I mean yes it can be done with command blocks, but I sympathize with him on account of having owned several servers. It's a lot less time consuming to have a gamerule. And besides, adding that will make up for adding the useless parrots. (And this is coming from someone who actually likes the spirit of the combat update)
I mean yes it can be done with command blocks, but I sympathize with him on account of having owned several servers. It's a lot less time consuming to have a gamerule. And besides, adding that will make up for adding the useless parrots. (And this is coming from someone who actually likes the spirit of the combat update)
Why would allowing you to bypass a change that the vast majority of people have no problem with or even like make up for adding a new mob that a majority of people have no problem with or even like?
I disagree with the idea because
One: I like the combat much more now
Two: It can already be done quite easily within game
Three: This splinters any combat related addition from here on because they need to balance for both settings
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Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
All of the above, not to mention how complicated (and pointless) it would be.
(Kicks the mic even further)
You have the attack cooldown disabled, and now DPS skyrockets. But with the new armor changes, you'd kill players that much faster. So Protection values would need to be reverted. I forgot to mention how diamond axes deal 9/10 damage, and so they would kill even faster, meaning axes would need to be nerfed back to one half heart lower than swords, and have sharpness removed. Oh yeah, Sharpness would need to be reverted too...
It's too much work just for a pointless revertion. The attack cooldown ends shortly after the invincibility frames end, and enemies can't be hurt during invincibility frames. So spam-clicking is pointless really.
All of that work just for something pointless and that can easily be done with commands is, well, pointless.
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Watch out for the crabocalypse. Some say the day will never come. But it will.
Feel free to drop by for a chat whenever.
If you'd like to talk with me about other games, here are a few I play.
Team Fortress 2
Borderlands series (Borderlands 2 is my favorite game, ever. TPS combat is a lot of fun and makes up for the lower-quality story, in my opinion)
Elder Scrolls series
Warframe (IGN is something like That_One_Flesh_Atronach)
Pokémon series (HGSS forever)
Rocket League
Fallout series
Left 4 Dead 2 (Boomer files always corrupt though)
SUPERHOT (SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years!)
Dead Rising series (Dead Rising 2 is one of my favorite games, and the 3rd was a lot of fun. 1st has poor survivor AI and the 4th is bad)
Just Cause series
Come to think of it, I mainly play fighting-based games.
Why would allowing you to bypass a change that the vast majority of people have no problem with or even like make up for adding a new mob that a majority of people have no problem with or even like?
I disagree with the idea because
One: I like the combat much more now
Two: It can already be done quite easily within game
Three: This splinters any combat related addition from here on because they need to balance for both settings
I liked the combat. You're missing the point though. Not everyone does. Some people just want the choice, and having it default set to the new combat system is fine, so long as people / server admins have the choice to toggle it off. And no a lot of the community has voiced their disappointment with parrots. They could have included something much more useful or interesting, but instead we have birds that you need to bake cookies to tame. Oh I have to bake cookies? Well this must mean that this mob has some special ability? Oh it dances around and changes colors? Yeah no this parrot was a waste of time and they could have spent that time developing something much more in-style to Minecraft.
Though I'm not saying you're wrong. I just believe having the choice is better for the gamer, but instead you want there to be no choice, and that players should be forced to use a system that they may not enjoy.
All of the above, not to mention how complicated (and pointless) it would be.
(Kicks the mic even further)
You have the attack cooldown disabled, and now DPS skyrockets. But with the new armor changes, you'd kill players that much faster. So Protection values would need to be reverted. I forgot to mention how diamond axes deal 9/10 damage, and so they would kill even faster, meaning axes would need to be nerfed back to one half heart lower than swords, and have sharpness removed. Oh yeah, Sharpness would need to be reverted too...
It's too much work just for a pointless revertion. The attack cooldown ends shortly after the invincibility frames end, and enemies can't be hurt during invincibility frames. So spam-clicking is pointless really.
All of that work just for something pointless and that can easily be done with commands is, well, pointless.
This would be toggled off by default. You're creating a non-issue with this. It won't do anything because all the people who care about the balancing will keep it on. And those who don't want it will turn it off. It's all about choice with video games, why would you try to force this down peoples' throats?
Because video games go the way their creators want them to, and not necessarily the way the fanbase (or part of it) wants it to. It's really not all about choice, it's about where the creators want the game to go.
