being picked up are all secondary to a very basic function that would spare people hours of time digging through and sorting chests. Time that could be spent doing far more exciting things without unnecessary busywork.
I'm totally behind sorting shortcuts for inventories and chests. Sure I could build a sorting system via redstone, but that's not intuitive. I do like the shortcuts to move multiple items of a specific type, but that's also not intuitive to most players.
We can pick up stacks, split them, take single items, move stacks, move all of the same type of an item.
The game is filled with shortcuts to do these things, but I feel there could be better ways of handling this than what we are given.
Personally I think they should add a sort of menu selection option for sorting and doing all of the above, not replacing what we have now, but giving us another option, though not sure how to implement it at this time.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Besides, redstone sorters are more of a way to store items automatically without having to open each chest individually, rather than just having a neat inventory. I think InvTweaks actually implemented the buttons quite nicely, with the 3 chest buttons. If you don't even want that, just pressing middle click multiple times changes the sorting pattern without affecting visuals at all, so perhaps that's an even better solution for the base game.
For many years, I've taken to using inventory sorting mods, the latest one being Inventory Tweaks. You get used to it and you don't even realise just how convenient it is until it's gone. Since Forge hasn't been updated in months, nor has the mod and I've realised just how nice it would be for the base game to have even a simple inventory sorting system.
It doesn't have to be much, or even nearly as fleshed out as the mod currently is. Just a simple button or mouse click to order the items. I was pleasantly surprised when Terraria added this feature on top of an already pretty solid inventory system. Maybe not in the way that would be best suited for Minecraft, but the idea itself is there.
Having the option to order your inventory, quick stack into a chest, deposit all of your items or only one item would coexist very nicely with the already existing shortcut system of splitting stacks, click-dragging and shift-clicking.
The more minute things that the mod possesses, like a sorting rules, vertical and horizontal sorting patterns and if an item enters the hotbar upon being picked up are all secondary to a very basic function that would spare people hours of time digging through and sorting chests. Time that could be spent doing far more exciting things without unnecessary busywork.
I'm totally behind sorting shortcuts for inventories and chests. Sure I could build a sorting system via redstone, but that's not intuitive. I do like the shortcuts to move multiple items of a specific type, but that's also not intuitive to most players.
We can pick up stacks, split them, take single items, move stacks, move all of the same type of an item.
The game is filled with shortcuts to do these things, but I feel there could be better ways of handling this than what we are given.
Personally I think they should add a sort of menu selection option for sorting and doing all of the above, not replacing what we have now, but giving us another option, though not sure how to implement it at this time.
Besides, redstone sorters are more of a way to store items automatically without having to open each chest individually, rather than just having a neat inventory. I think InvTweaks actually implemented the buttons quite nicely, with the 3 chest buttons. If you don't even want that, just pressing middle click multiple times changes the sorting pattern without affecting visuals at all, so perhaps that's an even better solution for the base game.