Great mod idea, the nether is almost useless except for mushrooms and glowstone. But while I was reading this I was thinking that this mod would make getting resources too easy, so I wrote down some things that I think would make this mod better.
So starting with the Sanctuary stone. Its a good idea, but if it keeps all mobs away indefinitely it would make the nether a little too easy, even if you have to craft it with gold and charoite. So perhaps the sanctuary stone could have a time limit, say 30 to 60 minutes? That way you have enough time to heal, build a place to hide from all the nether hounds attacking you, or finish mining all of that ore that you found without worrying about getting attacked. Making it non-reusable was a good idea, if you destroy it, it goes away and when the time limit ends the block disappears. That would make it a little less OP.
Now the corrupt gold ore. I know that some nether items need gold and that you need gold items for obtaining some blocks, but the nether is supposed to be a challenge, so I propose that instead of the corrupted gold ore needing to be smelted into gold ingots, you need to smelt the corrupt gold ore into gold nuggets. Then the gold nuggets would have to be placed into a 2x2 shape in the crafting square to make gold ingots. That would make the nether more of a challenge.
Next is the Iron Sheep. I love the idea of iron sheep, I think that it would be my new favorite Minecraft mob, but I feel like the sheep would make getting iron a little too easy as well. So how about instead of the steel wool being smelted into 1 iron block, it would be placed in a 2x2 shape in the crafting square to make 1 iron ingot, that would still make getting iron possible if the iron sheep dropped 1-3 steel wool like regular sheep. Also, instead of steel wool hurting you, would have to craft it into barbed wire. I think that would be different. Also, to make it a bit harder, there could be steel rams, and they would charge you and try to knock you off of cliffs or into lava. That would make the nether tougher as well.
So yeah thats all I have to say about your mod, when it comes out I will definitely download it. One diamond for you :smile.gif:
i love this idea! definitley makes going to the nether so much more important! i hope notch would add this to the game, but if he didnt and you made it a mod, it sucks that i dont know how to mod.
Great mod idea, the nether is almost useless except for mushrooms and glowstone. But while I was reading this I was thinking that this mod would make getting resources too easy, so I wrote down some things that I think would make this mod better.
So starting with the Sanctuary stone. Its a good idea, but if it keeps all mobs away indefinitely it would make the nether a little too easy, even if you have to craft it with gold and charoite. So perhaps the sanctuary stone could have a time limit, say 30 to 60 minutes? That way you have enough time to heal, build a place to hide from all the nether hounds attacking you, or finish mining all of that ore that you found without worrying about getting attacked. Making it non-reusable was a good idea, if you destroy it, it goes away and when the time limit ends the block disappears. That would make it a little less OP.
Now the corrupt gold ore. I know that some nether items need gold and that you need gold items for obtaining some blocks, but the nether is supposed to be a challenge, so I propose that instead of the corrupted gold ore needing to be smelted into gold ingots, you need to smelt the corrupt gold ore into gold nuggets. Then the gold nuggets would have to be placed into a 2x2 shape in the crafting square to make gold ingots. That would make the nether more of a challenge.
Next is the Iron Sheep. I love the idea of iron sheep, I think that it would be my new favorite Minecraft mob, but I feel like the sheep would make getting iron a little too easy as well. So how about instead of the steel wool being smelted into 1 iron block, it would be placed in a 2x2 shape in the crafting square to make 1 iron ingot, that would still make getting iron possible if the iron sheep dropped 1-3 steel wool like regular sheep. Also, instead of steel wool hurting you, would have to craft it into barbed wire. I think that would be different. Also, to make it a bit harder, there could be steel rams, and they would charge you and try to knock you off of cliffs or into lava. That would make the nether tougher as well.
So yeah thats all I have to say about your mod, when it comes out I will definitely download it. One diamond for you :smile.gif:
Thanks for your comments, first of all. I'm glad you really like this post.