You can already disable this feature via command blocks, so you do have the choice... there. It's just not going to be as easy as you want it to be. Well, that doesn't matter, since you still have the choice available.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
This would be toggled off by default. You're creating a non-issue with this. It won't do anything because all the people who care about the balancing will keep it on. And those who don't want it will turn it off. It's all about choice with video games, why would you try to force this down peoples' throats?
It won't do anything? Did you see my entire paragraph about how much rebalancing will be needed to counteract the simple gamerule?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Watch out for the crabocalypse. Some say the day will never come. But it will.
Feel free to drop by for a chat whenever.
If you'd like to talk with me about other games, here are a few I play.
Team Fortress 2
Borderlands series (Borderlands 2 is my favorite game, ever. TPS combat is a lot of fun and makes up for the lower-quality story, in my opinion)
Elder Scrolls series
Warframe (IGN is something like That_One_Flesh_Atronach)
Pokémon series (HGSS forever)
Rocket League
Fallout series
Left 4 Dead 2 (Boomer files always corrupt though)
SUPERHOT (SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years!)
Dead Rising series (Dead Rising 2 is one of my favorite games, and the 3rd was a lot of fun. 1st has poor survivor AI and the 4th is bad)
Just Cause series
Come to think of it, I mainly play fighting-based games.
sounds like you're trying to force a gamerule down the throat of someone who doesn't want it. and gives a couple of very good reasons as to why it's not as easy as a simple gamerule.
1.9 is staying, get over it and move on.
force a gamerule? No as stated it'd be disabled by default. Kinda the opposite of forcing it, all it shows me is that you don't understand that concept. What I mean by having the choice, is that for those who do want it they can have it. And as I said I have no problem with the update, but I am all for giving playerbases more choice in how they play a sandbox game. You're really just vibing that you didn't read anything that I wrote
It won't do anything? Did you see my entire paragraph about how much rebalancing will be needed to counteract the simple gamerule?
On the contrary. All they'd have to do is make it so when the gamerule is enabled it'd make it so the sword etc swings with 0 cooldown speed, it's seen when you hit with a fist it's nearly nonexistent.
On the contrary. All they'd have to do is make it so when the gamerule is enabled it'd make it so the sword etc swings with 0 cooldown speed, it's seen when you hit with a fist it's nearly nonexistent.
That is the problem. When the 1.9 update changed combat it didn't just change weapon cooldowns. They changed combat enchantments, health regeneration, hunger depletion for various actions, weapon damage, added a new defensive item, and more. All related to the move to the recharging attack meter.
So you cannot just have a setting to make the cooldown for everything 0 again and expect it to just work fine, that completely changes how the game is played. Axes would no longer be a situational weapon for disabling shields and for focused attacks, they would be hands down the only weapon worth having. Shields would become largely worthless in PvP. The entire balance would be shifted from a single command. Anyone expecting it to function just like pre-1.9 would be completely wrong (so I retract my previous criticism that this is already easy to do via command blocks. It is likely still mostly possible but it would not be as easy).
That is the point they were making. In order for it to be a gamerule that when turned on makes it like pre-1.9 combat it would affect a ton of stuff. And all new combat things added or changed would need two versions of how it functions. One for when the gamerule is on and one for when it is off.
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Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
Not sure if this is possible, or most likely possible with command blocks, but I would much rather have customization options for individual items to set cool downs. I feel that that would be a much better approach rather than to just disregard the cool down all together.
On the contrary. All they'd have to do is make it so when the gamerule is enabled it'd make it so the sword etc swings with 0 cooldown speed, it's seen when you hit with a fist it's nearly nonexistent.
And then there's also the invincibility frames I mentioned. It won't matter because the invincibility frames will prevent you from damaging your enemy. And wouldn't you know, the cooldown ends almost right after the invincibility.
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Watch out for the crabocalypse. Some say the day will never come. But it will.
Feel free to drop by for a chat whenever.
If you'd like to talk with me about other games, here are a few I play.
Team Fortress 2
Borderlands series (Borderlands 2 is my favorite game, ever. TPS combat is a lot of fun and makes up for the lower-quality story, in my opinion)
Elder Scrolls series
Warframe (IGN is something like That_One_Flesh_Atronach)
Pokémon series (HGSS forever)
Rocket League
Fallout series
Left 4 Dead 2 (Boomer files always corrupt though)
SUPERHOT (SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years!)
Dead Rising series (Dead Rising 2 is one of my favorite games, and the 3rd was a lot of fun. 1st has poor survivor AI and the 4th is bad)
Just Cause series
Come to think of it, I mainly play fighting-based games.
I honestly hate the 1.9 combat system, but I honestly think it's time to move on. It's been confirmed to stay. As everyone else has said, it would be game breaking to implement this, and if you really are hell bent on going back to the old way, then use the command blocks. Copy + paste it off google. It's been a whole year since the update. People shouldn't be so nostalgic over a game feature on a block game.
No support.
This was insanely depressing to write.
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"90% of the Internet's statistics are made-up, and 7/8 of its quotes are misattributed."
-Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President
1. Yeah so you wouldn't have to use it then. Why should I care about your preferances?
2 and 3: If it can easily be done isn's reason 3 already a problem now?
If Mojang makes a game rule for everything a few players didn't like, there would be game rules for every thing in the game. They would get constantly badgered about other things if they did this.
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"90% of the Internet's statistics are made-up, and 7/8 of its quotes are misattributed."
-Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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it time to move on with 1.9 hate and Like other said many stuff has been tweaked to match the combat system.
and I would NEVER use this game rule because it would be overpowered before you said we could tweak the combat back to pre-1.9 when a game rule is on, THAT WILL FOREVER!
Why would allowing you to bypass a change that the vast majority of people have no problem with or even like make up for adding a new mob that a majority of people have no problem with or even like?
I disagree with the idea because
One: I like the combat much more now
Two: It can already be done quite easily within game
Three: This splinters any combat related addition from here on because they need to balance for both settings
One is highly subjective, though I suppose it does support your ability to disagree.
Two assumes that you even know how to do this. In order to do it in game, you'd have to:
Find a command block code on a reputable site that hopefully works for your version of Minecraft.
Find an area to put it in the world's spawn chunks (assuming you even know what those are) to put them where they aren't an eyesore or will get in the way.
Drop an item on the ground and pick it up again for every single weapon. In addition, this will only work while the Overworld is loaded, so you can't build tools and weapons in the Nether or the End in Singleplayer.
While this might be more tedious than difficult, you know how easy it would be to remove the cooldown via a gamerule? Basically, a single line of code that checks if the cooldown gamerule is off, and if so, sets the cooldown to zero.
All of the above, not to mention how complicated (and pointless) it would be.
(Kicks the mic even further)
You have the attack cooldown disabled, and now DPS skyrockets. But with the new armor changes, you'd kill players that much faster. So Protection values would need to be reverted. I forgot to mention how diamond axes deal 9/10 damage, and so they would kill even faster, meaning axes would need to be nerfed back to one half heart lower than swords, and have sharpness removed. Oh yeah, Sharpness would need to be reverted too...
It's too much work just for a pointless revertion. The attack cooldown ends shortly after the invincibility frames end, and enemies can't be hurt during invincibility frames. So spam-clicking is pointless really.
All of that work just for something pointless and that can easily be done with commands is, well, pointless.
When you turn on keepInventory, what changes to rebalance not losing your items? When you turn off mob spawning, what changes to let you still get to End? A gamerule only effects what you tell it to, no more. If a gamerule was made to turn off the cooldown, that's all it would do. Any changes and loss of game balance are your fault and it is not the job of the developers to rebalance it to fix it for you. However, the removal of the cooldown is all that these people want, and I doubt they would have a big issue with axes suddenly being overpowered.
As for spam clicking being pointless because of invincibility frames, that's only true if you're only fighting one enemy and you never miss. Otherwise, you'll have difficulty learning how to deal with hordes or recovering from missteps. Some people (myself included) have no problem learning these. However, for others, this simply isn't fun for them. I see no reason why not to spend two seconds to give them what they want.
If Mojang makes a game rule for everything a few players didn't like, there would be game rules for every thing in the game. They would get constantly badgered about other things if they did this.
Slippery slope fallacy. One cannot assume that just because Mojang adds one gamerule, they will add a hundred more, or that people would just constantly ask for more gamerules, at least, more than they do now.
Even if it was true, what's the real issue? Minecraft is supposed to be a game that's fun for you and is what you make of it. I see nothing wrong with getting full customization of features.
The game would also become a nightmare to code, with every new feature not only having to be optional, but everything needing to be tested in every possible combination, to spot any potential issues and bugs. Updates would take years to come out and offer every little content because of tht amount of time it would take to implement them.