I'll think about what you said. A lot of good ideas to keep the Nether a challenge. Thanks!
Great mod idea, the nether is almost useless except for mushrooms and glowstone. But while I was reading this I was thinking that this mod would make getting resources too easy, so I wrote down some things that I think would make this mod better.
So starting with the Sanctuary stone. Its a good idea, but if it keeps all mobs away indefinitely it would make the nether a little too easy, even if you have to craft it with gold and charoite. So perhaps the sanctuary stone could have a time limit, say 30 to 60 minutes? That way you have enough time to heal, build a place to hide from all the nether hounds attacking you, or finish mining all of that ore that you found without worrying about getting attacked. Making it non-reusable was a good idea, if you destroy it, it goes away and when the time limit ends the block disappears. That would make it a little less OP.
Now the corrupt gold ore. I know that some nether items need gold and that you need gold items for obtaining some blocks, but the nether is supposed to be a challenge, so I propose that instead of the corrupted gold ore needing to be smelted into gold ingots, you need to smelt the corrupt gold ore into gold nuggets. Then the gold nuggets would have to be placed into a 2x2 shape in the crafting square to make gold ingots. That would make the nether more of a challenge.
Next is the Iron Sheep. I love the idea of iron sheep, I think that it would be my new favorite Minecraft mob, but I feel like the sheep would make getting iron a little too easy as well. So how about instead of the steel wool being smelted into 1 iron block, it would be placed in a 2x2 shape in the crafting square to make 1 iron ingot, that would still make getting iron possible if the iron sheep dropped 1-3 steel wool like regular sheep. Also, instead of steel wool hurting you, would have to craft it into barbed wire. I think that would be different. Also, to make it a bit harder, there could be steel rams, and they would charge you and try to knock you off of cliffs or into lava. That would make the nether tougher as well.
So yeah thats all I have to say about your mod, when it comes out I will definitely download it. One diamond for you :smile.gif:
Steel wool can be smelted into 1 iron ingot, not block (that would make it way too easy to get iron). And I think we're only making it drop 1 wool upon death, so 1 ingot per sheep, just like iron ores.
I think gold is fine as it is.
I agree on sanctuary stone, it should decay after a while (half a minecraft day, maybe). And we should definitely ban them within dungeons, alternatively allowing dungeon mobs spawn in sanctuary areas.
Music is great for one thing, the mod idea is another. I was personally very disappointed when I discovered the Nether, I didn't really see a purpose for it other than Glowstone. This will make things interesting, thanks for all the work!
EDIT: I noticed that Giant Mushrooms have very limited use other than aesthetics. Well, I had an idea on usage. If the block destroyed gives a white 'shroom (the chance for this should be lowered greatly), then said shroom, when in the inventory will allow the player to summon a mini-ghast which will help them fight. It would be like the bigger version, and would attack any hostile mob in sight, and would only work in the Nether. However, it will come with a major downside: whenever the mushroom is in the inventory, all armor on the player is negated. Finally, the ghast would only survive for 5 minutes before disappearing. The summon function would only work once (perhaps the Enchanter from the Aether mod could restore the capability, but each enchantment would reduce the time the Ghast survived by 30 seconds- 1 minute, down to 30 seconds of survival), but the mushroom could still be planted and grown. Make the drop rate, perhaps around once every 75-100 blocks broken? One other thing, if a larger Ghast hits the summoned one with a fireball, it becomes a full grown, hostile Ghast which will attack the player. Keep the players on their feet, eh?
We're very close to getting the base-line out. Hopefully before next week sometime.
We're stitching everything we have together and getting all of the elements in line.
Currently we're working out some bugs with lighting code and other small things.
This baseline mod is just a preview really, including most blocks and items... but not
all the mobs.
I've been getting a lot of questions about compatibility on whether or not this will be compatible with the Aether mod.
Here's the deal:
We were planning on making it compatible, original but we've run into some compatibility issues when it comes to other mods.