Remember that they don't need to rebalance the game around gamerules. The only rebalancing that needs to take place is that with the default settings. Anything else that breaks the game is the fault of the player, and it is up to them to determine whether they are willing to deal with the loss of balancing in order to have the features they want.
I liked the combat update, but I'm seeing quite a few flawed arguments in this thread that I'd like to address.
One is highly subjective, though I suppose it does support your ability to disagree.
Two assumes that you even know how to do this. In order to do it in game, you'd have to:
Find a command block code on a reputable site that hopefully works for your version of Minecraft.
Find an area to put it in the world's spawn chunks (assuming you even know what those are) to put them where they aren't an eyesore or will get in the way.
Drop an item on the ground and pick it up again for every single weapon. In addition, this will only work while the Overworld is loaded, so you can't build tools and weapons in the Nether or the End in Singleplayer.
While this might be more tedious than difficult, you know how easy it would be to remove the cooldown via a gamerule? Basically, a single line of code that checks if the cooldown gamerule is off, and if so, sets the cooldown to zero.
Three, I'll address in the next point.
When you turn on keepInventory, what changes to rebalance not losing your items? When you turn off mob spawning, what changes to let you still get to End? A gamerule only effects what you tell it to, no more. If a gamerule was made to turn off the cooldown, that's all it would do. Any changes and loss of game balance are your fault and it is not the job of the developers to rebalance it to fix it for you. However, the removal of the cooldown is all that these people want, and I doubt they would have a big issue with axes suddenly being overpowered.
As for spam clicking being pointless because of invincibility frames, that's only true if you're only fighting one enemy and you never miss. Otherwise, you'll have difficulty learning how to deal with hordes or recovering from missteps. Some people (myself included) have no problem learning these. However, for others, this simply isn't fun for them. I see no reason why not to spend two seconds to give them what they want.
Slippery slope fallacy. One cannot assume that just because Mojang adds one gamerule, they will add a hundred more, or that people would just constantly ask for more gamerules, at least, more than they do now.
Even if it was true, what's the real issue? Minecraft is supposed to be a game that's fun for you and is what you make of it. I see nothing wrong with getting full customization of features.
Remember that they don't need to rebalance the game around gamerules. The only rebalancing that needs to take place is that with the default settings. Anything else that breaks the game is the fault of the player, and it is up to them to determine whether they are willing to deal with the loss of balancing in order to have the features they want.
You have changed my entire perspective on this. With that being said, I guess I now support it.
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"90% of the Internet's statistics are made-up, and 7/8 of its quotes are misattributed."
-Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President
/gamerule doattackcooldown; turns the attack cool down off or on. (Drop the Mike)
When you're going to craft a cake and you forget an ingredient. "He needs some milk!"
I mean yes it can be done with command blocks, but I sympathize with him on account of having owned several servers. It's a lot less time consuming to have a gamerule. And besides, adding that will make up for adding the useless parrots. (And this is coming from someone who actually likes the spirit of the combat update)
Why would allowing you to bypass a change that the vast majority of people have no problem with or even like make up for adding a new mob that a majority of people have no problem with or even like?
I disagree with the idea because
One: I like the combat much more now
Two: It can already be done quite easily within game
Three: This splinters any combat related addition from here on because they need to balance for both settings
Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
All of the above, not to mention how complicated (and pointless) it would be.
(Kicks the mic even further)
You have the attack cooldown disabled, and now DPS skyrockets. But with the new armor changes, you'd kill players that much faster. So Protection values would need to be reverted. I forgot to mention how diamond axes deal 9/10 damage, and so they would kill even faster, meaning axes would need to be nerfed back to one half heart lower than swords, and have sharpness removed. Oh yeah, Sharpness would need to be reverted too...
It's too much work just for a pointless revertion. The attack cooldown ends shortly after the invincibility frames end, and enemies can't be hurt during invincibility frames. So spam-clicking is pointless really.
All of that work just for something pointless and that can easily be done with commands is, well, pointless.
Watch out for the crabocalypse. Some say the day will never come. But it will.
Feel free to drop by for a chat whenever.
If you'd like to talk with me about other games, here are a few I play.
Team Fortress 2
Borderlands series (Borderlands 2 is my favorite game, ever. TPS combat is a lot of fun and makes up for the lower-quality story, in my opinion)
Elder Scrolls series
Warframe (IGN is something like That_One_Flesh_Atronach)
Pokémon series (HGSS forever)
Rocket League
Fallout series
Left 4 Dead 2 (Boomer files always corrupt though)
SUPERHOT (SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years!)