If you plan to use the Aether mod, then the Nether Expansion WILL be compatible. Unfortunately, there will be MANY other mods that will be incompatible. I cannot get into detail as to why this is... as I don't have all the answers. All I know is that we have a decision to make.
So now I'm asking you all...
If we can't get compatibility with everything,
would you prefer compatibility with the Aether only
Compatibility with everything BUT the Aether mod.
i have an idea for a nasty mob and a powerful metal.
the mob...
Fallen Miner
these guys existed in the nether even before you existed. they have seen many centuries pass and have done many things. now that you are in the nether they realise that you are also powerful. fallen miners are passive until attacked. they live in villages. they have 30 hearts of health (even more when armored) and deal out 4 attack damage (even more with a sword). thats on normal mode. they can spawn with scorched leather armor or charred iron armor. they are all there already. over time villages get more fallen miners in them. when killed they drop any items they have and that includes items you gave them. the village buildings are made of doomwood planks. doomwood trees grow inside their village. most miners have either a pickaxe made of doomwood or glowstone. miners with swords deal more damage and the swords are made of the same items as the pickaxes. miners can have skull bows which launch gravity defying arrows in the nether but cant launch items in the overworld. skull bows and normal bows are the same thing in the aether.
the metal...
soul crystals grow in massive clusters on the sides of the platforms of the nether. when soul crystals are destroyed they drop 1-9 soul shards. tools can be made of soul shards which are even more powerful then diamond. it takes about 20 seconds to break a single soul crystal. soul crystals may be crafted back together in a 4X4 crafting area to make a soul crystal. soul crystals are placeable. you have a 10% chance of eating a held soul crystal to regain 7.5 health. soul crystals are avoided by fallen miners who see the soul crystals as "dangerous" which they are if they come into contact with lava. on contact with lava a pained scream comes from the soul crystal and it emits an explosion with a blast power of 10. players can wear soul crystal armor which can help them survive the blast. the only bad thing is that when soul crystals come into contact with water they make a loud hissing noise and quickly wear out.
You might want to work in calaboration with Scokeev's Nethercraft. His is quiet similar and he's really a top modder. I'm sure you could see results working with him :smile.gif:.
I hope we can take those glowing mushrooms & plant them on the normal map.
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Make texture packs? Tired of people telling you to upload better screencaps? Send me a message with a link to your pack & I can help. (Check my Planet Minecraft blogs for photography examples).
I think that iron sheep would not be good because there is already a treasure mobs mod out there that has diamond sheep and iron chickens along with a ton of other stuff... (for those who think this would be cool, I think that SpitefulFox has a link to it on his "about me" page.)
I am always amazed at how people can come up with the same ideas. A lot of the ideas you posted are ideas I have had. But here's one for you that you don't have, that I intend to incorporate into my Aliencraft Modpack.
[don't take it now! :tongue.gif:]
The Nether is not a separate dimension. The map height of my mod for the "earth" part of it is *in testing, so the actual value is not final* 768. The transitions are smooth between each plane. This means that the top 128 height layers are a sky dimension. The middle 384 is middle earth, aka normal earth. After you diggy diggy hole down, the bottom 256 are the Nether, at the bottom of which is bedrock.
Now, this is only applicable to the "Earth" world in my modpack.
heh kinda taking a while huh? Not to be rushing but yeah. I really liked the tortise idea. Can you only ride the babies? I also think you should make it mineforge compatible so it works with stuff liek bettr then wolves.
I mostly like these ideas, but I'd like to suggest a few guidelines:
The Nether's color scheme is warm colors (red, orange, yellow) and black because it is a realm of pain, heat, and darkness. (This is in contrast to the Aether which is a realm of calm, water, and light - the cool colors, blue and green, along with white.) Therefore, all new blocks and items should match this. The "green" mushroom should be another color but a dark purple one is fine.
Also, ditch the lava cactus. You already have steel wool and that is a *much* cooler idea. Rather, why not have random lava blocks be geysers that shoot lava 3 blocks into the air based on proximity to the player - like when the player is trying to hop over a one-block-wide lava river...
I also think the zombie pigmen should chase the player when s/he is carrying pork. (Think about it...)
Brilliant, i first saw this a long while ago it was my second post ive seen on forums and i remembered it as a really cool idea... anyways after a while i saw someone with the banner and i thut it was familiar and here i am.
I was going to ask if you could put that page with all the tools armor and stuff back?
i miss that... btw tell the aether people if it's ok if u add those extra inventory slots that could be an addition for later... By the way i love the ideas just dont make any stupid blocks that dont blen with the minecraft theme... ive seen too many on other mods...
So starting with the Sanctuary stone. Its a good idea, but if it keeps all mobs away indefinitely it would make the nether a little too easy, even if you have to craft it with gold and charoite. So perhaps the sanctuary stone could have a time limit, say 30 to 60 minutes? That way you have enough time to heal, build a place to hide from all the nether hounds attacking you, or finish mining all of that ore that you found without worrying about getting attacked. Making it non-reusable was a good idea, if you destroy it, it goes away and when the time limit ends the block disappears. That would make it a little less OP.
Now the corrupt gold ore. I know that some nether items need gold and that you need gold items for obtaining some blocks, but the nether is supposed to be a challenge, so I propose that instead of the corrupted gold ore needing to be smelted into gold ingots, you need to smelt the corrupt gold ore into gold nuggets. Then the gold nuggets would have to be placed into a 2x2 shape in the crafting square to make gold ingots. That would make the nether more of a challenge.
Next is the Iron Sheep. I love the idea of iron sheep, I think that it would be my new favorite Minecraft mob, but I feel like the sheep would make getting iron a little too easy as well. So how about instead of the steel wool being smelted into 1 iron block, it would be placed in a 2x2 shape in the crafting square to make 1 iron ingot, that would still make getting iron possible if the iron sheep dropped 1-3 steel wool like regular sheep. Also, instead of steel wool hurting you, would have to craft it into barbed wire. I think that would be different. Also, to make it a bit harder, there could be steel rams, and they would charge you and try to knock you off of cliffs or into lava. That would make the nether tougher as well.
So yeah thats all I have to say about your mod, when it comes out I will definitely download it. One diamond for you
Thanks for your comments, first of all. I'm glad you really like this post.
I'll think about what you said. A lot of good ideas to keep the Nether a challenge. Thanks!
Steel wool can be smelted into 1 iron ingot, not block (that would make it way too easy to get iron). And I think we're only making it drop 1 wool upon death, so 1 ingot per sheep, just like iron ores.
I think gold is fine as it is.
I agree on sanctuary stone, it should decay after a while (half a minecraft day, maybe). And we should definitely ban them within dungeons, alternatively allowing dungeon mobs spawn in sanctuary areas.
EDIT: I noticed that Giant Mushrooms have very limited use other than aesthetics. Well, I had an idea on usage. If the block destroyed gives a white 'shroom (the chance for this should be lowered greatly), then said shroom, when in the inventory will allow the player to summon a mini-ghast which will help them fight. It would be like the bigger version, and would attack any hostile mob in sight, and would only work in the Nether. However, it will come with a major downside: whenever the mushroom is in the inventory, all armor on the player is negated. Finally, the ghast would only survive for 5 minutes before disappearing. The summon function would only work once (perhaps the Enchanter from the Aether mod could restore the capability, but each enchantment would reduce the time the Ghast survived by 30 seconds- 1 minute, down to 30 seconds of survival), but the mushroom could still be planted and grown. Make the drop rate, perhaps around once every 75-100 blocks broken? One other thing, if a larger Ghast hits the summoned one with a fireball, it becomes a full grown, hostile Ghast which will attack the player. Keep the players on their feet, eh?