Dead Rising series (Dead Rising 2 is one of my favorite games, and the 3rd was a lot of fun. 1st has poor survivor AI and the 4th is bad)
Just Cause series
Come to think of it, I mainly play fighting-based games.
I liked the combat. You're missing the point though. Not everyone does. Some people just want the choice, and having it default set to the new combat system is fine, so long as people / server admins have the choice to toggle it off. And no a lot of the community has voiced their disappointment with parrots. They could have included something much more useful or interesting, but instead we have birds that you need to bake cookies to tame. Oh I have to bake cookies? Well this must mean that this mob has some special ability? Oh it dances around and changes colors? Yeah no this parrot was a waste of time and they could have spent that time developing something much more in-style to Minecraft.
Though I'm not saying you're wrong. I just believe having the choice is better for the gamer, but instead you want there to be no choice, and that players should be forced to use a system that they may not enjoy.
This would be toggled off by default. You're creating a non-issue with this. It won't do anything because all the people who care about the balancing will keep it on. And those who don't want it will turn it off. It's all about choice with video games, why would you try to force this down peoples' throats?
Because video games go the way their creators want them to, and not necessarily the way the fanbase (or part of it) wants it to. It's really not all about choice, it's about where the creators want the game to go.
You can already disable this feature via command blocks, so you do have the choice... there. It's just not going to be as easy as you want it to be. Well, that doesn't matter, since you still have the choice available.
How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
It won't do anything? Did you see my entire paragraph about how much rebalancing will be needed to counteract the simple gamerule?
Watch out for the crabocalypse. Some say the day will never come. But it will.
Feel free to drop by for a chat whenever.
If you'd like to talk with me about other games, here are a few I play.
Team Fortress 2
Borderlands series (Borderlands 2 is my favorite game, ever. TPS combat is a lot of fun and makes up for the lower-quality story, in my opinion)
Elder Scrolls series
Warframe (IGN is something like That_One_Flesh_Atronach)
Pokémon series (HGSS forever)
Rocket League
Fallout series
Left 4 Dead 2 (Boomer files always corrupt though)
SUPERHOT (SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years!)
Dead Rising series (Dead Rising 2 is one of my favorite games, and the 3rd was a lot of fun. 1st has poor survivor AI and the 4th is bad)
Just Cause series
Come to think of it, I mainly play fighting-based games.
force a gamerule? No as stated it'd be disabled by default. Kinda the opposite of forcing it, all it shows me is that you don't understand that concept. What I mean by having the choice, is that for those who do want it they can have it. And as I said I have no problem with the update, but I am all for giving playerbases more choice in how they play a sandbox game. You're really just vibing that you didn't read anything that I wrote
On the contrary. All they'd have to do is make it so when the gamerule is enabled it'd make it so the sword etc swings with 0 cooldown speed, it's seen when you hit with a fist it's nearly nonexistent.
That is the problem. When the 1.9 update changed combat it didn't just change weapon cooldowns. They changed combat enchantments, health regeneration, hunger depletion for various actions, weapon damage, added a new defensive item, and more. All related to the move to the recharging attack meter.
So you cannot just have a setting to make the cooldown for everything 0 again and expect it to just work fine, that completely changes how the game is played. Axes would no longer be a situational weapon for disabling shields and for focused attacks, they would be hands down the only weapon worth having. Shields would become largely worthless in PvP. The entire balance would be shifted from a single command. Anyone expecting it to function just like pre-1.9 would be completely wrong (so I retract my previous criticism that this is already easy to do via command blocks. It is likely still mostly possible but it would not be as easy).
That is the point they were making. In order for it to be a gamerule that when turned on makes it like pre-1.9 combat it would affect a ton of stuff. And all new combat things added or changed would need two versions of how it functions. One for when the gamerule is on and one for when it is off.
Want some advice on how to thrive in the Suggestions section? Check this handy list of guidelines and tips for posting your ideas and responding to the ideas of others!
Not sure if this is possible, or most likely possible with command blocks, but I would much rather have customization options for individual items to set cool downs. I feel that that would be a much better approach rather than to just disregard the cool down all together.
30% Support; 60% No Support
And then there's also the invincibility frames I mentioned. It won't matter because the invincibility frames will prevent you from damaging your enemy. And wouldn't you know, the cooldown ends almost right after the invincibility.
Watch out for the crabocalypse. Some say the day will never come. But it will.
Feel free to drop by for a chat whenever.
If you'd like to talk with me about other games, here are a few I play.
Team Fortress 2
Borderlands series (Borderlands 2 is my favorite game, ever. TPS combat is a lot of fun and makes up for the lower-quality story, in my opinion)
Elder Scrolls series
Warframe (IGN is something like That_One_Flesh_Atronach)
Pokémon series (HGSS forever)
Rocket League
Fallout series
Left 4 Dead 2 (Boomer files always corrupt though)
SUPERHOT (SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years!)
Dead Rising series (Dead Rising 2 is one of my favorite games, and the 3rd was a lot of fun. 1st has poor survivor AI and the 4th is bad)
Just Cause series
Come to think of it, I mainly play fighting-based games.
I honestly hate the 1.9 combat system, but I honestly think it's time to move on. It's been confirmed to stay. As everyone else has said, it would be game breaking to implement this, and if you really are hell bent on going back to the old way, then use the command blocks. Copy + paste it off google. It's been a whole year since the update. People shouldn't be so nostalgic over a game feature on a block game.
No support.
This was insanely depressing to write.
"90% of the Internet's statistics are made-up, and 7/8 of its quotes are misattributed."
-Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President
See those 3 reasons don't really add up.
1. Yeah so you wouldn't have to use it then. Why should I care about your preferances?
2 and 3: If it can easily be done isn's reason 3 already a problem now?
Just build the darn thing already!
If Mojang makes a game rule for everything a few players didn't like, there would be game rules for every thing in the game. They would get constantly badgered about other things if they did this.
"90% of the Internet's statistics are made-up, and 7/8 of its quotes are misattributed."
-Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President
it time to move on with 1.9 hate and Like other said many stuff has been tweaked to match the combat system.
and I would NEVER use this game rule because it would be overpowered before you said we could tweak the combat back to pre-1.9 when a game rule is on, THAT WILL FOREVER!
I liked the combat update, but I'm seeing quite a few flawed arguments in this thread that I'd like to address.
One is highly subjective, though I suppose it does support your ability to disagree.
Two assumes that you even know how to do this. In order to do it in game, you'd have to:
Find a command block code on a reputable site that hopefully works for your version of Minecraft.
Find an area to put it in the world's spawn chunks (assuming you even know what those are) to put them where they aren't an eyesore or will get in the way.
Drop an item on the ground and pick it up again for every single weapon. In addition, this will only work while the Overworld is loaded, so you can't build tools and weapons in the Nether or the End in Singleplayer.
While this might be more tedious than difficult, you know how easy it would be to remove the cooldown via a gamerule? Basically, a single line of code that checks if the cooldown gamerule is off, and if so, sets the cooldown to zero.
Three, I'll address in the next point.
When you turn on keepInventory, what changes to rebalance not losing your items? When you turn off mob spawning, what changes to let you still get to End? A gamerule only effects what you tell it to, no more. If a gamerule was made to turn off the cooldown, that's all it would do. Any changes and loss of game balance are your fault and it is not the job of the developers to rebalance it to fix it for you. However, the removal of the cooldown is all that these people want, and I doubt they would have a big issue with axes suddenly being overpowered.
As for spam clicking being pointless because of invincibility frames, that's only true if you're only fighting one enemy and you never miss. Otherwise, you'll have difficulty learning how to deal with hordes or recovering from missteps. Some people (myself included) have no problem learning these. However, for others, this simply isn't fun for them. I see no reason why not to spend two seconds to give them what they want.
Slippery slope fallacy. One cannot assume that just because Mojang adds one gamerule, they will add a hundred more, or that people would just constantly ask for more gamerules, at least, more than they do now.
Even if it was true, what's the real issue? Minecraft is supposed to be a game that's fun for you and is what you make of it. I see nothing wrong with getting full customization of features.
Remember that they don't need to rebalance the game around gamerules. The only rebalancing that needs to take place is that with the default settings. Anything else that breaks the game is the fault of the player, and it is up to them to determine whether they are willing to deal with the loss of balancing in order to have the features they want.
Want to see my suggestions? Here they are!
I am also known as GameWyrm or GameWyrm97. You can also find me at snapshotmc.com
You have changed my entire perspective on this. With that being said, I guess I now support it.
"90% of the Internet's statistics are made-up, and 7/8 of its quotes are misattributed."
-Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President
MC gamers don't reject the new /gamerule however most dislike the Mods.