We're very close to getting the base-line out. Hopefully before next week sometime.
We're stitching everything we have together and getting all of the elements in line.
Currently we're working out some bugs with lighting code and other small things.
This baseline mod is just a preview really, including most blocks and items... but not
all the mobs.
I've been getting a lot of questions about compatibility on whether or not this will be compatible with the Aether mod.
Here's the deal:
We were planning on making it compatible, original but we've run into some compatibility issues when it comes to other mods.
If you plan to use the Aether mod, then the Nether Expansion WILL be compatible. Unfortunately, there will be MANY other mods that will be incompatible. I cannot get into detail as to why this is... as I don't have all the answers. All I know is that we have a decision to make.
So now I'm asking you all...
If we can't get compatibility with everything,
would you prefer compatibility with the Aether only
Compatibility with everything BUT the Aether mod.
That's all for now,
the mob...
Fallen Miner
these guys existed in the nether even before you existed. they have seen many centuries pass and have done many things. now that you are in the nether they realise that you are also powerful. fallen miners are passive until attacked. they live in villages. they have 30 hearts of health (even more when armored) and deal out 4 attack damage (even more with a sword). thats on normal mode. they can spawn with scorched leather armor or charred iron armor. they are all there already. over time villages get more fallen miners in them. when killed they drop any items they have and that includes items you gave them. the village buildings are made of doomwood planks. doomwood trees grow inside their village. most miners have either a pickaxe made of doomwood or glowstone. miners with swords deal more damage and the swords are made of the same items as the pickaxes. miners can have skull bows which launch gravity defying arrows in the nether but cant launch items in the overworld. skull bows and normal bows are the same thing in the aether.
the metal...
soul crystals grow in massive clusters on the sides of the platforms of the nether. when soul crystals are destroyed they drop 1-9 soul shards. tools can be made of soul shards which are even more powerful then diamond. it takes about 20 seconds to break a single soul crystal. soul crystals may be crafted back together in a 4X4 crafting area to make a soul crystal. soul crystals are placeable. you have a 10% chance of eating a held soul crystal to regain 7.5 health. soul crystals are avoided by fallen miners who see the soul crystals as "dangerous" which they are if they come into contact with lava. on contact with lava a pained scream comes from the soul crystal and it emits an explosion with a blast power of 10. players can wear soul crystal armor which can help them survive the blast. the only bad thing is that when soul crystals come into contact with water they make a loud hissing noise and quickly wear out.
agreed, the nether atm seems a bit overrated.
I hope we can take those glowing mushrooms & plant them on the normal map.
[don't take it now! :tongue.gif:]
The Nether is not a separate dimension. The map height of my mod for the "earth" part of it is *in testing, so the actual value is not final* 768. The transitions are smooth between each plane. This means that the top 128 height layers are a sky dimension. The middle 384 is middle earth, aka normal earth. After you diggy diggy hole down, the bottom 256 are the Nether, at the bottom of which is bedrock.
Now, this is only applicable to the "Earth" world in my modpack.
The Nether's color scheme is warm colors (red, orange, yellow) and black because it is a realm of pain, heat, and darkness. (This is in contrast to the Aether which is a realm of calm, water, and light - the cool colors, blue and green, along with white.) Therefore, all new blocks and items should match this. The "green" mushroom should be another color but a dark purple one is fine.
Also, ditch the lava cactus. You already have steel wool and that is a *much* cooler idea. Rather, why not have random lava blocks be geysers that shoot lava 3 blocks into the air based on proximity to the player - like when the player is trying to hop over a one-block-wide lava river...
I also think the zombie pigmen should chase the player when s/he is carrying pork. (Think about it...)
I was going to ask if you could put that page with all the tools armor and stuff back?
i miss that... btw tell the aether people if it's ok if u add those extra inventory slots that could be an addition for later... By the way i love the ideas just dont make any stupid blocks that dont blen with the minecraft theme... ive seen too many on other mods...